Has anyone met there goal weight eating 1200 calories??



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    im on a 1200 cal diet, im always under by 200 or less.. but i am losing without any exercise.

    im aiming to lose the weight first then exercise to keep it off and eat healthy but have whatever i want in calories.

    i dont know if it will work but i cant do anything untill ive lost the weight first .

    opinions welcomed.
    you're doing it wrong. It won't last.

    how do you suggest i do it then? i cant exercise until i lose the weight and have back surgery so i can get mobile again :/
    read the rest of this thread our create your own. 1000 calories and you're losing? No kidding. Or search one of the other 500 thread per day about low calorie diets and why the original posters have failed time and time again.. and come back to do it all over again.
  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    im on a 1200 cal diet, im always under by 200 or less.. but i am losing without any exercise.

    im aiming to lose the weight first then exercise to keep it off and eat healthy but have whatever i want in calories.

    i dont know if it will work but i cant do anything untill ive lost the weight first .

    opinions welcomed.
    you're doing it wrong. It won't last.

    how do you suggest i do it then? i cant exercise until i lose the weight and have back surgery so i can get mobile again :/
    read the rest of this thread our create your own. 1000 calories and you're losing? No kidding. Or search one of the other 500 thread per day about low calorie diets and why the original posters have failed time and time again.. and come back to do it all over again.

    ok thanks :) this place is a maze id be here all day and night if i read every post.. ill take a look :)
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    If i eat 1200 a day im lucky to lose 1-2 pound a week i stay under 1000 and i lose an amount i am happy with not at goal yet but im getting close :) i think it also depends on your height your weight your metab rate x

    Just saying, at least by your picture... you ~shouldn't~ be losing more than 1-2lbs a week under any circumstance. The closer you get to your goal weight the less you will lose safely. Generally speaking it's only safe to lose 2-3lbs a week when you're >75lbs over weight... then 1-2 down to 20-30 lbs overweight... then 0.25-1lb till you're down to goal weight.
    This poster appears to have been logging for about a week and is drinking most of her calories in booze. Not sure she's terribly concerned about safe weight loss.

    As another poster said at least she is honest. That's half the battle.

    It also tells me that if she chooses to indulge then she needs to find a middle ground where she can do so without guilt or without forgoing nutrition. I think most of us would at least agree that eating at 1200 requires reasonable nutritional knowledge and a willingness to sacrifice. But if she chooses to drink so be it. She can still cover all the bases and have success without running on the treadmill for ten hours on a Monday just because she thinks she screwed up on a weekend.

    I remember the first week I did my diary..big eye opener but I knew it would be - cringed as I put it in but I knew I had to for the sake of being honest with myself. So kudos to OP for squaring up.

    She may sit at 1200/whatever during the week to allow for a bigger weekend or she could set herself a daily level with same deficit per day with both options giving her a decent deficit over course of week.
    Did you read back to the poster I'd commented on and her diary (who was not the OP, by the way)? There are a lot of possibilities that simply weren't there. The day I'd referred to in particular she'd eaten less than 100 calories of actual food in a day and over a thousand in alcohol. There were others where it was a major component of what got down to 800 calories at times. I don't believe she logged any exercise.

    So you're raising a lot of "possibles" with no basis.

    Based on what we do know, she also can't be satisfied with a 1-2 pound weight loss and is drastically underconsuming on calories. These are not behaviors I'm going to encourage in a thread where someone is looking for validation of a 1200 cal diet.

    Apologies, I thought it was OP you were referring to. Wasn't attacking what you'd said. However, same could be applies to that poster to. In otherwords..increase cal to allow for moderate consumption of alcohol (which is a task in itself so yes abstinence is better for sake of adherence sometimes) if that's their indulgence. Agree if that's taking up the better part of their calorie allowance then it's not behavior to encourage. I see it quite often actually and it's unfortunate.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    im down from 250 to 202 right now eating 1200 calories (since february), my bf % went from 24% to 15% so far, with lifting and doing cardio

    wow... 24 to 15% on 1200 calories?

    yup, i'm trying to get to like 7%, and i see no reason why i won't get there continuing this way. I also lift for like 2 hours a day and do atleast an hour of cardio, and i certainly don't re-eat those calories that i burn.

    good luck with your damaged metabolic goals in 2014 bro....
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    All of you guys are freaking amazing. I'm on 1,750 and totally not losing like I should. I've lost inches but I keep gaining my weight back. 1200 huh? I don't even know what I could eat with that little wiggle room.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I have never eaten less than 1500 unless I'm really sick, and I'm losing.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    All of you guys are freaking amazing. I'm on 1,750 and totally not losing like I should. I've lost inches but I keep gaining my weight back. 1200 huh? I don't even know what I could eat with that little wiggle room.

    Then try a number between 1750 and 1200. 1750 is obviously too many calories for you to lose weight.
  • candimae143
    I have been eating 1200 most days, with one "cheat" meal a week (parties, dinner out, etc). I didn't really work out at first, so it took 6 months to lose about 20 pounds. When I started working out I lost the next 7 pounds pretty quickly.
  • ajcmoran2005
    ajcmoran2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I lost almost 75 pounds and got back to my pre-pregnancy weight eating only 1200 calories a day but once I hit my goal weight and I starting eating just a few hundred more calories a day I gained 20 pounds. I've lost 15 pounds using the TDEE -20% method so I eat between 1650-1700 calories a day. Eating 1200 calories everyday just to maintain sounds miserable. There is no way I could do it.
  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member


    Great GIF.

    ^^^^ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mrshobie
    How you spend or eat your calories are what is really most important. I have found I can eat anywhere from 1200 - 1500 cal a day and lose weight as long as I am getting my protein. I burn an average of 800-1100 calories per work out (5 x's a week) so I really try to make sure I get plenty of lean protein.. watch the fruit calories since many of them convert to sugar...

    when I skip the protein and comsume too much fruit... the wt loss stops or stalls...

    I am 47 BTW. so no spring chicken.. have to work 3x a hard for each lb... but I love pushing my body to new limits again... love it when I am running circles around the young'ns at the gym....
  • iwantwow
    iwantwow Posts: 152 Member
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Hi zombie thread flame baiter <3
  • smash_runs
    smash_runs Posts: 12 Member
    Yep, I ate 1200 calories for 10 months and lost 30kg (66 pounds). Only one or two cheat meals in the period but otherwise extrememly strict. Slowly built calories over a few months up to maintenance losing another 8kg (17lb) in the process and no magical fairy starvation mode rubbish nor any metabolic damage.

    I continue to eat at maintenance and sometimes over to make up the amount of exercise I now do, and I havent put back on a thing all year, my profile says all I've done and what im up to.
  • Alice_104
    I'm eating 1200 calories a day but I still haven't reached my goal yet. I've left all sort fast food and dairy products. I'm eating healthy. Exercise every day and a dose of Roca Labs formula 4-5 days a week. I'm 50 lbs down in 2 .5 months. I hope it works. :) I still have 75 lbs to lose.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    It may also depend on when you eat too! I'm on 1200 cals a day but I eat 4 meals. It is really just my regular meals spread out (specifically lunch). My PT said it would be better for my metabolism especially when working out. I often found myself craving everything on the planet around 4-5pm. I wouldn't eat dinner when I got home since my workout routine started at 6. So what she got me do is carb load prior to working out (I just eat a PB sandwich) which is enough to get me through the workout. Then when I'm done I eat plain tuna and baby spinach w/carrots, or a protein shake (for example).

    The big difference between eating 4 meals versus 3 meals is that I got fuller quicker (I also drink a lot of water), I am still losing weight, I have enough energy for the whole day, and my body doesn't go into "starvation mode".
  • davidzalec
    Eatting below 1000 kcal is probably a result of metabolic damage. I would suggest you to increase 50 kcal per week slowly and try to fix the metabolism. If you dont lose weight at calorie intake that low something is wrong with your body.

    To much stress + too low calorie intake can lead in bad hormone balance and that leads to not lose any weight.

    I can't imagine how could any1 live with that small amount of food..

    SUGGESTION: Start highering your calorie intake 50-100 kcal per week till you hit 1400-1800 kcal then start lowering in the same way.

    Sleep 8hours a day
    Drink enough water.
    Avoid stress.

    Sample my girlfriend:

    175cm; 65kg
    Loosing weight at 1700kcal

    190g carbohydrates
    110g protein
    50g fats

    She feels great and she is still losing, when losing weight stops she will lower 10g-20g carbs to continue.

    Good luck everyone.
  • poorlittlefish
    poorlittlefish Posts: 38 Member
    I know this is an old thread but I really don't get the craziness. I am a 5'8 172lb female and MFP told me to lose 1.5lbs per week I need 1290 cals. Why do people get so worked up if that is what the dang website says to do? Again, I know this is old but I have seen like 5 of these post jus browsing the boards today.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    1290 PLUS exercise. The problem is people who don't also eat more for exercise, they are creating an unhealthily large deficit.
  • Flattummy2014
    I started my 1200 diet yesterday and I recently became a vegan i'm trying to lose 17 pounds by june but fitness pal said i can lose it by march soo we will see lol. ! wish me luck