October 30 day shred challenge anyone?



  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Today is my last day of level 2! WHOO HOO! I can't wait to see what level 3 has in store for me.

    I can most definitely tell a difference in my clothing. I am not going to measure until I am finished and then I will post my results.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    Way to go girl!!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Level 1 Day 7 complete!!! Yay! I felt so good afterwards that I also did 25 minutes of yoga/pilates.

    Now I'm starving! What do you guys eat after you workout? Something high in protein, I assume...I just can't seem to find something high in protein but low in calories. Any suggestions?

    I heard ya! I eat a string cheese stick, cause I am always hungry after I work out and I keep those on hand for such occasions :)
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Today is my last day of level 2! WHOO HOO! I can't wait to see what level 3 has in store for me.

    I can most definitely tell a difference in my clothing. I am not going to measure until I am finished and then I will post my results.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    Way to go girl!!!

    Thank you!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 complete. My arms were a bit sore today and I did think about skipping the shred. But instead I decided to use my baby weights (1pound) which was much better. I have been using the 5 pound weights and finding it a bit much on level 2. I have started a new programme at the gym as well which is working my arm muscles more too. I was glad that I did it in the end but I am thinking of having a rest day when I am half way through, I just feel I need a break :smile:
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 complete. My arms were a bit sore today and I did think about skipping the shred. But instead I decided to use my baby weights (1pound) which was much better. I have been using the 5 pound weights and finding it a bit much on level 2. I have started a new programme at the gym as well which is working my arm muscles more too. I was glad that I did it in the end but I am thinking of having a rest day when I am half way through, I just feel I need a break :smile:

    Were you using 5 lb weights on the side lunges with anterior raises on level 1? Wow! I tried it one day and it KILLED me. I use 3 lb weights most of the time. The rows and chest presses I use 5 lbs but I can't handle them on any of the other strength exercises.
  • Haven't been posting, but i've been shredding. Did Day1Lv2 today! Ouch! lol.
  • amkingrn
    amkingrn Posts: 35 Member
    Had a super busy day! Got dd to pre-k, went to get ds his first pair of shoes, grocery shopping, had lunch with my sister (did very good...had subway!) and got home in time to work out. Did day 7 of level one complete...then did 30 minutes of yoga, got a shower and now its just 20 after 2...heading out to pick up dd from pre-k! YAY!!! What a productive day! I feel so alive!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Workout Day 15 done! Yesterday I went to my friends Boot Camp that she runs and WOW did she kick my butt! I had originally planned to complete her workout then come home to Shred Level 2 but I took a day off of the shred after dying during her boot camp. I still completed my 100 pushup/200 situp programs but it wasn't pretty.

    Today I completed day 5 of Level 2! Half way DONE!!!

    Bummed that I only lost .2 lbs this week though :( That's what I get for being so lax last weekend! Not again....I fluctuate WAY to much! Any suggestions for improving when out with friends. I'm going to my future sis-in-law's bachelorette party this weekend and of course I'll want to drink and partak in the potluck dinner we're having!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Completed Level 2 Day 6 this morning! I'm headed out of town right after work so I had to get up early! I don't know how people workout in the A.M....I felt like I was going to pass out!!!
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    i have not done any exercise since the beginning of the month :-(...which probably explains why i have not lost an ounce either.
  • olson_s
    olson_s Posts: 18 Member
    How is everyone doing on the 30 day shred? I start level 3 today! Is anyone going to do the Kettlebell workout next? Jillians workout w weights?
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Hey all, I started level 3, day 1 yesterday. I had to workout last evening due to a crazy schedule yesterday morning. Level 3 is a little more intense. I feel it today for sure! She steps it up and I had to modify and follow Anita, but I am ok with that! I will be doing day 2 this evening. Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    So I missed yesterday as I had a super busy day and I think because I had made the decision to have a break from the Shred for a day I thought it may as well be when I just had no time anyway.

    But i got back into it today and I felt so much better :smile: . Level 2 day 5 done.

    I did go out and buy some lighter weights though, I did level 1 with the 5 pound weights but that was just too much for level 2 for me. So I now have 2.2pound weights (in Australia our weights are in kilos so this was the closest to 3 pounds I could get) - much better :happy:

    kaffro, I cant believe you are on level 3 already - you are killing it, great job!!! I will be interested to see your results at the end :smile:
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    So I missed yesterday as I had a super busy day and I think because I had made the decision to have a break from the Shred for a day I thought it may as well be when I just had no time anyway.

    But i got back into it today and I felt so much better :smile: . Level 2 day 5 done.

    I did go out and buy some lighter weights though, I did level 1 with the 5 pound weights but that was just too much for level 2 for me. So I now have 2.2pound weights (in Australia our weights are in kilos so this was the closest to 3 pounds I could get) - much better :happy:

    kaffro, I cant believe you are on level 3 already - you are killing it, great job!!! I will be interested to see your results at the end :smile:

    I so wanted to skip last night...another busy day prevented me from working out in the AM. But, I started out on my elliptical and then did the shred. Level 3, day 2. Woo! My legs are feeling it today for some reason. Must be the samurai squat things, I was into those big time hahaha. I can't believe I am on level three either! It seems to be flying by for me. I can't wait to post results!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Level 3, day 3 done! I only have 7 days left! I can't believe it! WOOOOOO!
  • RissaE
    RissaE Posts: 26 Member
    Level 3, day 3 done! I only have 7 days left! I can't believe it! WOOOOOO!

    Kaffro you're an inspiration.... !! I think all you're accomplishing is truly amazing! I went on a bit of a hiatus and need to come back :-) I need to muster up your kind of commitment and motivation!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I've been kind of hit and miss with my routine this week. I did a fast this past weekend so wanted to take it easy on the working out so as not to use up my energy stores. It was just a 24 hour fast and it made a nice impact on the scale. Then my roommate was in a car accident on Tuesday night and that's left me a little shaken up, but he's okay and was only in the hospital for a few hours so not too big of a deal. It just gave me a little sense of mortality.

    Anywho, congratulations to all those who have been participating. I know I've noticed some changes in my waist, my legs, and chest. I measured on Sunday because I measure every 4 weeks, but I'll be measuring again on the 31st to see the contrast between my starting stats and the finishing ones. Need to hit these last 9 days hard! Here we go!!!!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Level 3, day 3 done! I only have 7 days left! I can't believe it! WOOOOOO!

    Kaffro you're an inspiration.... !! I think all you're accomplishing is truly amazing! I went on a bit of a hiatus and need to come back :-) I need to muster up your kind of commitment and motivation!!

    Thank you for that :) I appreciate it very much! Come back and shred girlfriend!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    I've been kind of hit and miss with my routine this week. I did a fast this past weekend so wanted to take it easy on the working out so as not to use up my energy stores. It was just a 24 hour fast and it made a nice impact on the scale. Then my roommate was in a car accident on Tuesday night and that's left me a little shaken up, but he's okay and was only in the hospital for a few hours so not too big of a deal. It just gave me a little sense of mortality.

    Anywho, congratulations to all those who have been participating. I know I've noticed some changes in my waist, my legs, and chest. I measured on Sunday because I measure every 4 weeks, but I'll be measuring again on the 31st to see the contrast between my starting stats and the finishing ones. Need to hit these last 9 days hard! Here we go!!!!

    Glad to hear your roomie is ok! And glad to see you're back :)
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Level 3, day 4 done! I killed it tonight! Holy Sweet Mother of Pearl! 6 more days and I can measure to see how I did! Woo!

    Keep up the great work everyone!
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