did you ditch your clothes after losing the weight?



  • SomethingElseToo
    If I can't wear them, somebody else can. I ditch them as soon as I'm comfortably in the next size.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    threw away literally everything i had..went shopping for new stuff :D
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Slowly I am getting rid of them and replacing with smaller items. I don't want to keep the 'safety' net.

    BTW ... I had some clothes I had purge from my closet because I outgrew them ... not because I got smaller, but I had put on so much weight. I found that bag...went through it and today am wearing one of my favorite tops again. :wink:
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Yup...I will never be that weight again. I have a few left..that are baggy..but I bought them at my 1st Goal weight..now that I am heading back down to UGW..and losing body fat..where I didnt before..same clothes that fit at the first goal weight..are now..it seems..2 sizes too big..Its all about bodyfat for me..!..changing the body composition..
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I have taken almost all of them to clothing exchanges, given them to friends, family, etc. I just don't want the "safety net" there that has always sabotaged me in the past.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I hate clutter and don't like having extra stuff around that I don't need. Anything I couldn't alter (or didn't like enough to pay to alter) I donated.
  • manda79rn
    manda79rn Posts: 45 Member
    I kept a pair of jeans, a pair of my scrubs (I'm a nurse) that I wore before I seriously started losing weight.. just to remind me how far I've come, I now fit in one leg of the pants.. kinda awesome. Everything else I donate, just donated another bag of jeans, when I can pull my jeans off without unbuttoning them, or have to depend on a belt, I get rid of them and buy more... it's my reward system, better than my old one of McDonalds. ;)
  • stryder2807
    stryder2807 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm going to need to buy new clothes after I reach my goal weight. I will probably keep two pairs of jeans and a couple of shirts just i case.
  • Chainbreaker
    Chainbreaker Posts: 124 Member
    Burn those boats. Resolve 100% that there is only going forward into achievment.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    I'll sell them on ebay!
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I donated all of mine. I'm not at my goal weight yet, but when my clothes were at least two sizes too big, I felt it was ridiculous to hold on to them. I have no plans on getting back to that size and don't want them in my closet. It was too easy to just slip into a larger size before when my other clothes felt too snug. Now, I use that as an indicator that I need to either adjust my diet or add in more workouts.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I wash mine and box them up. I've been waiting for the next Diabetic Clothesline call, but haven't heard anything yet. I'll give it till the new year and then see if anyone I know wants them or knows of a charity thrift store somewhere in the area.
  • belli76
    Get rid of it! Loosing weight is hard, keeping it off even more so. Don't make going back there an option. If you have some nice stuff, take it to a consignment store. Some of them give you store credit so you can reward all your hard work right away with a new piece in your new size.
    Lifting weights will not make you bigger. It is great exercise that women tend to shy away from. You may notice your scale not moving down as fast as you would like, but your inches will drop. I had one patient (yes, I work in weight loss), who lost 7 inches off her waist and 6 off her hips over 6 months with only 2lb gone. She looked awesome. Don't get discouraged. Success can be measured by more than one number.
  • madhamey
    madhamey Posts: 70 Member
    I Ebay the good stuff and replace with new smaller bargains.
  • 50racinggirl
    50racinggirl Posts: 96 Member
    Your post makes me laugh because my boyfriend told me that I had stop where my baggy jeans because he wanted to see my nice butt.
  • MattLBennett
    MattLBennett Posts: 24 Member
    Bagged and put in the attic a handful of clothes (mostly tops as bottoms no real use). Out of the rest the good ones i donated and the rest in the recycling.
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    Some I have gotten rid of, others I have had altered and a few I kept to remind me of we're I use to be.

    Weight are good for strength and toning. You also burn more calories when you lift weight. The body continues to burn calories well after you have finished.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I hold them for a couple months, then pick 1 item to keep and the rest get donated!
  • xoTalim
    xoTalim Posts: 212 Member
    I've kept my biggest pair of jeans for my "after" pic, but everything else that's now way too big on me have gone into giant garbage bags to be donated.

    If I don't have any clothes to fit into if I gain weight again, then I won't gain weight. I wouldn't wanna have nothing to wear and not be able to go out at all. :P
  • jellybeandick
    this has been my inspiration, My end in mind, my goal and everything i want to be. I live be this and i would kill myself with out this.