LOW CARB DIET from today.- who's with me?



  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hi there. I'm starting a low-carb cycle today. Will join your group!
  • Hi guys,

    A low carb diet can be as strict as you personally want it and depends a lot on your will power. The general rule I like to follow is:

    No bread
    No pasta
    No rice
    No potato
    No junk

    If you just follow this rule, the diet is bound to work but like I said it depends on your will power and personal preferences. You can still have legumes like lentils and chick peas in moderation but mainly focus on lean meats, salads, soups and if you like the taste and cant give up on pastas then I suggest looking into slim konjac pasta. Which is made from a vegetable and is an alternative to pasta.

    I did an even stricter version of this also known as the Dukan diet in which I just ate chicken and fat free yogurt for about a month and lost just over a stone. But that was just too hard to stick to and I easily got bored and put the weight back on. Therefore, I added fruit and veg (avoiding carby fruit and veg such as potato and mangoes) into my diet with fresh fruit juice and chick peas in moderation. Also read food labels before having sauces and dips as they can included added sugars.

    And please feel free to add me and join the group! :) x
  • I started paleo yesterday so I am sorta-kinda with you. :)
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I get headaches from lack of Carbs.
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi guys,

    A low carb diet can be as strict as you personally want it and depends a lot on your will power. The general rule I like to follow is:

    No bread
    No pasta
    No rice
    No potato
    No junk

    If you just follow this rule, the diet is bound to work but like I said it depends on your will power and personal preferences. You can still have legumes like lentils and chick peas in moderation but mainly focus on lean meats, salads, soups and if you like the taste and cant give up on pastas then I suggest looking into slim konjac pasta. Which is made from a vegetable and is an alternative to pasta.

    I did an even stricter version of this also known as the Dukan diet in which I just ate chicken and fat free yogurt for about a month and lost just over a stone. But that was just too hard to stick to and I easily got bored and put the weight back on. Therefore, I added fruit and veg (avoiding carby fruit and veg such as potato and mangoes) into my diet with fresh fruit juice and chick peas in moderation. Also read food labels before having sauces and dips as they can included added sugars.

    And please feel free to add me and join the group! :) x

    Oh, gotcha. I feel that is too much of a diet and not much of a lifestyle change I can stick to. I like to carb cycle which still gives me the results I'm looking for but without the cravings of all of those things you don't eat on low carb. Either way different things work for different bodies. So, good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Please add me, I have just been reading about carbs and how the wrong kind can make us fat and unhealthy!
    I would think there needs to be a balance?

    While I respect that people try different things, I disagree with your statement that the wrong kind of carbs can make us fat and unhealthy. The only thing that makes us fat and unhealthy is eating too much of any food at a calorie surplus. We lose weight when we eat at a calorie deficit, and it does not really matter what we eat.

    However, I can understand how certain foods can be triggers to eat more. When we eat more we gain weight.

    Eating a well balanced diet and at a calorie deficit is definitely the key to losing weight.
  • I would love to join also :) I have already started cutting out a lot of carbs so this works perfectly for me. Count me in!
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Hi guys,

    A low carb diet can be as strict as you personally want it and depends a lot on your will power. The general rule I like to follow is:

    No bread

    No chance :laugh:
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    There are a couple of great low carb groups here at MFP -

    General Low Carb Forum --

    Keto Group (Low carb, high fat, moderate protein)

    Good Luck!
  • Add me! I have been successful with low carb before but always gain it back when I go back to eating everything again. I want to make it a lifestyle change but worry that I need those nutrients. I would like guidance. Thanks for starting this.
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    I love low carb. Thats how I lost the majority of my weight :)
  • Please add me, I have just been reading about carbs and how the wrong kind can make us fat and unhealthy!
    I would think there needs to be a balance?

    While I respect that people try different things, I disagree with your statement that the wrong kind of carbs can make us fat and unhealthy. The only thing that makes us fat and unhealthy is eating too much of any food at a calorie surplus. We lose weight when we eat at a calorie deficit, and it does not really matter what we eat.

    However, I can understand how certain foods can be triggers to eat more. When we eat more we gain weight.

    Eating a well balanced diet and at a calorie deficit is definitely the key to losing weight.

    Everyone has their own opinions and ideas of how and what works and doesnt. Therefore o leave that upto you to go along with your ideas. I am merely giving suggestions to people to suggest what does work. If you look at research you will see the negative effects of white carbs (unhealthy) carbs such as rice pasta and bread whixh makes you gain weight so if you are just going to do calorie controlling you may lose weight but will not learn to eat the right foods for our body. Carbs are difficult to digest which then can cause it to come and stay on our tummy, thighs and other fatty areas of our bodies.
  • A calorie controlled diet can be depriving and leave us still hungry. So it makes sense to be able to eat as much food as we need to feel full (low carb foods) in oppose to depriving ourselves and constantly counting the calories before putting anything in our mouth. Consequently, once you finish a calorie controlled diet and get back to eating normal all the weight is bound to come back on so its more of a quick fix rather than a long term solution. A low carb allows you to eat without feeling hungry and poorly. It does not make sense to eat "anything" as eating junk food is hardly a way of lpsing weight. Making it a diet which can take a very long ime to lose weight.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I won't do low carb (did Atkins in the past but it was too restrictive for me) but I currently aim for 50-100 carbs a day and feel really good at that level. Restricting carbs has the bonus of effect of cutting the calories naturally.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    I'll join in tomorrow! I already passed my carb limit today lol
    I made a meal plan for tomorrow with measured out carbs.
  • najiqismat
    najiqismat Posts: 4 Member
    I did this for a month. I'd eat only ONE WHOLE grain a day, stayed away from starchy foods, ate lots of good veggies. Ate nothing high in sugar, and lots of protein.... I felt great! Then it was christmas.. and it all went down the drain hahaha
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
  • I am with you!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    If someone told you that you'd never be able to eat candy, bagels, donuts, cake, cookies, bread, rice, pasta, etc EVER again, even though there's nothing wrong with the way your body metabolises them (aka diabetes, etc), how would you feel?

    This is why low carb as a long term solution USUALLY doesn't work.

    My hat is off to you if you can stick with this as a long term weight management system.
  • loserlee123
    loserlee123 Posts: 109 Member
    I like the idea of lower carbs, higher proteins but I did atkins and had success but it was just too restrictive and I didn't like feeling guilty if I had an apple!