Has anyone tried the oatmeal diet?



  • shyameetu
    I eat oatmeal like you do but two random day in the week, some time three. Initially, I had started whole week but scale was skipping pound or two everyday. That doesn't seem a good idea and then I started random schedule. I eat two servings of oatmeal divide in to three meals and any sort of snack before I reach to dinner time. As long as you loose two or less pounds per week, you are OK ,by following diet and workout. That happens when you giveaway 7000 calories. The tricky part here is, healthy weight loss. It requires looser to avoid getting in to starving mode. If you feel hungry have something, coz that node will put your body in to fat storing mode. Oatmeal is the best option to give a break from starving then all other stuff around.

    Eat whatever you want but in chunks of small meal parted by few hours and don't go over your suggested calorie goal for a day and yes pay attention on sugar consumption, that is the key to fat storing mode on and off, maintain suggested part for a day of it and you should be good.
  • Ketodi0511
    Ketodi0511 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know if anyone has researched this "oatmeal diet" but from what I read it doesn't just consist of oatmeal but you're supposed to eat oatmeal for every meal. There are other guidelines to how much meat and when you can eat fruits and vegetables. Anyone that eats one certain food all the time is isn't getting all of the nutrients from that food that they once were. I studied that in my nutrition class
  • Ketodi0511
    Ketodi0511 Posts: 4 Member
    oh and to those of you that say "fad diets" don't work, as long as you're incorporating exercise and making it a lifestyle change instead of just a "diet" then, those "fad diets" do work..I've lost 128 pounds and used about 3 of those fad diets.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    to answer the OP question, no I haven't done it because it's a dumb idea.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    Be nice Chris :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    to answer the OP question, no I haven't done it because it's a dumb idea.
  • TendaiMa
    TendaiMa Posts: 72 Member
    LOL...bump just for the comments. I may just give this a try since I love oatmeal...I'll obviously sneak in one or two other legal foods to balance out my macros.
  • loving1624
    Dieters do not like to answer the question you ask them. I bet most dieters were put on diet by their mother when they were 3 years old or younger. Their brains didn't get proper nutrients at crucial stages in development and that's why they have such a hard time responding appropriately to questions. That or they are jealous what you are doing will actually work and want to discourage you. It is really amazing the way they are so knowledgeable about something so specific that they have no experience with. Anyway, I am also currently on a diet. I am eating oatmeal as a way to stay full without loading up fat. I just started today. I guess I will be able to actually comment on the RESULTS of a diet where oatmeal is the staple in the next week or two. FYI, the first time I went on a diet I lost a pound everyday and I kept the weight off until the next time I got pregnant. So don't believe the hype that if you lose so much weight rapidly you are destined to put it back on in a few months. Also, be mindful if you are on birth control.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Well, since I've already eaten the same calories from oatmeal this week as the "twinkie diet" ate in twinkies over 10 weeks, I think it's perfectly reasonable to say I'm on board the "oatmeal diet" train. Choo choo! Also on the "mezawat diet", the "greek yogurt diet", "whole grain diet", "beef diet", "burrito diet", and "protein powder diet" this week. Very exciting stuff.
  • sonia20130
    i have been told to do a no carbs diet so no potatoes no bread or pasta and rice so i wasn't sure about porridge oats
  • Peachygirl14
    The key to weight loss is watching your carb in take.You don't have to starve yourself of carbs, just decrease it if you eat too much and limit it to what you really need.

    Few years ago, I gained several lbs to the point that my clothes are starting not to fit me. So I asked my mom, who is an MD, how could I lose weight. Basically, she told me eat less Carb, more protein and fiberous food. The rationale behind this is the body digests Carbs the fastest so you easily go hungry. Meanwhile protein and fiber is digested at a slower pace making you less hungry. So there you go, eat more protein and fiber in order for your body to use the stored fat! Do this gradually of course, not on a "crash diet" for you and your body to be accustomed to the new eating habits. Crash dieting won't work. You'll gain it all back once you go back to your "regular diet". When it comes to weight loss, you should think long term, not short term. I pretty much went back close to my former weight. Right now, I'm thinking of going this way again since I want to lose more fat around my buttocks, thighs and stomach. Some of my old pants are still not fitting me. It could be that the clothe shrinked but still at my height, I think 100 lbs is ideal.

    So there, protein and fiber rich diet for weight loss/management and exercise for toning.

    Edit: I forgot, my mom also told me that eating small but frequently also helps. It keeps your body motor at the same pace. Not like when you binge eat, then anything. Metabolism is better if you eat small but frequent meals.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    The key to weight loss is watching your carb in take.You don't have to starve yourself of carbs, just decrease it if you eat too much and limit it to what you really need.

    Few years ago, I gained several lbs to the point that my clothes are starting not to fit me. So I asked my mom, who is an MD, how could I lose weight. Basically, she told me eat less Carb, more protein and fiberous food. The rationale behind this is the body digests Carbs the fastest so you easily go hungry. Meanwhile protein and fiber is digested at a slower pace making you less hungry. So there you go, eat more protein and fiber in order for your body to use the stored fat! Do this gradually of course, not on a "crash diet" for you and your body to be accustomed to the new eating habits. Crash dieting won't work. You'll gain it all back once you go back to your "regular diet". When it comes to weight loss, you should think long term, not short term. I pretty much went back close to my former weight. Right now, I'm thinking of going this way again since I want to lose more fat around my buttocks, thighs and stomach. Some of my old pants are still not fitting me. It could be that the clothe shrinked but still at my height, I think 100 lbs is ideal.

    So there, protein and fiber rich diet for weight loss/management and exercise for toning.

    Edit: I forgot, my mom also told me that eating small but frequently also helps. It keeps your body motor at the same pace. Not like when you binge eat, then anything. Metabolism is better if you eat small but frequent meals.

    Good lord... really?

    Carbs are not evil.

    Meal timing and frequency have no impact on overall metabolic rate or weight loss.
  • Zenjaeie
    Seems like an awesome way to be deficient in protein and fats and your micros
    Phase One

    Dieters eat nothing but oatmeal for the first week.
    You can eat ½ cup of oatmeal for each meal, which may be combined with ½ cup of skim milk if desired.
    Only whole oatmeal is allowed.
    Instant oatmeal and granola bars should be avoided for the first seven days.
    Calorie consumption for the first seven days should be between 900-1200 calories per day.

    Phase Two

    For the next 30 days dieters continue having ½ cup of oatmeal three times a day in addition to their regular diet.
    Instant oatmeal is now permitted.
    Calories may now be increased slightly to 1000-1300 per day.
    A morning snack of ½ cup of fruit and an afternoon snack of ½ cup raw vegetables are allowed.

    Phase Three

    After 30 days you may begin to eat your normal diet while continuing with one meal and one snack of oatmeal daily.
    Dieters are advised to limit their intake of fats when returning to normal eating.

    This. Eating nothing but carbs all day is a WONDERFUL idea, *end sarcasm*.
  • Heavensent1991
    Heavensent1991 Posts: 5 Member

    Hahahaha I love this when I saw this picture I was like for reals huh! LOL.

    To the person asking the question IMO I think people who do this diet are probably like the ones that need to lose weight fast to fit in there wedding dress?
  • hibbertamie
    gonna try this diet I love oatmeal so much it's so filling and healthy. you can mix it up with raisens/nuts/seeds etc and still have fruit with it and as snacks. yum this will suit me fine.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Can't say I have......never heard of it either.....lol. BUT will say Oatmeal is a staple ;) I like it once or three times a week for breakfast......so versatile. ....blyeberries.....bananas, chia seeds, flax seed......add it ALL.....lol. Protein powder. yumm
  • jaybostrom
    jaybostrom Posts: 6 Member
    I was having the oatmeal diet without realizing what I was doing. I've been having the "refrigerator oatmeal' (1/2 cup cold rolled oats, 1/2 c plain yogurt , 1/2c soy or almond milk and some berries.) I liked it so much , I would have it for breakfast, then go to the gym for a couple hrs and come home and have a delicious protein refrigerator oatmeal. I've been having it 2- 3 times a day, along with sauteed veggies and soy protein for dinner,and Yes, I have lost 3 pounds more than I needed...lol and now I'm looking into the "oatmeal diet' that I never knew existed! Good luck and thanks for sharing!
  • megagents
    How about oatmeal for breakfast every morning? Would that be ok? And yes I read through the entire thread. I'm not trying to make it the only thing I eat. Just the only thing I eat for breakfast.
  • hibbertamie
    hi im on day 4 of the oatmeal diet ive lost 7lb!! i feel much healthier my skin is clear and i feel so light! i have oatmeal for 3 meals a day. i pile the bowl with fruit so its not plain oatmeal. i add nuts seeds bananas and peanut butter to it. i snack on slices of ham or some fruit. to be honest its so filling ive hardly snacked.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    So the oatmeal diet is ONLY oatmeal? No other foods? Sounds like a gag fest to me. I couldn't do it, and it doesn't sound healthy. You could never meet all your macros with only oatmeal.
  • nirodha90
    oatmeal has protein...and its all complex carbs .