diet sadness



  • SlimmingMeDown
    SlimmingMeDown Posts: 63 Member
    I used to be able to eat nearly a whole box of twinkies and not gain an ounce. Ah, high as hell metabolism - those were the days.

    When I was 15, I ate hoagies, Tastykakes, and drank Snapple all Summer. I actually lost 15 pounds.

    If I tried that today I'd be 30 pounds overweight in a few short months.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Aye there's the rub. Whatever anyone says, losing weight is about restriction: whether it's food type or portion size.

    No pain, no gain. Or in this case, no pain no loss. :wink:

    You're right, but I prefer to call it portion control.

    When I look at the people I know with normal weight who stay about the same, I see that they don't stuff their faces and they practice portion control and stopping when they are no longer hungry. I see they eat smaller portions than people who are perhaps overweight.

    My grandparents were an example. All the meals were balanced, they ate anything they wanted, including cookies, ice cream, and other snacks, but I never saw them overdo it. Their weight stayed about the same their entire lives. Don't know why I never picked up on that example.
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    I think its very sad that people get emotional attachements to food... i also find it sad that more people dont do IIFYM so they can eat cake and reeses sometimes...

    I don't think you're trying to be judgemental here, but I feel a little judged and defensive suddenly. Like I said, I don't think that's your intent, it's my issue, but still. You gotta understand, sometimes there's a reason for unhealthy attachements. Like, say, food never yelled at me, never hit me, and never threw me into a wall 'cause it didn't like my tone. My childhood and my horrendous first marriage were like that, so yeah, I developed bad coping behaviors. Now that I'm mostly mentally healthy, (and free of that *kitten*) I'm tackling that one last bad behavior--treating food like something other than fuel. But this is a habit I've had for almost my entire life. I do well for awhile, I fall off for awhile. It's still really hard sometimes not to use food as an emotional band-aid. Like, if I have a horrendous morning at work, I'll find myself dreading my healthy, homemade lunch, and thinking about running to Taco Time or McDonald's to pick up some happy. It's like a drug, almost.

    TL:DR Yeah, sometimes I find it frustrating to realize that I am always, always always gonna have to worry about this. I'll never be able to just eat something without having to think about it and fit it into a food plan, and decide "Am I actually hungry, or am I bored/stressed out/sad/angry and eating to cure that?" for the rest of my life.
  • AprilMae1975
    At first....yes. Now though i am very happy for those sad times. I can now eat just a little and say no to the rest. It is nice to not have food control my emotions. Hang in there, it will get easier and you will appreciate going through it.
  • sophia9849
    I agree with you but weight loss cannot be achieved until you get serious about losing few kilos. You need to stop craving for unhealthy foods and start eating healthy foods. Working out on a regular basis is very important to shed weight in a healthier way.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I would never have eaten the whole loaf at once, but in all my years of being a compulsive over eater, it did make me happy to eat what I wanted, when I wanted, and as much as I wanted. I loved it! I'm sure I would still love it. Of course I felt bad about it afterwards.

    It makes me more sad to think that eating a whole loaf of banana bread would make someone happy.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Sadly, I can identify with you.
    Oh boy does it ever! That's the main reason I kept screwing up over and over again ever since march. Because although I can eat what I want in moderation, sometimes I just want to eat until I'm stuffed. I really miss that. That thanksgiving feeling of "I can't eat another bite" and undoing your pants because you're just about to explode. Ahhhh man...those were the days.

    Especially with unhealthy food. I can go to Costco and eat a hot dog and drink a diet coke, but I'm not gonna be full. That's the frustrating part. Have what I want and be hungry or eat healthier and be full. That's the big question right there.

    That's why cheat days can be good for some people. Eat whatever the hell you want til you're stuffed and get back to calorie counting. I personally can't do cheat days anymore because it would throw me so far off track I would have a hard time finding my way back on the wagon.

    Basically...yes I feel sad! Although I can eat what I want, I miss eating til I'm stuffed! I just have to remind myself how good it'll feel to finally be thin
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It makes me happy that I CAN eat what I want. And when I do the right thing by sticking to a reasonable sized portion, it makes me happy AND proud.

    We went out for breakfast yesterday, and I ordered an omelette, as it listed how many eggs were used, and all the ingredients, so I could track what I was eating. It showed up on a thick piece of beautifully buttered white toast. I ate half the toast, and left the other half with no regrets.

    I do get what you're saying, but after so many failed diet attempts which restricted everything fun, I'm happy to be doing things the better way.


    I eat what I want. It's about moderation not deprivation. However, it sounds as if you are doing that.
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    Does it ever make you SAD that you can't eat whatever you want??? Like tonight - I made banana bread and had one slice - and I'm SO SAD because I just want to eat the entire thing!!! I won't because I'm working on changing those bad habits...but it makes me sad. It makes me sad that I can't wolf down a handful of Reeses PB cups like I used to every Halloween. I miss being able to eat some of these things! Don't get me wrong - I don't miss the pounds and I am feeling better (physically and mentally) but I do really miss eating crap and it makes me sad sometimes. Maybe it's just me. lol

    I eat what I want, but in reasonable portions now... I love pound cake, but now I just have a slice with some fruit rather than half a loaf covered in chocolate sauce and whipped cream. It's all about balance. I get more sad now if I can't work out than I do about eating... :)
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    I go to the gym and exercise for what feels like forever if I want a large or larger than serving size portion of something... That's the benefit of eating your exercise calories back... IIFYM didn't work for me because I did feel restricted by not being able to eat the portion size of the food that I wanted.

    I still meet my macros I just get to eat 800 calories worth of ben & jerry's now :) oh and the rest of my breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Yes it does. Sometimes I see a day strecthing ahead of me without being able to eat as much as I want and the things I love... no you can't have another biscuit, no you can't get a takeaway, no you can't get a pasty for a snack. It gets me genuinely sad at times. One day I was eating 2 weight watchers yoghurts, and a boots shapers meal for lunch and I looked and felt nearly tearful People say 'Oh but you can still enjoy eating, just learn some healthy, filling recipes, learn to love healthy food' or 'You can, just in moderation- half the amount, eat it with rice not chips' etc etc, but I honestly don't think it will ever be quite the same for me. I genuinely feel sad about this sometimes too, I totally get it. xxxxx
  • emAZn
    emAZn Posts: 413 Member
    I go to the gym and exercise for what feels like forever if I want a large or larger than serving size portion of something... That's the benefit of eating your exercise calories back... IIFYM didn't work for me because I did feel restricted by not being able to eat the portion size of the food that I wanted.

    I still meet my macros I just get to eat 800 calories worth of ben & jerry's now :) oh and the rest of my breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner.

    Ps this is not an all the time thing, its when I cant get that food out of my head for a couple days and its driving me craaaazy kinda thing... 90% moderation 10% SPLURGE - within my net calorie goal :)
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Sad is a strong word but I will say sometimes I dislike the feeling that I'm micromanaging my life and living it based of numbers. I usually get that feeling when I'm doing something that should be relaxing but I'm busy fiddling with numbers and worrying what or how much I need to be eating.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i dont understand the question
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    You are SO lucky that you don't get it.

    I don't know why u would feel sad, you had a slice n that's enough. I don't get sad because a serving size is all I need I don't need the whole cake. My mom bought me a juniors cheesecake after her trip to NewYork. I love cheesecake but I still didn't get the urge to eat the whole cake in one day I had 4 slices during the week and gave the rest away. A taste is all I need because I want to lose this weight more than anything.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    All these smug peoplegoing on about how they don't experience this should just go away and stop rubbing it in. It is like someone saying to me 'I have terrible insomnia, it is a nightmare' and me saying 'Oh well, as it happens, I don't get that at all... I sleep soundly and easily for 8 hours every night... you should be like me, then you'd not be an insomniac' the skip away smugly.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i dont understand the question
    Your contribution isn't needed then. Whoopydoo for you that you don't experience this, aren't you wholesome an everything.


    um - ignoring that rude little hater right there

    What I meant was - why do you feel that you are giving everything up - when it is obvious that you understand and allow yourself to still have some of these things? You are right to just have smaller portions. I totally get how sometimes you just want to eat the whole thing. But you're not really denying yourself from having these things ever again - if you are actually letting yourself just have smaller portions.

    self-control and moderation are beautiful and Im glad you are on the right track

  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    I am not rude, little or a hater. I just hate when people write about problems they are having and people come in all smug just to say they don't experience it, like they so perfect. I think that is the real rudeness! But whatever, since you aren't reading this.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    All these smug peoplegoing on about how they don't experience this should just go away and stop rubbing it in. It is like someone saying to me 'I have terrible insomnia, it is a nightmare' and me saying 'Oh well, as it happens, I don't get that at all... I sleep soundly and easily for 8 hours every night... you should be like me, then you'd not be an insomniac' the skip away smugly.
    No one is rubbing it in or being smug. Most of the people who posted simply commented/agreed with the OP, that enjoying all foods in moderation and employing portion control are successful tactics for not feeling 'sad' or deprived.