Join me! Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid starts today!!!



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I didn't think it would be possible, but Tone 30 is harder than Sculpt 30!!! And both were harder than Push in CLX! WOW! My arms are in painnnnnn after that one, I was failing by 12 reps after every exercise. I will definitely have guns when I"m done with this program! I'm not a huge fan of HIIT 25 tho, for some reason my coordination was lacking today or something. I prefer HIIT 20. I'm sure my neighbors below me prefer HIIT 20 as well... haha. Lots of plyo in HIIT 25! Still got a great working.

    And as of today, I'm a Team Beachbody Coach! I've got my Shakeology coming in the mail, I'm quite excited.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Robin: Wow girl, you just continue to kick butt! Way to go! You inspire me! :smile:

    Sara: I've done Tone 30 too and it does seem harder. I wasn't a big fan either of HIIT 25 but it was nice to do something I hadn't done before. And congrats on joining Team Beachbody! Welcome to the family! :drinker: (he's drinking Shakeology! lol)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I just wasn't feeling it today. I did manage to walk briskly on the treadmil incline 4 and speed 4.5 for an hour and then did Xtreme Abs. I wanted to do fire 45ez but just never got around to it and I really don't feel like it today. For some reason Thursdays are really hard for me to stay motivated.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Trying to get over some crud, so no workouts in the past 3 days. Been hitting the sack before 8:00 p.m. and getting 9+ hours of sleep. I'm sleeping like a baby, so I obviously need it. Hoping whatever is trying to get a grip on me goes away!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I got my Fire 45EZ in last night, I wasn't really feeling it, for some reason that workout isn't one of my favorite. I still adore Fire 45 and Fire 55EZ the most. My HRM was also acting up, it kept losing it's signal. Sometimes it does that but it kept making me stop and fiddle with it. I don't think I'll get a workout tonight. I'm all showered and my hair is straightened for my birthday date! So far I'm having a great day, and tonight should be even better!!! I can't wait to see my guy :) I also got my Coach getting started interview last night for Beachbody. I'm all set to go with hopefully getting things going. Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Well, today was HIIT 20 and Tone 30 for me. Tone 30 kicks butt man!!!!! Way harder than Sculpt 30! I love it! I really like the simplicity of HIIT 20 and it still gives you a killer workout.

    The eating is going good and I had my favorite lunch today! I make a hummus wrap, it's soooo good!!! Then, I have an apple and peanut butter! Yummmmm!!!

    Robin: Hope you had a good workout today!

    glfprncs: I hope you get to feeling better but stay up with that rest, your body does need it, it's the best thing when you're not feeling well.

    Sara: I'm so excited for you! Tonight's the date night! Woo hoo!!! I hope you have a great time girl!

    Keep up the good work ladies!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good workout today. 1 hour treadmill then Push 3, Ab Burner and then Fire 45. I feel great.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    good workout today. 1 hour treadmill then Push 3, Ab Burner and then Fire 45. I feel great.

    Girl, you are rockin' it! I can't keep up with you! Way to go!

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone, ugh this week i've been a bum, no logging food, didn't exercise as much as i usually don, and have been snacking more than normal.. granted it's the TOM, but also just me being lazy i guess. i worked 5 nights in a row, and if you work night shift, you'll know how tiring it can get. trying to snap myself outta the mood and get back on the wagon for the weekend.. have a good one everybody!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls, rough weekend for me. I was exhausted! And, the kicker.........I woke up and it hurt to swallow!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!! I need to feel better by Friday! I have 2 parties to go to!!!! I started taking Zinc, I'm going to use my nettie pot and get some Zyrtec D!!!! And lots of liquids!

    Today I have HIIT 20 and Tone 30 and think I wish push through! I'm not going to over do it though.

    Hope you girls had a great weekend!!!

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Girls - I'm back from vacation. Started week 14 of TFso on tap this morning was TF 30 and Upper 20. BB said I burned 339 calories.

    Gained 2 lbs during vacation but the evil scale said that, as of this morning, not only did I lose the 2 lbs but I also lost another 0.6 lbs on top of that! We did so much walking that I needed a vacation from my vacation just to somewhat recover! Carmel was beautiful...our hotel was about 3 blocks from the ocean so every morning we would take Cocoa and walk there and then go about an hour along Scenic Drive (which runs along the coast). We spent most afternoons walking around downtown Carmel so, needless to say, the exercise was plentiful! Happy to be home and back to my routine though....there's only so many meals I can eat out before I start missing the normalcy.

    Hope you all had a great week while I was gone. Look forward to hearing about your progress!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Sounds like an awesome vacation, Sharon! I've been to Carmel before, that Scenic Drive is beautiful. I went on a day tour that stopped in Carmel and Monterrey when I lived in Palo Alto,CA for a summer. Carmel is the cutest town, my friend just kept going "awwwww" at everything.

    I'm planning to get in HIIT 20 and Sculpt 30 today after work. Last week Sculpt 30 had me sore for dayssss, I'm hoping my body has adjusted and it won't be that bad this time. I need to make up for my limited workouts this weekend, at least official workouts. I did have my date Friday and then I shopped on Sunday for 2+ hours at the mall... those things count as workouts, right??? hehehe
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Hello ladies! So I have to apologize first off for my lack of communication since I've started this thread! I am usually pretty good to post most of the work week since I usually have a computer at work to get on. I think with the whole five day inferno and the nerves of talking on Wednesday got the best of me, I swear I haven't been as worn out as I was last week in a really really long time! But, I do promise to keep everyone updated on how things are going from here on out.

    First things first, want to say thanks to all who supported me with my talk I did on Wednesday. It was a little nerve racking, but I kept telling myself that I shouldn't be nervous and that I should be so excited that people wanted to hear my story and that I could help others. It went really well. I planned to speak for about 10 to 15 min and ended up speaking for about 30 min. People had tons of questions about my daily routine and my menu for a typical day. I made sure I took my before and after pics and some recipes to pass out that were good healthy favorites. I really enjoyed the experience and really hope to do more things similar to that in the future.

    Recap of last week: did the five day inferno and have to say that I did get better results than I was expecting, but by no means as good as those in the pamplet:ohwell: . My weight went from 145.4 lbs to 142.8 lbs and I lost about 5 inches throughout the five days. The food was great and I wasn't really hungry throughout the week. The hard part was finding the energy to workout Wednesday morning (which could be due to me staying up late stressing on Tuesday night about my talk) and Thursday morning felt some pain in my back that prevented me from being able to do both workouts. Friday I had a ton of energy when I worked out weather it was due to the fact that the stress was over with or that I knew it was my last chance workout, either way, it was great!

    Saturday I woke up and decided to do a long good cardio burn early so I did Fire 60.

    My husband suggested that I give my body a rest day yesterday, which I think really helped me get my energy level stable and back to normal again.

    This morning is my offical start to the Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme Hybrid routine so I did the scheduled Stretch 40 and added a Fire 30 to that for a little more cardio.

    Hope everyone's day is going great!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I love mondays. today was an hour on the treadmill, Push 1, Fire 30 and then Zumba Abs for fun. I love Push. I just wish my DVD wasn't all messed up. oh well.
  • Prixy
    Prixy Posts: 14
    Hello to all, I'm new here, I just signed up today and the real reason is because I found that most of you are doing the hybrid and I really want to start it.. This is my 2nd round of CLX, I started it last week and I already feel the changes in my body, I ♥ it!!!

    I'll tell you a lil' bit about my story so you understand why I'm here: When I was in high school I had my ideal weight but not the ideal physical condition...then I got out and gained 60lbs in 4 years due to lack of exercise and plenty of junk food because with my job and college I didn't make time for anything else, so when I realized that my health was in danger I started TJ and CLX, and I've lost 33lbs since then, that was on May 2009; now I still have 33 lbs to lose and I'm getting married on Dec 18th!!!:love: I know, very soon!! :ohwell: and I'm really excited but i'd like to lose at least 10-15lbs in these 2 months so I'm eating a lot of healthy food and doing CLX, but I already got TF, so I was wondering first of all, if someone could tell me what the calendar for the Hybrid would be? and second, if I could get your support?

    Thank u all 4 reading!:flowerforyou:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Prixy - welcome to our little group of shrinking women. I will absolutely support you in your efforts and I'm sure my fellow posters will reply the same way. I haven't done the hybrid, right now I'm just doing TF; however, I plan to start it once I complete the last 7 weeks of this program. I've done CLX on its own and loved it but my body seems to respond better to cardio for weight loss than weight lifting. The hybrid may be exactly what I need to do to maintain my weight loss while tightening up all over.

    I'd like to see a calendar for the hybrid as well because the one that came with TF seems to indicate doing 1 month of TF and then 1month of CLX which I don't like. I'd rather mix and match the 2 programs to rotate cardio and weights every other day.

    Best of luck to you in your program. If there's any question you need answered let us know. Between us I'm sure we'll have an answer!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am rougly following the hybrid. I took the TF schedule and added burn circuits the first 3 weeks and then Push the next three weeks recovery week and then lean for the next three weeks. so I do CLX circuts mon, wed & Firday. I do TF mon - saturday but not tone or sculpt until later. I also do abs 5 days a week. Monday I do Zumba Abs, Tuesday is Ab Jam, wednesday is core 20, thursday is xtreme abs and Friday is Ab Burner. So I guess i sort of created my own hybrid. this is my schedule for this week. I walk an hour a day on the treadmill too.

    25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 30-Oct
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
    walk walk walk walk walk walk
    Fire 30 Fire 55 EZ Fire 30 Fire 45EZ Fire 45
    Push 1 Ab jam Push 2 Xtreme Abs Push 3 Stretch 40
    Zumba Abs Stretch 10 Core 20 Stretch 10 Ab Burner

    hope that helps.
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Push 3 and HIIT 25 today - WHEW... I LOVE LOVE LOVE the push phase and i am so much stronger now than i was in my first round - went as heavy as chalean on almost every one!!!

    And HIIT 25 plyo kills me but it is a great workout

    not to mention the leaf raking i did outside so my two little ones could have a ginormous leaf pile to jump in and play after school...

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, as much as I didn't feel like it due to not feeling so hot, I pushed play and I'm glad I did! Maybe I sweated this crud out of me! lol

    I did HIIT 20 and Tone 30 and it felt great! I got a good calorie burn!!! Woo hoo!!!

    Swinnie: Hey girl! Glad to have you back! I knew you'd do great with your talk! So proud of you! It's great to be able to share your journey with others and help move them towards their goals! I think you did great with the Inferno plan! Everyone is different; I didn't lose a lot either but it's really to get your body ready for the program, so good job and welcome to the hybrid!!!! You'll do great!

    Prixy: Welcome to the thread, so glad to have you! Congrats on the weight loss and congrats on the upcoming wedding! Thank you for sharing your story with us; we've all got our own and it's nice to be able to lean on others for support and motivation and you've come to the right place! In your Turbo Fire guidebook, you should find the schedule for the hybrid. Let me know if you have any questions. You can always play around with it to make it work for you like Sharon said, she'd rather have every other day be resistence etc. You'll find what works for you too. Again, welcome and I look forward to your posts!

    Sharon: Welcome back girl!!! So glad to hear your vacation was great! I've never been to Carmel, but I'd love to! Way to get back at it too! Woo hoo!

    Robin: Way to keep bringing it girl! You rock!!!

    Well, I'm all sweaty (sorry, TMI) and I'm hungry! I worked up an appetite! See you girls in the a.m.! Have a great evening!

    Oh, I almost forgot!

    Sara: how was your date girl?!!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hahaha. The date went AMAZINGLY well. We went to dinner in Alexandria (thai food, my favorite!) and then we walked along the waterfront that's there. Then we went to the bar in DC and met up with my friend Dana from high school. The three of us had a fun time just chatting and hanging out. Then we went back to his place. He's definitely a keeper. Things are definitely going in the right direction, I just have to wait another painful 2 weeks to see him again since I'm going to California for 4 days this weekend.