

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello ladies wishing everyone a great weekend
    :heart: Robin you bet your proud beautiful picture lots of hugs coming to that babies future lol enjoy

    Juanita in sudbury
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Robin, what a sweet picture! I want to hold a baby!

    About the clay bags for treats, I just got white lunch bags and put a Halloween sticker on each one, put the stuff inside and folded the top over and stapled it shut. You could do the same with any fun little treat. Or you could put different stuff in each one and have grab bags. Ooh, that might be fun! Since we don't have that many kids in our neighborhood, it would work, but I have a friend who had 400 kids show up at her house last year. That would be a lot of grab bags.

    I'm going to be a little sad at Halloween this year. It will be the first since my old dog, Cutty, passed. I used to put a red cape on him and he would greet the kids at the door and help me pass out the goodies. Superdog! He loved it, and if he saw his cape out at other times he would fuss till I put it on him and he would wear it around the house or out on our walks. It looked silly, but it made him happy and the kids loved it. This year Bruno will be my helper. Not sure how well that will work, but we'll try. I'll have to figure out a little something for him to wear and practice wearing it. Molly has to be shut in her crate in the bedroom, because she would eat the children. Most whippets love kids, but not her. Bruno just loves everybody.

    Yesterday I experimented with eating back some of my exercise calories. Today I am UP .6 of a pound. I really do better when I'm under 1200. I'm not sure I buy that whole starvation mode idea. Except that I get dizzy and have no energy. I have some serious mental issues about stuff though. With me it's all or nothing, black or white, diet or don't. My brain doesn't quite understand moderation. I either devote myself to something whole hog, or don't do it at all. I can't find a way to do things halfway. Like eating. If a little is good, a lot is better. If I can't have a lot, I don't have any. And going to the studio is the same way. If I can't jump in with both feet, then I can't make myself do it at all. The same with cleaning house. I'm in the none at all phase right now.

    That mindset may explain why I was anorexic in high school and why I got fat later. And it feels like I'm going back to the anorexic side now. I feel an actual fear of eating anything. I'm going to have to find a way to deal with those mental issues or this is not going to work long term. It truly scares me. Does anybody else struggle with that? I've always known that I have an addictive personality, which is why I never tried alcohol, drugs or smoking. My mother was a drunk, and my son was addicted to drugs, so there is family history in that area. Years (many) of therapy didn't help either.

    I have to finish a load of laundry before I go to the gym. This morning I went through my underwear drawer and threw out all the size 12 and 13 undies, and a lot of old bras that are too big. All of it was worn out, too. I can't believe I kept that stuff. No wonder the drawer was overstuffed.

    I'm sorry for rambling. I hope you all have a great day!

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning,

    I am excited to find this group. My name is Deb and it has been 4 years since I have been active on myfitnesspal. I really need some motivation and support. My goal is to lose 2 to 2 1/2 pounds per week so October goal is about 8-10 pounds. I am just getting started today and have walked for 30 minutes this morning, had a smoothie for breakfast, and one glass of water. Getting exercise in is usually the hardest part of weight loss for me, but I joined a weight loss group at our community center last night and hopefully they can help with the motivation too.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Well I'm back home and loving being in my own space again. The journey back had some frustrating delays, as usual, but we made it.
    With regard to the people who are worrying about their face getting thinner. I have that problem too, but I notice that most thin people have it. Especially as we get older. I have been doing face exercises for about six months now and I do notice a difference. I do them every day, usually while I am doing something else, so they are not time consuming. The most diffence is in the nose to mouth lines. I bought a book on Amazon, but there are plenty on Utube. I think a smile is the best solution! Also I have found I need to wear a bit more makeup, especially blusher as I am very pale and wan! I don't like my morning face, but can usually improve it and feel better for it. I am one of those people for whom makeup makes a huge difference. That isn't true for everyone I know and I have friends who look great with none. I just look ill!:laugh:
    I have got some Chinese Pork and Mushroom out of the freezer for tonight. We stopped off for milk on the way back so bought some pak choi to go with it.
    Looking forward to my own bed and not having to take an antihistamine to get to sleep. It was a nice flat, with a comfortable bed, but near a lot of traffic! I had earplugs so slept well enough. It was a good trip, we saw some amazing sights, and I'm glad we went, but Rome is not somewhere I would want to live - too busy and noisy. The food didn't suit me either - too much pasta and not enough fish and seafood. The markets had all that though, you just don't see all the beautiful vegetables and fish in the restaurants. Our own cooking was delicious!
    Frank Sinatra said it - 'it's nice to go travelling, but it's so much nicer to come home'!!
    Love to all. Amanda - try not to take on too much.
    Heather, back home in Hampshire, Southern England.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I went to see my doctor today and had blood work drawn. I’ve had some difficulty with short term recall and she thinks it is caused by anxiety so she’s increasing the dosage of the medicine I take for that. I’ve certainly had enough on my plate this year to generate some anxiety. I can tick off a list for my immediate family that impresses me: DS marriage & 2 deployments; DH stroke & inability to drive due to resulting partial vision loss; DD potential move to Chicago area that is no longer a concern (PTL), & flooding in CO where she resides. Luckily, her house only sustained roof damage that will be covered by insurance and has always been inhabitable. A lot of people had worse situations. I'm hopeful the medicine change will make my life easier to handle.

    Amanda: It is so good to hear from you. I am happy that you are done with surgery and hope you heal well and quickly. I’m sorry about your MIL’s situation and the impact on your DH and his brother. My own mom experienced dementia at the end of her life, due to inadequate oxygen in her blood. I wonder if that is similar to vascular dementia. She had emphysema. Regardless, it is a difficult time for the family. I hope that the end course for your MIL is as easy for her as possible, and that her sons have a chance to say farewell. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: I always use my phone app to record food and haven’t had problems.. I hope you figure this out. Can you post it now?:huh: :flowerforyou:

    Jenn in TX: Enjoy your cruise. It sounds like fun.:bigsmile:

    Robin: Thanks for posting a pic of your DD and DGD. Beautiful.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m not sure I buy the “starvation mode" either. I often end up with a net below 1200 and seem healthy enough. My totals, not subtracting for exercise, are at or slightly under 1200 & rarely above. I do think it is a realistic goal for most adult women in my weight range. This calorie number started higher and has dropped as I've lost weight.:flowerforyou:

    DebLaf: Welcome to the group. Your goals seem lofty to me. I’m not sure my current average, but it was originally set to 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. I’ve always had a good energy level and relatively little difficulty keeping my calories totals under, or at, my limits. I’m in no hurry. This is a lifestyle change and I’m trying to keep my new habits on a sustainable basis.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~not starting off good.Was planning on meeting with my senior lady,Thelma today.Called and found our she had a fall yesterday and in the hospital with a fx shoulder and leg.They are waiting to see if they will do surgery,she` 86.
    Robin,love the pic.
    Welcome Deb and any others I may have missed.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Busy Busy Friday! BUMP!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Amanda :heart: :heart: You have so on your plate right now. I know what you are talking about when you say you tend to take over. I was an RN before having MS and that's the way I am. You just want to take care of everyone and put yourself last. eventually it will take it's toll. I am on a face book forum and we have 'pocket pals'. It all came from some poem that some one had about when you are having a crisis, whether it be surgery, emotional stress or whatever, just reach in your pocket and I will always be there. So Whatever you are going through, lean on us and we will give you all the strength we can. My mother in law just died and I know how you feel about an elderly person hanging on. I think my husband would have wanted her to live whether she had any quality left or not. He just knew that his Mom was there with him. I am glad for his sake that God finally took her home.

    Well my size 14 jeans are no longer hanging in my closet for my inspiration. I am wearing them!!!!!!! YIPEE SKIPEE!!!!!!! I think it kind of emphasizes my belly roll but it does feel good to wear them. It means progress. Maybe the belly roll will be more of an inspiration to get to the Y and get my strength training started. Yes, you read it right. Started.

    My sister came over today and took the remaining clothing items of my MIL to take to her church's clothing bank. Some of them will go into the career room to help inner city women have interviews and start a job to get a start on life. The other ones will just be in the clothing bank. She also had some nice scarves, a real nice purse and a pair of shoes that was never worn. But they are white. Oh my, do they dare wear white after Labor Day???? Most of the real nice clothes were bought because I had to buy extravagantly expensive things for her just to keep her money account in the nursing home below. $1500. Now when I say extravagant I'm not talking about Macy's or anything like that. But to her J C Penny's was extravagant. The purse was lovely, a hot pink small clutch purse.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    oh dear, so many responses and so little time. I don't think I will ever be able to keep up with this thread until I retire and I am not planning on doing that for several years. I read through many of the posts but didn't make any notes. A few I can recall...

    grandmallie, keeping you and DH in my thoughts and prayers too; I am in agreement with the others - the Congress should have to go without pay. I do hope we remember them like they did us on election day.

    sue in tx, why MFP site does some of the things it does is a mystery to us all. I hope you got your diary posted okay.

    I didn't see who mentioned it but the idea of a hope chest for your legacy to your grandchildren sounds like a great idea. I've had one grandson ask if I would make him a quilt like my grandmother did for me. I didn't commit...yet. I have pictures and I have thought about doing a story book of sorts on the early years.

    Heather, welcome home! It's always nice to go away and even better to get back home.

    Barbie, I too hope that you enjoy your time away.

    Meg, hope that bug has gone away and you are able to enjoy the rest of your day off recouping.

    and to all the other wonderful women on here I hope you have a restful and relaxing evening doing the things you enjoy most.

    T-Gal in Plano :flowerforyou:

    oh Joyce, getting into those size 14 jeans is awesome!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Texas girl, I made a story book when my first daughter was pregnant with her first child. Her name is Christina but throughout her life as she went through all the stages that girls/women go through her name changed many times. Christina to Chrisie back to Christina, Tina, then her married name and then of course, Mom. I included the people and all the animals that came into her life through all those stages. I tried to get someone who was computer savy to put it together for me but I couldn't. I have MS and as my fingers get tired my handwriting is terrible. So I just ended up printing it myself. I would first copy a picture so I wouldn't lose the picture, cut it the make it interesting, tape it on a piece of paper, write my story then took it to a book binding lace that made it all into a book for me. I left the back side of each page blank so she could start her own story and it made more pages and made it seem longer. I called it "The many names of Christina". her girls even though they are 7 and 12 still love to read it with her and have her tell stories of the people and all her animals. She has never added her own story but maybe she will and I know both her girls love to write so I have planted a seed in both of their minds.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    My October goals are to keep logging and keep working out. I wouldnt mind losing a couple of lbs too
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just dropping in to say HI and mark my spot, so I don't get too far behind. All ready for orientation tomorrow at the college, even did my nails (dark blue :wink: ), which I haven't done in forever! Drama at work but at least I have Sunday off, so I will actually have a whole weekend. I hear a closet calling my name to clean in out. :laugh: Crossing fingers that DH and I might actually be reconnecting a little, time will tell. Have a great weekend my dear friends!

    Kathy in humid IL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    At the gym today I lifted over 21,800 pounds! I never added it up before. Fun!

    We took the dogs to the wilderness park this afternoon and when we got home Bruno REFUSED to get out of the van. Bill had to pick him up and carry him out. That boy does love to go!

    Hope everybody is having a great evening.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Joyce, that is quite a treasure you created for your daughter and her children. I remember going through all the pictures with my two sons as they were growing up but we never made a picture book. Today you can photo books printed for you readily but I doubt they would be the gem you created.:bigsmile:
  • lf4k
    lf4k Posts: 8
    Uh-oh. Katla, I DID go out and buy a yoga DVD, lol. I thought that maybe it could be a beginning?

    Hope that everyone had a good Friday and a relaxing weekend planned. Lord knows that I need it. TGIF!

    Joyce, I really appreciated you sharing about your own fears re: exercising. I don't know WHAT my problem is. I don't FEEL like I am afraid. I just hate it. With the wisdom of years, I can recognize that it is an irrational hatred, with no rhyme or reason, but that realization doesn't make it any less real. Sigh. Maybe I will come across a GroupOn for hypnosis that will help me get to the root of this.

    On the bright side, I now weigh less than I have in recent memory! As of today, I was FINALLY down again, with a net loss of 17.5 pounds since last Spring. Yay, me!!! Only 11 of that have been on MFP, so my ticker does not accurately reflect the entire picture. This is my first Greater-Than-10-Pound-Loss on MFP, so was surprised when it prompted me to re-calculate my calorie intake, etc. It dropped my daily goal to 1200 calories a day, yikes. I can do that, just caught me by surprise.

    Serious Question: I'm not sure if this is related to diet or just to our age (I'm 52), but I am really struggling with thinning hair and hair loss. If there is anyone on this thread that is also battling this, I would love to hear what you have found works, or doesn't work. My mother and my aunts were all wearing wigs by the time they were in their 40s, so I'm guessing my issue is genetic. It's SERIOUSLY affecting my self-esteem, so any advice you all might have would be treasured! I am taking Biotin daily, just started using Lipogain twice a day, and recently am trying to use Toppik as camouflage.

    I am also battling anemia and I read tonight that low ferritin levels can cause hair loss, so perhaps that is also a contributing factor. I've tried taking iron supplements but they mess my digestive system up BIG time. I've been trying to attack that problem by eating more dark leafy green vegetables and beef instead over the past summer (typically do not eat a lot of beef). That brought my iron levels up from a 9 to an 11. To give you a frame of reference, 300+ is the ceiling for normal. I am finding it difficult to incorporate more red meat into my diet and still stay within my calorie intake goals. I need to put some research into what I can do to improve that.

    Sigh. I'm sorry for not being more perky this evening. I'm tired.... and I'm tired of being tired. But tomorrow is a brand-spanking new day, right?!?!?

    My October goals were to share more on this board (check), drink water (check), and lose weight (check). All good, so I should feel good, right? I just feel weary, I'm afraid. Heading to bed and will be in better spirits tomorrow, I'm sure.

    Wishing you each a good evening and restful sleep to all....


    Salem, Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Yes! I weighed myself this morning and I lost 1/2 lb in Rome!!!!! That walking certainly did me good!:bigsmile: :laugh:
    That takes my bmi to 23.9. Won't go much lower now, but am aiming to lose three more lbs to take me to a British 4 stone loss.:bigsmile:
    Then I will see how I look.
    I haven't been this weight since 1990.
    Speal later, breakfast arriving.
    Heather UK
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    hi to all women 50+

    u all are amazing. my mom is also 50 and i want her to be at a healthy bmi. she is overweight right now
    and she is so pretty.
    i really appreciate your motivation
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Ooooohhhh dear - DH has lost near enough 2 lbs on holiday - and he was eating WAY more than me! Back to the cake baking and force feeding! I can't let him get lighter than me again!

    I thought I might add some information with regard to my walking as some of you do seem to have a lot of problems with feet etc.
    Of course, the major difference in my comfort has been the weight loss.
    Secondly, I was fitted for and had made for me a pair of orthotics to put in my shoes. Essential, I would say.
    I always wear properly fitted trainers for any distance walking. They were fitted for me in a running shop, on a treadmill with video. I wore my orthotics to get the right fit. I have to cut the back part of the original liner out to fit in the orthotics. One of my orthotics is thicker than the other as my legs are slightly different lengths, so it isn't easy to find suitable shoes.
    I often see tourists, sometimes quite large ones, walking around in sandals or ballerinas. It makes me wince to see them. I have pronation and can get plantar fascitis if I don't keep to these rules.
    Exercises. When I visited a podiatrist for my foot and gait problems she gave me calf stretching exercises to do. I stretch my calves every day. I also do arch strengthening exercises every day that I looked up on the internet. I also find that yoga balancing exercises and rising on toes helps enormously.
    I wear running socks in my trainers. No blisters. I like the padded More Mile ones.

    All this has made so much difference to my walking. I used to be in real pain after ten minutes. I had agonising arch pain, hip pain and knee troubles. Back pain. A day's sightseeing would see me collapsed and in agony. In Rome this time I was actually on my feet for 6 hours and walked for miles, briskly or slowly. Going round an art gallery used to be a real trial.
    I did use pain killers daily, which I have been advised to take before I set out and top up throughout the day. Apparently it works better than waiting until you actually are in agony.
    This has been what helped me. Through the exercises I can now rise on to the balls of my feet if I walk barefoot. I have walked flat footed for the last 25 years with no strength in my often sprained ankles.
    I find all this amazing and would not have believed it possible to make these changes at 64!
    The exercises are easy and I do most of them in bed!

    Love to all. Hope that helps some of you.

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Heather you and me both sister,
    My heel is much much improved after a couple of shots of cortisone and 2 rounds of steroids,but I to wear orthodic's in my shoes it does help alot, and I still wear a brace at night sometimes, yes, the calf exercises help too.
    I was up at 3 this morning,fell asleep at 6;30 last night..
    When the DH is thundering I sort of tune out and go to sleep, He starts screaming , yelling and throwing things,or punches walls, luckly he hasn't hurt himself or to much of anything in the house..
    scares the crap out of the dogs they go scattering and hide under one of the beds.
    sometimes he gets like this before we go on vacation, he worries about the house ,but more so the dogs..
    My brother is 49 my SIL is close to that too. the DH is terrified our little dog is going to get out and run away, now my 28 yr old son was down here for a week and took care of them and Homer is still here.. gees louise!!!
    and as usual he is worried about money and paying bills, I told him, that after the first of the year I will look for a second job, part time, either real early mornings or on thursdays and sundays as I have those days off.
    I got up and went for a walk at around 4;30 in the dark, sometimes it creeps me out ,but wont be able to get to the gym today.. luckly main st is lit ,so im not walking in the dark .I know I should have someone with me,but exercise ,is exercise.
    Hope everyone has a sparkly weekend:wink: .
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Robin :smile: What a beautiful daughter and new granddaughter you have:love: !!! You should be very proud!!!

    Jane Martin :smile: Happy belated birthday to your beautiful daughter:flowerforyou: !!!

    Sylvia :smile: I just love reading about the antics of Bruno:laugh: , a great puppy that has great adventures!

    Kathy :smile: So glad to see you back! Hope things with DH turns out well!

    Tina In Maryland :smile: Congrats on the baggy pants!!! Feeels good to have to buy smaller clothes:bigsmile: !

    Michele :smile: Would love to see a pic of you in your new dress!

    Amanda :smile: You have had a busy, trying year, hopefully things will slow down and get back to at least semi-normal. Best of wishes and luck for your MIL:flowerforyou: !

    Grandmallie :smile: Happy belated birthday to your dad, sounds like he`s doing very well:flowerforyou: !
    Have a wonderful time on your vacation! Do you take the dogs out with you when you go walking in the early hours of the day? Maybe take some pepper spray with you, be careful!!!

    Katla :smile: You have had a year of anxiety, hope the increase in the meds. will help!

    Joyce :smile: Congrats on the size 14 fitting:bigsmile: !!!

    LF :smile: Have you had your thyroid checked? Too much or too little thyroid will cause your hair to fall out. I am hypothyroid and I go through bouts of my hair falling out when my dosage needs to be tweaked! I also noticed you said you were tired, that can come from being hypothyroid too,or Vit D. deficient, or anemic, and I`m sure a whole host of other things. I would check with the Dr. Good luck:flowerforyou: !

    Heather :smile: Thanks for sharing your trip with us:bigsmile: ! Congrats on losing a ½ pound!!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Please come in and chat away with us!

    I have the house almost decorated for fall and Halloween! I`m going to buy a few more pumpkins to finish the front of the house today. My grandgirls:love: just love all the decorations! I have to say I enjoy the decorations too:tongue: ! I got my flu shot yesterday, now I have a sore arm:grumble: , but thank goodness no other side effects:happy: !!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday ladies!!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful and hot NC:glasses: