Why is this even remotely controversial?



  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

    Nope..looks pretty accurate to me.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I would like to know the shape she was in before her pregnancy, how much she gained with her last pregnancy and what routine she's doing. Some people gain a lot during pregnancy, despite being active while others do not. I was in the healthy range before my son and came out obese after I had him. I was prohibited from exercising a few months before and for a few months after. I'm now trying to get on track and want to be in that shape. Would love to know her routine, rather than just a picture (it may be available though, not sure).

    Anyway, I don't see why it's controversial, I just wish there was more information to help the motivation be utilized :P

    This is why I dont advocate the use of this 'motivation' business.

    The answer is always the same.

    Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything. - Napoleon Hill

    Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. - Helen Keller

    You want it enough - ENOUGH - to try everything and painstakingly break down all of the muck into what does and does NOT work for you and then - instead of stopping there to tell everyone what works for you all the time and insist that it works for everyone, instead - apply yourself with commitment and integrity and personal responsibility and self-control like a mother******!!! And you stick to it. And you level up. and then you keep doing so and you keep exploring and you keep pushing and you never say - eh... its just not in the cards for me.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I never met any obese people who have excuses. we dont need to explain ourselves to any of you. We don't owe you anything.

    My sarcasmometer didn't go off on this one...

    ...which means either you're serious...

    ...or I need to have this usually remarkably accurate piece of expensive machinery recalibrated.

    Which is it?

    She is exceptionally serious. I bumped into her earlier this week. Im still trying to explain the interaction to my brain - she doesnt get it yet.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    In for the ride...

    And personally, I think she looks fantastic! I wish I had her dedication!
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

    The question then becomes, WHO exactly was she targeting? The obese? The slightly overweight? The person with 5 pounds to lose? Should someone who is only a few pounds overweight be subjected to scrutiny?

    Additionally, if "fit mom" is going to put herself in the public eye with a statement (photo) like that, she should have skin thick enough to endure the court of public opinion, which tends to execute anyone with even the slightest hint of self righteousness, regardless of intent.

    It almost seems like a well executed publicity stunt.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

    Nope..looks pretty accurate to me.

    Cool cool, I like to be caught up before I jump in and start frowning at people and their excuses/judgments.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I never met any obese people who have excuses. we dont need to explain ourselves to any of you. We don't owe you anything.

    My sarcasmometer didn't go off on this one...

    ...which means either you're serious...

    ...or I need to have this usually remarkably accurate piece of expensive machinery recalibrated.

    Which is it?

    Mine didn't go off either. Perhaps solar flares?

    I hope. It's frustrating as I have a very high, consistent 99.44% accuracy rate with mine. If that starts slipping too, I'll soon have nothing left going for me.
  • kattjohnsonmfp
    kattjohnsonmfp Posts: 21 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

    Nope..looks pretty accurate to me.

    I can sum it up even more succinctly:

    Woman does impressive thing

    People are jerks


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

    The question then becomes, WHO exactly was she targeting? The obese? The slightly overweight? The person with 5 pounds to lose? Should someone who is only a few pounds overweight be subjected to scrutiny?

    Additionally, if "fit mom" is going to put herself in the public eye with a statement (photo) like that, she should have skin thick enough to endure the court of public opinion, which tends to execute anyone with even the slightest hint of self righteousness, regardless of intent.

    It almost seems like a well executed publicity stunt.

    she was targeting the people that follow her facebook page

    ETA - also - her skin is thick and she isnt complaining about the whiners or probably even giving a frak.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I just turned on the radio and this is being discussed.

    People are saying she is neglectful to her children. Lawl.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I think it's completely possible (and again not that hard) in only 8 months.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I never met any obese people who have excuses. we dont need to explain ourselves to any of you. We don't owe you anything.

    My sarcasmometer didn't go off on this one...

    ...which means either you're serious...

    ...or I need to have this usually remarkably accurate piece of expensive machinery recalibrated.

    Which is it?

    She is exceptionally serious. I bumped into her earlier this week. Im still trying to explain the interaction to my brain - she doesnt get it yet.

    So that means that she has truly never met an obese person with excuses??? I have.

    Full disclosure: I've also met plenty of not-obese people with excuses too, so I don't want it to seem like I'm singling anyone out unfairly...but to say with a straight face that she (or anyone, really) has *never* met any obese people who have excuses is mind-boggling. It defies all...uh, all things that shouldn't be defied.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

    The question then becomes, WHO exactly was she targeting? The obese? The slightly overweight? The person with 5 pounds to lose? Should someone who is only a few pounds overweight be subjected to scrutiny?

    Additionally, if "fit mom" is going to put herself in the public eye with a statement (photo) like that, she should have skin thick enough to endure the court of public opinion, which tends to execute anyone with even the slightest hint of self righteousness, regardless of intent.

    It almost seems like a well executed publicity stunt.

    Fit mom seems to be enduring the court of public opinion just fine, considering her replies to this controversy have been on par with "Haters gonna hate, whiners gonna whine." I would go so far as to say she's probably laughing even harder than I am at all the offended mommies.

    Who cares who she was targeting. I'm slightly overweight (BMI of 25.2, which may be less than five pounds actually.) and I feel she was speaking to me and I'm thrilled. I love seeing other women overcome and be the most fit and badass that they can be; it keeps me on track and hungry to be there myself.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I never met any obese people who have excuses. we dont need to explain ourselves to any of you. We don't owe you anything.

    My sarcasmometer didn't go off on this one...

    ...which means either you're serious...

    ...or I need to have this usually remarkably accurate piece of expensive machinery recalibrated.

    Which is it?

    She is exceptionally serious. I bumped into her earlier this week. Im still trying to explain the interaction to my brain - she doesnt get it yet.

    Yoovie why would you subject your brain to that kind of interaction in the first place. I for one feel sorry for your grey matter!
  • nmpoli
    nmpoli Posts: 17 Member
    This is not controversial at all. People are going way to deep on this. I wouldn't even apply this solely to mothers, women, or even fitness.

    Put simply: If you are alive, (hopefully) you have goals. What's holding you back from those goals?

    Why does everyone get their little feelings hurt all of the damn time? Someone achieving their goals does not diminish you. It should inspire you.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I never met any obese people who have excuses. we dont need to explain ourselves to any of you. We don't owe you anything.

    My sarcasmometer didn't go off on this one...

    ...which means either you're serious...

    ...or I need to have this usually remarkably accurate piece of expensive machinery recalibrated.

    Which is it?

    She is exceptionally serious. I bumped into her earlier this week. Im still trying to explain the interaction to my brain - she doesnt get it yet.

    So that means that she has truly never met an obese person with excuses??? I have.

    Full disclosure: I've also met plenty of not-obese people with excuses too, so I don't want it to seem like I'm singling anyone out unfairly...but to say with a straight face that she (or anyone, really) has *never* met any obese people who have excuses is mind-boggling. It defies all...uh, all things that shouldn't be defied.

    she says obese people are only obese for actual reasons.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So, to sum it all up

    Fit mom is fit, doesn't use children, work, or disabled husband as excuse.

    Other mommies/fatties (Yeah, I said fatties) get mad and pull out a whole lot of reasons to discredit said fit mom

    She must not have gained any real weight while preggo. She must have nannies/help. She must be neglecting her kids. She must be lying about he amount of work she puts in. She's victimizing women. She's trying to tell me I have to look like her! Well after I had MY baby I couldn't have thisthatandthethird.

    And it all boils down to even in a thread where someone is saying "Don't make excuses, just do!" people are still making excuses.

    Did I miss anything?

    The question then becomes, WHO exactly was she targeting? The obese? The slightly overweight? The person with 5 pounds to lose? Should someone who is only a few pounds overweight be subjected to scrutiny?

    Additionally, if "fit mom" is going to put herself in the public eye with a statement (photo) like that, she should have skin thick enough to endure the court of public opinion, which tends to execute anyone with even the slightest hint of self righteousness, regardless of intent.

    It almost seems like a well executed publicity stunt.

    I am willing and glad to be a target for this.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I never met any obese people who have excuses. we dont need to explain ourselves to any of you. We don't owe you anything.

    My sarcasmometer didn't go off on this one...

    ...which means either you're serious...

    ...or I need to have this usually remarkably accurate piece of expensive machinery recalibrated.

    Which is it?

    She is exceptionally serious. I bumped into her earlier this week. Im still trying to explain the interaction to my brain - she doesnt get it yet.

    Yoovie why would you subject your brain to that kind of interaction in the first place. I for one feel sorry for your grey matter!

    she sneak attacked me! She totally threw me to mob as someone who has no right to talk about being overweight cause Im not anymore.