"You're still fat"



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Karma will always be double what one put's out there
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    I can't help but thinking that there's a good chance that none of those girls who were rude to you could walk four miles at once. Regardless, it's pretty impressive. Being considerably overweight myself, I understand what it's like when others are insensitive. Keep up the good work and please, please don't let such shallow people get you down or impede your progress in anyway. You're doing great.
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    This happened to a girlfriend of mine- she is doing the C25K- she was on week 3, so there was a good amount of running, at a local track some dude yelled "keep running so you can eat another cheeseburger later"- Now, he was a young guy, probably a teenager and obvisouly had low self esteem, and making himself laugh probably kept him off the ledge for a few more days. These people that do this are horrible humans, they only way they make themselves happy is to make others misrable- that is why those catty girls did that- it wasnt you.
    I know a lot of "in shape (skinny)" people that have more admiration and respect for the 100+ lbs overweighters at the gym than the people who are in a heathy weight range, and this is because we are up and MOVING, we know there is a problem and we are making a change.
    Just remember that those people are misrable and probably dont have a lot of people in their lives that truely care about and love them and that is why they live and breathe to make people sad.
  • parallelfifths
    parallelfifths Posts: 17 Member
    Note to self: Holler "You're Awesome" at people you drive by more often.

    YEAH!! THIS is how you combat jerks. :) LOOOOVE it!
  • hidbee
    hidbee Posts: 52 Member
    I could not agree more with these comments. You can change what your body looks like and you are working hard to do that but if you're a brat and all dark and twisty on the inside...well that is something that can't be changed.

    screw the haters, haters should give you more motivation to keep rocking it! You're doing AMAZING. Don't give up!!!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    There were hundreds of other people thinking "good for her" while passing by. Those folks don't yell out of windows at random people. Because they're polite and normal.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    There were hundreds of other people thinking "good for her" while passing by. Those folks don't yell out of windows at random people. Because they're polite and normal.

    This. I often think that when I see ANYONE running, especially in inclimate weather or less than perfect conditions. Don't let them get you down. I put my headphones on and don't pay attention to passersby unless they are too close to my personal space.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Good Job! You just keep doing what you are doing!

    My dad once told me that much of life is about learning to suffer fools. When I was 12 I thought it meant putting up with a soccer coach that I didn't like. Some 30 years later I realize he was talking about all of the mean, small minded, insensitive, short sighted, hurtful, people who willfully project their own pain onto me. I have translated this bit of my fathers wisdom for my young daughter to "Don't let the turkeys keep you down."

    Wise words we can all heed!
  • jessannprice
    jessannprice Posts: 183 Member
    There are much worse things than being fat... #1 Being a truly horrible person .. like those girls.

    Don't let anyone steal your joy. You should feel a moment of pity---for THEM--not for yourself.

    You keep doing what you're doing and be proud.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Some people are just MEAN! Awesome job on 4 miles!! Whoop Whoop! :drinker:
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Karma sweetie! You just keep doing you and dont let anyone discourage you!!!
  • cseaglass19
    cseaglass19 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Goal179,

    Guess what? I'm still fat too.

    Your story made me a little mad. I hope at least one of those girls felt a little inner shame for their behavior because I'm sure one or more of them will one day be in our position of having to struggle with being overweight and the health issues and body image that goes along with that--not that I'd wish it on them, except perhaps as a means for them to learn compassion. We all have choices to be haters or encouragers. Don't let them defeat you!

    I know whenever I see a fluffy person out jogging or walking, I am cheering them on inside my car! I am inspired by others who want to better their life. So I hope you know that there are many more people like myself who are driving by while you are jogging who are cheering for you, yelling "You go girl!" inside our cars. Listen to those voices whenever you're feeling self-conscious while jogging.

    <3 Cseaglass19
  • darlingyellow
    darlingyellow Posts: 22 Member
    The same thing happened once to me...But the comment was a LOUD "MOO!"...The B#$^h couldn't even use a word to insult me - that's pathetic. These people are pathetic.
    We're the winners in this situation- * TABLE FLIP!
  • jen076
    jen076 Posts: 45 Member
    I feel like a lot of people who have posted and think what they said was wrong. I, too, am easily hurt by words and I can only imagine how you felt when those girls said that to you. It is heartbreaking. It is sad that those girls tried to bring you down. You keep doing you. You are doing a great job so far and I know first hand what a struggle it is. If you are still looking for new friends, you can add me.
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    My mom loved that little rhyme ...

    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will NEVER hurt me."

    It sounds good but words can cut deeply.

    All this being said, I am extremely proud of you. GREAT job. In the end, you will be the winner. In fact, you're the winner now. Beauty that shines from within is far better than anything those skinny girls have going for them. (Which in my humble opinion isn't much.) :noway:

    Again ... GREAT, GREAT job!!! Keep on keepin' on! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • nikky31
    nikky31 Posts: 63 Member
    you did 4 miles! Forget them I know it is easier said then done but that is really what you have to do because there will always be haters in the world. While you are becoming healthier there will always be someone out there who wishes they were as strong to even attempt to do what you have been doing. They judge you on the outside but on the inside they don't you that you reached a huge physical accomplishment! They don't know that you are making life changes and how powerful words are. Those girls are serious a**holes for doing that but you know what? they will someday get it back in their face. My sister was always thinner then me and always teased me like until I cried hurling insults at me but now I am thinner then her and she is jealous of me..Lol sometimes life is cruel but being cruel to others really comes back to bite you on the butt.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    That girl must really feel small to have to ridicule you.

    Good for you on four miles, that's a fantastic accomplishment! Girl, nothing can take that away from you!
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    Congrats on the 4 miles - I think that is great.

    1 - The girls were idiots - there are always going to be idiots around, ignore them.
    2 - I bet at least one of them felt bad that night and it probably (hopefully) haunts her in the future to cause her to be nicer.
    3 - How empty does someone's life have to be so that they need to find their fun in insulting strangers?

    You keep doing what you are doing. You deserve to be proud of yourself.
  • annacolour
    Least you are beautiful on the inside too! Honestly people who are that unkind to people are shallow and secretly don't like themselves a whole lot. Well done 4 miles is a fantastic walk!! You need to stop thinking in fat or skinny and cute... You are just bigger than you want or need to be and are doing a fantastic job of changing! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • AegisAngel
    Congrats on the 4 miles, that is a major accomplishment! And yes, that has happened to me too, I have given them the finger to let them know how little it means to me.

    Those kind of people are just shallow a-holes that feel they need to be skinny to be appreciated and loved which is REALLY sad. Deep down inside they probably have more insecurities than you and I put together so they have to try and share that unhappiness with others. Think how much pressure they are under to look/act a certain way or else no one will pay attention to them. Their personalities suck so that's all they have going for them, bwahaha!

    For every a-hole there are more than a few people secretly cheering you on or admiring your resolve. Think about that. Get yourself an ipod or some other mp3 player, load it up with your favorite, motivational songs and just say "eff it" and get out there. Keep doing what you do, youre doing great! Good Luck!