Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Kah…so sorry to hear about your grandmother. :flowerforyou: It’s so hard to lose someone you love. Hold those memories close to your heart and she will never truly leave you.

    Holly…your weekend was so darn productive..and pretty much all of them pretty great calorie burners! :happy:

    Laurie…great idea about the school pictures to keep as a reminder and motivator. I’ve lost 27 pounds and some inches, but I still can’t see it in my face (even when I look at pictures). :huh: I keep thinking about the paper towel roll analogy…eventually right?! : :heart:

    Meister…that is some bad news, but at least you know it and can do something about it. When I was pregnant with my son (I was 28), my blood pressure went up to borderline. We figured it would go back down when I wasn’t pregnant, but it never did – just stuck at borderline. Then when I was 35, my doctor said, enough is enough, you are going on blood pressure medicine. I sat and cried right there. When he asked why I was crying I told him that I know that once you start blood pressure medicine, you’re always on it. After talking pros and cons, he said I’ll give you 6 months…if it’s not down, you are going on it. Six months later, I had fixed it through diet and exercise. He was proud of me, but not more than I was proud of myself. I did it and you can do it too…we are all here to support you.

    Kaye…I think maintaining on a trip is fantastic. Now you are home again and you can get back in your groove.

    Susan…great job on the squats!! Planks…man I hate them and I’m horrible at them.

    Destiny…everyone has to start somewhere and you are right…it’s better than sitting on the couch all day. :blushing:

    AFM. Yesterday, my calories were spot on, but I didn’t get my water in. I still HATE Bismarck water, so I do spend 39 cents per gallon and buy spring water at my grocery store – I was out and didn’t make it to the store until 7:30 last night. (I’ve tried Brita, but don’t like the after taste of it.) But I have my bottle filled and ready to go today. :drinker: Emma had swimming lessons last night at 5:10 which gave me just enough time to get her dried off, dressed and to the daycare before the 6:00 Aqua Power class. It was a good burn, we did quite a bit of resistance band work in the deep end. Oy! :love:

    Today will be lifting with my sister and friend.

    Monday…Water Aerobics (DONE)

    I woke up this morning to my kitchen/dining room all clean. Love it when my husband is motivated when he gets off work in the wee hours of the morning!!! :love: So now I'm going to get motivated and get all my laundry put away today, my desk cleaned off, the living room vacuumed and garbage taken out. Tonight we have saxophone lessons and lifting weights. If I'm super motivated, I will try to clean my bathroom (I liked it better in my old place when I didn't share the bathroom with the kids and see their mess every day!! :laugh: )

    Have a great Tuesday!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
  • meisterkidd
    tlh0407: Thank you so much. It means a lot to me to know that everyone believes in me. I'm glad you were able to fix your blood pressure too. My dad has high blood pressure but he has a bad habit of procrastination so he hasn't really taken steps to fix it (although he is trying to quit smoking and I'm proud of him for that).

    Tuesday goals: Yesterday really lit a fire under me. I was a little bummed to hear my doctor tell me all of the things she had to say, but she's put me on meds to help me and made it abundantly clear that she believes fully in me, and I know with the support here and by my family, I can do this. It's really daunting looking at my ultimate goal though... so I'm going to start with short term goals.

    Goal one: No artificial sweeteners, no junk food, no sodas
    Goal two: exercise every day (even if it's just a little bit- anything to get me to move)
    Goal three: Take in as much water as possible.
    Goal four: Increase protein and fiber- decrease carbs
    Goal five: lose 2-3 pounds a week
    Goal six: keep accurate track of my measurements.

    And last but not least-

    Current objective: Lose 25 pounds by February. (Which reminds me I'm gonna go update my ticker now lol... I'm not gonna show the ultimate anymore. I'm just gonna do increments at a time :3 )
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thank you for all the kind words. I think the hardest thing is not being able to call her, we used to talk every day. It’s just going to take time.

    @Karen~Love the dress! Thanks for handling the rollover.

    @MeiserKidd~I’m sorry about the diagnosis. I have hypothyroidism and was so glad when I finally got that dx, after a year of symptoms – if you’ve been symptomatic you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel after being on meds for 2-3 weeks. Remember type II diabetes is completely reversible, so while you haven’t been dx yet you can make the appropriate changes to make sure you aren’t. Just follow your doctor’s guidelines for everything and you’ll do great. Having short-term goals is a great way to keep you motivated.

    AFM~Yesterday was a hard day so didn’t go to the gym, I was just too tired. I did go home and get one of the bathroom’s cleaned, though. I’m trying to get back into my usual routine this week, I don’t have time for the gym today but will definitely see my trainer tomorrow. I was reluctant to get on the scale, but did this morning – no gain, no loss. I’ll take it!

    ETA my goals this week:

    Monday~None, too tired. :yawn:
    Tuesday~Rest day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest day
    Friday~Gym or walk around neighborhood
    Saturday~Gym or outside, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Short term weight loss goal is 10# by November 20th, doctor's appt.

    Have a good day!
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    greetings and salutations.

    the scale is stagnant, that's ok, it's not up. i'm still getting rid of some fluid from the weekend. tomorrow i will weigh in. thursday is measurements.

    tuesday goals... 248 by december 2. its a huge goal but one that i want in the worst way!!!! i will do what i need to and if that means not licking the spoon, doing an extra 5 minutes of cardio, an extra set of reps, throwing away the reduced fat potato chips that i buy for my daughter, not eating the wintergreen mints, and drinking water and more water then i will do it. i will be under 250 by december.

    i've gotten away from 30 ds for the past 4 days, feeling a little under the weather. but that didn't / doesnt' stop me from the gym at night. 30ds is an added bonus i give to myself to speed my process. i can't get sick though so my goal is to incorporate it back in sometime this week.

    have a blessed day everyone, stay focused, think positive and finish strong!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Well first day of adding in carbs and counting calories was a success... although I did not particularly add in any carbs! probably about the same today until I go and do some shopping. Still plan on lunch salads instead of sandwiches but think I am going to add brown rice or quinoa back into my dinner. Workout B did kick my butt and it was great! I underestimated jack knife pushups that is for sure! By the 25th one I was toast! Doing a full body workout is so different from what I was doing with 5/3/1 focusing on individual muscle groups. I am enjoying it.. Trying to figure out the cardio I am doing tonight though

    mnwalkingquee-- Screw the HRM! It is hardly necessary to achieve your goals. Is it i a fun toy, does it give some useful information, can it help be a motivator?? Yes. BUT is surely is not needed. I have never used one, and always go with MFP estimates for calorie burns.. With still over 40lbs for me to go, I really do not need such a precision scalpel I need a hatchet!

    Robin-- glad you are feeling better, even if just a bit.

    Skinny-- glad you are doing better too!!! This place is an infirmary! (I am also digging the new pic)

    Lauriek70-- I prefer running this time of year through even December. The cold is so much better to run in then the hot of summer. the only draw back is frozen snot in my beard.. but I assume that is not an issue for you! LOL
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning everyone.
    Kah68 - So sorry to hear about your loss.

    Meisterkidd - Sorry to hear of your results and meeting with the doctor. I am in a similar boat. My doctor did a full blood panel on me for my annual physical. He was concerned about me possibly being diabetic considering there is a history of it in the family. Luckily everything came back normal. One count was slightly elevated (I can't remember which one) but he believes I can get it under control with diet and exercise. He wants me to drop some weight and go back to see him in December. He also asked me to just take measurements rather than weigh myself. He explained that a lot of his patients give up when they hit that plateau or do not see drastic losses. I know from past experience for me, I tend to see multiple results rather than just focus on the number. (Physically being able to do more, clothes fitting differently, number on the scale going down, measurements decreasing, having more energy) So, I will be doing measurements as well as weighing weekly.

    I agree with Meisterkidd's method of short term goals rather than focusing on the big picture all at once. Personally, trying to fix everything all at once is too overwhelming, not enjoyable for me and can lead to unnecessary frustration. For that reason, I am trying to ease myself back into MFP and gave my self simple but attainable goals.

    My goals are:
    1. Drink 3 - 4 glasses of water a day
    2. Watch my portion sizes
    3. Get in at least 3 days of physical activity
    4. Take all my measurements
    5. Take a starting picture then a progress picture once a month - Last time I was on here I didn't take pictures and I regret not documenting my journey
    6. Go shopping and buy some healthier foods

    I hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Holly~I don’t use a HRM when strength training, only cardio – like others have said they aren’t very accurate when strength training. So, you can definitely figure out your calories burned without one. Most of the time I only use it when running outside, mostly because I want to know my pace. MFP is fairly accurate for calories expended, the website Karen recommended is great too.

    @Gorilla~As a kid I remember my dad getting those same "icicles" when we went skiing. :wink: For me, I would rather run outside when it’s hot – if its too cold, my lungs hurt.

    @nettie~your doc seems to be on the same wavelength as mine. A lot of them don't concentrate on BMI or scale weight anymore, mine is more concerned with the hip-to-waist ratio - he thinks its more indicative of a person's health. My trainer is the same way, he's concerned with body fat percentage rather than the weight on the scale. Great short-term goals, as well.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Bump! Be back later.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - thanks for taking care of the roll-over. I really appreciate it. :heart:

    Susan - congrats on completing your squat challenge. I hope you continue to do squats - only cut the number back to something like 40 say, and also do your plank challenge. So proud of you!

    StormyDestiny - welcome! Walking a mile and a half is great - just keep it up at least 3 times a week, and gradually increase the distance.

    pixy - I hope you get to feeling better and your motivation comes back with your health. Good luck on the Halloween costumes.

    Kooky - congrats on the smaller sized jeans -

    tlh - have a great day lifting weights

    meister - so glad you're turning your doctor visit around and into a positive - you've made a lot of great goals there (although I for one could not live without artificial sweetener) and that fire burning within you should help you move right along!. Keep your protein up so you don't get hungry and that will help you keep overall calories down.

    Kah - my thoughts continue to be with you.

    sjacobs - what a pro-active post - you go, girl! You're gonna do it!

    Gorilla - glad to hear you're about to concentrate on losing those extra pounds - now get to it!

    Nettie - good, realistic list of short term goals. I'm glad to hear your going to take pictures this time. I have done so and they are incredibly rewarding - not so at first, but at about the 50 lb mark, things really start to show. That's why measurements are so vital too.

    Had a chat with my Doc's nurse. She says it sounds like I have the flu - will be calling me back with the doctor's recommendations later.
  • Gzuschick
    Gzuschick Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all. I am new here but I'm hopping on in, hope that's ok. Monday-I felt great. Was proud to be within calories and got my exercise in.
    Tuesday goal- work out 6days a week and not give up on ME.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen love the dress and you look wonderful.

    Meisterkidd- You are in control and you can lose the weight. Small steps and take it one step at a time.

    I will check back later tonight after I go out for the evening. I am feeling so good and a new outfit looks great so I want to show off for a little while. Time to be social.
  • oldfashchic
    oldfashchic Posts: 34 Member
    Hello everyone! I am starting my weightloss journey tomorrow. After a week of trial and error I think I got things figured out

    Monday- Weekend was a real struggle after doing real good all week I messed up the weekend.
    Tuesday- I want to lose weight so I can get pregnant! :D I have thyroid issues and not taking my medication is not helping me
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    According to my fitbit, I burned 3928 cals yesterday (Without exercising) Work must've kicked my *kitten*. :)
  • starrycarina
    Hello everyone! I am starting my weightloss journey tomorrow. After a week of trial and error I think I got things figured out

    Monday- Weekend was a real struggle after doing real good all week I messed up the weekend.
    Tuesday- I want to lose weight so I can get pregnant! :D I have thyroid issues and not taking my medication is not helping me

    Good luck with starting your journey!

    I'm in the same boat! I have PCOS and a bad thyroid (though I religiously take my Levothyroixine!) and hoping once I get all of the weight off, my infertility won't be so bad and hoping we can TTC again so I totally understand you! Feel free to add me! Would love to be a support to you!
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Bumping the new thread :) Tuesday goals -- short term goal is...1 week ON PLAN. Some type of movement every day. Next Tuesday is my 6 month check up at the doctor and I want her to be proud of me! This means getting this fluff (water weight) off and being the best ME I can be this week :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies. Glad to see you making yourself at home and stating your goals. Now don't forget to come back tomorrow!
    I see that many of you have health problems. So many of us do, or did at our highest weight. So you are among very sympathetic friends. Start with very small steps and don't be afraid of failures. The path is littered with them. Real strength is getting back up and continuing on your way despite them.

    YAY! THanks for joining us! :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the compliments on my dress and new profile pic. :blushing:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well our grades are due next Monday, so my main goal is to catch up with that. My student teacher finally started grading the Junior essays, then he asked me today if I was going to do half of them. :huh: Um, that would be a big, fat no. I've helped him so much b/c of all of the grading he has to do for my department chair's classes (we share him), but I've reached the point where if he can't manage it all, he's going to have to talk to her about helping him with the grading for her writing classes. I think he was a bit surprised when I said "no, I have 50 AP papers to grade." I don't mind continuing to help him with some of the smaller day to day stuff, but he is doing all 50 of those Junior essays.

    I got to the gym for the first time since last Wed. :noway: Managed to get in some lifting along with intervals on the treadmill. Need to go shower before trying to finish those AP analysis activities.

    Grading goals:
    1. 27/73 AP essays
    2. 6/16 AP analysis activities
    3. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 80
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello friends. Today has been a pretty good day. I am going to come in under calories barely unlike yesterday. I got a decent little burn raking half the yard but I ran out of room in the yard waste container so the rest will have to wait for the next nice day. My main goal for the week is to make sur I get at least 30 min of some form of cardio everyday and come up with a plan for some at home resistance training that I can start no later then next week. Any suggestions will be helpful and appreciated.

    Welcome to all the new faces I saw on here.
    Kah I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Remember She will always be there with you.
    Skinny the dress looks very pretty and I bet you looked smokin hot wearing it:bigsmile:
    Darnit I had a couple other pesonals planned but walked away for a minute and my sometimers kicked in and I cant remember:laugh:

    So on that note have a great night everyone and cya tomorrow:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: