

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susan, I am glad to see you back with us but sorry that life has dealt you such a heavy blow. I hope you will stay connected with us so we can support and encourage you on your difficult journey to health and weight loss. I gave up alcohol some years ago and it was difficult at first but now I don’t drink at all and am happier for the change….I weight myself every morning and every bedtime and write the weight down……it helps me stay focused on weight loss being more important that entertaining myself with food or using food for comfort. I don’t allow myself to change my good habits based on what the scale says….I watch for trends not single readings.

    :flowerforyou: JB from PA…..I am happy to see you join our friendly community….together we can do what we cannot do alone

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, you are so right to stay focused on all the wonderful things about your husband as you write about him in your gratitude list. It is too easy to focus on the negative and then feel bad.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, you already know the spiritual solution to the trip to MN…….while you are here, stay in the moment, and when you get there, stay in the moment and deal with things one event at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, I went a couple of days not tracking my food along with not getting much exercise because I hurt my back and I didn’t like the feeling so I’m back to focus today……not getting sleep and having to use your brain at work is not a good combination…..I hope the new med works for you.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, one small detour is not a bad thing if you get right back on the road again.

    :flowerforyou: Tina……”pizza chicken” sounds yummy….please share the recipe…thanks for the reminder to trust God.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, great family picture…anything I do that you see as inspirational has been achieved through time, trial and error, and often as the result of pain and disappointment

    :flowerforyou: Peabody girl, welcome, you have come to the right place….take it one day at t a time and take baby steps toward your goals.

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug, I hope you’ll keep sharing your gratitude list

    :flowerforyou: Joanie, how nice to know your name……I think Jake will like the “Skinny Zipper” challenge although he won’t say so……he is getting his exercise routine shaken up by walking the dogs more while I let my back heal.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, you are so wise to start now to make a winter exercise plan.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, I looked up the weather where you are because I realized that you have this holiday with fairy lights at a time when the days are fairly long and the temperature is high. We have fireworks here when the days are warm and I always worry about fire danger.

    :flowerforyou: Katymc, welcome, I found this site and this thread over four years ago and I love it.

    :brokenheart: :sad: My back in not getting better fast enough to suit me so I am taking it very easy today….not walking dogs…..icing my back every two hours…I haven’t had an actual rest day from exercise in years. It is very hard for me to sit and not race around and I miss being outside with the dogs….that’s all the self pity I’ll allow myself for the day. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jake is fixing Vietnamese Pho for lunch. He bought all the ingredients, read all the directions, and is doing all the work…….how can I not be grateful?

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    katla49 - I am from south of Ottawa Ontario Canada I weight myself every day! does anyone else do that. I lot .6 from yesterday morning. I know that sometimes it sets you up for failure to weight every day but it helps me. I lost 1.4 in a week. so slow and steady it does


    I weigh myself almost every day. The weight goes up and down a little but the trend has been consistently down. I reached my initial weight goal recently but I'm planning to continue working on my fitness and counting calories indefinitely. I'm not sure whether this will lead to a few more pounds lost, but it isn't as important now that I've attained a healthy BMI. I started because a bad knee prevented me from enjoying riding lessons given to me as a gift from DH. It made me mad enough to do something. Now I'm hooked on being & becoming healthy. The knee will always need work and strengthening.

    I hope you keep coming back and find the support that is freely given by these wonderful people.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    I had a lovely day as my old schoolfriend came over. She is the one whose best friends both committed suicide. She seems in a good place, apart from having put on weight and developing rosacea! ! ! Stress!
    It was lovely to see her and hear that she is making an effort to get back in touch with her celebrity model daughter.
    How I love my old friends!

    Yoga tomorrow so I shall see more friends. I need them. I sometimes feel quite isolated here in the countryside, though it is entirely up to me to get to see people. One of my November goals is to make the effort to go and see a friend.

    DH did a big supermarket shop today. I am so grateful for having met him. Every day we both say how lucky we feel.
    Made a lamb curry today with spinach. I was feeling curry deprivation!

    Welcome to the new posters. Jb it's nice to know your name! I am another one in the dodgy knee department. There seem to be a lot of us. It's a shame as I love dancing, but it sends my knee into a balloon. The physio taught me how to do a light strapping which helps a bit. I do it if I have a lot of walking to do.

    Love to all my vit F friends. Heather, UK
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    yanniejannie - I made more of the manicotti for Vince, because he'll only eat the beef ones. I like the spinach ones. Anyway, Ken & Lynette only had the beef ones, and, as usual, I naturally gave them some to take home so there really weren't many for leftovers but there were a lot of the spinach ones. So I made more of the beef. Anyway...what I was going to tell you is that I used your suggestion, put the cheese/beef in a pastry bag but put part of the coupler in the bag just to give the bag some stiffness at the end. It worked beautifully!!!! Thank you so much for the suggestion!

    grandmalle - even Vince agrees that he might very well have some OCD in him....lol

    Tina - coca cola chicken is basically chicken cooked in coca cola. I went to a friend's house a while ago and they'd made a roast using coca cola as that marinade. It smelled delish! They said it was really tender, that the acid in the c.c. acted like a marinade. So I'm trying it in the chicken. Now the recipe did say to use diet cola, but I don't care for all those artificial additives so I just used regular cola. Have a safe trip! I made these cocoa brownies for this weekend. I totally forgot to make a bit for me to taste like I usually do so I had no idea how they'd come out. Actually, they were pretty good. We're going to see TSO in concert in a few weeks and Jessica and Kris will be down that weekend, I will probably make them for her to try and see if they will slide out of the pan instead of having to use aluminum foil. If not, I'll probably make them for Thankisgiving and use the aluminum foil.'

    hazelohoheigh - a few years ago I gave up white flour for Lent. Yes, it was a killer at first. But after a few weeks, I didn't really care for it. Now to this day (and it's been over 6 years since I did that) white flour doesn't appeal to me. I eat it, but I won't go out of my way like I would before. You'll do just fine, keep it up, those urges will go away

    peabodygirl - welcome. Welcome to everyone else new that I might have missed.

    katla - I haven't used the recumbant bike in a long time. Figured it was something different. Now I'll have to see the different programs.

    Remember I told you all that I put the rest of the opened Halloween candy in the dish in Vince's office? Well, seems he's been eating it. That's good...better him than me, that's for sure.

    anamika - we just call those lights string lights. I thought that fairy lights might be something different.

    kathymc - welcome back

    barbie - I can imagine what you're going thru not being able to exercise. When I broke that bone in my foot and couldn't exercise, I thought I would just about die! If Vince ever knew the times I put weight on it, he would have had a fit. I wasn't supposed to, but I didn't feel I wanted to baby it. I think he expected me to spend almost 8 weeks with my foot in the air. Not me! No way. The house would get cleaned (barely), groceries would have been bought (lot of junk food, I just know it), laundry would have gotten done (when we ran out of clean clothes), nope, that's not my way. And I won't even start to mention what we would have had for dinner!

    Here are (hopefully videos will come thru) our Halloween decorations:

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    Did about 20 minutes of yoga today then held my plank for 2 min 30 sec and then took the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'll do a Denise Austin Boot Camp DVD

    I'm going to post this to see if these videos come thru.

    Michele in NC
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies –

    It has been a busy few days for me. I had that Pennsylvania Women’s Leadership Conference on Friday up in Philadelphia. It was my first time attending, but thought it was very worthwhile. They had several great speakers, Hillary Clinton was the keynote speaker. I even got to get Madeline Albright’s autograph on 2 books.

    The weather was so lovely this weekend that I managed to get in 2 long hikes. On Saturday, I went for 9.5 miles and on Sunday I went for 11 miles. I even earned my 30,000 badge on Fitbit for all my walking yesterday!!!

    Last night we finished up the weekend back in Philadelphia, seeing Josh Groban in concert. What a phenomenal show!! He did something unique by putting the stage directly center of the stadium and he moved around so everyone got to see him from different perspectives. I only wish it wasn’t on a “work night”, we did not stay for the final encore as we wanted to beat the traffic and get home at a decent hour as we both had to be up early for work this morning.

    Wow, hard to believe October is done and over with. My November goals are pretty much the same:
    • Log my food
    • Get at least 14,000 steps / day
    • Do my back exercises 20 minutes / day

    :smile: Sue In TX – never heard of the acronym RAK, but am familiar w/Random acts of kindness, thanks for sharing!
    :smile: Grandmallie – I like your new picture.
    :smile: Sandy – congratulations on your continued southward move on the scale.
    :smile: Joyce / Katiebug – my cat has a preference for cashmere, 2 cashmere sweaters eaten.
    :smile: Susan – good luck to you, sending you good karma for a positive outcome.
    :smile: Heather – your story about the Turkish delight had me laughing. I could definitely picture it.

    Wishing all you beautiful ladies a "thankful" November. Be well.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    OK, how do I get the videos to post?

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    Let's see if this works
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Now what AM I doing wrong?????
  • huntndox
    huntndox Posts: 33 Member
    I am so glad I found this thread. It's good to find positive ladies who are closer to my age. I've just started what will be a very long journey, but I know I can do it with help from folks like you! For November, my goals are to continue on this path, recover from this terrible cold I have so that I can get out and walk again, and get through Thanksgiving weekend in a reasonable way. :happy:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 4th, what I am thankful for. As I was sitting on my recumbent Y I was thinking about what I would write about today. So I decided to write about the free opportunities available to us for exercise. God has given us a magnificent array of places to go to and get in a good walk, jog or whatever our choice may be. For me the Y is free because of my insurance so it is included. We have the beautiful Ohio river to walk beside and see the gently flowing river and the gorgeous colors of fall. A gently breeze keeps us cool as we are walking. Some ride their bikes, some jog, walk or just slowly walk and enjoy. Dogs meet up with each other and give us a laugh or two. Sometimes we meet people we haven't seen in a while, other times we make a new friend. Here in the good ol' USA we have many National or State parks to see and it's all taken care of for us to just go and enjoy. What better respite but to sit by a glorious waterfall, big or small and 'smell the roses'.

    I was able to ride 10 miles today!!!!!! And it was below 60 minutes. It's my fault I haven't done this for quite a while. When you snooze you lose. So 10.10 miles in 59 minutes. I think today was the first time I actually sweat while I exercised. Diabetics don't sweat as much so I was really pumping it!

    I am watching figure skating form my DVR right now. It is so graceful. The Cup of China is on. I couldn't find any of this on my regular stations but DirectV offers us these free weekends all the time of different stations and it was on the Universal sports network this weekend so I got to watch all 4 elements, dance, pairs, women and men.

    I don't know how my cat gets herself locked in rooms like she does. I can get up in the morning and have to search the house for her and I'll open up my office door and sure enough she is just sitting patiently waiting for me to open the door. Last night my husband yelled up the stairs asking if I was hearing knocking somewhere. I wasn't so he investigated downstairs. There she was in our spare bedroom that we never open and use unless our oldest daughter comes to town. It was her bedroom when she was a teenager and it is still hers. So we were glad that Miss Melody was knocking on the door. She doesn't meow, just knocks. She then came upstairs and sat at my office chair and just told me all about it. I have no idea what she was saying except it sounded desperate, she was telling me all about being locked in that dark room.

    Had lab work done this morning. If you remember when I had a chemistry panel done several weeks ago my sodium and chloride was low and my PCP saw me and ordered repeat levels along with a lot of other labs to see if there was a medical reason for those low labs other than me just really cutting down on my sodium levels in my foods. Well I was looking up this crazy prep I have to take for my colonoscopy on google last night, it's called MoviPrep, and it said not to take if you have low blood sodium. So I went to the lab today to get it drawn. There's no sense in me starting this weird low fiber diet Thrusday in prep for it of I can't take the laxative.

    Welcome huntndox, I like what you said getting through Thanksgiving in a reasonable way. That's what I do, just be reasonable.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. See you all later.:wink:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Smwert - I'm just east of Toronto, how far south of Ottawa are you? I have friends in that area.

    Will post more tonight - busy day at work today but wanted to catch up with everyone

    :heart: Sandy from ON

    North of Ingleside about 10 minutes
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Michele.......Glad the manicotti turned out so well. There was a place in Okemos, Mi. that had the BEST manicotti.......they would serve you two, one cheese and one meat in this fantastic red sauce.....this was back in the 70's and it's still the best I ever had.

    Saw "Last Vegas" today. Also made it to the gym for ladies exercise........one of my ladies won the 50/50 from the BYOH (bring your own horse) ride event on Sat. Made it through the party yesterday w/o eating going overboard........mainly because I was busy trying to recruit volunteers for a Nov. race. Got some good things to try at Whole Foods on my way home after the movie today---cinnamon butternut squash and roasted orange brussel sprouts. Also tried a new milk last week: "Califia" brand coconut almond milk a little in the hot cocoa is wonderful.

    Dh home just now; gotta run. Hello to all.

    chilly mid-Atlantic
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, My Friends.... did you all have a great day? Hope So. I did.

    I took a training session today so I can be an offering teller at my church. Boy, oh, Boy, there sure is a difference between the systems here and the system in the little church back in Mn where we had maybe 60 active members! I am excited that I have found a way to be useful to the congregation.

    I went shopping at the consignment shop again today. I didn't do badly in the clothing store, 1 pair of slacks & 1 jacket. But, then I went across the lot to the "This and That" store. Oh, I should have gone home! I now own a new set of glass canisters, a new jewelry box, and a little photo album that I am going to use as a Christmas present. They were all very reasonably priced, and it is a charity shop for the women's shelter, so I am gaining Karma points, too! (I know, I know.....I am silly)

    Then I went to the grocery store. Trying to park, an SUV almost backed into me, in the store a man older than I almost hit me with his shopping cart, and then a truck almost took me out again as I was trying to get out of the parking lot and home to my safe-site! It's dangerous at Safeway! While I was shopping, I found a new product that I am going to have for supper. They found a producer of gluten-free gnocci! I am excited! Let's hope they are good because they were spendy!
    TazGirl! Congratulations on the good weekend and the great loss!

    Katla- I have missed you, too. I just get crazy busy, and then fall asleep as soon as I hit a chair or sofa! I think most of my family members will be glad to see me, but that doesn't mean that the visit will go easily..... lots of old tapes, old roles to play and old hurts.... But, I am much calmer than I used to be and I will be OK!

    Katymc- Welcome! I love your picture!

    Sylvia- I am so glad that you got an appointment with an experienced doctor who has many resources at his beck and call. This was a good step. Take care of yourself and take it easy until you see the Dr.

    BarbieCat- Thank you for your faith in me. I know the steps I need to take, but I am sometimes too stubborn to admit what I need to do.

    Michele- You are so far ahead of me..... I can't even figure out how to post a still picture! I am such a techno-klutz!

    Huntndox- Welcome!

    Joyce- I have to block open all of the room doors to keep PeeVee from locking himself into the rooms during the night. Pee doesn't knock, he screams, and in the middle of the night, it's not a gentle wake up call!

    Good Night, my Friends,

  • Bonella
    Bonella Posts: 77 Member
    New to this thread and happy to meet you all! I got back on track in October, even though it was a challenge sometimes with football games and my daughter's birthday.

    My goals for November are to stay on track and to cook more. My main goal is to limit dinners out to no more than once a week, if we even do that

    Bonnie in Ohio
  • nannymarty04
    nannymarty04 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, my name is Marty, and i was just wondering if anyone on this Topic has CHF? i am having a hard time trying to eat without salt, anyone else have this problem?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi, my name is Marty, and i was just wondering if anyone on this Topic has CHF? i am having a hard time trying to eat without salt, anyone else have this problem?

    I don't know what CHF is, but DH has blood pressure issues and has to eat without added salt. The things we cook, we cook without any salt and add it at the table. I use salt and he uses salt substitute. His favorite Chinese restaurant will cook salt free if asked. So many things have a certain amount of inherent salt, such as meats, and milk if you drink it. He seems to be doing okay with that as long as we don't add salt and he drinks plenty of water.
  • helpmeet2day
    helpmeet2day Posts: 33 Member
    I love that! Act how you want to feel. Great inspiration. Thank you for the post.:happy:
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    Hello, all! I can't usually follow these long threads, but thought I'd chime in. My goal is simple - keep it up.

    Deb (54) from north Texas
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    For those of you that don't know CHF is congestive heart failure. The heart has difficulty pumping around all the blood to the body for one reason or another therefore the lungs get full of fluid. Restricting salt intake is a big part of the therapy. Good luck Marty in your treatment and your journey here. I hope you get some help. My diary is open, if you go back several weeks in mine you might find some low sodium meals. I have high b/P and have tried to restrict my salt intake to try to get off all my medicines. Unfortunately I restricted to much on some days and my blood sodium got to low and I had a lot of dizziness from it. So I am trying now to increase it. So if you will just send some of your excess sodium my way maybe we can get a balance between us!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    I am 521/2 HAhahaha! Remember when that was a big deal to get that 1/2 in? I would love some women of my age group or others who can appreciate our trails and woes and experiences as friends. I have alot that are young and sometimes I have no idea what they are talking about! LOL! I love them though! By the way I am over weight! Never been under. I too have medical issues. Would anyone wanna start a group of WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR NOVEMBER? Please feel free to add me if you wish! I am here everyday logging and motivating!