Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm on Week 4 Day 3, alpha phase. Have not lost any weight or seen any changes, other than my legs hurt all the time. Overall, I like the variety of doing a different workout each day and the short 25 min workout fits into my schedule. I definitely sweat and my heart rate is up for the entire workout. However, I find the workout frustrating. I am somewhere between the modifier and the rest of the crew in terms of ability. I can't do all of the moves (the jumping around is killing my legs and I can't do it for very long) and I especially can't work at the speed on the video. I go at my own pace and try to keep good form, but it is discouraging to still be moving slow after almost 4 weeks. The other issue, as I mentioned earlier, is that my legs hurt all the time, which I think keeps me from consistently working out at a high level. Pretty much every workout has squats and lunges; I know that working the large muscle groups burns more calories, but it feels like I never really get to recover completely. Obviously many of these issues are simply from carrying all the extra weight, but it would have been nice to see some weight loss or improved ability to accompany the discomfort and time commitment.
  • I'm only on week 2 of the alpha, but I'm already seeing some pretty good results. I've always been pretty athletic and i have great endurance, but I always suffered with the mentality of pushing myself to the limit in a short amount of time. T25 is helping me get over the mentality of "I can't go too hard now or I won't have enough for the rest of the workout." I don't have much more weight to lose, but I can definitely see definition in my arms, stomach, and legs from just the first week. I also work two jobs and full time college student, so the convenience of a short workout is definitely a must for me. The only thing I have a problem with is the lack of instruction on some of the moves, but it's understandable because instruction takes time. I'd recommend going through and watching the videos once just to get a feel for what you're supposed to be doing before you actually do the workouts. The biggest thing to remember is to give it everything you have for each section of the workout, because you do switch up what muscle groups every few minutes. Don't save anything for later or you won't feel true satisfaction.

    @Kgeyser do you use any type of recovery drink after your workouts? I used to be sore all the time after my workouts until I started drinking recovery formulas. If you're having joint problems though, try using mats that cushion the impact on your legs. I use 3/4" grappling mats and I don't feel any joint pain when I'm jumping around.
  • Follow me at kmhendershot. I can help.
  • Unlike most others, Ii have never done Insanity or P90X before. I am currently doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 (2nd time) and sometimes still have trouble getting through the 2 minutes of cardio on certain levels. Would T25 be too intense for me if I can't even finish 2 mins. of cardio with Jillian? I am looking for a way that I can build stamina and ensurance and do more cardio without feeling like I am going to die. I am 5'5 and currently weigh 122 pounds ... I am not overweight but find cardio to be difficult, I can power walk for miles (usally 3.5 or 4) but can only run for about 1/2 mile wihout becoming winded to the point where I need to walk. I am not looking to lose weight necessarily but build my stamina and endurance by increasing my cardio. I would love to try Focus T25 but I am afraid it is too much of a financial investment if it is something that i won't be able to conquer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?
  • Where's the most reasonable place to purchase it?

    Buy it through a coach, same price you will find on but you get a bonus workout dvd with it.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I am a coach BUT I'm not replying as a means of soliciting anyone. I've done just about every BB program over the last 8 years and I thought Turbo Fire was my soulmate workout but then I found T25 and OMG I am obsessed with this one. I got so bored with my old BB workouts that I did JNL Fusion just for variety. It was ok but I couldn't wait to try T25 because of the shorter workout time. I have never sweated as much in such a short amount of time as I do in this program. For the first week of Alpha I modified everything just to get the moves down with good form. Now I am in the middle of week 2 of Beta and today I got through the double session of Speed 2.0 and Rip't Circuit with only a few water breaks and minimal modifying. I am so proud of myself for making progress in my strength and endurance.

    I can't say enough good things about this program!
  • Just finished Insanity. Took two weeks off from BB and now on day 3 of T25. Not as "insane" as insanity YET..but I know it's all to come. I haven't had to use modified version (thanks to insanity). I am amazed at how much you sweat in 25 minutes. Was worried that maybe he does less stretching but he does incorporate it. Also I got bored with the same moves in Insanity. He mixes it up in T 25. I'm excited to see what the next few months bring....I am a stay at home mom and this is perfect. It is worth the money and worth the sweat. ????
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Ok, here is a very honest review. I own both Insanity and P90x, by DH has done both, God love him, but I was hit by a car and was stuck in a wheel chair for a while.
    From my accident I also suffered from necrotizing fasciitis. (the flesh eating bacteria) and am now permanently missing 20% of my right leg, which is held together by skin grafts from my left leg... yeah think Frankenstein. :)
    I also do not have 60 minutes a day. T25 was perfect as it was 25 minutes a day and has Tanya (my life saver) as a modifier.
    Mind you I could not do 2 jumping jacks between my bum leg and lack of cardio. (yeah that bad of shape).
    That said...
    I am currently on week 4 day 3 of the Alpha program. I do about 75% modified and even need to use the situp pad to cushion my leg/knee for the pathetic attempt at the pushups... but I am working the entire 25 minutes.
    I am seeing progress. I can almost balance on one leg now during the cool down. I could not during week 1.
    I did not start T25 for weight loss (though I have about 40 lbs to lose) but to get back into shape and build some basic strength back. I believe I am doing this.
    I feel I will probably have to do the Alpha/Beta 4 or 5 cycles before I am ready for Gamma, but that is my ultimate goal.
    Although my weight by pounds is about the same my body fat has dropped 4%. I have a scale that measure it and although I know they are not as accurate as the calipers I am simply looking at the total difference.
    So in 4 weeks I have increased balance and I can actually do the burpies now, plus I am up to 8 jumping jacks (though not as fast as Shaun T)... Can't wait to see where I am after 10 weeks.
    I hope to move to Beta at week 6 but will have to let my body decide.

    I have also motivated 5 co-workers to start T25 :)

    If I can do this anyone can.

    I have 4 words for you.

    Just Keep Hitting Play.

    Wow, what a story you have! Congrats on making it through all that you have and staying strong through it all. That is amazing! :drinker:

    Thanks... I made it to Beta (1st week).. it's certainly a challenge... burning between 250-300 calories a workout. Tomorrow will be my first double up day for Beta.. should be interesting.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I lost 13lbs and 20 inches doing ALPHA and BETA (10 weeks, didnt do double Friday for most of ALPHA)
    I just started Gamma on Monday.....I love it! More weights , which I enjoy!
  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    Hitting the "Like" button!
  • i am as well looking 4 an unbiased feedback b4 buying. thanks to all. i do chalean and turbofire. i will order t25 and see what happens.
  • i am as well looking 4 an unbiased feedback b4 buying. thanks to all. i do chalean and turbofire. i will order t25 and see what happens.
  • jassyjan1
    jassyjan1 Posts: 308 Member
    Did anyone follow the meal plan or you continue doing your own plan.
  • Has anyone that was completely out of shape tried this and be able to do it? I'm starting at ground zero and I'm afraid I won't even be able to do the modified version.
  • pierremignon
    pierremignon Posts: 172 Member
    Probably depends on how "out of shape" you're talking about. Like any other workout programs, T25 also has a low impact option, although some movements are still quite fast.
  • I'm on week four of Beta phase. I've been eating cleaner and doing double Fridays, but I'm not really seeing much change.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm only on week 2 of the alpha, but I'm already seeing some pretty good results. I've always been pretty athletic and i have great endurance, but I always suffered with the mentality of pushing myself to the limit in a short amount of time. T25 is helping me get over the mentality of "I can't go too hard now or I won't have enough for the rest of the workout." I don't have much more weight to lose, but I can definitely see definition in my arms, stomach, and legs from just the first week. I also work two jobs and full time college student, so the convenience of a short workout is definitely a must for me. The only thing I have a problem with is the lack of instruction on some of the moves, but it's understandable because instruction takes time. I'd recommend going through and watching the videos once just to get a feel for what you're supposed to be doing before you actually do the workouts. The biggest thing to remember is to give it everything you have for each section of the workout, because you do switch up what muscle groups every few minutes. Don't save anything for later or you won't feel true satisfaction.

    @Kgeyser do you use any type of recovery drink after your workouts? I used to be sore all the time after my workouts until I started drinking recovery formulas. If you're having joint problems though, try using mats that cushion the impact on your legs. I use 3/4" grappling mats and I don't feel any joint pain when I'm jumping around.

    I use mats during my workouts. I've had issues with my knee for as long as I can remember. Strengthening the muscles in my legs seems to help, I'm just not there yet. I've finally found one drink that is basically just a protein shake with some vitamins that I've been drinking after working out. I'm a nursing mom, so many of the drinks are off limits because of the inclusion of appetite suppressants or ingredients to increase energy. I'm trying to GET my toddler to eat and take naps, not make her even more wild.
  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    If your starting to plateau, I would closely examine your diet for the next few days. A week if you can, and log down everything you're intaking. A lot of the time its just adjusting what your eating while still working out at a high intensity that will get you over the edge! Everyone hates to count calories I know but with all the apps out there today its really quite easy and extremely accurate. At the end of the day, its all about math. If your ingesting more than your burning, you wont see the sustained drop in weight, but you will become more fit. Try cutting your calories by another 250 or so a week and see if that makes a difference. Oh and kill the cheat least for a while :)
    I am on week 3 of the Beta phase (8 weeks in total). I love the program, but after the first few weeks, I've plateaued out and haven't gotten really awesome results. That being said, I've lost about 5 lbs. and 5 inches or so, and my core is certainly toning up and getting tighter. What I have seen results with though is my stamina. I enjoy the program, because I can burn a decent amount of calories (275-325 on average depending on which workout in the program) in a short amount of time. I thought that Alpha phase was certainly alot more difficult, especially the total body circuit, as compared to Beta phase, BUUUUT, I love how we can use weights and resistance bands in the Beta phase, which I think is important to leaning out and building definition.

    Would I say this is a great program for people who need to lose weight and inches? Certainly, even with the modifications, which I have had to do from time to time, you still get a good cardio workout. But for someone like me, who is within normal weight range for my height and age, I am not seeing amazing results, and I certainly haven't lost those last pesky 10 lbs. I've wanted to shed, but the scale has not went upwards either.

    I am planning on ordering the additional Gamma phase workouts next week, which promise to be even more difficult, and have a lot more free weight/band strength work incorporated.
  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    Hello Everyone. I am just starting to get back into the swing of things after letting myself go by the way side for FARRRRR too long. Its been tough getting back on the horse but Im dedicated to do right this time. I have done P90x (got to day 70) and Insanity ( Not quite so far) but picked up T25 and I'm gonna stick with it for 50 days. I'm also mixing in some weight training with it. Finished Day 1 yesterday and boy did I have to MODIFY my butt off! However I know the drill and by week two hopefully I can hang much better. If anyone is starting off for the first time or hell any others that want to send me a friend invite...i welcome all, I definitely could use the motivation and will return motivation as well. BTW....Retired BeachBody Coach here.
  • I am in week 3 of my second cycle of T25. Did both Alpha and Beta and we purchased the Gamma DVD as well. I LOVE THEM ALL! Especially in love with Gamma. Have lost some weight but dropped an entire size (almost 2 sizes). The workouts are quick and you get a good sweat. They have a modifier so you don't feel like you can't keep up or acheive. Shaun T is so motivational and fun to watch. And all the people he is working out with have been in the focus groups so they aren't some hardbodies that were hired to look pretty while working out to boost DVD sales. They have made transformations too so its great to see that it does work. Buy it! you won't regret it!!!