

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning all,

    Hope you are improved this am, Barbie..............and, as always, thanks for starting the thread for November.

    The candy has gone to work with dh. This is soon the end to my little excursion off plan. I've picked a day (Sunday) to begin again. I have not logged food for well over a week and I know I'm up. Coward that I am, I don't want to even get near the scale. I have a big volunteer event Sat. to get through which has had a myriad of set backs and complications including a date change nine days prior, loss of 3 key volunteers due to said date change, and expected bad weather. Just let me get through this; in addition to making the pies, I'm picking up the homemade cinnamon rolls for transport...........eeeekkkk!!!

    Sylvia.....our dhs sounds a bit alike; mine reads books on chess and math with a little sci fi thrown in and does ham radio (mind you, I've never heard him speak on it, just listen!!!).......usually I just tell him to order some new ham radio gadget or buy him clothes----he may not want them but he does need them.

    OK, I'm off to scrub down the side of the house, then make pies. Onward.

    Happy Nov.

    ps. Guess my goal is to get back on plan and start logging food again, so frustrating, I could kick myself, but that sure wouldn't help.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Thankfully Bumpity Bump:flowerforyou:
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I bought some black jeans in size 6 yesterday. No I don't fit into them but they are my aspirational jeans. I'll try them on every week until they fit.

    My goals for November:

    * Drink 500 ml of water before breakfast every morning
    * Work out 4x/week
    * Strength work 2x/week
    * Make a serious dent in cleaning up my home office.

    I'm Canadian so we had Thanksgiving in October. Still the same traditions. Church. Turkey. Stuffing. Pumpkin Pie. Family. I still have decorative leaves and gourds on my dining room table. You American pals are fortunate to have this wonderful holiday still to look forward to!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DD had a meltdown because we planned to give an old family relic to her cousin. Now I have to contact the cousin and back out of the deal. I’m embarrassed about it and totally surprised about DD’s reaction to this whole thing. I’m planning to be frank about the reasons for my turn around. I do not look forward to this at all. :ohwell: Advice welcome.

    Jeannie in OK: You may have hit a plateau. It happens to everyone, and I’ve spent a year here with a whole bunch of them. They eventually went away and I reached my goal. The common link to breaking the plateaus was to drink more water. Just keep doing what you are doing and the scale will eventually show your hard work. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water in addition to whatever else you drink. It seems to me that only water is water. Tea and other beverages don't count. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Jane: Good luck with the sore hip. I hope it quits hurting soon.:flowerforyou:

    Susanrechter: Congratulations on standing strong against he Halloween candy AND on the fabulous NSV. :bigsmile: I slipped a little yesterday in the candy department but stayed under my calorie allotment. :blushing: Smaller clothes have been a real motivator for me, too.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Being thankful in November is a wonderful goal. :flowerforyou:

    Christschild: I’m glad you were supported by your faith during tough times. Your attitude is amazing.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I’m sorry your hips are hurting. I hope the pain goes away quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Tazgirl: I’ve always shied away from setting a pounds lost number as a goal because it isn’t under my control. Plateaus happen all the time, even when you’re doing the right things. :ohwell: The pounds come off in their own sweet time. :smile:

    Heather: I’m glad you have a special meal to look forward to in February. Planning treats in life is such a good way to keep your spirits up.:flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: Last Thanksgiving I took my food scale and dishers along to measure portions. It worked for me and my family tolerated it, though they probably thought I was nuts. :laugh: It looks like we’ll be on our own for Thanksgiving this year so the tools of portion control will be at hand.:wink:

    Sylvia: Your DH sounds like a tough guy to treat. You’ll have to let us know what you settle on as a gift. I’m a hard one, too. This year my DS & DDIL took me to Seattle tourist spots and out to lunch. It was the best birthday ever, and could only have been improved if DH had been along. He was home with the plague that I caught from DGD. We went up for another visit in August and took him to some of the same places.:bigsmile:

    DeeDee: Laughter is important and I tend to forget that. You are a wise woman.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, Happy November!

    The medusa in the pic here is my niece, she really goes all out for Halloween! Scary!

    Thanks Barbie, for keeping the thread going. Hope you're feeling better today! :flowerforyou: You'll no doubt be sore for a bit. Dogs are awfully strong... mine pull so hard sometimes! I should hook them up to a sled. Sending well wishes!

    Oh, and I was going to mention about your comment regarding staying healthy the way our ancestors did ... I chuckled but it's true. Sometimes I feel like an ancestor! :laugh: I have my share of aches and pains, oh the toil of the soil. :ohwell: Now that garden season is slowing down I'll have time to get back to strength training and regular cardio exercises.

    I had oral surgery on Weds, the area is achy this morning. I got some Vicadin but it makes me feel funny so I'll take a couple ibuprofen. I'm not sure why I bothered roasting pumpkin seeds as I can't eat them :huh: but I'm roasting the pumpkin this morning too, so I'll have some of that for lunch. Soft foods only. I got creative yesterday and bought sugar free Jell-O chocolate pudding. And tapioca the day before. Tasted good, but I sure miss my walnuts. :frown:

    Happy Friday one and all.

    :smile: jb in foggy, cloudy Portland
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Happy November All;
    Thank You Barb for starting us off again..I pray you will feel much better soon :flowerforyou: ... Last night the little TOT's were out and about..I do not have to worry about eating the candy..the boys get a treat bag and in our apartment building they give treats down in the lobby..so we give them the treats to give away..we go over to my DD and take our GS's treat bag over to them..so then we don't have any candy left to worry about eating...Christmas is the hard candy time here cause I buy for stockings :noway:
    It is raining kitties and puppies here today and suppose to continue on for tomorrow..I have got some books to get finished..they are hard to read..not getting that *great book* feeling :huh: ..hopefully I can find a better author next time..anyone read paranormal books..I am not talking the blood and gore types..I am talking about romantic paranormal..or...funny.. yet good story line...I have read so many it is getting hard to find that *next great book*..any suggestions are welcome .
    I haven't done very much..went out yesterday and had my hair cut off short..feels so much better..run my fingers thru and done...go to have my flu short this month...my B12 shots are not doing their job in boosting my energy :grumble: I have to push myself to do the harder jobs..oh well it has to be done :huh:

    My November goals are about the same as last time..except accepting any weight loss..I am challenging myself to lose at least 5lbs..so......November Goals;
    .....drink more then 3 or 4 cups a day :drinker:
    ..... lose at least 5lbs :angry:
    .... get more walking done :noway:

    I wish you all success in your goals :flowerforyou:
    LizP from Halifax NS
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Bump for later. ????
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!Happy nov 1st
    Goal-drink more water
    do pt ex.
    eat clean
    exercise as much as I can without over doing it.
    Have a great day!!
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Bumping for later :bigsmile:

    Sending out love and positive support to all the beautiful ladies :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Molly from WV
    currently in Colorado
  • kerrylee54
    Hello - I'm new to this thread but look forward to getting to know you all. I am three weeks post abdominoplasty after losing 120 pounds, and am doing a "Whole 30" for the month of November hoping to get back on track with healthy eating and regain some of my lost strength.

    My goals for November:

    - Complete the Whole 30 plan successfully
    - Lose 5 pounds
    - Re-build strength by walking daily and when allowed begin strength training

    Kerry from Saskatchewan, Canada
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!!!!! It is glorious sunshine out there. I'm sure all those kiddos are anxious to get out and do their thing tonight since they weren't able to last night.

    My thing I am thankful for today. I am thankful for my sister. I know she can be a royal pain the the butt at times but she is my sister. And all the physical problems she has gone through helps her have insight into mine. Even though I don't always appreciate how often she shares that insight, sometimes you have to get your feelings hurt in order to grow a little bit. I know God has had to kick me in the butt at times to get my attention and my sister does the same. We loved our Mom so much and were her care givers here in town many times since my brothers lived out of town. Because of her vision to be a nurse, I followed in her footsteps to become one. Her vision didn't work for her but it started me on my journey. She has a lot of strength in ways that never can be measured even though she has many disabilities. I love you big sis

    I forgot to add yesterday that I did get my colonoscopy scheduled yesterday, Nov 14th.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Bumpity bump
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Sisterly advice!


    Andelane is starting to have some personality in her pictures. Olivia is such a good big sister.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, apparently my heart stress test did not go as well as I thought. They called to tell me that it showed part of my heart is not getting enough oxygen and blood flow. That could mean a new blockage or that my stent is closed up. I'm just beside myself. I have worked so hard and been so good. They want to do another heart cath next Tuesday. My husband thinks I should go up to Kansas City to KU Med Center. I just don't know what to do. Hubby and I will talk about it tonight and try to decide. I just want to cry a bucket of tears. I don't want to be 100 miles from home, but the quality of care may be better there. I did not enjoy that whole procedure the last time. They said if the first stent is closed up they don't remove it, they just stent over it. Not sure if that sounds right.

    Have any of you been through this? Any suggestions?

    Thanks for listening.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Welcome to November.

    My goal for November is to participate in 30 days of thankfulness in this thread. Right now I am thankful for MFP friends who support me unconditionally although my efforts lately have been less than wholehearted. My 9 month plateau was starting to have a gradual slope in the wrong direction, but you guys continue to cheer me on. Thank you!

    In preparation for Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas I am attempting the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I have attempted it in the past but never been 100 % compliant. Well, this time I am giving up coffee and diet soft drinks, at least for the 10 day "cleanse" phase. I am looking on this as a spiritual journey of fasting and devotion. I don't want to preach to you guys, or try to sell you Advocare, but it was amazing to me how my morning devotion and scriptures reaffirmed that I need to do this. This is my third day and I've been compliant so far. In the past I continued to drink coffee and Diet Dr. pepper when I tried it, so I'm wondering if that contributed to my falling off the wagon. I never coupled it with a spiritual journey before either, so we'll see how that works.

    Just putting this out there for accountability. Thanks for listening.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Praying for you Sylvia.:heart:
    Welcome Kerry:flowerforyou:
    Love the pic,Robin
    Joyce,good for you for scheduling your colonoscopy
    Hugs to the rest of you.:heart:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Goals for November:

    Minimum 3 days a week of exercise. Had slipped down to two and it shows.
    Stay at or below goal - currently below a bit.
    Break up with BF - for mental health ;-)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    oh oh woe is me~ ive been doing fairly well, and today just busted it...
    tomorrow is another day..
    they brought the left over candy to the office, and me, of course had 3 pieces, had a lean cuisine for lunch, and was starved by the time I got home, so had my cheeseburger on a flatbread, then proceeded to have 2 -s'mores, and the rest of the graham crackers in the stack pack.. im over on everything, but feeling better, so I am 1- not going to weight myself tomorrow, 2- get my butt to the gym and work it hard 3- come home and help with the lawn again,mowing and raking wet leaves..
    I have been craving a bagel with cream cheese, so tomorrow I will have it,will count it, it is a multigrain with cranberries and i got greek yogurt cream cheese, so I will have that and a cup of tea, and then go for dinner tomorrow night which will be pizza,
    Sunday will be the gym again and if I can walk for an hr or so..
    what goes in~ MUST come off!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, do they send you home the same day as the cardiac cath??? I wouldn't want to have a cardiac cath and then drive home 100 miles. Since stents were done to a large extent when I had to quit work so I don't have any advice on that. But I always hated it that we would send those people home the same day knowing they had a long drive. I totally agree with you about the family support that you would have close by but yet if it is another stent over previous stent you want good the best care. WOW, what a decision. Do you have a trusted family doctor that could guide you? I don't envy you and your hubby in making that decision. Good luck.

    Robin, what wonderful kids. Priceles!!!

    Joyce, Indiana