diet sadness



  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Does it ever make you SAD that you can't eat whatever you want??? Like tonight - I made banana bread and had one slice - and I'm SO SAD because I just want to eat the entire thing!!! I won't because I'm working on changing those bad habits...but it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I can't wolf down a handful of Reeses PB cups like I used to every Halloween. I miss being able to eat some of these things! Don't get me wrong - I don't miss the pounds and I am feeling better (physically and mentally) but I do really miss eating crap and it makes me sad sometimes. Maybe it's just me. lol

    You will get to the point that when you have a "treat" and have some crap, it affects your mood adversely and almost immediately. I had just such an experience a few days ago. I had a chocolate hedgehog (like a brownie with thick chocolate icing) - it immediately regretted it. Though, an important lesson.
    Wishing you all the best,

  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    Does it ever make you SAD that you can't eat whatever you want??? Like tonight - I made banana bread and had one slice - and I'm SO SAD because I just want to eat the entire thing!!! I won't because I'm working on changing those bad habits...but it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I can't wolf down a handful of Reeses PB cups like I used to every Halloween. I miss being able to eat some of these things! Don't get me wrong - I don't miss the pounds and I am feeling better (physically and mentally) but I do really miss eating crap and it makes me sad sometimes. Maybe it's just me. lol

    I can relate. Sometimes I feel a little sad that I can never just relax when it comes to food. Birthdays, holidays, and parties are the worst. Everyone else around me can just eat whatever they feel like and how much of it they feel like and I have to count, calculate, and measure everything simply to avoid gaining half a pound from that night alone. (I promise you it's still possible for me to consume that many calories in one day. I've done it before...fairly recently in fact!) My body naturally likes to pack on weight and store fat; I'm convinced that I'm just genetically prone to gaining weight. My body also likes to eat A LOT of food. It takes A LOT of food to make me stuffed. I have to be strict and rigid just to maintain a healthy weight. If I'm truly honest with myself, sometimes I hate that. Sometimes I get sad and angry at the same time watching my friends who just eat whatever they want and however much they want; never have to count, measure, or calculate anything; and somehow manage to always maintain a slim, healthy figure. Sometimes I get jealous and think that's unfair and that I must genetically cursed.

    But then I remember that everyone has their own genetic perks and flaws. While those women may have the genetic perk of never having to worry about what they eat, they also have flaws of their own that they have to worry about. And I have perks of my own as well. So I try to focus my genetic perks and make the best of my flaws. I will probably have to count, measure, and calculate food for the rest of my life in order to maintain a healthy weight but I'm okay with that; it's worth the sacrifice. And the fight that I've had to endure to get healthy and now stay healthy has made me strong. I am stronger than I've ever been in my life. I am now physically capable of doing things I never thought I'd be able to do. I am so much more knowledgeable about food and my body than I have ever been. And I am the happiest I have ever been with my body because I know that it's the result of my own hard work!

    I totally get your feelings. But when I get sad, I try to focus on the positives. So my advice to you would be to try to do the same. :smile:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I eat whatever I want, in the quantities that fit in my macros and overall goals. It doesn't make me sad to only have a reasonably portion of something - if I want more, there is always tomorrow and a new chance to make it fit. It's never the last whatever in the world.
    Exactly this! I have ice cream everyday (usually with angel food cake and strawberries) and sometimes I have pizza or a burger too, if it fits in my macro/micro/fiber goals. I don't worry about sugar, sodium, processed, 'clean' etc and I still lose weight. I never feel deprived because, even if I want a bit more than I should have today, I can still plan to have it tomorrow. :drinker:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Does it ever make you SAD that you can't eat whatever you want??? Like tonight - I made banana bread and had one slice - and I'm SO SAD because I just want to eat the entire thing!!! I won't because I'm working on changing those bad habits...but it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I can't wolf down a handful of Reeses PB cups like I used to every Halloween. I miss being able to eat some of these things! Don't get me wrong - I don't miss the pounds and I am feeling better (physically and mentally) but I do really miss eating crap and it makes me sad sometimes. Maybe it's just me. lol

    I think its very sad that people get emotional attachements to food... i also find it sad that more people dont do IIFYM so they can eat cake and reeses sometimes...
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I know what you mean, you feel different from everyone else, you feel everyone around you can eat as much and enjoy any food fullest without ever putting on a single pound.

    Sadly this probably is true.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Aye there's the rub. Whatever anyone says, losing weight is about restriction: whether it's food type or portion size.

    No pain, no gain. Or in this case, no pain no loss. :wink:
  • Mongognom
    Mongognom Posts: 123
    It makes me happy that I CAN eat what I want. And when I do the right thing by sticking to a reasonable sized portion, it makes me happy AND proud.

    Instead of eating an entire pizza, I have one or two slices, and there will be less cheese and meat and more veggies on it. It still tastes delicious (in fact without all the cheese it taste better!). Teaching myself what is a reasonable portion and how much food I need as opposed to how much food I can eat is the most important things I've been able to learn here.
  • pbluberry
    I know exactly how you feel. I too have felt the same way and have fallen off the wagon. I just continue on. It is never a good feeling to really want that extra piece of something and not have it or to have it and not feel good about it either. It is a dilemma. I am face with it almost every day at work with the potato chip lady I work with in the office. It's almost always a struggle. I just work harder at the gym or run some extra miles on my cheat days. Even though I cheated, I feel that at least I tried and balance it with some physical activities. It at least makes me feel better.
  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    Oh, I agree with you! I'm a baker. I love to bake cookies, pies, you name it. I don't bake anything anymore. I don't want the temptation to eat it.
    My husband is fine with it. He's lost 26 pounds and looks and feels so much better for it. So, we carry on. I guess it's a new way of life. I need to keep reminding myself that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I'm still hoping to know how skinny feels!!!!
  • SlimmingMeDown
    SlimmingMeDown Posts: 63 Member
    Does it ever make you SAD that you can't eat whatever you want??? Like tonight - I made banana bread and had one slice - and I'm SO SAD because I just want to eat the entire thing!!! I won't because I'm working on changing those bad habits...but it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I can't wolf down a handful of Reeses PB cups like I used to every Halloween. I miss being able to eat some of these things! Don't get me wrong - I don't miss the pounds and I am feeling better (physically and mentally) but I do really miss eating crap and it makes me sad sometimes. Maybe it's just me. lol

    Yes. Occasionally I would just love to eat a lot of pizza, some Caramello or Rolo, and some mozzarella sticks sound good right about now.
  • pandamonium1987
    pandamonium1987 Posts: 47 Member
    I totally get it. It seems like the people saying they can eat whatever they want aren't understanding that you WANT more banana bread, so you aren't able to eat all you want. It's one thing to eat whatever you want and another to get to eat it in the portion that you want. If I my husband is eating a lot of something while I enjoy my little portion that fits in my calories, it can be pretty sad to eat mine sooooo sloooowly to "savor" it, so I don't finish a ton sooner than him and feel completely jealous!

    So with you on this!

    It's not always that I crave to stuff my face with junk, it's just that at dinner time I feel that husband has more freedom to feast until replete. Whereas I need to measure and count each bite. I feel "cheated" when I can't eat a huge plate of pasta, and he goes back for seconds. :sad:
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Sometimes, yes, but then again eating whatever I wanted in whatever quantity I wanted didn't end well for me, and pretty much every second person on this site. Also, I do pretty much each whatever I like still, but in a much better balance. I find that if I do let myself have a 'whatever' day, I generally end up feeling sick, fat, and disappointed.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I think its very sad that people get emotional attachements to food... i also find it sad that more people dont do IIFYM so they can eat cake and reeses sometimes...

    it's not about IIFYM really, because it's not that she can't eat cake or is denying herself cake, it's about wanting to eat the whole cake instead of just a slice. A whole large pizza and garlic bread won't ever fit my daily macros (and it contains enough calories for 2 days really), and sometimes I look back with longing to when I was able to eat the whole pizza without feeling guilty. Yes, I can eat a slice of pizza (or two), but pizza and sushi are the two foods that I struggle with moderating.

    OP.: well done for not eating the whole cake and good luck with this journey :-)
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't think it's about whether they can eat as much as they want. Take a good look at they. Should they be eating as much as they want?
  • peachcats
    No, I ate an entire pizza today and was still under my caloric goals.
    Sorry short people and women :(
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    I know the feeling - FREEZE the banana bread in slices and have one each day. :smile:
  • Naturebeckles
    I used to be able to eat nearly a whole box of twinkies and not gain an ounce. Ah, high as hell metabolism - those were the days. I also can't have 4 cookies and a glass of milk anymore. Just one cookie a day. I am a cookie monster. But you know what? It's ALL good. My metabolism now has the jump start it needed - I weight less than I have in 5 years. I've also learned SO MUCH about food and how my body works and healthy food tastes so delicious. There's no turning back and I don't want too.

    You can do it! :D
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Out of sight out of mind helps. Wrap it up and put it somewhere you cant readily see it. I cannot have bowls of candy laying around cuz I will feel too tempted to eat it right then. Do that plus remind yourself you can always have more another day. Its not like the world will suddently stop making banana bread or receeses cups. Nothing is off limits forever. I always think well I can have one cookie and still loose weight or I can eat 5 or 6 and gain the weight back. Id rather stick with option 1 and maybe have another treat another day instead of all the treats in one day and blow it.
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    I do know what you mean. I used to have nice cheeses and stuff like that in my fridge but I'm putting myself out of temptation's way by not buying it anymore.

    However, baking and cooking as a hobby of mine and it's a way of relaxing for me. I've found out though, that it's the action that makes me happy and the happy sighs from fellow eaters, not so much the actual eating. So I've started cooking more things for friends or I'll bake a cake, leave it in the staff room, have one small slice and by the end of the day, it will be gone. I will have had some, which makes me happy, and everybody else will come and be appreciative and that makes me even more happy. Win-win.
  • ixiHemlock
    ixiHemlock Posts: 83 Member
    YES. I want to binge all the time. Food is my best friend. :c