I need something healthy to dip raw veggies in... Help?



  • katiedidd66
    I was very scared, but tried this on a friend's recommendation. I wouldn't have known it was cottage cheese if I hadn't been told in advance. 2TBSP = 37 calories.

    1 16-oz container fat free cottage cheese
    1/4 cup skim milk
    1 packet Hidden Valley ranch dip mix

    Combine cottage cheese and milk in blender and mix until creamy. Stir in the packet of ranch dip and refrigerate and hour or so until flavors meld. One serving = 2 tbsp dip

    I completely forgot about this dip recipe!! My mom used to make it all the time. You're right, it sounds alittle weird, but it is very good!!
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    1/4 c Nonfat Greek yogurt
    Fresh mint leaves
    1/2 small garlic clove
    Salt + pepper

    **Dill weed works just as well in place of mint leaves. Different flavor, but still delicious! Especially with cucumbers :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I was very scared, but tried this on a friend's recommendation. I wouldn't have known it was cottage cheese if I hadn't been told in advance. 2TBSP = 37 calories.

    1 16-oz container fat free cottage cheese
    1/4 cup skim milk
    1 packet Hidden Valley ranch dip mix

    Combine cottage cheese and milk in blender and mix until creamy. Stir in the packet of ranch dip and refrigerate and hour or so until flavors meld. One serving = 2 tbsp dip

    I completely forgot about this dip recipe!! My mom used to make it all the time. You're right, it sounds alittle weird, but it is very good!!

    I've had this too...and like it a little better than the greek yogurt, BUT...the yogurt is much easier to make, and I'm sort of lazy by nature lol.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Don't know if it's been mentioned, but how about salsa? Low calories - it's mostly veggies itself - and lots of flavor. Just read labels and get one that doesn't have a lot of added sugar or other preservatives.

    Oh, and definitely get some bell peppers. Green are okay, but red, orange, and yellow are definitely better. They are sweeter, have more flavor, and less bite!
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
  • kennybolte9
  • stb1234
    stb1234 Posts: 23 Member
    Cottage cheese w/dill
    yogurt w/dill
    Mild Taco sauce(or spicy whatever floats your boat)
    Balsamic Vinegar
    Not really a dip, but if I've just had a flavored tuna can, the oil from that goes alright, especially the lemon and pepper
  • priscillaes87
    Hummus! And if/when that gets old, I mix equal parts hummus and salsa. Or hummus/pesto. Never gets old!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Bumping to steal some of these yummy ideas :D
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    mix curry powder and tumeric with greek yogurt.
  • kramalicious
    I love hummus but if you want something more substantial, my recipe for Black bean dip Kramalicious is in the recipe section. I use that at parties. You can always use the leftovers in a tortilla for lunch LOL Hubby and I live on this stuff, and you can adjust it according to your taste and the macros you're trying to reach.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    Fresh homemade pico de gallo. LOVE IT! Just fancy for fresh salsa. I make it and its only like 50 calories for 8 oz/1 cup. SO DELISH!

    Also you can change up the tomato for mangos or strawberries. Always makes me feel like my carrots and cucumbers are chips :)!
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    This is a Jack Lalanne special... Avocado dip

    1 avocado mashed
    dash of lemon juice
    1/2 cup whipped cottage cheese
    dash paprika
    1/4 cup yogurt
    garlic to taste