October 30 day shred challenge anyone?



  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Ready for Level 1, day 5 tonight! Am I really already seeing results? .. I think so- my tummy truly seems a little smaller! It's getting a bit easier every time. I have no problem with the cardio anymore - I enjoy it! On day one I really struggled for endurance. Also, my legs don't hurt nearly as bad today. I'm still having trouble doing the lunges right- the side to side ones with lifting arms to eye level are SO hard! Also struggling with the bicycle crunches at the end. I love/hate Jillian!
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Finished L1 Day 2 yesterday and can't wait to do Day 3 when I get the little ones down for their naps!

    I am a little discouraged though...I weighed yesterday and have gained 1 lb in a week!!! I have been doing some sort of circuit training with weights incorporated pretty much everyday for 4 weeks and I was just wondering if it could possibly be me gaining muscle? I do notice some firmness where flab used to reside...just didn't know if in only 4 weeks I could have enough muscle gain that my weight would go up...

    I am SOOO aggravated at the scale and am tempted to throw it out!!! It seems everytime I weigh I get down...either I didn't lose enough or like yesterday...I GAINED!!! Anyone else just flat out not weigh themselves and focus only on inches and the way you feel or your clothes feel?
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Finished L1 Day 2 yesterday and can't wait to do Day 3 when I get the little ones down for their naps!

    I am a little discouraged though...I weighed yesterday and have gained 1 lb in a week!!! I have been doing some sort of circuit training with weights incorporated pretty much everyday for 4 weeks and I was just wondering if it could possibly be me gaining muscle? I do notice some firmness where flab used to reside...just didn't know if in only 4 weeks I could have enough muscle gain that my weight would go up...

    I am SOOO aggravated at the scale and am tempted to throw it out!!! It seems everytime I weigh I get down...either I didn't lose enough or like yesterday...I GAINED!!! Anyone else just flat out not weigh themselves and focus only on inches and the way you feel or your clothes feel?

    I'm sure it's muscle and or water weight.. I always fluctuate a couple lbs. Keep it up :)
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Finished L1 Day 2 yesterday and can't wait to do Day 3 when I get the little ones down for their naps!

    I am a little discouraged though...I weighed yesterday and have gained 1 lb in a week!!! I have been doing some sort of circuit training with weights incorporated pretty much everyday for 4 weeks and I was just wondering if it could possibly be me gaining muscle? I do notice some firmness where flab used to reside...just didn't know if in only 4 weeks I could have enough muscle gain that my weight would go up...

    I am SOOO aggravated at the scale and am tempted to throw it out!!! It seems everytime I weigh I get down...either I didn't lose enough or like yesterday...I GAINED!!! Anyone else just flat out not weigh themselves and focus only on inches and the way you feel or your clothes feel?

    I'm sure it's muscle and or water weight.. I always fluctuate a couple lbs. Keep it up :)

    Thanks! I'm really gonna try! I've decided to not weigh or measure myself until the first 30 days are over and that, I hope, is gonna keep me from getting discouraged. I am just gonna push through the 30 days and feel good about doing something good for myself!
  • day 5 lv1 done. i noticed today, i wasn't winded for as long afterwards.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Ready for Level 1, day 5 tonight! Am I really already seeing results? .. I think so- my tummy truly seems a little smaller! It's getting a bit easier every time. I have no problem with the cardio anymore - I enjoy it! On day one I really struggled for endurance. Also, my legs don't hurt nearly as bad today. I'm still having trouble doing the lunges right- the side to side ones with lifting arms to eye level are SO hard! Also struggling with the bicycle crunches at the end. I love/hate Jillian!

    Absolutely possible you are! I can tell you this, I didn't have to dance to get into my size 10 pants today, woo! I had to a few weeks ago though. Keep up the good work, you're doing great!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Finished L1 Day 2 yesterday and can't wait to do Day 3 when I get the little ones down for their naps!

    I am a little discouraged though...I weighed yesterday and have gained 1 lb in a week!!! I have been doing some sort of circuit training with weights incorporated pretty much everyday for 4 weeks and I was just wondering if it could possibly be me gaining muscle? I do notice some firmness where flab used to reside...just didn't know if in only 4 weeks I could have enough muscle gain that my weight would go up...

    I am SOOO aggravated at the scale and am tempted to throw it out!!! It seems everytime I weigh I get down...either I didn't lose enough or like yesterday...I GAINED!!! Anyone else just flat out not weigh themselves and focus only on inches and the way you feel or your clothes feel?

    I only weigh myself once a week on Monday morning. For me, I have found Monday morning is what works for me, keeps me in check over the weekend knowing I have to weigh in so I don't mess up on the weekend. I am totally going by how my clothes are fitting and they are fitting looser. I have a goal weigh in mind, but I am more concerned about how my clothes fit me and just being in better shape and healthy. I have measured myself once a week also and I am keeping track of it on my own chart.

    My advice to you is, don't get discouraged with the fluctuation and keep on keeping on :) I know, it's way easier said than done. Keep up the good work!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member

    It's got to be muscel gain, because I've gained weight too, and yet my clothes fit just fine?????????????
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Days 8 & 9 of level 1 done!! I think I can pretty much keep up with it all now so should be good to move onto level 2 after tomorrow. I still can't do a proper push up - but at least I can do them on my knees now, could'nt even do more than a couple before!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Days 8 & 9 of level 1 done!! I think I can pretty much keep up with it all now so should be good to move onto level 2 after tomorrow. I still can't do a proper push up - but at least I can do them on my knees now, could'nt even do more than a couple before!

    Those push-ups will come, and soon you'll forget that there was a time when you couldn't do them! :)
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member

    It's got to be muscel gain, because I've gained weight too, and yet my clothes fit just fine?????????????

    I say as long as your clothes are fitting ok, then don't worry about the gain. :smile: Is your gain a big one or small one Mickie17?
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Days 8 & 9 of level 1 done!! I think I can pretty much keep up with it all now so should be good to move onto level 2 after tomorrow. I still can't do a proper push up - but at least I can do them on my knees now, could'nt even do more than a couple before!

    Sounds like you're ready for level 2 :) And Mickie17 is right, the push ups will come, no worries!
  • I totally dropped off the map for a few days. Got married Sunday, so you can imagine the time I didn't have and the calories I did....
    We planned it in 4 days ~ which just made it even more crazy, still have company around... BUT

    I woke up early this morning, before my husband and everything! Instead of rolling over to wait for the alarm, I got up, got dressed, and did my Shred!~ Ready to get back in the game with full force and succeed.

    So, apparently I burn fewer calories this early in the morning, but I plan to do another cardio video before lunch and walk the dog tonight. Full force :happy:

    Even though I skipped out on almost a week, I think today will be counted as day 6, cause I still got through everything. I'll still be a little behind schedule, but at least I'm on it right!~
  • Congrats MamaDaisyJ I know you will jump right back in there and get it done!!
  • Congrats MamaDaisyJ!!

    Day 6 lv1 done, i dont know what was wrong with me today, i just felt like i couldnt keep up. i pushed my self as hard as i could. maybe i just need more water intake today. :drinker: i measured my pooch today also, i lost half an inch, that cant possibly be right, could it?

    on a side note...i got one of my friends to start shredding today too!
  • Missed the shred yesterday so I will be doubling up today day 14 and 15 level 2 I think I am going to wait to measure because I feel bloated too much fiber yesterday!!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Congrats MamaDaisyJ!!

    Day 6 lv1 done, i dont know what was wrong with me today, i just felt like i couldnt keep up. i pushed my self as hard as i could. maybe i just need more water intake today. :drinker: i measured my pooch today also, i lost half an inch, that cant possibly be right, could it?

    on a side note...i got one of my friends to start shredding today too!

    I did day six last night of level one- measured myself as well and lost a half an inch too! I knew my belly looked smaller! YAY US!!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Day 7 of Level 2, done! Woo!

    Keep it up everyone, you're doing great!
  • Congrats MamaDaisyJ!!

    Day 6 lv1 done, i dont know what was wrong with me today, i just felt like i couldnt keep up. i pushed my self as hard as i could. maybe i just need more water intake today. :drinker: i measured my pooch today also, i lost half an inch, that cant possibly be right, could it?

    on a side note...i got one of my friends to start shredding today too!

    I did day six last night of level one- measured myself as well and lost a half an inch too! I knew my belly looked smaller! YAY US!!!


    day7 lv1! it seems like the 20min zooms by now!
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Well, missed my day 4 yesterday (the kids and I were out running errands ALL day!) so I jumped back in and did my day 4 level 1 just now. The cardio actually seemed a little easier but those side lunges are KILLING me...my arms just won't raise those weights like they should...lol.

    Just wondering how everyone logs this work out...I do circuit training for 20 minutes but it only comes up about 190-200 something calories burned...you think that's all I'm burning?

    Also...when I get my kids down for their naps I hold my 26 lb 12 month old ds and sit on the side of the bed and bounce the whole bed to "rock" my 30 lb dd to sleep...lol Today I had to bounce for 35 minutes straight!!! My heart rate was up the whole time, my legs were numb and my arms were engaged the whole time holding ds...surely that counts for something!!!! I guess the only way to know if I'm burning any calories is to buy a monitor thingy...what do you call them? I saw one at walmart that was like a watch for $30. Do you think that would be accurate?

    Keep up the good work everyone! You all are a great inspiration!!! Thanks!
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