"You're still fat"



  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    I have to share something that I have kept secret for a few days.
    For the first time last friday, I actually got to the 4 mile mark during my walk. This was a huge, huge, huge accomplishment for me. All of my MFP friends know that I am about 100 pounds over- weight, but I have been working very hard and I am dedicated to being a better me. I am down 15 pounds and will probably hit 16 this week. With that said, I was at the end of my walk last Friday and I turned around to head back home. I came to a stop light. While at the stop light, I didn’t want my heart rate to drop, so I did a slow jog. I am not the most graceful person and I know that I am a sight to see when trying to run. But I was doing my best and I was proud of myself. While I was waiting at the light, a car full of cute “skinny” girls pulled up to the stop light. They rolled the windows down and made an effort to make sure I knew they were laughing at me. When the light turned green and they began to drive off, the person closest to me yelled, “You’re still fat”. I immediately stopped in my tracks and slumped over in sadness. How could people that I don’t even know steal my joy? How could people that I don’t even know be so cruel? Why did they even care? Why make the effort to go out of their way to be hurtful? I just don’t understand. This incident didn’t deter me. I am still just as focused on my goals as ever. But I can’t deny that it had an effect on me. When I got home and looked in the mirror, I said to myself, “you ARE still fat”. Sometimes the truth hurts. I obviously have a weight problem. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing this. But it is amazing how words either positive or negative can change your outlook. I don’t know what my point is here. I just want everyone to know that when you say “good job” or “you can do it”, it means more to me than you will ever know. Words are powerful. I won’t drop a bunch of cliché’s and antidotes in this situation because you probably have heard them all. I wasn’t even going to mention this to my MFP community, but I decided that getting it out would allow me to move on. I found a great quote. See below and be nice to each other. =0)

    “Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.” ~Shirley MacLaine

    Jealousy. They just want to take your happiness and leave you with nothing.

    No one can steal your happiness unless you let them.
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    I have to share something that I have kept secret for a few days.
    For the first time last friday, I actually got to the 4 mile mark during my walk. This was a huge, huge, huge accomplishment for me. All of my MFP friends know that I am about 100 pounds over- weight, but I have been working very hard and I am dedicated to being a better me. I am down 15 pounds and will probably hit 16 this week. With that said, I was at the end of my walk last Friday and I turned around to head back home. I came to a stop light. While at the stop light, I didn’t want my heart rate to drop, so I did a slow jog. I am not the most graceful person and I know that I am a sight to see when trying to run. But I was doing my best and I was proud of myself. While I was waiting at the light, a car full of cute “skinny” girls pulled up to the stop light. They rolled the windows down and made an effort to make sure I knew they were laughing at me. When the light turned green and they began to drive off, the person closest to me yelled, “You’re still fat”. I immediately stopped in my tracks and slumped over in sadness. How could people that I don’t even know steal my joy? How could people that I don’t even know be so cruel? Why did they even care? Why make the effort to go out of their way to be hurtful? I just don’t understand. This incident didn’t deter me. I am still just as focused on my goals as ever. But I can’t deny that it had an effect on me. When I got home and looked in the mirror, I said to myself, “you ARE still fat”. Sometimes the truth hurts. I obviously have a weight problem. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing this. But it is amazing how words either positive or negative can change your outlook. I don’t know what my point is here. I just want everyone to know that when you say “good job” or “you can do it”, it means more to me than you will ever know. Words are powerful. I won’t drop a bunch of cliché’s and antidotes in this situation because you probably have heard them all. I wasn’t even going to mention this to my MFP community, but I decided that getting it out would allow me to move on. I found a great quote. See below and be nice to each other. =0)

    “Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.” ~Shirley MacLaine

    Where the hell do you live? I would have walked up to the car and pulled the driver out and kicked her ****en teeth out. See that **** doesn't happen in NJ. That's what people would do to you.

    Haha yeah that isn't too smart to do to someone here in Detroit either.

    You never know. People are ****en psychos. I got chased down by some chicks once over a cab.
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    I completely understand how you feel.. I have had this happen to me more then once.. and it sucks.. for a long time I only ran or walked at night.. then I invested in a good pair of headphones to drown it all out. ;) You are making an effort, you are doing great. I would hear the comments and then after a while I learned to say to myself, "Im out here, doing it, not sitting around at home, so who cares"

    keep it up.. ;) you are worth it ;) you are doing great.. keep it up
  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    The only person you need to be listening too is yourself so keep up with positive self talk and you will continue to see successes! Great job!!!

    Exactly this. Screw them. Don't give them any power over you. They are insignificant in your life and their stupidity can not take anything away from your amazing accomplishments.
  • Elliesque
    Elliesque Posts: 156 Member
    Honestly, I am so proud of you- and I don't even know you! Any time I see anyone jogging/walking/moving while I am driving by, I think in my head "YOU GO GIRL (or boy)!!"- and I get even more happy when I see people who have some weight to lose working it. Ignore those silly little girls and keep up the good work. You are better than them!

    I have encountered more people who will give me a thumbs up, a wave, a smile, etc when they see me walking/hiking. And I do the same when I see someone (fat or thin) doing something to better themselves and their health. It's horrible that there are people being mean/cruel to someone who is actually up off their butt and doing something!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I am at a healthy weight and people still yell rude comments out car windows at me. It happened yesterday, in fact.

    This world is full of disgusting excuses for human beings, and it's also filled with supportive, wonderful people. Try your best to tune out the former and focus in on the latter. And congratulations on reaching your four mile goal!! :flowerforyou:
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    Shame on them. How cruel and awful of them to steal your excitement and sense of accomplishment. I don't even know you, but I'm very proud of you!

    I struggled with being underweight in my youth. Kids were cruel to me then, especially the boys. It was something I grew out of (obviously as I'm working on losing a few more pounds and building muscle), but it hurt terribly then. It never feels good to be made fun of for your weight, especially when you're working on changing it.

    Even though it probably still stings, you're doing great not focusing on it too much. You may still be "fat," but you're working on it. Their cruel behavior will define them forever, but your weight doesn't have to define you.

    Much love and keep up the hard work!

  • I am so sorry that happened to you!!! Those girls probably have so many issues that they don't want/can't deal that only knocking someone else down makes them feel better.

    They say everything happens for a reason, and not saying that what happened was right by any means........but it brought me to tears to see how much love and support you really have from everyone on here. Those girls don't mean nothing, some of the people on here (me included) don't personally know you, but we care about you and are so excited to see that you are doing such a great job. The next time someone says something like that - which unfortunately they will, remember you have a community of friends that love and support you :) And I bet those mean girls don't have anyone but each other - and how sucky is it to only have cruel friends....they are the sad ones!

    Keep up your great work.
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    Goal I would rather hang out with you than those skinny twits in the car any day, keep up the good work and realize those chicks are going to turn 40 and be very very very lonely one day (unless they change their ways), while the rest of us happy people enjoy our loved ones and good times.
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    I probably would have yelled back, "and you're still a b*tch!" or something stupider like, "and you're still a barbie doll."

    People like that... ugh. They probably can't even do a two mile walk and use their car to drive two blocks. They probably said it as they were driving off because they knew you could kick their *kitten* if they said it at the red light. But don't let them bring you down. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones. No one can make you feel inferior without your permission~
  • katrinajMiles
    katrinajMiles Posts: 71 Member
    One thing I have learnt from loosing weight is there are so many people out there that have such little self esteem that they need to feel better than someone to make themselves feel good.

    A quote that I always think of is "Girls compete with one and other, Woman empower one and other."

    Keep pushing on because at the end of the day you're getting out there and improving yourself to become the best you can be. When you reach that goal and your fit and fab they will still be as insecure and ugly on the inside.
  • Those girls were probably anorexic anyway, at least your healthy. :) It only matters what you say. :) Forget them. :) Your working hard! Only you need to know that, soon enough they won't remember you, and want you to hang out with them. :)
  • Don't give the morons the satisfaction. Keep striving for your goals and use this as a fire in your belly to motivate you.
  • sibotm
    sibotm Posts: 1 Member
    Keep going! You are the only one that matters.
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Ahhhh.... to be young and stupid. Use the ugly negative comments, put-downs etc as motivation. Put your game face on - the only person you have to answer to is yourself. Keep in mind... "how do you eat an elephant - one bite at a time. Same deal with weightloss - one bite at a time, one step at a time - slow and steady healthy choices! You are SO MUCH :flowerforyou: much more than your physical appearance.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Unfortunately there are soo many negative and mean people in this world..tooo many!!
    Lets stay focused and support each other!!
    You were soooo BRAVE to share this story with us, and im sure there are many other SILENT people who have been hurt by negative ppl also!!

    Keep your head up!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Some of them may have been fat. It's hard to see their whole bodies in the car window hole. This wasn't so much about your size vs. theirs but more of a crime of opportunity. When I was a girl we used to yell out the window past guys putting gas in their cars wearing tight jeans..."tight butts, drive me nuts". We were a bunch of nerdy academic decathlon girls who liked rhymes and other word games taking the "short bus" to competitions. LOL. Silly, I know. When girls get together like that and get a little freedom they'll say anything to anyone. Unfortunately, they chose you and they chose to be negative. If it had been five minutes earlier it might have been a racial slur to a boy, or a wrinkle joke to an old lady. Their comment speaks VOLUMES about them, and way hay hay less about you. Now, how you interpret it will say a lot about you. Please interpret it as mouth diarrhea from a bunch of teeny bopper's who are full of chet. You are not "still fat", you are lighter than you were last week and lighter than the week before that, and more knowledgeable, and on a roll, and in the starting stages of realizing one of your dreams. That's who you are. Not that other thing wait, what were we talking about? Forget about it. Forget it.

    (the proper reply to this is..."forget what?")
  • You my dear, are lovely. I see EXACTLY who you are and your beauty transcends! You will get to your goal and as much as I hate to be cruel...people like that tend to live to eat their own words...pun intended! Keep your chin up..you have given me a lot to think about and for that I thank you xo
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member

    This almost brought a tear to my eye. :')

    I am 1.5% softer than you...I did get a tear..in each eye. LOVE this! (the original post, not my tears)
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't take comments like that so lightly myself, but you know what your doing something about it and that's what matters!!!!