what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • bam bam bigelow, though I was no where the size of him. I have been called Sausage roll and many other names. But it is all good. Never bothered me to much.
  • When I was younger I was very skinny due to dieting and work outs, I was called anorexic and bulimic, even though I never had an eating disorder. I then put on some weight and those same people started calling me fat and talking about how big my belly is. I've learned to just try and ignore people and have just started working out and eating better for myself.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    I was mistaken for my mother once and called by her name......it was horrible!!

    ^^^This...my brother told me I looked like my mom. And my husband told me once that I was starting to look like her. My mom is short, fat & crazy in the head!! :explode:
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    My step-daughters mother told them to laugh at me because I had cancer. As you can see in my pic I have a scar from srugeries I had to have to remove it...after picking up my step-daughters one day she said "watch you neck, it makes you ugly"....
    It hurt at the time becasue I was still dealing with the meds and surgeries - after awhile I realize what a sorry person she is and took a lot of time explaining to my step-daughters that cancer is not funny, we read many books together and now they help each year in Relay for Life, donating their time and allowance to find a cure!

    What a fabulous turnaround you did with this!
  • My classmates would always call me "beached whale." In first grade or so, we read The BFG (or Big Friendly Giant) by Roald Dahl. The other kids in my class decided to change it to BFT, or Big Fat Tiffany. Some of them told me they were going to save their lunch money to send me to fat camp. By the time I was in fourth grade, I had been told to kill myself, leave school and never come back, and that I should live alone on an island so no one could see me. Needless to say, kids are cruel. I even told one kid's mom about what he was saying to me, she looked me up and down and said that he was OBVIOUSLY trying to do me a favor. My sister would also CONSTANTLY touch my stomach while saying "Oh great Buddah."
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    My grandpa has never liked taking me out in public because of my weight. One time he had no choice and we ate at a restaurant. I asked what was in the fruit salad and she named off a few melons including cantelope which I'm allergic to. I said, "Oh no thank you. I'm allergic to cantelope." He said, "Too bad you're not allergic to pizza." He made her face go red. I just glared at him.

    I don't really know what the worst thing I've been called because I don't get my feelings hurt easily but my grandpa was a good man when he was young. He married my grandma who had 6 kids at the time and even when they divorced he raised them. He is the only grandpa that we grandchildren know. My grandma even offered to give him a child and he said no because he was afraid he would treat the other children different than his biological child.

    So knowing how he feels about me and the words he says really stuck to me and made me kind of feel unloveable even though I know it's not true.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    A cripple.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    A cripple.

    And to me that is harsh.

    ((hugs)) :flowerforyou:
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    My parents were nothing but supportive of me growing up. Of course however I didn't have a weight problem at that time. My weight problem came after I got divorced and wanted to just eat my problems away. I honestly have never heard anyone call me names to my face, because well... back in the day I'd beat you down and take your ho ho and smother your face with it. It seemed like everyone was afraid of me, and never wanted to be on my bad side. Honestly... I hate that I potrayed that kind of person! I'm completely opposite of that now!!!

    I'm my own worst enemy... no one has to call me a name... I could think of plenty to call myself.

    For all of you that had to endure that growing up... I am so so sorry.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    A cripple.

    And to me that is harsh.

    ((hugs)) :flowerforyou:
    Well at least this cripple can still kick some *kitten*, hehe, and ty for the
    ((hugs)) :flowerforyou: :heart:
    We all can't choose what happens to us, but we sure can make the best of it
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Stupid, Spoiled, ***** & Self-Centered...all of which come out of my husband's mouth. It's quite sad really cause it has nothing to do with me being overweight or skinny. Guess Im just a ****ty person in his eyes. :cry:

    You need a different husband. You don't deserve that.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Fat b*tch has always been my favorite.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Pregnant, I've always been bigger around the belly area...and I've had an old manager of mine argue with me thinking I was really pregnant, and NO I have no kids....so I have always had mixed reactions just trying to find the right way to handle it, but no matter what it still burns inside me being asked that... I had a girl even purposely know I wasn't being pregnant and harrassed me about it and she was 2ce my weight, she wanted to fight though and I ended up kicking her *kitten* so that made me feel better lol
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    :( That is sad.

    I have been called many things, before I lost weight, my husband called me a fat lazy *kitten* once. In his defense we were fighting but yeah.

    Recently I was called fake because I naturally have big boobs, and the person said that everyone knows that when you lose weight you lose your boobs, I lost some but not all of them, so because I have natural curves, I'm fake.

    I use to hear "You have such a pretty face, it's a shame that you are so fat."

    Had a guy once tell me that if I was thinner he would totally date me but he isn't into fat chicks (That was in high school and I wasn't even at my biggest).

    I was told not too long ago that my mom (Who is 5'5 and weighs 125 lbs) looks great now, but me who is 5'1.5 and at the time was also 125 lbs, I looked sick and needed to go eat a hamburger.

    I could go on and on, the hate and mean things don't stop even after you lose the weight. I get more flack now at 118 lbs then I did at 250 lbs. Just today I was shopping and this girl kept staring at me and whispering to her friend and her friend kept turning around to look at me. I smiled and walked away, not worth my time.
    As I'm reading all these posts, I was thinking about this one comment by this one person which I still think about...wondering if I should post...and YOU had heard the same thing "You have a pretty face, it's a shame that you are fat" - mine was very similar... 'Wow, you are lucky you have a pretty face because you are so chubby..." Why oh Why do people say things like that? Couldn't she have stopped at 'you have a pretty face' or nothing at all (it's not like I asked her)...but I *do* feel proud of keeping MY mouth shut because I felt like saying to her (because it was true) " you are lucky you have a great body because your face is not pretty at all"...but I kept my pretty mouth shut! ha ha
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Pregnant, I've always been bigger around the belly area...and I've had an old manager of mine argue with me thinking I was really pregnant, and NO I have no kids....so I have always had mixed reactions just trying to find the right way to handle it, but no matter what it still burns inside me being asked that... I had a girl even purposely know I wasn't being pregnant and harrassed me about it and she was 2ce my weight, she wanted to fight though and I ended up kicking her *kitten* so that made me feel better lol

    Pregnant, yep...many many times...usually in a 'oh wow I didn't know you were pregnant' or 'congratulations' , 'when are you due' or in high school I had a teacher pull me aside once and asked me 'who did this?' - we were in a hallway with graffiti and I thought she was talking about the graffiti, not by belly!
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    A 9.
  • I would have a shorter list of names I haven't been called, to be honest.

    Instead of "Bella", people would call me "Belly".

    Then when I started middle school it was "fat wh*re"... character development? Haha.

    I take it in stride nowadays. It just shows me the people I shouldn't hang around without having to waste my time filtering them out myself.
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    I was called ni**er by a class mate when I was in 2nd grade. The rest of the school year was so terrible, because I was 1 of maybe 3 black children in the whole school (I was new) and the girl that called me the name was popular (as popular as you can be for a 2nd grader I guess). After that incident and a school year of being called names, I had very high anxiety and always felt sick to my stomach when I had to go to school. When my mom took me to the doctor, he diagnosed me with a "nervous stomach" ...it was the 70's after all and I have no idea what the term would be called today. I was so nervous and sick all the time that I was held back in 2nd grade.

    Who get's held back in 2nd grade?? Yep...this girl right here!

    My father was in the military so we moved around a lot when I was a child. When I started middle school it was in a new state and I knew no one. I had buck teeth, and I had a rash on my arms, legs and the back of my neck. It was so bad that I had a bald spot back there. Well, that went over well at my new school. Let's just say that the names that I was called were brutal and nothing that ANYONE of any age should be called. I had girls that always wanted to beat me up, and I would either have my big sister come to school everyday to walk me home, or one of my parents would pick me up. Along with that, one time when I got off the elevator at school, there were a group of boys standing there waiting and when the doors opened they all threw a handful of rocks at me. Everyone in the hallway laughed. Good times...yep. Good times.

    During this wonderful period of my life, my father retired so I spent the rest of my schooling years with this same group of class mates. When I was in 9th grade, I was so depressed and my grades were so terrible that my mom and dad sent me to a parochial school for my 10th grade year. During that time, coincidentally, I got braces and we finally found a medication that controlled the rashes on my body. My 10th grade was pretty good... I didn't know anyone at the beginning of the year, and the people that I met were pretty nice to me for the most part. My grades improved and I was back on track. After that school year was over, since the private school was so expensive, my parents sent me back to my regular high school that I had attended 9th grade. I was now in 11th grade year, and I was met with stares, niceness and people were wanting to be my friend The same people that made my life hell just a couple years before. And the same guys that made fun of me a few years prior now were asking me out. It's amazing what a year, braces and a little skin medication can do for a girl. Needless to say, I told all of them to *kitten* off, made new friends and hung out with the friends that I made from the private school.

    I still live in the same area and have run into a few of my old tormentors from time to time, or have had a few of them reach out to me on facebook. I'm sure they don't understand why I won't pay them any mind or accept their friend request. I think that I have forgiven them all to a certain extent, but even 30 years later I can't even imagine saying anything beyond a pleasant "hi" in passing. I couldn't imagine having any of those people as friends, even though I assume they're probably very nice people now and would never treat anyone as terrible as they did when they were younger. I just can't do it.

    Probably a *kitten* load of typos, but I don't want to go back through and read it all...so just please just gloss over them. :drinker:

    Wow what a story...and by the way, you are a very good writer...in a few paragraphs you summed up a lot of emotion, facts, and history (10 years...2nd grade to 12th grade...well, more now I guess)... you should try sending this story to a women's magazine or something...I'm serious...
  • Namitha - an Indian actress who is pretty but HUGE :( !