New Year Challenge!



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon and happy Tuesday! Today I completed the Cardio Max dvd from the Biggest Loser series. I'm find that I'm struggling daily to get my workout in. The desire to workout is waning fast and I believe it's b/c I've yet to find a new workout routine that will work w/my budget, keep it fresh and new and give my body the workout I need.
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    I'm in!
    CW: 151
    GW: 135

    Oct.11: 151
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    Sept 6: 152.5
    Sept 13: 149.5
    Sept 20: 147
    Sept 27: 146.5
    Oct 4: 146
    Oct 11: 144.5
    Oct 18:
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 160

    I am glad I lost over two pounds this week :)

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon and happy hump day! I really need to come up with an effective workout routine because I find myself struggling to get a workout in everyday. For some reason I really haven't felt like working out but luckily have been able to dig deeper and complete a workout. Today I completed 32 minutes of the Push Circuit 1 dvd from the Chalean Extreme series and 10 minutes of the Cardio Max dvd from the Biggest Loser series.
  • 1st goal-18 pounds. I must break through the 190 lb barrier. I haven't seeen the 180's in years! I went public today and hope this will embarrass me enough that I will just say no to Sonic and Zaxby's, and yes to carrots and celery, and goodbye to the pounds as they fall off! Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    Oct 11: 202
    Oct 18:
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 184
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I didn't gain any on vacation, so that's something. My husband and I just got a new gym membership, so hopefully that will help as well. They have Zumba classes, which I love.

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 138.2
    Sept 13: 141.4
    Sept 20: 140.0
    Sept 27: 137.2
    Oct 4: Vacation
    Oct 11: 135.6
    Oct 18:
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 120.0
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening all! I'm checking in late because it was a very long work day. It looks like my time of working from home is coming to an end (at least temporarily) because I was chosen to be apart of another review team who needs to meet an upcoming deadline. While the fact that I was chosen says a lot about my work and how i'm viewed within my department but I can't lie I really don't want to have to report to the office so soon. However, I will report on Monday with a bright smile and bells on.

    Today I completed the Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism dvd from Jillian Michaels. This dvd is really a total body workout and despite not wanting to complete it in the beginning I'm really glad I stuck it out.

    Marilla: Great job w/not gaining any weight while on vacation.
  • cnp8942
    cnp8942 Posts: 37
    I know I'm starting a bit late but better late than never!

    Weigh in weeks:
    Oct 11: 169.6 lbs
    Oct 18:
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal - 145 - 150 lbs
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Kudos to everyone who lost last week and good luck with this week's weigh in. It looks like most of us came down something. Every little bit helps.

  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    today was the scheduled off day of the 30 day slim down program and i missed the first 3 days as usual for this i got monday and tuesday caught up...wednesday ill get caught up on another day because theres 2 scheduled workouts tomorrow PLUS i work in the afternoon AND need to go to grocery store
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 166
    Sept 13: 164
    Sept 20: 163
    Sept 27: 162
    Oct 4: No Weight
    Oct 11: 10/15/10 - 161
    Oct 18:
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27: GOAL: 152
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    It's officially my wedding anniversary weekend (actual date is the 18th) nothing special today as hubby works all today and half tomorrow, but we're heading to a really upscale place for dinner tomorrow which means I get to wear my lil black dress! Sunday, we're headed back to the Missouri Botanical Gardens (which is where he proposed) and then maybe the Arch and from there, who knows. On another note, update on Grandpa, they did surgery on his spinal column a couple of weeks ago. Well, he has been falling again and when he went to the physical therapist, they said it looked like he has an infection on his neck in the incision. SO they went back to the hospital and he's been there since ( I think it's been a week now). He has a staff infection and pneumonia. It's been hard news on Nick especially. We're hoping everything clears up quick, but everything is up in the air right now. ♥ As soon as I hear more, I will update you.

    Sept 6: 205.4
    Sept 13: 204.8
    Sept 20: 205
    Sept 27: 204
    Oct 4: 202.6
    Oct 11: 201.4
    Oct 18: 200.8
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 180
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and happy Friday! I have a busy work day ahead of me so this will be a quick post. Today I completed the Legs and Back dvd from the P90X series.

    Brunettewife: Happy anniversary. How ever you and hubby decide to celebrate will be special since you'll be spending it together. Hope grandpa's health improves soon but put it in God's hands.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening everyone! I'm posting late b/c it's been a pretty busy and fun weekend. Friday some friends and I went to a comedy club to celebrate some birthdays. I did not get home and settled until well after 3 am so I got up late this morning. Once I finally pulled myself out of bed I headed to a local park to see if I could pick up jogging. I had not jogged outside in months since it has been so brutally hot here in GA. Today was an absolutely beautiful day so i stretched and then took off to see how far I could go. I really truly did not expect to jog far but was amazed that I was able to jog 3.76 miles.

    After my afternoon jog I came home, showered and headed to my book club meeting. I really enjoyed catching up with the ladies but could only stay two hours because I had to head to a wine tasting that was being held by a good friend. I'm not a big drinker so while I did taste a few wines I only took a sip before pouring it out so I don't think I consumed too many calories. All in all it was a wonderful weekend but I'm looking forward to just relaxing tomorrow.
  • vik75
    vik75 Posts: 3 Member
    My new year goal 2010

    Oct 15- 152,Waist 37

    December 31 st- 140 lb, Waist 32
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Checking in!

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Sept 27:209.0
    Oct 4: 207.2
    Oct 11: 204.6 (10/9)
    Oct 18:202.0 :happy:
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 185
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    We're home after our wonderful day at the Missouri Botanical Gardens and Zoo. Beautiful weather and scenery and my gorgeous hubby to stare at all day, what more could I ask for :love:

    Update on Grandpa, he is speaking now and understands mostly what's going on. The last memory he has is of last Friday (not this past). He has fought off almost all infections and pneumonia and will be out of ICU hopefully tomorrow, depending on when a room opens up and could possibly be home by this coming Friday. After the beautiful day we had, this news just makes it even better. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and dealing with my moods this past month. Love you all. :heart:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good even everyone! After all the ripping and running I did this weekend I think I'm now coming down with a cold because I've been sneezing and sniffing. Friday and Saturday I was caught outside without a jacket and while it was absolutely gorgeous during the day the temperature really dropped once the sun set. Since I feel it coming on I've spent today trying to combat it by taking some Nyquil and drinking plenty of fluids. I remained in the house most of the day except when I went out to complete today's workout. Sundays are still my designated rest day so I always take it easy. I jogged for 1.6 miles and walked for 1.7 miles for a total of 3.3 miles.

    Brunettewife: Glad to read your grandfather is improving. Hopefully he will be out of the hospital and home with family very soon.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday, if Monday's can be happy....LOL Anyway, this will be a quick post because it's back to the office I go. I'm unsure how long this assignment will last but I'm hoping I'll be working from home again next week.

    Today, I completed the Push Circuit 3 dvd (chest, back and legs) from the Chalean Extreme program. What I have been doing the last couple of weeks is following the P90X schedule of what body parts to lift for but instead of lifting for an entire hour I go anywhere from 30-45 minutes. I really like the P90X program but really dislike having to lift for an hour everyday. I've decided I'm going to modify the time and workouts where needed in order to fit my schedule.

    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Sept 13: 124 lbs
    Sept 20: 124 lbs
    Sept 27: 124 lbs
    Oct 4: 127 lbs
    Oct 11: 124.5 lbs
    Oct 18: 124.5 lbs
    Oct 25:
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27: 122
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