40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Last night was a really good 'baptism' into systems! I learned that sooooooooooo much of my after-supper grazing is 100% visual-clue induced, or alternatively, induced by putting my *kitten* on the couch!

    Right after supper, and I was full, I brushed my teeth!

    I was going to go sit on the couch with my computer, but retreated to my bedroom, instead.

    Within 30 minutes, my husband was in my bedroom and my kids had crawled into the bed with me! NOBODY was watching t.v.! (We don't have any tv in our bedrooms....). Everybody was visiting!

    It was HILARIOUS!

    Anyway, bedtime for kids came, I hopped back into bed with my ipad and then did some reading! ("OXYGEN" magazine is BACK and I read about 1/2 of it).

    No munchies struck. Nothing.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Good for you Beeps! I love snuggle time! I usually get mine in the am as they get up but then with 3 boys and hubby it turns into a dog pile and tickle fight!

    Weight is coming off nicely! figure it is mostly water at the moment but soon it will be the target areas of fat!

    I did my BBL High n Tight this am, then 12 flights of stairs, then outside to clean up the yard! Oh and my chin ups (still at 2) and pole climbing (really works your core) 5 times.

    Trying not to do too much cardio on this diet so I just burn the needed fat!

    Got a little down after finding out my Aunt passed away a few days ago. My mom is the only remaining sibling of 6! Hubby shows up with a rose in a glass swan vase, 98 % dark choc, and an awesome sweet card!

    Gotta run! Mamma's work is never done!

    Keep rocking it cool kids! xoxo

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Sorry about your aunt, princessofred....your exercise sounds awesome, though!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    RM - thats funny! I don't typically look the ads on MFP website but I have seen a few posts where people say their webbrowsing shows up on the MFP page.

    Beeps - looks like you are on to something there! So brushing your teeth signals your brain that nothing else is going in your mouth? and sounds like a fantastic, quality family time. I miss the days my girls would come and snuggle with me in bed. My oldest, 21, still comes and sits on the side of my bed and we'll talk about our day... next time, I am just gonna grab her and pull her in =) I also agree with grazing being a sight thing. If there is something out on the counter or table, I will mindlessly pop it into my mouth. I tend to make sure there's nothing out but the fruit basket!

    princess - sorry to read about your Aunt but hope you are really enjoying your visit with your family. Hubby is definitely a keeper too! =)

    Did workout #1 of 3 of the Fitness Blender's 1000 cal after work yesterday, was awesome 87 minute event! lol, combined 30 minutes of HIIT with 26 minutes of strength and 16 minutes of ab work and then a cool down stretch. I am feeling it in my thighs and abs today! We had our first dusting of snow overnight so I had the crunching beneath my feet on my walk this morning... love that sound! Had to keep stopping to get the snowballs off from my dogs paws tho, annoying, time to trim them up again.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All! I have not been on in a few days. I did end up shopping on Saturday and got a lot accomplished. Sunday I went to a birthday party for my friend's son who just turned 1! Then I ended up getting sick with a terrible sore throat Sunday night. I ended up at the doctor's yesterday and have an infection. No Fun!!! I have been very tired and other than going to my appointment just stayed home to rest. I rested today as well, but did come in to work as I have tons to do. I am going to try to make it to the gym tomorrow morning though. I am missing it.

    Beeps- glad to hear your birthday went well.

    Alf- Your trip sounds like it will be loads of fun!
  • amontanye
    amontanye Posts: 36 Member
    I have had a hard time getting motivated to exercise again. I did great the first 7 months this year (was training for a half marathon) and did keep up with running after my race. But when I wasn't seeing the scale budge even with the exercise I was doing, I kind of let up a little. I bought a food scale to watch my calories closer, which is helping now and even with not exercising like I was, the scale is at least moving again. Now to balance exercise with eating so that I can still lose.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey cool kids, this post is about heroes

    We all have heroes in our lives, and Joy Johnson was one of mine. I was privileged to also call her my friend. Joy Johnson, 85, ran her 25th consecutive New York City Marathon this past Sunday (November 3rd) despite suffering a fall. Yesterday morning she gave an interview on the Today show and died shortly after – from internal bleeding as a result of that fall.

    Many of us that knew her would say “we want to be just like Joy, running marathons in our 80s.” We called her “The JOY of running,” I couldn’t ask for a better role model. :smile:

    The links below show Joy in 2009 and 2012, training for her most favourite marathon…NYC. Enjoy.


  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    sdereski - how tragic! I think it is wonderful that she had the opportunity to do what she loved doing for so many years. Keep your JOY of running alive for her. :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Wow, sdereski, sorry for your loss....she sounds like a TRUE marvel!
  • solobiker
    I got in a nice run today after work then about 30 min of weight training. I am trying something new and I will have to see how it works. I love love love to workout every day. However, for the past couple of months my Mondays at work have been pretty long...12 plus hours. I can't really change it as I work in healthcare and can't change when we get new patients.. Well after a long day of patient care and trying to make sure dinner is done and ready for my husband ( he does not expect it..I just like to do it for him) when he gets home from work I feel like I rush through my workout or I don't make time for other responsibilities. Yesterday was my first day off from exercised in several months.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    That's terrible, sdereski--I had heard that she fell while running, but not that she had died from her injuries.
    It sounds like she'll live on in many people's memories, though.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,

    Thank you for your kind words.

    The Today Show will be doing a short tribute to Joy this morning. After each NYC marathon she ran, she would then go down to the Today show and talk to Al Rocker (?) outside. She did so on Monday as well.

    Runner's World also had a short article on her online yesterday. She really was quite a lady.

    Had a terrible headache all day yesterday, and ended up missing my lifting session. I did curl last night, so I got a bit of exercise, but nothing much. Funny, but I don't really consider curlilng exercise. lol.
    Diet has been good. Today is my fast day. Wish me luck! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Good luck with your fast, sdereski!!

    Today, I lift!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    SDERESKI, I read the article last night about Joy and her story. What an inspiration to both young and old.

    You will do well on your fast also.

    Hope all of you are doing well.

    I am still very sore from boxing and boot camp. Yet in the end I know the pain and soreness is weakness leaving my body.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • kristinksmith
    kristinksmith Posts: 44 Member
    Joining this thread as I just celebrated by 41st (or as I am now calling it -- forty-funnest) birthday. Just read the post about the Joy and her joy of running. The way she embraced life is how I want to do it -- happy, healthy and with huge excuberance! I have made great improvements in my lifestyle since this past June and am loving the energy and enthusiasm I have for playing with my kids and taking care of myself.

    Glad to join all you cool kids!
  • solobiker
    sdereski, I am so sorry to hear about this. Sorry I did not acknowledge it in my post below yours. I do not know how I missed it. My thoughts are with her family and friends.
  • solobiker
    Got in a pretty good 60 min aerobic exercise,30 of which was HIIT. My food choices for the most part have been pretty good. I need to increase my stamina for backcountry skiing...Pretty soon I will be heading up to the mountains for lots of skiing.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    No problem solo. Thanks again all. She certainly was an inspirational lady and I was blessed to have known her.

    Fast has gone well. Ran tonight as well....a nice 4+ mile run.

    Figured out what was causing my headache....had another doozy today. The lights in my office. I would usually start getting one around 3pm, but the pain has been starting early morning and lasting all day. I turned the lights off that are right above my desk, and within an hour it was starting to subside.
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Princess - So sorry for your loss. Your husband is a keeper, but you probably already knew that.

    Sdereski - Your friend sounds like a true inspiration. Sorry to hear of her passing.

    Alf - Hope you have a great trip. I absolutely can't believe you're going to be 50!! :noway:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning cool kids! I am finally starting to feel better. Between my throat infection and TOM it has been a doozy of a week. Today was the first day I have exercised since Saturday. I got in some aerobics this morning. Now off to get ready for a couple of appointments with my hubby before heading to work later this morning.

    Sdereski~ so sorry to hear about Joy. I saw her story on the news. She sounds like a true inspiration.