50 pounds by june 1st challenge!!!



  • We are going to the beach this summer, and having family photos done! I really would love to say I've shed 50 pounds by then. Thanks for starting this. Support is key!
  • I was only planning on losing 40 but what the heck you have motivated me so I am in!

  • Cubetor
    Cubetor Posts: 19
    Im in 278 Now and my goal was to losing 50 pounds by my Birthday May 19th. So its pretty close in the date range.
  • I'm at 178 and I'm 5'6. According to a weight loss calculator on healthstatus.com my ideal weight is 139lbs with a range between 123-154. Since I'm shooting for a 50lb weight loss, 128 is my goal. I'm wondering if I'm cut out for this!
  • Holy moly, you have lost 39 lbs! Way to go! I am motivated by this for sure!
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Keeping eachother motivated is what its all about. I have never been more serious about losing the weight and keeping it off. I know many of you are in the same boat. Actually most of us are in the same boat. I myself am tired of having a low self esteem. Im tired of avoiding social situations like the beach because I am ashamed of the way I look. We can all do this. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Join us in our quest to lose 50 lbs by June 1st
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    well i totally pigged out all day today.
  • omg i did amazing i ate my 2 herbalife shakes...2 hl bars, 2 giant salads on with a fab peice of chick! i have no idea why it tasted sooooo good but lol!!!

    i will be at 230 on june 1st!

    HOLLA...how did everyone else do?
  • Tomorrow is totally another day. I'm so down for this challenge and when I have the courage I'll post before and after pics. I am in the same boat and I'm so tired of crossing my arms in front of my torso to try and hide my monstrous tub o lard. We got this yall!
  • Im in.

    SW 198
    CW 180
    GW 140

    So it would put me past my goal but thats ok cause my ideal weight for my height is between 111 and 150 so another 10lbs wont be that big.
  • How do I join your group??
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I really blew it yesterday so today has to be a better day.
  • Crevan
    Crevan Posts: 8
    I'm in for this! It was a goal of mine to have a decent bikini body by next summer anyway- so joining up here will just put me in touch with more people who are aiming for the same thing!
  • I am totally in!! I hope more then 50 but that is a good start!!!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    IM IN! haha
  • i'm in!!!
  • I am in! Doesn't hurt that June 1st is my birthday!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    This is perfect, but I'm almost done with losing my first 50..about 8 pounds to go. I'll look for this thread when I have my last 50 to lose. :)
  • I'm definitely in. Starting this out with a Biggest Loser contest at work that starts Today!! It's a 12 week contest. I'm shooting for at least 15-20 pounds by the end because I have to WIN!!!! 50 pounds by June would be fantastic and definitely do-able.
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