what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • THANK YOU!!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK IANMAENG123. I'M HERE FOR YOU!! :smile: :happy: :happy: :happy:
    I'm gonna stop cutting myself!!!
  • I've gotten called everything in the book. When you're 1 female out of 50 males at your job rumors get spread and the name calling begins. However most recently, I was asked if I was pregnant by a fellow co-worker. My response was "Nope, just fat. Thanks!" Needless to say he's been nice to me ever since :laugh:
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    One time I was referred to as "The Defendant". That kinda sucked...

    Don't worry all charges were dropped and I was back to making the evil the next day.

    that's awesome :laugh:
  • fitpam90x
    fitpam90x Posts: 197 Member
    Some of the worst things would probably be fatso and piggy back in middle school. Kids can be so cruel. Don't even know what was said behind my back, but wouldn't be surprised if it was even worse.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    My grandfather was a drunk -- I tolerated a lot as a kid from him as a kid (because I was fat and bossy) but the time he called me a c*nt has never left me. He's dead now.

    As a freshman in HS, the fitness test results for all the girls in gym class were posted in the boys' locker room for their review (because the gym teacher was a real winner...) and the boys started calling me 211. Because I never lookd at the scale and tried to bury my head in the sand about my weight, I never understood why and tried to brush it off. One day it hit me like a ton of bricks exactly what 211 was and why they were calling me that. It was one of the most terrible moments of my life.

    Once in grammar schhol my little boyfriend (I think we were 12 or so) tried to put his arms around me and then said, "I knew she was wrong! I can touch!" I was horrified, but I knew immediately that he was talking about his sister - my best friend - and that she had told him he probably couldn't get his arms around me because I was too fat.
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    I was called ni**er by a class mate when I was in 2nd grade. The rest of the school year was so terrible, because I was 1 of maybe 3 black children in the whole school (I was new) and the girl that called me the name was popular (as popular as you can be for a 2nd grader I guess). After that incident and a school year of being called names, I had very high anxiety and always felt sick to my stomach when I had to go to school. When my mom took me to the doctor, he diagnosed me with a "nervous stomach" ...it was the 70's after all and I have no idea what the term would be called today. I was so nervous and sick all the time that I was held back in 2nd grade.

    Who get's held back in 2nd grade?? Yep...this girl right here!

    My father was in the military so we moved around a lot when I was a child. When I started middle school it was in a new state and I knew no one. I had buck teeth, and I had a rash on my arms, legs and the back of my neck. It was so bad that I had a bald spot back there. Well, that went over well at my new school. Let's just say that the names that I was called were brutal and nothing that ANYONE of any age should be called. I had girls that always wanted to beat me up, and I would either have my big sister come to school everyday to walk me home, or one of my parents would pick me up. Along with that, one time when I got off the elevator at school, there were a group of boys standing there waiting and when the doors opened they all threw a handful of rocks at me. Everyone in the hallway laughed. Good times...yep. Good times.

    During this wonderful period of my life, my father retired so I spent the rest of my schooling years with this same group of class mates. When I was in 9th grade, I was so depressed and my grades were so terrible that my mom and dad sent me to a parochial school for my 10th grade year. During that time, coincidentally, I got braces and we finally found a medication that controlled the rashes on my body. My 10th grade was pretty good... I didn't know anyone at the beginning of the year, and the people that I met were pretty nice to me for the most part. My grades improved and I was back on track. After that school year was over, since the private school was so expensive, my parents sent me back to my regular high school that I had attended 9th grade. I was now in 11th grade year, and I was met with stares, niceness and people were wanting to be my friend The same people that made my life hell just a couple years before. And the same guys that made fun of me a few years prior now were asking me out. It's amazing what a year, braces and a little skin medication can do for a girl. Needless to say, I told all of them to *kitten* off, made new friends and hung out with the friends that I made from the private school.

    I still live in the same area and have run into a few of my old tormentors from time to time, or have had a few of them reach out to me on facebook. I'm sure they don't understand why I won't pay them any mind or accept their friend request. I think that I have forgiven them all to a certain extent, but even 30 years later I can't even imagine saying anything beyond a pleasant "hi" in passing. I couldn't imagine having any of those people as friends, even though I assume they're probably very nice people now and would never treat anyone as terrible as they did when they were younger. I just can't do it.

    Probably a *kitten* load of typos, but I don't want to go back through and read it all...so just please just gloss over them. :drinker:
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Serial killer. No idea why either, I would never harm anyone, beyond that, I'm that ridiculous guy who carries bugs outside because I don't want to kill them. Oh well, not really even sure why the observation stuck so long, maybe it did strike a nerve somehow, but not going to fret over it.

    I did, however, carefully note where the person who called me this lives, and I keep detailed notes about his habits and where he goes, along with photographs I have taken of him surreptitiously over the last four years. Soon... soon...

    LOL, That was hilarious!
  • I could never understand why someone wold be so mean in certain ways. I was called a lot of names through high school and I was very solitary in my corner because I was embarassed of myself and I was always wanting to find ways to cover myself from being seen , my body being seen because I felt disgusting and I did not want to be made fun of or laughed at or even be called any name. I always had a fear of being made fun of because I felt very bad when that was happening. But again I was going back home and then indulging in sweets and staying at computer and trying to find something else to think about than what it happened that day . Music always helped me cope with that though but yes. With anyone that is going through that just find a time for yourself and get away from those people than try to find ways to feel better and evolve as a better person and healthier. Never eat because you are sad or angry because that is bad I know it.
  • That's awful NO ONE is a waste of time! Congrats on your weight loss I am a newbie here
  • MooAsh
    MooAsh Posts: 33
    My grandfather was a drunk -- I tolerated a lot as a kid from him as a kid (because I was fat and bossy) but the time he called me a c*nt has never left me. He's dead now.
    My grandfather was also a drunk, and abusive.
    I clearly remember one day we were all sitting down to dinner, having chicken nuggets. I reached for a couple more and he said "Do you REALLY think you need those?" I was probably seven or eight at the time. He's also dead now.
  • charycedm1
    charycedm1 Posts: 11 Member
    God made all of us perfect just the way we are. He doesn't mess up. We all have a purpose. We are all loved whether we know it or not.
    I know it's difficult to stay positive and not let the world hurt us, but if we keep our eyes on Jesus, all will be okay. We deserve to eat healthy and take care of ourselves so we can be the best we can be.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    My mom called me Miss Piggy when I was small, mostly referring to my messy room but not entirely and it really stuck with me. :(
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    This entire thread is proof that whoever said "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" was either never called a name or was a sociopath. :(

    This thread made me sad. Words have power. My mother was extremely verbally and emotionally abusive - and she comes from a mother who is the same way, and my grandmother's mother was some kind of evil from what I've heard. I have made it a conscious choice to NOT be like that.

    I think you're all lovely and brave for sharing.:flowerforyou:
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    When I was in middle school, a boy asked me how I could be such a slut when I was so ugly. I was kind of flabbergasted, because a. at the time I had never had sex and b. okay so maybe I wasn't the hottest kid ever but the guy who said that to me was DOG-UGLY.
  • butterflies02875
    butterflies02875 Posts: 12 Member
    I think the looks people would give me were just as bad as names. Chubby , fatty, oh what a pretty face you have.. :(
  • butterflies02875
    butterflies02875 Posts: 12 Member
    So sorry that just not right from a grand father
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    3 things that stick out

    1.: I ran up to my ex for a hug. He pushed me back, poked at my arms and said " Awww, your like a proper little fat person now!! " with a big smile on his face.

    2. Ex boyfriend, again. He was angry and VERY over emotional one night after a previous argument. He started spouting off the most awful things about me that I had never heard him say, or had any idea he thought.

    " Your fat, your ugly, your teeth are terrible, your awful in bed, Im not attracted to you, your lazy, youve wasted your life " honestly I could go on. It was a bombardment of insults that lasted nearly 5 minutes. He apologised and said he never meant it, he was just " upset " . Thats the day we split up, in my head. I tried for 2 years afterwards. But nah.
  • Cute.. but for a big girl