I don't see why some people find holidays so difficult.



    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I think it's harder on people who actually cook the meal, because then you have all those yummy leftovers hanging around the house for days, and it's hard not to indulge. If it's a calorie surplus for one day, no big deal, but if it's every day for several days...that's another story. Last Thanksgiving, we went to family's house, and there were like 10 different amazing desserts, on top of all the buttery, cheesy, gravy smothered entrees. I haven't been as strict with myself lately with the things I consider "junk foods," and I have just tried to make sure they're within my goal, and I think I might be able to control myself a little better this go around...I hope. Lol.
  • i think its all the cookies n sweets n eggnog n seasonal sugarcoffee starbucks drinks that we get anxious bout gaining 3pounds n w all that leftover halloween candy 2 haha
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    thank god. a 21 year old male with 10lb to lose has come to save us all....

    ^^^ This :smile:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    lol why do you care if other people worry. if they choose to worry about it that's their choice.
    some people struggle with eating issues and it can be very hard to have self control and very hard to limit intake.
    i have the opposite issue with the holidays and eating problems. i am terrified of eating in front of people, and i have a lot of fear foods or trigger foods. but i am going to try to work through it, and hopefully get accepted to a research program i am been screened at to try and get better, recover, and be able to have a healthy relationship with food instead of being terrified of eating.

    but you don't know what each person's situation is, and it really doesn't concern you.

    and great job at losing 0 pounds, you must be proud
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's all about what I'm doing 80-90% of the time that matters...not 10% of the time...but people seem to want to blame that 10% for most of their failings.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    thank god. a 21 year old male with 10lb to lose has come to save us all....

    OP is only 21 years old? I've got socks older than that. :bigsmile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    LOL at the people who think it matters that the OP's ticker say 0 Lbs lost or that he's 21...it doesn't make him wrong. The holidays are just one day of many days over the course of a lifetime. It seems people like to talk about "lifestyle" but truly don't understand that concept...

    Health, nutrition, and fitness are lifetime endeavors...you're really missing the boat if you're worried about a handful of days...they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

    Also, who knows...maybe the OP has lost 100 Lbs...you know, there is weightloss that happens outside of MFP. I've lost 40 Lbs all told but my ticker doesn't reflect that...I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    LOL at the people who think it matters that the OP's ticker say 0 Lbs lost or that he's 21...it doesn't make him wrong. The holidays are just one day of many days over the course of a lifetime. It seems people like to talk about "lifestyle" but truly don't understand that concept...

    Health, nutrition, and fitness are lifetime endeavors...you're really missing the boat if you're worried about a handful of days...they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

    Also, who knows...maybe the OP has lost 100 Lbs...you know, there is weightloss that happens outside of MFP. I've lost 40 Lbs all told but my ticker doesn't reflect that...I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Just folks way of trying to invalidate info that points to their own dysfunction instead of facing it. I especially like the bolded part of your post. Very true.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    This will be my second holiday season since making the switch to healthier eating, and I'm kind of iffy about worrying about my weight. Last year was zero Halloween and zero Thanksgiving, but the Cousins' Christmas Party was the first week of December and I got to spend Christmas through New Year's staying with a friend in Idaho.

    The CCP was a massive food event, but it was mostly about my husband's family. He got to take two weeks' leave from overseas, so we also got plenty of exercise while on vacation :happy: .

    The Idaho trip was a mix of huge family dinners and skipping meals due to a disinclination to rummage through other people's fridges. Also, my friend's parents both have lap-bands but still eat like crap, so the more casual meals involved me attempting to find something healthy on the table. I loved those guys to death, but I definitely gorged on any salad I could find. I think I managed to lose two pounds while I was there, even with airport food.

    This year, my husband is definitely not getting leave (he's home now, but they're understaffed), and I'm working retail. The store will open Thanksgiving morning and close Sunday night. EVERYBODY will be working, and we're planning on constant rotating shifts. I've been informed that the company will be providing dinner, but I'm pretty sure that's so the people who can't go home won't starve. Ditto for Christmas, minus the marathon.

    So basically, I doubt I'll be eating the best or getting much real exercise until January, but it will be less about family pressure and more about surviving.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    LOL at the people who think it matters that the OP's ticker say 0 Lbs lost or that he's 21...it doesn't make him wrong. The holidays are just one day of many days over the course of a lifetime. It seems people like to talk about "lifestyle" but truly don't understand that concept...

    Health, nutrition, and fitness are lifetime endeavors...you're really missing the boat if you're worried about a handful of days...they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

    Also, who knows...maybe the OP has lost 100 Lbs...you know, there is weightloss that happens outside of MFP. I've lost 40 Lbs all told but my ticker doesn't reflect that...I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    I think you need to think this one through a little more. of course age and sex matter. as a 21 year old male he can likely metabolise twice the cals i can in a day. as an individual with little to lose, it is very unlikely he has experienced the complex relationship with food that so often make holidays fraught for those with food issues. and i seriously doubt he has a lot if experience of being a parent through yhe holidays, or even of going 'home' to family, or hosting family at his home.

    so in this case, actually i would say age and sex matter a great deal.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    LOL at the people who think it matters that the OP's ticker say 0 Lbs lost or that he's 21...it doesn't make him wrong. The holidays are just one day of many days over the course of a lifetime. It seems people like to talk about "lifestyle" but truly don't understand that concept...

    Health, nutrition, and fitness are lifetime endeavors...you're really missing the boat if you're worried about a handful of days...they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

    Also, who knows...maybe the OP has lost 100 Lbs...you know, there is weightloss that happens outside of MFP. I've lost 40 Lbs all told but my ticker doesn't reflect that...I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Just folks way of trying to invalidate info that points to their own dysfunction instead of facing it. I especially like the bolded part of your post. Very true.

    I like the cut of your gib. Both of you.

    People need to face up to their weaknesses and overcome them. Or else they will always have those weaknesses.

    No point hating on the OP for telling some home truths. Or being young. Or not having lost enough weight. Or whatever.

    Sure life can be hard. No one disputes this. But sometimes you've got to pony up and deal with it.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    LOL at the people who think it matters that the OP's ticker say 0 Lbs lost or that he's 21...it doesn't make him wrong. The holidays are just one day of many days over the course of a lifetime. It seems people like to talk about "lifestyle" but truly don't understand that concept...

    Health, nutrition, and fitness are lifetime endeavors...you're really missing the boat if you're worried about a handful of days...they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

    Also, who knows...maybe the OP has lost 100 Lbs...you know, there is weightloss that happens outside of MFP. I've lost 40 Lbs all told but my ticker doesn't reflect that...I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Just folks way of trying to invalidate info that points to their own dysfunction instead of facing it. I especially like the bolded part of your post. Very true.

    I like the cut of your gib. Both of you.

    People need to face up to their weaknesses and overcome them. Or else they will always have those weaknesses.

    No point hating on the OP for telling some home truths. Or being young. Or not having lost enough weight. Or whatever.

    Sure life can be hard. No one disputes this. But sometimes you've got to pony up and deal with it.

    argument might work if the same person to say this first (me) hadnt also said:

    personally i don't find the holiday season that challenging - i have strategies i know work, and i use them well. i'm happy to maintain, keep my workouts going and enjoy my time with my family. (my nemesis is jan to april - the long dark tea time of the year)

    you also didnt bother to address the three cogent reasons provided that explain why age and sex of op do in fact matter.
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    People hype up holidays like they are the apocalypse for diets. Why not just...make sure you don't binge eat on a holiday. It's not like you have to. It's not that complicated. I think even if you go to somebody's house and they serve you a three-course meal, it's not hard to not binge. And if you do feel obligated to eat their high-calorie dessert, it doesn't matter that much if you're overboard by five hundred calories for one day.

    If you're spending a week or two visiting somebody else's house, you could explain that you are limiting your food intake and you shouldn't have much trouble if they are nice people.

    Seriously. Enough. About. The holidays. Or is there somebody who insists that holidays like thanksgiving or christmas really are the harbingers of ham?
    Congratulations on your empathy and deep understanding of disordered eating. :flowerforyou:

  • Holidays can be a bit difficult if you live with People who only eat stuff higher in calories and almost no vegetables and fruits, but you can still limit your meals. Instead of having two pieces of cake you can only have one or you say you you don't want cake at all.

    But to be honest: if you've worked hard for weeks or months, , it's okay to eat a bit more over the holidays. Things like christmas are only ooncea year and you usually don't even gain fat over those few days, you are just bloated because the food has so many calories, carbs etc. And usually much salt as well. You can work that off really quickly..
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I don't have to address the three reasons. I'm not on your uni debating team.

    This is a forum filled with people's opinions. You've had mine.

    He could have lost a ****-tonne of weight already and then started another account. Or not. Or, he may be an extremely sedentary light weight individual and have an extremely low TDEE (lower than yours) despite his young age. Or not. In fact the list of things you don't know about the OP is massive.
  • fkwilhelm
    fkwilhelm Posts: 42 Member
    My holiday problem is more the difficulty to make time for exercise.
  • thank god. a 21 year old male with 10lb to lose has come to save us all....

    Hahahaha!!! Yes this ^^^^^^^^:laugh:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    LOL at the people who think it matters that the OP's ticker say 0 Lbs lost or that he's 21...it doesn't make him wrong. The holidays are just one day of many days over the course of a lifetime. It seems people like to talk about "lifestyle" but truly don't understand that concept...

    Health, nutrition, and fitness are lifetime endeavors...you're really missing the boat if you're worried about a handful of days...they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

    Also, who knows...maybe the OP has lost 100 Lbs...you know, there is weightloss that happens outside of MFP. I've lost 40 Lbs all told but my ticker doesn't reflect that...I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Just folks way of trying to invalidate info that points to their own dysfunction instead of facing it. I especially like the bolded part of your post. Very true.

    I like the cut of your gib. Both of you.

    People need to face up to their weaknesses and overcome them. Or else they will always have those weaknesses.

    No point hating on the OP for telling some home truths. Or being young. Or not having lost enough weight. Or whatever.

    Sure life can be hard. No one disputes this. But sometimes you've got to pony up and deal with it.

    Thanks. And yes you are correct, we all face some issues in life. We have a choice to be victimized or to overcome. I choose the later. Perfect? No. But fighting? Yup!

    Edited to add: Op's age and sex have no bearing on it. His thoughts are valid. Period.
  • Holidays are just like any other day as far as I'm concerned. Anyone who uses the excuse to binge or whatever just cause it's a holiday has no willpower or self control at all.

    I dont think that we are denying that facft..I think those that say this happens are well aware that they have a self control problem, and nobody knows how hard or what it takes to work on that problem.

    and yes being successful and having victory is great, but we didnt get the way we are overnight and we arent going to expect to get it right everytime, and expecting that to happen is going to leave at least me feeling like a failure.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Our society as a whole, has a skewed sense of food. Every day, let alone holidays. Food is legal, readily available, affordable, compared to many regions of the world and very, very social. We eat to socialize, to comfort, to get energy, to entertain, hunger, and a million other reasons. During the holiday season, it is a way that people show love, affection and even the feelings of being able to provide.

    Why is it hard to 'just say no', because there are so many emotions and feelings wrapped up in celebrations centered on food. Can I say 'no', of course, have I said 'no', of course. Does that mean that I will every time? Of course not. There needs to be a balance and that is a personal matter that each person decides for themselves if they are here and are aware of their weight and changes in their lifestyle!!!

    In other words, we are human and there by are learning to live every day, including holidays, making decisions on how to fuel our bodies!! What is hard for some, is easier for others and visa versa. But ultimately the decision is personal and yours to make!!