"You're still fat"



  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    You know what they say - people always point out and criticize what they hate about THEMSELVES. Perhaps these skinny minnies are obsessed with their own weight, which is why they were rude to you. I'm sorry that happened - girls can be *****es! And I don't know why people feel so free to openly say things to overweight people - is it because it's not a "disease" and they feel like people have brought fatness upon themselves? I dunno. It's just not cool.

    Hang in there...there are a lot of us on this journey, together. And you know what?? I've got over 100 lbs to lose and there's NO WAY I could walk 4 miles!!! So you're definitely running circles around me!!! ;-D
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    "Illegitimi non- carborundum" :glasses:
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    You're still fat. But not as fat as you were yesterday. You are fatter than you will be tomorrow. All sounds like compliments to me. :)

    As for those 'cute girls'... someday soon they will get knocked up by some similarly stupid cute guy, have a baby and then get dumped because they are not so cute anymore. They will yo-yo diet for years trying to get back to when they 'used to be a hottie'. One day they will wake up, realize they are 45, fat and alone... with no prospects for the future because while they might lose weight, they have lived their lives as horrible people that no one wants to be around.

    You will see them again one day... they will be out exercising and you will be whatever weight you want to be at and see them and give them a look. To you, that look will mean "Keep rocking it sister... you can do it". But being the horrible person they are they will think you are thinking "look at that fattie run".

    Karma is a b*tch.

    Keep rocking it sister... you're not as fat as you were yesterday and tomorrow is yet to come.
  • lisacarrana
    lisacarrana Posts: 38 Member
    I bet there were more people looking and thinking wow she is really trying, good for her. I have to say a comment like that would hurt me, but we have to remember we are doing this for ourselves, we want to live a long healthy life.

    Best of luck with the running, four miles is super impressive.
  • What *kitten*!!!!!!!!!!!!! My wish is that they get fat and made fun of so they know what it feels like. Great job on staying determined. Keep up the good work!
  • Nar1965
    Nar1965 Posts: 17
    Here's what I hope:

    The girl who yelled that, and her friends, saw the reaction it had on you, even through the cackles and high fives. Maybe one of those girls in that car can't stop thinking about this. She lies in bed and can't stop thinking about how shocked you looked, and I bet she knows how it made you feel. And every time she thinks about it, she feels sick to her stomach. There's no tossing or turning that can shake that image out of her head, that image that she cause pain to a stranger who was doing nothing to her. She doesn't want to be that mean girl, but somehow she is. She's going to remember that, and she's going to make a change. She'll find a different group of girls, she'll be more aware of others feelings, and she'll pass that lesson forward to her kids one day.

    The others? I promise you they are being cruel to cover their own pain. They're probably party-ing, shopping, and sleeping around to avoid facing what their pain has done to them. It's turned them incredibly ugly on the inside.

    It feels terrible to be picked on -- but I imagine the feelings in your gut when you ARE the bully has to be so much worse. After all, you can do exactly what you did: feel your feelings, take positive action, and keep moving forward. You recognize that what they did was hurtful, and you can move on. They have much, much bigger changes to make before they can feel good about themselves.

    Congrats to you on four miles, you are awesome! I STILL struggle with four miles. You are getting stronger every day and you should feel incredibly proud. Rock on!!!
  • Hi,
    I just recently signed up here and what you wrote about still feeling fat and even people pointing that out to you, really made me sad. I can't believe people would actually be that rude to somebody who obviously tries to live more healthy and take care of himself!
    All I can say about that is please don't give up because of it. I lost 60lbs two years ago and during the first few months I exercised for "only" 15min a day. I was so proud of myself for doing that every single day, and when I told one of my friends (not a random stranger, but an actual friend!) she told me that 15min weren't enough and that I wasn't trying hard enough and how she was soo athletic and blah blah blah.
    I got so mad at her, and my diet almost failed because of her. But I didn't give up, I continued to work out every day and now I'm close to an hour! She hasn't said anything ever since. ;)
    Also, you don't know about those "skinny" girls. I know extremely thin people who only put garbage into their bodies and who are way too lazy to work out, but they unfortunately have an amazing metabolism, so they don't show it. However, they will realize that they should've taken care of themselves more when they're in their sixties!
    So just because they might have looked skinnier or appeared prettier or whatever, YOU were the one that was out there and moving, and YOU were being active. And by the way, noone, I repeat no one, looks attractive in mid-jog ;)
    Stay strong!
  • happylife2014
    happylife2014 Posts: 128 Member
    What yoovie said. Drop it.

    Fat is something that happens over time through inattention. It's hard to beat and you're doing it.

    Being a nasty little ***** is something that occurs by choice and poor breeding.

    Press on.

    This ^^^^^
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    you know what happens to " skinny cute" little girls like that? In their minds they " act " skinny and cute.... and men see this. They usually use them for sex and toss them to the side because they have such a nasty disposition. Then before they know it, this has happened so many times they are 30 yrs old and still never been married. Then they hit 40, still single and do nothing but sit on the couch eating donuts and potato chips....by that time THEY are the ones who are fat. Karma has a way working things out like that. I know it hurts but just know it will come back to haunt them.
  • UGH awful, so sorry why are people so stupid and mean? Sometimes you just need to share this with others who are on your side, take a bit of time to recover from the hurt and at the same time KEEP GOING.

    Totally awesome that you are losing weight!!! Great work and thanks for inspiring me, I still need to lose some weight too.

    Thanks for having the courage to share this. Hope that people will respond in a way that makes you feel better.
  • feebz36
    feebz36 Posts: 32 Member
    Urgh! I hate people like that. I know its not exactly the same, but I am nearly blind so need to wear my glasses all the time. I am a very good swimmer, but when I go to a busy pool the only way to avoid everyone is to swim with my glasses on. This stupid guy was there with his family, and he actually leaned across the lane to say in a loud voice to the lady sharing the lane with me " what sort of an idiot wears glasses in a swimming pool" I was so angry and tired, I had done 60 lengths to his 3... he was just a horrible little barnacle stuck to the pool wall!!! when I got back down from my length I Stood up quickly so as not to loose swim time and in a loud voice said "Excuse me! The answer to your question is the person who is blind not deaf!!!" his wife and child looked confused, and as I continued to swim away he attempted an excuse for being so rude. What a horrible little man... and those girls are just horrible little girls. Who are they to pass judgement?! Grr it makes me so cross!
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Welp. You ARE still fat. So am I. Sooo...let's both keep going until we're not. Deal? :smile:

    Good luck buddy. We'll show those Mo$#@$%^ers yet! :wink:
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    Wow, just wow. Hard to believe people can be so horrible...

    I didn't read all the responses, but I'm sure they all say the same thing...Don't let those cruel girls get you down. THEY are the ones with a problem, not you! You are out there striving to improve yourself and that is all that matters! Keep up the GREAT WORK!

    I have lost over 90 lbs, most of my exercise being walking, and I'm over 40. So I KNOW it can be done. In addition to walking I do switch up the exercise, to keep things interesting and tone my whole body. But walking is AWESOME!

    Congrats on starting a new lifestyle! Keep up the great work! I'm sending a F/R. :D
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member

    PS It doesn't matter if you are over weight or not, people might and most probably will say insulting comments and unsolicited advice because it is usually a reflection of their short comings.

    ETA: Also some people just suck!

    I knew someone would bust this out. And I still love it. That's exactly what I think whenever I see someone over weight running and walking long distances. I struggle at my normal weight I can’t even imagine how hard that is to carry another 100 lbs. I just want to give all of you high 5’s and let you know that you inspire me to keep pushing myself because you have to push yourself so much harder.

    ETA: I suck at writing sentances.
  • JulieGirl58
    JulieGirl58 Posts: 158 Member
    Those small minded people aren't worth your consideration. I feel sorry for them that they are so pathetic and shallow and ugly. There is no beauty on the outside that can hide ugly on the inside. You, my dear, are the beautiful one. Keep up your good work. Be proud, I'm sure proud of you.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Well they're still *****es.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Here's what I hope:

    The girl who yelled that, and her friends, saw the reaction it had on you, even through the cackles and high fives. Maybe one of those girls in that car can't stop thinking about this. She lies in bed and can't stop thinking about how shocked you looked, and I bet she knows how it made you feel. And every time she thinks about it, she feels sick to her stomach. There's no tossing or turning that can shake that image out of her head, that image that she cause pain to a stranger who was doing nothing to her. She doesn't want to be that mean girl, but somehow she is. She's going to remember that, and she's going to make a change. She'll find a different group of girls, she'll be more aware of others feelings, and she'll pass that lesson forward to her kids one day.

    The others? I promise you they are being cruel to cover their own pain. They're probably party-ing, shopping, and sleeping around to avoid facing what their pain has done to them. It's turned them incredibly ugly on the inside.

    It feels terrible to be picked on -- but I imagine the feelings in your gut when you ARE the bully has to be so much worse. After all, you can do exactly what you did: feel your feelings, take positive action, and keep moving forward. You recognize that what they did was hurtful, and you can move on. They have much, much bigger changes to make before they can feel good about themselves.

    Congrats to you on four miles, you are awesome! I STILL struggle with four miles. You are getting stronger every day and you should feel incredibly proud. Rock on!!!

    I like this post a lot.

    I also think that for SOME of the thin, rude, insensitive women/girls, thin is all they have going for them.

    No great job, no education, no loving partner or family, maybe not even good skin, a nice speaking voice, or a pretty face. Just a tiny size in jeans. They have learned it's their one power, their one attribute...and by gosh they are gonna try to ride that wave as far as they can.

    That's a lot more pathetic than being fat.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    You are doing AWESOME, so don't worry about what some asshat immature girls said or did. At least you are not as blunt and rude as Me... while power walking across a major intersection mind you I had the green light and some *kitten* wanted to make a right turn on red and yelled "Fatass" I yelled back "want to see what a fat *kitten* looks like" and mooned him.
  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    Well, OP, looks like your story struck a chord with a lot of us! Thank you for sharing. I haven't read all the comments yet but I second them all! (Even the mooner :D)
  • mrsduke2924
    mrsduke2924 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm so sorry you got hurt by shallow, rude people.
    They'll still be stupid tomorrow - whereas you'll be one step closer to your goals
    you can do this! :flowerforyou: