I need to quit drinking to get healthy!



  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!

    Okay you are on the right track. Now notice if Sara logs. Check that part out.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!

    Okay you are on the right track. Now notice if Sara logs. Check that part out.

    Oh i know Sara logs for sure! And I know i log too - obviously just not as good as Sara does.
  • KindredSouls
    KindredSouls Posts: 188 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!

    Sara also works her *kitten* off and is aware of everything she consumes. That's the difference.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • sburt0519
    sburt0519 Posts: 1 Member
    Know the feeling completely - my drink of choice is vodka on the rocks - a highball glass (3 to 4 oz) - 3 or 4 a night = 9 - 12 oz = 575 - 760 cal....3 to 4 nights a week. Then I get an email from work - a fitness challenge - 60 days to see who can get in shape - can't afford that many cal.

    So a decision had to be made - cut back -- been there tried that didn't work with vodka - stop all drinking - been there done that didn't like that - so I switched to a single glass of wine and not every night. Somehow, that seems enough vs 4 glasses of vodka.

    It was a decision I had been struggling with for awhile - the fitness challenge was just a push - can I keep it up - I don't know but I keep taking 1 day and see how that goes - I am doing the same with exercise and dieting and it seems to be working.

    Good luck to you and keep smiling
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    OP ignore the bullies!!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Know the feeling completely - my drink of choice is vodka on the rocks - a highball glass (3 to 4 oz) - 3 or 4 a night = 9 - 12 oz = 575 - 760 cal....3 to 4 nights a week. Then I get an email from work - a fitness challenge - 60 days to see who can get in shape - can't afford that many cal.

    So a decision had to be made - cut back -- been there tried that didn't work with vodka - stop all drinking - been there done that didn't like that - so I switched to a single glass of wine and not every night. Somehow, that seems enough vs 4 glasses of vodka.

    It was a decision I had been struggling with for awhile - the fitness challenge was just a push - can I keep it up - I don't know but I keep taking 1 day and see how that goes - I am doing the same with exercise and dieting and it seems to be working.

    Good luck to you and keep smiling

    You were drinking 3 or 4 drinks a night

    She is drinking 3 or 4 times A YEAR

    not the same at all :noway:
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    I play badminton once a week and I go for a couple afternoon walks with my son (chasing him).
    OP, for your weight, what does MFP calculate the calories burned for badminton or walking fast after your son.
    Btw ~ how fast does your 2 year-old run? 2 miles/hour? 3 miles/hour? One hour non-stop, and you're right behind him the whole hour ? Really?
    Take him to a 1/4 mile track & see how much terrain you cover in 30 minutes.
    If he covers 4 loops(ie 1 mile) in 30 minutes, he's running 2 miles per hour. get him registered in some 5ks. stat.

    For me, the mfp calcs show as:
    243 calories. 1 hr Badminton.
    135 calories. 1 hr Walking 2 mph
    178 calories. 1 hr Walking 3 mph
    BTW ~ MFP's calculations.usually err on the high side.

    You really don't burn much MORE calories when you stand, when compared to sitting.
    Here's a link :
    Enter weight, Enter 1 hour. choose Calculate :
    btw ~ I burn only an additional 28 calories per hour. standing vs sitting.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!

    Sara also works her *kitten* off and is aware of everything she consumes. That's the difference.

    Sara consumes me. Well her success consumes my waking thoughts. I'm fairly certain she does not know it. #oopsnotastalker #oopsnotaminion #oopsnotaliar
  • KindredSouls
    KindredSouls Posts: 188 Member
    OP ignore the bullies!!

    Just in case you missed it before.. .its called reading... left to right ... forming sentences... top to bottom!

    Actually there are no haters posting in this topic.... only people that have been around for quite some time and are trying to help. When someone doesnt take responsibility for what they are doing wrong, the results will always be the same. If people would simply ask a question and possibly follow the answers the outcome may be different and they wouldnt have to repost the same thing over and over expecting to get a different answer.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Tim is always Black Forest Ham & Swiss. Subway is always 6" Ham with light mayo and veggies on wholewheat. I still don't see how im that bad at being over. Ive just looked at the report for last 30 days and YES there's a few days wayyy over goal but there are tons of day just little under/little over my 1750 goal and some days way under like 1300/1400. Why are people telling me that im wayyyy over and this is why im not losing weight?

    1. You're quick adding so we can't possibly know what you are eating on a regular basis. Yes this week was bad and i did quick add some.
    2. In the last week you were WAY over. 3500+ over. Yep I certainly was but NOT the first 3 weeks of Oct.
    3. What is that 1750 based on? I work out quite a bit and it's rare that I have a day that hits 1750. I have a 1300 base and I eat back most of my exercise calories. My TDEE is 2050 so -15% = 1742.
    4. I honestly don't think you are choosing the right foods if you are serious about wanting to lose weight. I also don't think you are accurate at weighing and/or gauging what you are eating. I am accurate other then the homemade desserts this week and i binged on fast food too. Stupid me!!!
    5. Cleaning the house is not exercise. I know, but it makes my TDEE higher.
    6. Considering you are lifting weights AND going over quite a bit on your diet, you could be bulking. I haven't been going over on my diet week after week.....
    7. No cardio? Yes, badminton once a week for 1.5hrs and a couple walks with my son in his stroller.
    8. Eat less, move more. Lather, rinse, repeat. I guess i should try more of a 15% cut even though LOTS of people say i shouldn't when i im so close to goal. Not sure what to do here.

    How far from goal are you?
    Only 10lbs. But even if just inches are lost and no weight, im totally cool with that. It's the reason i started Strong Lifts. To make my prepreg clothes fit again.

    So do TDEE - 10%
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Tim is always Black Forest Ham & Swiss. Subway is always 6" Ham with light mayo and veggies on wholewheat. I still don't see how im that bad at being over. Ive just looked at the report for last 30 days and YES there's a few days wayyy over goal but there are tons of day just little under/little over my 1750 goal and some days way under like 1300/1400. Why are people telling me that im wayyyy over and this is why im not losing weight?

    1. You're quick adding so we can't possibly know what you are eating on a regular basis. Yes this week was bad and i did quick add some.
    2. In the last week you were WAY over. 3500+ over. Yep I certainly was but NOT the first 3 weeks of Oct.
    3. What is that 1750 based on? I work out quite a bit and it's rare that I have a day that hits 1750. I have a 1300 base and I eat back most of my exercise calories. My TDEE is 2050 so -15% = 1742.
    4. I honestly don't think you are choosing the right foods if you are serious about wanting to lose weight. I also don't think you are accurate at weighing and/or gauging what you are eating. I am accurate other then the homemade desserts this week and i binged on fast food too. Stupid me!!!
    5. Cleaning the house is not exercise. I know, but it makes my TDEE higher.
    6. Considering you are lifting weights AND going over quite a bit on your diet, you could be bulking. I haven't been going over on my diet week after week.....
    7. No cardio? Yes, badminton once a week for 1.5hrs and a couple walks with my son in his stroller.
    8. Eat less, move more. Lather, rinse, repeat. I guess i should try more of a 15% cut even though LOTS of people say i shouldn't when i im so close to goal. Not sure what to do here.

    How far from goal are you?
    Only 10lbs. But even if just inches are lost and no weight, im totally cool with that. It's the reason i started Strong Lifts. To make my prepreg clothes fit again.

    So all this for 10 lbs?... Do TDEE - 10%

  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I play badminton once a week and I go for a couple afternoon walks with my son (chasing him).
    OP, for your weight, what does MFP calculate the calories burned for badminton or walking fast after your son.
    Btw ~ how fast does your son run? 2 miles an hour ? 3 miles an hour ? continually for an hour ?
    if so, he should start competing in 5ks.

    For me, the mfp calcs show as:
    243 calories. 1 hr Badminton.
    135 calories. 1 hr Walking 2 mph
    178 calories. 1 hr Walking 3 mph
    BTW ~ MFP's calculations.usually err on the high side.

    You really don't burn much MORE calories when you stand, when compared to sittinng.
    What are your NET calores burned. check it out :
    Enter weight, Enter 1 hour. choose Calculate :

    LOL, how fast does my son run? that kinda made me laugh. Seriously though, prob not that fast. It just seems tiring to me when i have to stop and go to grab him, makes me start to sweat. It will prob help me to start skating on Sundays too but unfortunatly, i will have to take my son. Which means i can't focus all on me. He doens't know how to skate yet. I just like to focus more on heavy lifting to get that lean strong body and i set time aside 3 days a week for this just so i can have ME time and not be bothered by anyone. Badminton is me time too but really it doesn't burn a whole lot of cals.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Tim is always Black Forest Ham & Swiss. Subway is always 6" Ham with light mayo and veggies on wholewheat. I still don't see how im that bad at being over. Ive just looked at the report for last 30 days and YES there's a few days wayyy over goal but there are tons of day just little under/little over my 1750 goal and some days way under like 1300/1400. Why are people telling me that im wayyyy over and this is why im not losing weight?

    1. You're quick adding so we can't possibly know what you are eating on a regular basis. Yes this week was bad and i did quick add some.
    2. In the last week you were WAY over. 3500+ over. Yep I certainly was but NOT the first 3 weeks of Oct.
    3. What is that 1750 based on? I work out quite a bit and it's rare that I have a day that hits 1750. I have a 1300 base and I eat back most of my exercise calories. My TDEE is 2050 so -15% = 1742.
    4. I honestly don't think you are choosing the right foods if you are serious about wanting to lose weight. I also don't think you are accurate at weighing and/or gauging what you are eating. I am accurate other then the homemade desserts this week and i binged on fast food too. Stupid me!!!
    5. Cleaning the house is not exercise. I know, but it makes my TDEE higher.
    6. Considering you are lifting weights AND going over quite a bit on your diet, you could be bulking. I haven't been going over on my diet week after week.....
    7. No cardio? Yes, badminton once a week for 1.5hrs and a couple walks with my son in his stroller.
    8. Eat less, move more. Lather, rinse, repeat. I guess i should try more of a 15% cut even though LOTS of people say i shouldn't when i im so close to goal. Not sure what to do here.

    How far from goal are you?
    Only 10lbs. But even if just inches are lost and no weight, im totally cool with that. It's the reason i started Strong Lifts. To make my prepreg clothes fit again.

    So all this for 10 lbs?... Do TDEE - 10%


    Ya eat more! That sounds like a good plan!!! WTF! With so many people telling me im going over way too much!!!
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    OP ignore the bullies!!

    Just in case you missed it before.. .its called reading... left to right ... forming sentences... top to bottom!

    Actually there are no haters posting in this topic.... only people that have been around for quite some time and are trying to help. When someone doesnt take responsibility for what they are doing wrong, the results will always be the same. If people would simply ask a question and possibly follow the answers the outcome may be different and they wouldnt have to repost the same thing over and over expecting to get a different answer.

    OP ignore this hater.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've only glanced at a few replies so maybe I've gotten the wrong impression, but are people actually arguing wtih a diabetic who admits to problem drinking's decision to not drink??

    OP, it sounds to me like you know what you need to do. Best of luck.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    I play badminton once a week and I go for a couple afternoon walks with my son (chasing him).
    OP, for your weight, what does MFP calculate the calories burned for badminton or walking fast after your son.
    Btw ~ how fast does your 2 year-old run? 2 miles/hour? 3 miles/hour? One hour non-stop, and you're right behind him the whole hour ? Really?
    Take him to a 1/4 mile track & see how much terrain you cover in 30 minutes.
    If he covers 4 loops(ie 1 mile) in 30 minutes, he's running 2 miles per hour. get him registered in some 5ks. stat.

    For me, the mfp calcs show as:
    243 calories. 1 hr Badminton.
    135 calories. 1 hr Walking 2 mph
    178 calories. 1 hr Walking 3 mph
    BTW ~ MFP's calculations.usually err on the high side.

    You really don't burn much MORE calories when you stand, when compared to sitting.
    Here's a link :
    Enter weight, Enter 1 hour. choose Calculate :
    btw ~ I burn only an additional 28 calories per hour. standing vs sitting.

    LOL, how fast does my son run? that kinda made me laugh. Seriously though, prob not that fast. It just seems tiring to me when i have to stop and go to grab him, makes me start to sweat. It will prob help me to start skating on Sundays too but unfortunatly, i will have to take my son. Which means i can't focus all on me. He doens't know how to skate yet. I just like to focus more on heavy lifting to get that lean strong body and i set time aside 3 days a week for this just so i can have ME time and not be bothered by anyone. Badminton is me time too but really it doesn't burn a whole lot of cals.
    I was getting a little intense with my posts. sorry about that. I do apologize :heart:

    ok, glad I made you laugh :smile: :smile:
    Glad you're enjoying the little rascal's high energy, and glad you're enjoying your badminton ( 'me time' and stress release are a great thing, aren't they )

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Ya eat more! That sounds like a good plan!!! WTF! With so many people telling me im going over way too much!!!

    People are saying be accurate with your logging and exercise...

    You do only need a small deficit when you only have a little fat loss left... So if you over estimate your calorie burn by 100 cals and under estimate your food by 100 cals there goes your deficit, no fat loss....