30 Pounds By Christmas? 10wks. Start 10/18 JOIN!



  • Hey Everyone,

    I found a great website with a questionnaire about your lifestyle and whether your carb tolerant or intolerant, I found it quite interesting to see my own results and thought I'd pass it along :)

  • Just started back exercising today..Walked two miles, then i ran out of gas so i walkes two more miles!!:noway:

    Oh well guess i needed a kick in the butt lol:laugh: Drink 2 liters of water!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • Hi - sort of new here. Joined awhile ago and didn't keep. I would like to join the challenge although my goal is small and that is 10 lbs by Christmas. I have just started tracking again and back to the gym. Please add me as a friend. Oh, my weight as of this past Monday was 166.2. Not sure how I add people as friends.
  • Did my forty-five continuous minutes! Just got back from a 50 minute walk. Have had about five glasses of water today, so halfway there! Haven't completely finished my exercising for today, but I'm pretty sure I'll only be under calories-wise by a little bit. Didn't get a chance to go out to buy a snack, but we did try a healthy new pasta recipe. Except it was 500 cals- yipes! Tasty, though.

    Hope everyone did well! Good luck to those still workin' on it!
  • I completed the challenges for both Mon and Tues. Drowning with 10 glasses of water. I did it though. 45 min of excerise both days. No new snack today, but yesterday I tried non fat greek yougart for the first time--alright so I was a day ahead on the challenge.... very yummy. The consistancy is much thicker than traditional non fat yougart.
    Looking forward to the challenge tommorrow. good luck to everyone!
  • I had a wonderful day! Today is day 3 for me, and it is getting easier...yay! I walked the dog for 30 minutes tonight, which is great for me because I never exercise. I stayed within my calorie intake for the day and still have 190 from my walk. Of course I'm not going to eat them though. Hope everyone else is having a great day so far. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I can happily tick both challenges off tonight. I did 35 mins on the elliptical @ the gym today followed by 30 mins on the rowing machine. To wrap it all up I cleaned my garage out and restacked my storage shed along with a little cleaning. That was a pretty decent calorie burn. I'm gonna have an excess of about 600 calories from all that exercise that I'm not planning on eating (unless I make myself sick!)... Drank a gallon of H2O and feeling pretty good!! Hope everyone else's day was great too!
  • Shar39
    Shar39 Posts: 5
    Since starting this new 30 lbs by Xmas I surpassed the 10 glasses of water. I worked out 40 minutes and im counting 5 mins of cleaning and other chores around the house. New snack is still a ?
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    Im definitely in. I would love to loose 30 lbs by Christmas. Lets do it :happy:
  • ok, i said i would report back with my weigh in.

    as of today-176
    xmas- 146

    146.... i remember a time when that number used to scare me, now i'm looking forward to it!

  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Today's update:

    I got 9 cups of water in, stayed under my calories, and did 45 minutes of exercise, but not all continuous. I didn't have much time to go looking for a new snack, but when I was at the store getting gas, I went inside and grabbed a Nature Valley Strawberry Yogurt Granola Bar. It was pretty good!

    Yesterday I met all of the challenges too.

    Thanks for all the encouragement!

  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    Tues: 10/19 challenge:
    10 glasses water: All I drank today was water an a cup of orange juice so I think that's covered.
    45 minutes MOVEMENT: Just got back from my 90 minute yoga class
    under calories: Yup, I will be with all the cals I earned today.
    1 new healthy snack: I bought some Weight Watchers giant chocolate cookies and cream ice cream bars from the store that will be my evening snack.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading everyone's success stories for the day! Thanks for keeping me posted! When I read them it motivates me to do well and makes me smile. It feels good that I started something that is helping not only myself but others as well.

    I love seeing all of your smiles and cannot wait to hear about weigh ins on monday!! Woot woo!! We are gonna ROCk the scales. With all the people who have joined, I cannot imagine how much weight we will all lose together. If everyone sticks it out I'm sure it will be over 1,000 pounds!

    Can you imagine?? 1,000 pounds? Whew.... thats like a baby Elephant! Wow!

    Ok...remember to dance your socks off tomorrow!! Turn the living room into a sock hop! Put on some oldies music! Make your friends and family join in! Act silly. It will be fun! GO CRAZY!! Dance with the dog if you have to!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Checking in..

    Drink 10 cups of water: I drank 12!! :bigsmile:
    45 minute movement- Yep..I did like 4 times that :laugh:
    New snack: Sadly no. I didn't have money to get one (not until tomorrow) and don't have one laying around. I did have an apple, so it's something!
  • I would like to join but not sure how this whole thing works.

    Todays weight 184
    goal by christmas 150:cry::embarassed:
  • jenreth
    jenreth Posts: 14 Member
    A bit late, but better than never, right?

    CW: 81.8kg/180pounds

    If I lose 30 pounds/15kg by Christmas I'll be at my goal!

    Edited: I didn't catch this post on Monday but I think I still met the challenges. Does herbal tea count towards glasses of water? Can't drink water straight unless I have active thirst, but get through more than 8 glasses if it's flavoured in some way! I cycle for an hour each day, Monday I did a 45 min boot camp and Tuesday did an hour of swimming laps too. Trying to cut out all the unhealthy snacks that eat away at my calorie allowance today. Discipline!!
  • I would LOVE to join this!

    I'm bad about checking in on the website, I usually do everything from my phone. So this would help alot. And I would love some of the motivation!

    I'm still super new to the site, and have a hard time navigating through all of this, SO HELP ME! Lol

    Starting Weight: 169

    Goal By Christmas: 139 (omg I cant remember the last time I saw that on the scale lol)

    Looking foward to this ;]
  • hey guys, so update on today. my day 2. i finished up the 45 minutes of exercise. did 30 minutes of taibo and kickboxing. then 15 mintutes of a dance routine (i didn't even know that was the challenge for tomorrow! haha!) feeling great. i'm under my calorie limit today. i had a little trouble with the ten glasses of water thing 'cause i have no time to do that at school but i ended up finishing up my ten glasses at home. so now i'm feeling good. i didn't have a healthy snack around. maybe the sweet potato counts? haha, other than that. i feel so awesome after completing the challenges. they've really motivated me and they made me feel so good after finishing. hope everyone had a nice day! see you tomorrow! :)
  • I'm in. I haven't weighed yet bc I'm scared. I'll weigh on Monday. I'm 5'8". Do you think I can lose 30 by Xmas??
  • kcalfo
    kcalfo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I could use all the support that I can get. I'm glad I'm only one day behind. Please count me in.

    S.W. 234 Goal weight by Christmas 204
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