Calories in calories out



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    hmm googles "calories in calories out flawed" is in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts stated that clearly explains why this doesn't apply or work 100% of the time.

    As it has been pointed out, if you damage your metabolism you may need a different amount of calories, therefore it doesn't work because you could think you need one amount but you could not be losing because of a damaged metabolism. 100% would be if their were ZERO variables, but since there are tons, its not black and white, the body is not a simple machine, people do not burn the same and it doesn't always work this simply.

    Do you not realize that you are agreeing with calories in/out in 1 sentence then disagreeing with it in the next sentence, after posting that calories don't exist?

    Oh my G is there a gif for "on the one hand, on the other hand, and on the OTHER other hand"?
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    People who think they know what they are talking about ALWAYS bring up thermodynamics

    People who think they know exactly what their friends eat always make excuses for them instead of puzzling out the obvious fact that they eat more than you think they do.

    I mentioned also the fact that I have lived with family, been around them all day and seen what they eat. And yes, people can drink beer, eat crap and stay 110 pounds.

    You are not omnipotent. Unless you are weighing all their food and then watching them all day as they eat and making sure that they are not eating anything extra (or anything less in the case of the skinny people), then you can't possibly know.

    You mentioned the nurse, you honestly want us to believe that you were around her 24/7? She ate enough to maintain her weight, end of story.

    STOP MAKING EXCUSES! You do no one, not your family and not yourself, any good by trying to convince the world that they're fat simply because they breath air.

    They ate at a surplus, maybe only a slight surplus of 100 calories a day for years, but enough to keep that weight and not lose it. The skinny girls are light because they only ate at maintenance levels.

    And in my case that was a LOT because my maintenance levels while skinny had to support 3 hours of jumping on fridays plus 1 hour of cheer each day plus walking to and from school, plus swimming as recreation, plus bike riding and etc. So when people asked if I did aerobics to stay thin while watching me kill a milkshake, famous star with cheese and fries and I said "no" they might have gotten the mistaken impression that I did "nothing" ate "crap" and still stayed thin. When in actuality I had very high activity levels that very few people saw.

    Yes maybe people who were never around you didn't know about all your hobbies like cheer? Sorry I know the people I have lived with in the past or were friends with.

    You must have been reaaaalllly close to these people and spent an awful lot of time with them to know everything they ate.

    I bet they carried you around like


    and you shared a bed like


    and you showered together and kept a careful log of all the foods she ate and possibly on trips you guys were like


    y u no put pic of "shower together" :sadface:?

    I really looked for one but couldn't find one that was SFW! I'm soorrrryyyyy
  • rosellasweet
    rosellasweet Posts: 163 Member
    That is the world. I know plenty of skinny girls who eat tons of crap and stay 120 pounds. Is that a hard concept to grasp that, that is indeed possible. lol
    They eat "crap" but they don't eat tons of it. I have lost 123lb in 15 months, eating ice cream everyday, chips, chocolate bars, etc. Look at my diary, it's open. I eat all that "crap" at work and in front of friends and family and some of them are quite puzzled as to why I'm losing weight. I'm eating ar a deficit and those skinny girls, they are at maintenance, Simple.

    This. I'm almost to my goal weight and I did not eliminate "crap." I knew tons of girls in high school that ate more than me, but guess what? They all played sports or were out at night or did tons of other things besides sitting on the computer and complaining how fat they were.
  • hmm googles "calories in calories out flawed" is in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts stated that clearly explains why this doesn't apply or work 100% of the time.

    As it has been pointed out, if you damage your metabolism you may need a different amount of calories, therefore it doesn't work because you could think you need one amount but you could not be losing because of a damaged metabolism. 100% would be if their were ZERO variables, but since there are tons, its not black and white, the body is not a simple machine, people do not burn the same and it doesn't always work this simply.

    Google 'aliens abducted me' and be in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts that clearly explain... oh wait. That would be dumb to think a google search proves anything.

    You have no studies. You have provided nothing to prove calories in calories out. It also just has random studies. It has been debunked by scientists. Its all over the internet. You guys cannot prove anything. Your articles are biased. Science doesn't consider all the variables. So that doesn't work.
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    hmm googles "calories in calories out flawed" is in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts stated that clearly explains why this doesn't apply or work 100% of the time.

    As it has been pointed out, if you damage your metabolism you may need a different amount of calories, therefore it doesn't work because you could think you need one amount but you could not be losing because of a damaged metabolism. 100% would be if their were ZERO variables, but since there are tons, its not black and white, the body is not a simple machine, people do not burn the same and it doesn't always work this simply.

    Do you not realize that you are agreeing with calories in/out in 1 sentence then disagreeing with it in the next sentence, after posting that calories don't exist?

    Oh my G is there a gif for "on the one hand, on the other hand, and on the OTHER other hand"?

    Mais d'accord!

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    hmm googles "calories in calories out flawed" is in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts stated that clearly explains why this doesn't apply or work 100% of the time.

    As it has been pointed out, if you damage your metabolism you may need a different amount of calories, therefore it doesn't work because you could think you need one amount but you could not be losing because of a damaged metabolism. 100% would be if their were ZERO variables, but since there are tons, its not black and white, the body is not a simple machine, people do not burn the same and it doesn't always work this simply.

    Google 'aliens abducted me' and be in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts that clearly explain... oh wait. That would be dumb to think a google search proves anything.

    Um, are you saying aliens don't abduct people? Because my sister in law was abducted and I used to live with her and I know it happened because we lived together.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    hmm googles "calories in calories out flawed" is in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts stated that clearly explains why this doesn't apply or work 100% of the time.

    As it has been pointed out, if you damage your metabolism you may need a different amount of calories, therefore it doesn't work because you could think you need one amount but you could not be losing because of a damaged metabolism. 100% would be if their were ZERO variables, but since there are tons, its not black and white, the body is not a simple machine, people do not burn the same and it doesn't always work this simply.

    Google 'aliens abducted me' and be in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts that clearly explain... oh wait. That would be dumb to think a google search proves anything.

    You have no studies. You have provided nothing to prove calories in calories out. It also just has random studies. It has been debunked by scientists. Its all over the internet. You guys cannot prove anything. Your articles are biased. Science doesn't consider all the variables. So that doesn't work.

    Do you now believe in alien abduction because of all the articles that have been posted about it?


    This would be why we don't believe in your flawed thinking either.
  • I have been working out with a trainer at the gym. I spent 5 weeks busting my butt and gained weight. I wasn't eating enough calories. I put my body in starvation mode. My BMI did go down. However, it doesn't do much for your self esteem. Since MFP, I have started to lose weight. Also, I had to calculate my resting heart rate to figure out if I was exercising at an acceptable pace.
  • tilmoph
    tilmoph Posts: 72 Member
    You know what, screw it. OP, you are totally right. Calories in vs calorie out totally isn't right. Your weight is actually determined by Renenet, the ancient Egyptian god of harvest and nourishment. She writes down (in hieroglyphics, with bad handwriting, in cypher) what you will weigh every single day. Whatever you eat has precisely jack squat to do with what you weight. Trying to screw with Renenet's decrees will always fail. Always.

    Now that we've made OP feel better about whatever they were on about, let's turn our attention to any lurkers or googlers who may have stumbled upon this thread. Now, silent folks, you may have noticed that pretty much everyone disagrees with the OPs disbelief in calories in vs calories out. Contrary to what some more displeased members of the site would lead you to believe, this isn't because MFP is some cruel hive mind hell bent on making people feel stupid for the lulz. It is because calorie in vs calorie out is the most fundamental point to weight lose, weight maintenance, and weight gain.

    Now, you may be wondering about things like hormonal resistances and metabolic rates and whatever it is you kooky kids have come up with with all your sciencings that might affect your weight loss rate. Surely those count, right? Of course they do, dear shy ones, of course they do. However, what they are is a modifier on our core cal in vs cal out equation. Please take note that c in vs c out is always listed as a comparison of variables, not of absolute figures. This is to account for the many, many differences between different people. So when someone tells you it's all about how much you vs how much you burn, they aren't dismissing any metabolic concerns you may have. They are pointing out that those concerns don't change what you have to do to lose, gain, or maintain weight; eat less/ as much/ more than what you use up by existing and doing whatever it is you do. You just may have been hit with a condition or (sadly for you) a set of conditions that results in you needing to eat even less than someone else to lose weight, even of your the same height, weight, gender, age, and activity level.

    To determine if this is required of you, if life decided to be a bit mean to you on this, track what you eat. No eyeballing, now. No "forgetting" to write it down, we both know you didn't forget, now did you? Of course not. Keep accurate track of all of that. Now, and this is a bit trickier, but make your best effort, track your activity level. Do this for about a month. Now compare the two. What do the numbers predict will happen? What actually happened? If the numbers said you'd lose more than you did by a significant amount, eat less, or up your activity level. Repeat until the numbers are within about 2% or so of each other. If you had to do this a lot, see a doctor, because you really shouldn't need to do that so much, and that could indicate a medical problem.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Google "calories in calories out flawed" and look at the billions of pages.
    Google fu isn't actual research. It's searching for answers you want to hear..........

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    And there is tons of scientific information on why this doesn't work

    Can you post some of it? You can start here:

    tons of things have been posted. Google is your friend. Do the work..I know its hard

    You are the one making the claims, not me. The burden of proof is on you, I fear.

    If google is your friend consider her your bad friend who holds up a small hand held mirror that provides the incomplete picture and doesn't tell you where to look. You have to then grab that mirror and point it where you want. You can either let her keep it on your face where everything's hunky dory, or take it from her, move it all around your body and notice where the truth might lie and then focus your efforts there. OR get a full length mirror with 2 swivel doors on the side to see all the sides of the situation. This final option will require that you expand your mentality enough to then form a mental image of the problem in it's entirety an then use your own selective prowess to hone in on where work needs to be done.
  • hmm googles "calories in calories out flawed" is in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts stated that clearly explains why this doesn't apply or work 100% of the time.

    As it has been pointed out, if you damage your metabolism you may need a different amount of calories, therefore it doesn't work because you could think you need one amount but you could not be losing because of a damaged metabolism. 100% would be if their were ZERO variables, but since there are tons, its not black and white, the body is not a simple machine, people do not burn the same and it doesn't always work this simply.

    Google 'aliens abducted me' and be in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts that clearly explain... oh wait. That would be dumb to think a google search proves anything.

    You have no studies. You have provided nothing to prove calories in calories out. It also just has random studies. It has been debunked by scientists. Its all over the internet. You guys cannot prove anything. Your articles are biased. Science doesn't consider all the variables. So that doesn't work.

    Do you now believe in alien abduction because of all the articles that have been posted about it?


    This would be why we don't believe in your flawed thinking either.
    Yes aliens, vampires, big foot, I believe everything I read on the internet. I even believe all the scientific THEORIES, i hear that are not proven as fact. Just as crazy....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    It is embarrassing as it is unbelievable that for nearly a century long, generations of people involved in the research, treatment and prevention of obesity didn’t know that a significant amount of energy from food intake leaves the body as metabolic waste. In other words, they do not know that the human body excretes calories.
    So in other words people who are obese aren't taking dumps because they are somehow significantly keeping those calories in storage since metabolic waste has lots of energy. Sounds legit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    Summary of this thread:

    Original Post claiming that mutually agreed-upon principles of metabolism accepted by virtually every authority in the world are somehow wrong and that some people can eat a surplus of calories and not gain weight, so it must be conversely true that others can eat a deficit and not lose weight.

    Flood of scientifically sound, well-sourced and cited peer-review literature to show the OP's claims are not supported and that an energy balance is the best and most reliable model found to-date. MIllions upon millions of anecdotal and scientific claims to support this.

    OP responds to virtually every post with 'I know my belief to be true, you should google it like I have' and "if you don't agree, then you're not smart enough to understand what you googled'

    Flooding of evidence that energy balance is irrefutable.

    OP shifts argument to attacking the unit of measure 'calorie' and then reverts to the special snowflake theory when no one bites.

    Hilarious. Seeing it like this, I feel like we've all been epic'ly trolled.
  • You know what, screw it. OP, you are totally right. Calories in vs calorie out totally isn't right. Your weight is actually determined by Renenet, the ancient Egyptian god of harvest and nourishment. She writes down (in hieroglyphics, with bad handwriting, in cypher) what you will weigh every single day. Whatever you eat has precisely jack squat to do with what you weight. Trying to screw with Renenet's decrees will always fail. Always.

    Now that we've made OP feel better about whatever they were on about, let's turn our attention to any lurkers or googlers who may have stumbled upon this thread. Now, silent folks, you may have noticed that pretty much everyone disagrees with the OPs disbelief in calories in vs calories out. Contrary to what some more displeased members of the site would lead you to believe, this isn't because MFP is some cruel hive mind hell bent on making people feel stupid for the lulz. It is because calorie in vs calorie out is the most fundamental point to weight lose, weight maintenance, and weight gain.

    Now, you may be wondering about things like hormonal resistances and metabolic rates and whatever it is you kooky kids have come up with with all your sciencings that might affect your weight loss rate. Surely those count, right? Of course they do, dear shy ones, of course they do. However, what they are is a modifier on our core cal in vs cal out equation. Please take note that c in vs c out is always listed as a comparison of variables, not of absolute figures. This is to account for the many, many differences between different people. So when someone tells you it's all about how much you vs how much you burn, they aren't dismissing any metabolic concerns you may have. They are pointing out that those concerns don't change hwat you have to do to lose, gain, or maintain weight; eta less/ as much/ more than what you use up by existing and doing whatever it is you do. You just may have been hit with a condition or (sadly for you) a set of conditions that results in you needing to eat even less than someone else to lose weight, even of your the same height, weight, gender, age, and activity level.

    To determine if this is required of you, if life decided to be a bit mean to you on this, track what you eat. No eyeballing, now. No "forgetting" to write it down, we both know you didn't forget, now did you? Of course not. Keep accurate track of all of that. Now, and this is a bit trickier, but make your best effort, track your activity level. Do this for about a month. Now compare the two. What do the numbers predict will happen? What actually happened? If the numbers said you'd lose more than you did by a significant amount, eat less, or up your activity level. Repeat until the numbers are within about 2% or so of each other. If you had to do this a lot, see a doctor, because you really shouldn't need to do that so much, and that could indicate a medical problem.

    Clearly. I personally eat a deficit, that is how I lose weight, DUH. But what I was saying was this doesn't work for everyone, possibly because of health problems they dont even know they had.
  • Summary of this thread:

    Original Post claiming that mutually agreed-upon principles of metabolism accepted by virtually every authority in the world are somehow wrong and that some people can eat a surplus of calories and not gain weight, so it must be conversely true that others can eat a deficit and not lose weight.

    Flood of scientifically sound, well-sourced and cited peer-review literature to show the OP's claims are not supported and that an energy balance is the best and most reliable model found to-date. MIllions upon millions of anecdotal and scientific claims to support this.

    OP responds to virtually every post with 'I know my belief to be true, you should google it like I have' and "if you don't agree, then you're not smart enough to understand what you googled'

    Flooding of evidence that energy balance is irrefutable.

    OP shifts argument to attacking the unit of measure 'calorie' and then reverts to the special snowflake theory when no one bites.

    Hilarious. Seeing it like this, I feel like we've all been epic'ly trolled.

    Flood of scientifically sound, well-sourced and cited peer-review literature to show the OP's claims are not supported and that an energy balance is the best and most reliable model found to-date. MIllions upon millions of anecdotal and scientific claims to support this.

    ^ ^ this never happened bro lol
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    A significant amount of energy from food intake leaves the body as metabolic waste (faces, urine, sweat, breath, etc.) It seems that even today, the majority of people involved in the research, prevention and treatment of obesity are not aware of this fact.

    Scientists working on obesity have mistaken the human body with the mechanical engine driven by internal combustion.

    Weight loss treatments involving dieting, increased physical activity, diet pills and weight loss -bariatric surgeries were invented when obesity scientists believed that every single calorie in food intake, if not spent, will be converted into fat mass and stored in fat tissue. This belief was in line with the anabolism and catabolism theory.

    It is embarrassing as it is unbelievable that for nearly a century long, generations of people involved in the research, treatment and prevention of obesity didn’t know that a significant amount of energy from food intake leaves the body as metabolic waste. In other words, they do not know that the human body excretes calories.

    Wait, what? Now our faces are gonna leave our bodies? Damn broken metabolism, they really do mean broken huh?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Yes aliens, vampires, big foot, I believe everything I read on the internet. I even believe all the scientific THEORIES, i hear that are not proven as fact. Just as crazy....
    Gravity is a theory. Just sayin'.

    You're unconvinced. We get it. You're wrong, but we get it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    hmm googles "calories in calories out flawed" is in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts stated that clearly explains why this doesn't apply or work 100% of the time.

    As it has been pointed out, if you damage your metabolism you may need a different amount of calories, therefore it doesn't work because you could think you need one amount but you could not be losing because of a damaged metabolism. 100% would be if their were ZERO variables, but since there are tons, its not black and white, the body is not a simple machine, people do not burn the same and it doesn't always work this simply.

    Google 'aliens abducted me' and be in denial about the first 10 pages of articles and facts that clearly explain... oh wait. That would be dumb to think a google search proves anything.

    Um, are you saying aliens don't abduct people? Because my sister in law was abducted and I used to live with her and I know it happened because we lived together.

    My bad, if you lived with her and she claimed to be abducted, I stand corrected. Aliens abduct people, calories exist but don't exist (depending on how it fits with my argument at the time) and unicorns stole my cupcakes because I live with my cupcakes and they didn't haves sprinkles on them this morning but they do now.

    Google unicorns and cupcakes and you'll be a believer too!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Google "calories in calories out flawed" and look at the billions of pages.
    Google fu isn't actual research. It's searching for answers you want to hear..........

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    And there is tons of scientific information on why this doesn't work

    Can you post some of it? You can start here:

    tons of things have been posted. Google is your friend. Do the work..I know its hard

    You are the one making the claims, not me. The burden of proof is on you, I fear.

    If google is your friend consider her your bad friend who holds up a small hand held mirror that provides the incomplete picture and doesn't tell you where to look. You have to then grab that mirror and point it where you want. You can either let her keep it on your face where everything's hunky dory, or take it from her, move it all around your body and notice where the truth might lie and then focus your efforts there. OR get a full length mirror with 2 swivel doors on the side to see all the sides of the situation. This final option will require that you expand your mentality enough to then form a mental image of the problem in it's entirety an then use your own selective prowess to hone in on where work needs to be done.

    Insert Standing ovation gif.

    Well said.

    (Sorry at work on phone so no gif)
  • Yes aliens, vampires, big foot, I believe everything I read on the internet. I even believe all the scientific THEORIES, i hear that are not proven as fact. Just as crazy....
    Gravity is a theory. Just sayin'.

    You're unconvinced. We get it. You're wrong, but we get it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    And you are still in denial about the fact that you are not right.
This discussion has been closed.