LOW CARB DIET from today.- who's with me?



  • Ryanhallfayce
    I just got done doing low-carb (Keto) for about 10 months. It wasn't a difficult diet if you eat at home a lot. Me being me I was all about eating nothing but meat, cheese, and some veggies.

    A lot of the issues I came across were social settings and going to eat with friends. Taking the stuff out of a meal that is hi-carb is sometimes difficult and can complicate what you want to order to eat. Most of the time, you can be accommodated though. As a social drinker too, you can get away with drinking diet mixers + liquor.

    I will say this for sure, sticking with it requires preparation, dedication, and A LOT of discipline. There are ups and downs to it. You'll lose weight fast and easily, however sometimes you can slip up and gain a lot of weight overnight (once shot up 8lbs because of a cheat day). Many people on low-carb make claims that they don't need to calorie count on low-carb, but I will call total bull**** on that. Counting calories will get you the results you want, no matter what diet. If you don't you could easily resume unhealthy past eating habits when you are through sticking to a specific diet. It's by no means a cut-and-dry diet. There's a lot of unexplainables that have occurred in my time with it, so there are obstacles to overcome.

    All of this being said, I would easily recommend and help anyone who wants to try low-carb. It's helped me out a lot with my weight, and I don't regret it for a minute. I strongly encourage anyone to try it.
  • 50racinggirl
    50racinggirl Posts: 96 Member
    I have been following my doctor supervised program and I am starting to feel great. I :heart: this whole low carb thing!
  • carolinebrussels
    carolinebrussels Posts: 22 Member
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    So a lot of people are saying they did low or no carb and lost a load of weight.....and then put it all back on .....and now want to do it again.

    This is a vicious circle.

    Can you honestly eat 'low' (however low you choose i do not know) carb for the rest of your life...?

    I am being cautious of carbs - less bread and potatoes but things like rice and pasta will always be in my life!!

    I think Low Carb is the only plan that gets so much blame for weight gain when people STOP following the plan. It's actually funny to me. When someone stops doing Weight Watchers and regains weight, no one places the blame on the Weight Watchers program - because their gain came when they didn't follow the program. Why is Low Carb judged differently?

    I'm 14 months into low carb (specifically keto -- low carb, high fat, moderate protein), and I feel very comfortable with this as a lifestyle. Rice and Pasta have never had much interest for me - eating ribeye, bacon, butter and heavy cream more than makes up for that.

    I do believe that in the end, calories are what's important in the equation. However, I think that hormones have tremendous influence on how the metabolism operates. And what we eat, influences those hormones, and therefore influences the metabolism. The "Calories Out" part of the equation is not a fixed constant, but is a variable that is influenced by those hormones. If your hormones are in balance, then focusing purely on calories makes sense. For others, reducing carbs will bring hormones back into balance.

    I also find that being a low carb / high fat diet naturally regulates my appetite. I'm not plagued by constant hunger (and trying / failing to resist snacking) like I was when I followed a low fat diet. So yes, ultimately I believe that lower calories has been how I've lost weight, but my ability to stick with this is because I am satiated and less likely to eat more when I follow low carb / high fat.

    OP - there are some great LC / keto groups here on MFP to provide support that you won't find on the main forums. Good luck on your journey.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Please add me, I have just been reading about carbs and how the wrong kind can make us fat and unhealthy!
    I would think there needs to be a balance?

    A caloric surplus makes us fat.
    A caloric surplus makes you gain weight... Excess carbs increase insulin, insulin increases fat storage/decrease fat utilization

    Are you saying protein does not increase insulin?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Please add me, I have just been reading about carbs and how the wrong kind can make us fat and unhealthy!
    I would think there needs to be a balance?

    A caloric surplus makes us fat.
    A caloric surplus makes you gain weight... Excess carbs increase insulin, insulin increases fat storage/decrease fat utilization

    Protein is highly insulinogenic...
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    So a lot of people are saying they did low or no carb and lost a load of weight.....and then put it all back on .....and now want to do it again.

    This is a vicious circle.

    Can you honestly eat 'low' (however low you choose i do not know) carb for the rest of your life...?

    I am being cautious of carbs - less bread and potatoes but things like rice and pasta will always be in my life!!

    I think Low Carb is the only plan that gets so much blame for weight gain when people STOP following the plan. It's actually funny to me. When someone stops doing Weight Watchers and regains weight, no one places the blame on the Weight Watchers program - because their gain came when they didn't follow the program. Why is Low Carb judged differently?

    Because it's easier to "fall off the wagon" when you restrict entire food groups, or label foods as good or bad. It's true that no matter what you do, quitting anything will cause regain but I personally found low carb to be too hard to stick to and say with certainty "I'll do if for life"
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    I just got done doing low-carb (Keto) for about 10 months. It wasn't a difficult diet if you eat at home a lot. Me being me I was all about eating nothing but meat, cheese, and some veggies.

    A lot of the issues I came across were social settings and going to eat with friends. Taking the stuff out of a meal that is hi-carb is sometimes difficult and can complicate what you want to order to eat. Most of the time, you can be accommodated though. As a social drinker too, you can get away with drinking diet mixers + liquor.

    I will say this for sure, sticking with it requires preparation, dedication, and A LOT of discipline. There are ups and downs to it. You'll lose weight fast and easily, however sometimes you can slip up and gain a lot of weight overnight (once shot up 8lbs because of a cheat day). Many people on low-carb make claims that they don't need to calorie count on low-carb, but I will call total bull**** on that. Counting calories will get you the results you want, no matter what diet. If you don't you could easily resume unhealthy past eating habits when you are through sticking to a specific diet. It's by no means a cut-and-dry diet. There's a lot of unexplainables that have occurred in my time with it, so there are obstacles to overcome.

    All of this being said, I would easily recommend and help anyone who wants to try low-carb. It's helped me out a lot with my weight, and I don't regret it for a minute. I strongly encourage anyone to try it.

    Low carb is great but eventually you still need to count calories, whether you do a carb restricted diet or not.
    Burn fat or burn carbs for fuel will get you the same results when done properly.
    I totally agree that some of us ARE carb sensitive and have issues eating any grains or sugars and they will cause weight gain even in moderation.
    Low carb does not give you the ability to eat zero carb foods endlessly, but I find that if comparing equal calories of fat vs. equal calories of carbs, the fat will keep you satisfied longer .
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Please add me, I have just been reading about carbs and how the wrong kind can make us fat and unhealthy!
    I would think there needs to be a balance?

    A caloric surplus makes us fat.
    A caloric surplus makes you gain weight... Excess carbs increase insulin, insulin increases fat storage/decrease fat utilization

    Excess as against what? Also, what about excess protein? What does that do?
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
  • ChasingGrace2009
    How "low" on carbs are you aiming? I lost 30 lbs on diabetic, carb-limited diet. It was not as restrictive as Adkins or other LC diets, but definitely made a big difference for me. My goal is 30-45 carbs per meal, and 15 per snacks, but no more than 165 per day.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Some may find this debate very informative. Just make sure you watch the whole thing.

    Alan Aragon and Jeff Volek discuss low-carbohydrate diets for athletes.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Right in it, keto that is, goes fantastic, feeling fine, don't miss the carbs... Maybe it needs discipline in the beginning, but once you're used to it there is not much more effort you have to put into it then any other diet...
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I lost a lot of weight before and kept it off for 5 years with low carb diet. then started eating sugar and all the bad stuff and gained weight in the last 6 years. need to lose it all. Now trying to cut back on sugar and the "bad" carbs. I'd like to join this group and see how much I can lose.
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    Definitely joining - I only seem to lose when I do low carb!! Thanks for the group!!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Please add me, I have just been reading about carbs and how the wrong kind can make us fat and unhealthy!
    I would think there needs to be a balance?

    A caloric surplus makes us fat.
    A caloric surplus makes you gain weight... Excess carbs increase insulin, insulin increases fat storage/decrease fat utilization

    Are you saying protein does not increase insulin?
    If I was saying anything about protein I would have mentioned protein.
    But in terms of most low carb/keto plans moderate protein is stressed, with fat making up the greatest portion of calories by far.

    Are you saying that if I eat a surplus of calories, where the majority of my intake comes from fat. I will not store fat?
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Derp in this thread have reached critical levels. Immediate evacuation is advised.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    My diet is 50% carbs daily, ive lost 10% bodyfat in 6 months and 30% bodyfat in 11...

    So I'll keep doing what im doing even though its not "the best"
  • i was on low carb for 8 years...wasted my life !!! went from 218lbs to 101lbs...now i am at 160lbs...my insides changed. never never will i do that to myself again.

    I posted earlier and this post made n=by this nice lady speakes eons ?

    I used tro as in 30 + years ago Body build and since knowledge has changed a full 180* she stated her body changed ? As with myself this does happen with age and will happen to every one that is why blood work and knowing how to read it makes so much sense ! I have BW done every 3 mths and I am in the normal catogory every where except my kidneys and a little high there due to Opiates from a sever traua of being ran over by a truch and told I would never walk again well I ride a MTB 20 miles a day !

    At age 54 I am on about 3000 calories a day , I eat every 3 hours , my biggest and heaviest carb meal is my am meal. My soal is a healthyone and from what I have read many people of this forum are of the opinion that when you loose weight you have reached your gaol and through ? Nothing could be further from the truth !

    By the way thr obsession of loosing weight is a sickness and treated by Dr to save many peopls lives so have the proper mind set !

    Your goal any and everyone's should be FAT loose and not WEIGHT loose the low carb or smart food diet is a life style change and yes if you stop the fat will return

    WHY ? Because you never loose fat from your body short of liposuction ! You get all of the fat cells your body will ever have a keep when in the womb and during pubirity ! You will never loose these fat ceels you only shrink their size through exercise and healthy life styl ! That makes for a very simple and healthy food ingestion system and no calorie counting is needed when you are living a healty life style you need a garm of protien daily for every lb you weight or you will loose muscle and store fat so you need the protein and exercise to be healthy when you exercise you burn energy which is fat or carbs ! I eat 3000 calories a day give or take and I have lost a steady 60 lbs of fat over the past year and added about 20 lbs of muscle and I have made a healthy life style change ! At 54 I do not plan to go back to junk food , canned food or processed food , and yes I am human this Thanks Giving and Christmas I will cheat and eat a few simple carbs and I will gain an increase in the size of my fat ceels but with in 1 mth I will be right back under control and at my balanced endo system weight !

    So for everyone ungup on weight loose and calorie counting you will loose weight and you will be a yo-yo chanpion you will fall off the wagon and gain it back and become depressed !

    So why not be healthy study a lot don't take so mch from just this forum as fact read others and your own self health and wel being is your responsibility ! Make a healthy life style change and if what half the people on the forum state is a fact then I am a liar and ai will put my pic beside theirs any day and compare ! Skinny is not healthy healthy is lean and low BF% and weight is of no concern it is how you look in the mirror because muscle weights more than fat and according to the sick skinny people on this forum and my Dr who can't even read my BW I am obese ! 6 ft and 220 lbs ?

    Look at my avatar and tell me that man is obese ! I am now gaining muscle and loosing fat slower so I am going to cut calories to 2500 a day and keep same macros ! I weight more now that I did in my avatar and I have dropp 2 inches more in my waist by looseing fat and mataing muscle ! If you loose 10 lbs a mth for 3 mths you are not loosing fat you are loosing muscle and holding fat so get off the weight loose tread mill and be healthy for life !

    This ladies statement makes me sad I know many women 5 10 at the dym and they weight as much as 145 and 150 lbs and they are sexy hard bodies and not muscle freaks they are sexy pretty women and yes they date men !
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Derp in this thread have reached critical levels. Immediate evacuation is advised.

    Agreed, the derp in this thread is terrifying!