

  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Sorry, but the poster who said it doesn't matter what you eat is showing his ignorance. The body requires no carbs for life but you will die if you don't get sufficient protein and fat. If you eat junk, you will have health problems - heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease.

  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I eat between 200-250 g of carbs every day. No issues here. They're not bad.... they're quite tasty-- actually.
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    hi to all,
    a question to all people who have lost weight succesfully
    does it really matter how many carbs, protein and fat do we eat.
    i mean we live in different countries and we have our own foods.
    so i see a lot of people advocating low carbs.
    i dont have enough budget to replace my carbs with protein and fats.
    i am especially concerned about bread.
    i have hypothyroidism if that matters.
    and if bread/carbs are bad for me is there any medical test that can be carried out to know this!!
    Need proper guidance

    Yeah you need to go to a doctor and get on a medical diet. There are huge complications when you have thyroid problems.
    I don't exactly agree with this. I have had hypothyroidism for 13 years. As long as the hormone is regulated diet isn't going to matter that much. It will still be calories in vs calories out unless there is some medical problem on top of that.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    YES. If you eat 1 carb, YOU WILL DIE. That is a FACT. Science.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Sorry, but the poster who said it doesn't matter what you eat is showing his ignorance. The body requires no carbs for life but you will die if you don't get sufficient protein and fat. If you eat junk, you will have health problems - heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease.

    Actually, you are the one who is ignorant in this circumstance, the body, and in particular the brain, needs sufficient carbs for energy. Yes, fat and protein can be converted to energy, but that is a lot of extra work for the liver and can lead to some of the exact same things you identified that eating "junk" will cause. The point is to eat a diet balanced enough that all macronutrient and micronutrient needs are met so that the body can work at efficiency.

    That is the basic principle of IIFYM. Foods are not excluded so long as they help to meet macronutrient/micronutrient goals. It's a concept of moderation and balance.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Sorry, but the poster who said it doesn't matter what you eat is showing his ignorance. The body requires no carbs for life but you will die if you don't get sufficient protein and fat. If you eat junk, you will have health problems - heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease.

    That's interesting, what is glucose?
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    There are 2 types of carbs- simple and complex. Simple break down quickly into glucose which then the body uses what it needs and stores the rest as fat. Simple can cause spikes in blood sugar if not eaten in moderation. Complex carbs break down slowly and allow the body to use almost all of them, rather than using some and storing the rest. Complex carbs have less of an impact on blood sugar levels.

    Simple carbs- white bread, pasta, pastries, cookies, white rice, couscous, most breakfast cereals, anything made with white flour.
    Complex carbs- brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lentils and beans, oatmeal, whole grain breads and cereals, soy products.

    Eat fewer simple and eat more complex. It's easy.. no need to cut out carbs.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    hi to all,
    a question to all people who have lost weight succesfully
    does it really matter how many carbs, protein and fat do we eat.
    i mean we live in different countries and we have our own foods.
    so i see a lot of people advocating low carbs.
    i dont have enough budget to replace my carbs with protein and fats.
    i am especially concerned about bread.
    i have hypothyroidism if that matters.
    and if bread/carbs are bad for me is there any medical test that can be carried out to know this!!
    Need proper guidance

    If you have a thyroid problem, then a nutritionist would be someone worth consulting.
    ^^^ this.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Sorry, but the poster who said it doesn't matter what you eat is showing his ignorance. The body requires no carbs for life but you will die if you don't get sufficient protein and fat. If you eat junk, you will have health problems - heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease.


    But to the OP, I never really tracked my macros, only my calories and lost consistently. I eat a high fat & protein diet only because those are the foods I enjoy.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    bad carbs come from sugars, high fructose corn syrups and related sweeteners, honeys, molasses, fruits, breads and grains, and starchy vegetables like potatoes and carrots.
    good carbs come from leafy green vegetables, squashes and such.
    use the keto calculator (its free) to arrive at the amount of protein, fats and carbs you may need and set those figures into MFP.
    to the extent you consume carbs, it's ideal to have them early in the day and to be 'carb free' at night and allow your body 12 hours of 'ketosis' to consume fats while you sleep.

    my carb intake varies between a low of 20 grams per day to a high of 100 grams per day, always in the am (breakfast). to the extent I use sweeteners I use Truvia. MFP will often default to as much as 300 grams of carbs a day which is way too much. pretty much under 100 grams is considered low carb but many folks go to 50 (I have) with little difficulty. Those who tell you carbs don't count and such are simply incorrect. The science of low carb is overwhelming.

    If you don't have enough money to eat this way then do what is necessary to make enough not accept poverty. that too is a choice.

    You are correct, the science of low carb being no better for fat loss while holding protein and cals constant is overwhelming. The science showing low carb is inferior for lbm retention is overwhelming etc etc
  • BjornVdKerkhof
    Whole wheat pasta, whole wheat rice and sweet potato are actually a great source for carbs. so "can't have them" is very bad advice, watch out with that please.

    They are essential in a good balanced diet.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    all the carbs!
    especially wholegrain! (however white rice isnt much worse than brown)

    and also whoever said that fruit as a bad carb
    LOL youre wrong, please stop making people fear such delicious goodness!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    a question to all people who have lost weight succesfully
    does it really matter how many carbs, protein and fat do we eat.

    It depends on your goals. If all you want to do is lose weight, period, then the makeup of your calories arguably doesn't matter much. If you are after specific performance metrics or a particular style of body recomposition, yes, it matters.

    Exactly. File this under "makes weight loss too complicated" Run, lift, eat within moderation. Once you get to your goal weight and want to do some body re-composition, do some research on this.
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123

    I eat a lot of them, and have lost plenty of weight doing so. I still get my fat and protein in, so it's all good. I would never be able to cut out all that deliciousness.
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Sorry, but the poster who said it doesn't matter what you eat is showing his ignorance. The body requires no carbs for life but you will die if you don't get sufficient protein and fat. If you eat junk, you will have health problems - heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease.

    I thought he meant it didn't matter what you eat to LOSE WEIGHT, not to sustain life. Why call someone ignorant anyway?
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member

    A balanced diet is healthy. Carbs are part of a balanced diet. Stick to the calorie deficit, and I don't see you having any issues. Good luck
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    YES. If you eat 1 carb, YOU WILL DIE. That is a FACT. Science.

    Well, crap. I died about 300 times every day this week, then. Dammit. :grumble:
  • m13a
    m13a Posts: 41 Member
    If you don't have enough money to eat this way then do what is necessary to make enough not accept poverty. that too is a choice.

    Ayyyyy really? That extra comment was pretty unnecessary and inaccurate. Check out the statistics on social mobility in the United States. Surely all those people who struggled and grew up in poverty simply chose to continue the tradition, right? Tell me, what is so appealing about poverty?