

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Nov 5th, what I am thankful for. Well there was no thinking about what I would be thankful for today. Today is my 1 year anniversary here on MFP!!!!. I don't know when it was that I joined this forum but it was everything that MFP has to offer that started on this journey. There is so much support from so many people that you would never think to ask. I can pre-plan my meals in the morning and know that it is limited to those foods and those only. It gives me help in knowing how many calories burned at the Y. I can take one of my recipe and just type it in and find out what I have eaten :noway: and then tweek it in a way that I can eat it. Then the people I have met. No words to describe that. The wisdom, support and guidance I have found in this forum is priceless. It has helped me reflect on myself and find why I am obese. Now reversing that has to come from myself but I know I have the support of you all to get me on track. I could go on and on but I won't. This is an individual journey that we have to go on ourselves, it just that we have the pleasure of having wonderful company walking beside us who are on their own journeys. So again, thank you MFP for being here for me. You brought me many friends.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Happy Anniversary! I am thankful you joined MPF, too, because you have helped support me in this journey and helped us understand what to do about DH's MS.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies!

    Well, I am worried. The little lady (98) with whom I work through a program at church is becoming very confused. At 98 it is to be expected, but I don't believe that her family is admitting that it is happening and taking steps to help her. In the program and role I play in this, I am really not allowed to step in and try to move them to action. I guess my next step will be to talk to Pastor and see if he can intervene. I will do my part by being vigilant, doing what I can, and praying.....lots. Thanks for listening.

    I could not even get myself out the door this morning to go to the OA meeting. My sleep is so messed up! Since we don't play around with clock changes here in Az, I don't even have that to blame! I just can't seem to get enough sleep.

    Bonnie- Welcome! The goal to cook more at home is also one of mine. When I eat out, I do not necessarily watch my portion sizes. We'll work on this one together, ok?

    Marty- Welcome! Both of my parents had CHF, and I try to watch my salt because of high blood pressure, but, it really is difficult.

    BeBubble- Welcome! Love the Judy Garland photo. Have you ever visited the museum in her hometown of Grand Rapids, MN?

    Joyce- Happy 1 Year Day! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congratulations, that is an awesome accomplishment!

    Ok- Off to get something done- cleaning my craft room. Any bets on how long it takes for me to get distracted from the cleaning and end up playing?

    Happy Tuesday!

  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    BUMP. Had a backslide in October but am on track for November. Thanks, MFP.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Phoo, my in-laws lived in Grand Rapids, MN. We visited there many times before they passed away. I'm trying to talk DH into going back next summer for his 50th class reunion, but he doesn't want to go.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Grandmalle - if you are a beginner with weights, see if someone can show you proper form. I can answer some (very) basic questions if that's helpful. :blushing: I love doing weights and always start with some cardio to warm up first (usually elliptical for 5-10 minutes).:love:

    Also, there is a great book of exercises with weights called the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises. Amazon had it for about $13 recently - normally it runs $24.95. It has lots of good pictures of the basis exercise, then variations.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Happy Anniversary Joyce, I'm so glad you found MFP also you certainly lighten up my day with your wonderful stories
    Congradulations on all your hard work this past year!

    Juanita in sudbury
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Anniversary Joyce.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    Bad, Bad Bad, ate with no stopping today, and junk,not all junk but alot.. on the bandwagon again tomorrow:sad:
  • bergamese
    bergamese Posts: 36 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I am getting back in the saddle after a week away.

    Goals for November and December:
    * log all food every day
    * under calorie goal 5 out of 7 days each week
    * hoping for Onederland by January 1
    * reasonable exercise (physical limitations keep me from weight lifting, but I can walk more)

    I would love to have support and feedback on my food and exercise. Please add me as a friend. I try to log in every day and post meaningful comments.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here I am, alone in the big city. I'm looking at this as a mini-vacation. Staying in a nice clean room (that I didn't have to clean), watching anything I want on the tv. No cooking dinner for hubby or for the dogs (yes, I cook their dinner). Go to bed anytime I want. What a life. So why do I miss hubby and pups so much?

    I got here (in Kansas City) about 4:00, checked in at the motel, then made a dry run to the medical center. It's very close to the motel. That place is ENORMOUS! I parked in the parking garage which is directly across the street from the cardiac center, and went inside to see what's what. I found where to get my parking stub validated, found the desk where I will check in, and found the cafeteria where I bought a nice salad and a cup of red grapes for my supper. So I'm all set. This may sound a little silly, but I get nervous in big crowded places, so it helps to practice. I'm going to sit down with my list and see if I can think of any other questions for the doctor.

    Thanks for all your support and encouragement. This is going to be good.

    Have a great evening.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here I am, alone in the big city. I'm looking at this as a mini-vacation. Staying in a nice clean room (that I didn't have to clean), watching anything I want on the tv. No cooking dinner for hubby or for the dogs (yes, I cook their dinner). Go to bed anytime I want. What a life. So why do I miss hubby and pups so much?

    I got here (in Kansas City) about 4:00, checked in at the motel, then made a dry run to the medical center. It's very close to the motel. That place is ENORMOUS! I parked in the parking garage which is directly across the street from the cardiac center, and went inside to see what's what. I found where to get my parking stub validated, found the desk where I will check in, and found the cafeteria where I bought a nice salad and a cup of red grapes for my supper. So I'm all set. This may sound a little silly, but I get nervous in big crowded places, so it helps to practice. I'm going to sit down with my list and see if I can think of any other questions for the doctor.

    Thanks for all your support and encouragement. This is going to be good.

    Have a great evening.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies, you have found a great bunch of women. Come back and post often we'd love to get to know you and support you.

    Sylvia - you are doing so great. I totally understand your nervousness in big crowds, I feel the same way. Good luck tomorrow, you are in my thoughts & prayers

    Pat - you & your lady friend are in my thoughts and prayers. What a difficult situation to be in. I hope you can get your sleep under control soon. Do you use lavender? I have some lavender vanilla lotion that I use at night.

    Grandmallie - you are doing great, try not to beat yourself up over 1 bad day. Tomorrow is a bright new day and you will get back on track.

    I haven't heard any more on my mother estate but good news is that my ex seems to be finally on board with the divorce. He even is going to pay for 1/2. yay :drinker:

    I went to the Y tonight without my DD as she made plans to go to the movies with some friends. I rode 50 min on the bike and made it 8.6 miles. It felt good.

    It will be another early night for me. Have a great night everyone!!!

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good evening good ladies. The weather has sure made a change. Been rainning alday and they are talking snow flurries tonight. I am still trying to ajust to my new glasses. This getting older is hard work. well I lost .2 pounds this week and guess i should be glad it was not a gain as I had several bad days. I tried on a pair of jeans I bought last year and they were almost too big. This evening then I went thur my underwear and got rid of the too big ones. So I am getting better about getting rid of things that are too big. Not easy. Today I am Thankful for my warm home. The new furnance is working great and so quite I keep checking to make sure it is running. Now if they would finish the siding I would be happy. I came home yesterday afternoon and acouple guys were here with ladders and I thought great its going to get done. Less then 5 minutes and they got in their truck and left. DH called the insurance company and the boss of the company doing the work, so see what happens next. Last Friday evening was our monthly CMA meeting and we elected officers for next year. I was elected secretary for another year. Most the time I enjoy it.

    Meg--:sad: sounds like you are having the same problems with are with getting the work done. I am worried that with the rain and maybe snow that it will get under the siding and mold. I have a fear of mold.

    Joyce--:heart: Love the dream. I dream I get a large sum of money and fix up the house and buy all the kids and my DSIL new houses. Seems those nights I wake up more tried then when I went to bed. Guess that is because I was so busy alnight. The prep for your colonoscopy must be something new as everytime I have gotten mine I just had to take the pills and drink the gallon of stuff the day before. Since my mom, her brothers and parents all had colan cancer they have me do the tests like every three years. I keep telling myself it is better to do that then get the cancer. Happy MFP anniversary.

    Joanie--:flowerforyou: thaks for sharing your blog. I printed it off so can hang it on my desk to remind me

    Sandy--:flowerforyou: Congtrates on your weight loss. You are doing fantastic. :smile: glad to hear the ex is going to finally go along with the divorce and pay half.

    Sue--:mad: How terrible for DD. I hope they can get her stuff back. I just do not understand how people can steal and not feel so bad about what they are taking from people and most the time it is people they do not know.

    drkatiebug--thanks for explaining. I have the upper room and DH and I try to read that before bed each night. I have acouple books with daily devotions I try and read each day at work. To help me remember God is with me and in control.

    Susan--:smile: Bless you for being so caring with your dad. Please be sure and take care of yourself also.

    Heather--glad you are feeling better.:smile: Prayers to you and your friend.

    Sylvia--:flowerforyou: Thinking of you and pray all goes well tomorrow. You are so brave to go alone. I know what you mean about being around alot of people. I find I have trouble breathing around alot of people, and when I am somewhere new.:laugh: Bruno sounds alot like our new puppy. They have so much energy and so much fun. Our new puppy Jake has made himself right at home and he loves to go for car rides. I have trouble getting out of the house without him. He is real good about not going outside the fence and comes back with I call him. Our other dog Toby thinks he is a cat and when you call him he will just look at you like are you talking to me. If he wants to play or cuddle he come to us otherwise forget it. So was that your grandchildren you were talking about the mom being in jail? Some people just should not be parents.

    smwert--:smile: Hugs and prayers to you and that this time they got all the cells. I have a friend going thru radation after a lumpectomy. She had to go in twice and have the lumpectomy. She is doing radation for 8 weeks, but doctors seem postive. I feel so helpless as not sure how to help her. I do go over about once a week and take her out for awhile. Just to the mall to walk around and have a pop.

    drillsgt75--:flowerforyou: Congrates on the weight loss. I know what you mean. I started at 370 and down 124 pounds. I haven't seen these low numbers in so many years I can't remember. I know when my son was born I was at 210 and he will be 39 end of this month. I am excited about reaching the "ones".

    Tina-- :flowerforyou: congrates on the weight loss. Thanks for the reminder God is with us always. Know I talk to him alot!!

    grandmallie--Thank you for sharing the family picture. Don't beat yourself up over acouple bad days. You have some so far and done so well. :smile: You are such a neat person and I am so glad to know you and share this journey with you.

    Barbie--:sad: Sorry your back is taking so long to get better. Sounds like you are doing all the right things.

    jbfromPA-- :happy: glad your sister is ok. It is great you and her DH are doing what you can to keep her home.

    Pat--Sorry to hear about your 98 year old lady friend. Said a prayer for both of you.

    :smile: Welcome to all the new ladies. Please come back often and get to know us and let us get to know you. You can not find a better group of ladies then here. Good luck on your life style change and good health.

    Well last Sunday was our 29th anniversary. We both worked and then our son and wife and granddaughter took us out to supper. Love spending time with them. Then my mom and dad called. He is doing well, still sounds so weak but working hard so he can go home on the 15th. I just worry mom will end up doing to much and she is 80 so she needs to take care of herself.
    Hope you all have a great evening and remember to tell those you love that you love them. I love each and everyone of you and the blessings you bring to my life and this journey to health are the best.
    Blessed, Vickil GI NE
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :heart: okay. I can finally say it out loud. Dd and SIL are expecting baby # 2. Woo hoo
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Rori - when you said that one of your goals is to "reduce artificial sweetener" and then had "Nectresse" in parenthesis next to it, did you mean reducing the amount of Nectresse you use or replacing other sweetners with Nectresse? Good goal, I'm not a fan of artificial sweeteners at all.

    Tina - we live in Newton, NC which is at the foothills of the mountains, northwest of Charlotte, near Hickory. My father didn't have CHF, but before he passed away I would make his dinners and then freeze them, too. Actually, many times what I wound up doing was making dinner for us and then freezing a portion for him.

    drkatiebug - congrats on not touching the candy! I keep some of the Brianna's salad dressing in the fridge for Jessica. It IS good. What if you have a glass of water with lemon juice in it? Many times the tartness of the lemon juice helps curb any desire for something else (like the Dr. Pepper)

    Liz - I think you'll probably always have "missing your sister" days. Eventually, they won't be as frequent but they'll always be there. You are such a great sister

    Tammy in OK - welcome back! What kind of training are you doing?

    Syulvia - I bought some pork chops, I think I got them at Sams. I was very surprised, to me they taste salty. Can't you just cook the meal for you and then hubby can add his salt at the table? Safe travels. Can you maybe take a tape recorder with you and record the conversation with the doctor?

    Pat - that is so wonderful of you to be looking after and worrying about that lady. God has a special place in heaven for people like you;.

    Did 50 minutes of Denise Austin's Boot Camp DVD today. Tomorrow I'll go to yoga then take the deep water class. In the afternoon we have senior bowling.

    Went to mahjongg this afternoon. I only maj'd once. Oh well. Anyway, in the a.m. I'd made this chocolate cobbler for Jessica. I wasn't sure how I liked it, so I looked at it when I got home from mahjongg. The recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter, but I think that's too much. So I made another one, this time without any butter just spraying the bottom of the pan. It did have good chocolate flavor, tho. The bad part is that I was really hungry when I got home from mahjongg and had some. The good news is that after just a bit, I feel so full. Wish I didn't have it, tho. Well...live and learn...

    Sylvia - I jdo the exact same thing, I usually do a dry run to someplace. Best of luck to you, you're starting off looking on the bright side of things (you didn't have to cook, etc)

    Sandy - that's wonderful that your ex is on board with the divorce.

    Vicki - congrats on getting rid of the too big things. Feels good, huh? Now you have room for new things that are a smaller size!

    Vicki - hope you had a wonderful anniversary

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. I just wrote a huge post that suddenly disappeared, so I am just going to say hi and I'll have to start over tomorrow. Hope all is well, it was a crazy day at work today. Lost an instructor who has clinical Thursday. More later....I can't replicate my post! Take care, Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tazgirl, the pizza chicken sounds awesome, thanks for sharing it.

    :flowerforyou: Drkatiebug, adding a spiritual component to my weight loss journey has helped me a lot and I see the same thing happening for you.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, I hope you have good books with you to read if you are having trouble sleeping…..reading always helps me either by keeping my mind busy or by helping me fall asleep….you did the right thing by going to the place ahead of time and figuring out where everything is…….breath and stay in the moment

    :flowerforyou: Rori, I gave up coffee about four years ago when I realized that what I liked best was the hazelnut creamer I put in it (sweetened with some artificial sweetener) then I gradually decreased the amount of sweetener I put in tea and now I use none…..it just took time.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: : With the time I'm spending lying down on the ice pack, I've had time for extra reading and extra introspection. I figured out that all my life I have expected to heal faster than other people so now that there is something that isn't going away fast, I need to change my outlook. I've gotten some great suggestions about gentle yoga, self massage (and Jake has offered to massage my back at bedtime), ice, heat, and patience. I walked the dogs a bit and did yoga stretches.

    :flowerforyou: They shut the water off in our neighborhood this morning to do some repairs and predicted that it would be off for as long as five hours so Jake filled all our buckets and big pots with water so we'd have water to flush the toilet and wash our hands but the maintenance guy did an awesome job and the water was back on in less than an hour. :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from clear and cold NW Washington

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Sylvia - :flowerforyou: in my eyes you are super brave for driving to the city and then actually driving to the parking place at the hospital. :noway: No way could I have done that. I am the most nervous driver ever, especially if I don't know where I am going.:huh: :ohwell:

    Vicki - yeah for getting rid of your too big undies. You are doing so well.:flowerforyou: You must hardly know yourself!

    Joyce - I too am grateful you are in our community of lovely over 50s. I love your posts so much.:love:

    In fact I must just say how much I appreciate all of you. Not the least because I have learnt more than I ever dreamed sbout life in North America, and other parts of the world. I love reading all your day to day posts, which must seem quite ordinary to you, but to me are a daily wonder. One thing that stands out for me is the number of chain restaurants and the amount of times people seem to eat out. I think over here young people would do that more, but people my age not so much. I also marvel at the amount of volunteering and involvement in the community. I also love to read about your shopping trips and all the unfamiliar brands. Like you we have aisles full of crisps and sweets, but I think we use fewer bottled sauces, packets etc. Many people over here, who are pushed for time, eat a lot of chilled preprepared ready meals, as I did when the boys were young. They can be very good, but a lot of you have commented on the sodium levels. The supermarkets are always trying to cut down on that. I also love it when you write about meeting bears on your walk or the garden being dug up by feral hogs!
    Every day is an education for me!:love:

    I managed 22 pushups today, so I am gradually getting back to full strength. I did NOT feel like doing my exercising this morning and moaned and groaned all the way through, but managed it all.

    DH was going on a walk today with his cricket friend, but the weather forecast was so dreary they have decided just to meet for a pub lunch and walk another day. I'm glad they have decided to get together as men often need an excuse of sport or something to meet up. It's good to have a friend.:happy:

    Going to make a huge pot of chicken stock today with all my left over carcases. Soup here I come!

    Heather in drizzly Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    morning my dear friends,
    Oh yesterday started out so well, and tanked by the end of the day.. this is why I didn't want candy in the house..darn girls at work brought halloween candy in, and yesterday I picked at it all afternoon,then came home had a couple of pieces of toast, and all that sugar.
    OY now I know why i cut most of it out.. I didnt get up at 4, stayed in bed until 6, didn't get to the gym, im icing my heal because it hurts, had my lemon water, have laundry in the washer, and today is my late day to go in, wont be going in until noon, so what I will do once im in shape is go for a walk..
    I usually weigh myself daily, I didn't want the shame today ,so I didnt..
    thank you all for your kind words,I know we all have slip ups, and thank you for the kind words on my family.. I do love them so very much, just wish my girls were closer:brokenheart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: I read this today:

    "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity"........Melody Beattie

    :heart: Barbie from clear and cold NW Washington
