


  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Just keep doing them, they get easier as you go! But I still was following the modifier up to 50% of the time depending on the workout even after I was done with ALPHA and BETA
    I just started Gamma on Monday :) I love it! Well, except speed 3.0 ...ugh that one sucks lol
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Those workouts we HATE are when we need to "FOCUS" (for 25 minutes!).. and YES you CAN!!!!!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member

    I just had my first ab intervals workout (alpha phase, natch!) and I about DIED. I've been following Tanya the entire time, but I could barely keep up with half of her modifications today. I tried to do it the best I could but the ones where I had to lean back and let my abs keep me up killed me especially. :(

    Did any of you start with super weak abs/a significant tummy? Does it get better??!

    I'm not an exerciser at all, I've never been 'fit' or 'athletic' but my fitness goal is to get to the point where I can do insanity and then ultimately P90x.

    Please tell me it gets better! I'm about to cry, I'm so discouraged. I know that everybody has to start somewhere, and this is my 'somewhere' but it would really help if I knew someone else had been 'here', you know?

    Any advice/words of wisdom would be super helpful. :)

    It does get better I promise. I had a horrible time, especially with those lean back and hold things. But each time I held a little longer and a little longer. I have pretty decent core strength now and also upper body strength with the push up and stuff. Keep it up, you'll be so glad you did!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Today was an outside 3 mile run & PYRAMID. They were both goodies!

    I just had my first ab intervals workout (alpha phase, natch!) and I about DIED. I've been following Tanya the entire time, but I could barely keep up with half of her modifications today. I tried to do it the best I could but the ones where I had to lean back and let my abs keep me up killed me especially. :(

    Did any of you start with super weak abs/a significant tummy? Does it get better??!

    I'm not an exerciser at all, I've never been 'fit' or 'athletic' but my fitness goal is to get to the point where I can do insanity and then ultimately P90x.

    Please tell me it gets better! I'm about to cry, I'm so discouraged. I know that everybody has to start somewhere, and this is my 'somewhere' but it would really help if I knew someone else had been 'here', you know?

    Any advice/words of wisdom would be super helpful. :)

    Yup, I promise it does get better. You WILL get stronger.

    I had upper focus and speed 2 today. Even though I do like Upper Focus, I could barely do it today... I did a yoga video the other day and my arms were still killing me from that. Annoying cos I was looking to increase the weight I was using this week. Oh well.
    Only 2 more days and I will be on my last week of Beta. I have been reading some reviews of Gamma, I am a tad nervous.

    Does anyone have the chin up bar for gamma?

  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Each week gets easier even in three weeks I still struggle with the v push ups on the weights, I use 5 lbs weights so far and hoping to move up to ten when I get to the hybrid in the following for weeks. I have definatly gained definition in my arms and shoulders lost inches all over. The only program I have ever loved to do, Not really sure what I am going to do when I am done. I just started the first two weeks of gamma over for a holiday challengs so it will end with the rest of the group..

    I don't get the burn like some of you are getting on my hrm.. Must be a difference in monitors to show that much difference. I use polar Ft7 .. Are you all sticking to the 1200 calories? Are you eating more since starting gamma.?? I find I am much hungrier since starting gamma.

    Have a great day off to me some T25!! :)
  • Mtfd02
    Mtfd02 Posts: 239 Member
    I did Insanity and now starting T25, I notice some move are from Insanity and there are new ones but it's only 25 mins a day! So it will get better! stick with it your body will thank you as you used this as a stepping stone for other fitness such as Insanity or P90X

    My wife is in the same boat, she tried Insanity and could not get thru the warm up, so me being a Beachbody Coach I ordered T25 so as to start off with this and then build up to Insanity. I am in the military so I took this the same as we do training you have to crawl first, walk then run and it works so you could look at it that way.

    My excerise consists of Hockey, running 5k's, 10k's, 10milers, and going for a half marathon next year! anything is possible once you put your mind to it!

    hope this helps!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    It gets better but not easy :) I am on round 2 of T25. First round I couldn't do anything. Each workout was hard, I modified, I took breaks. However; I had a goal to beat each video. So I worked to do 1 more lunge, 5 more secs, etc. By round 2 I nailed every workout except Total Body Circuit. Round 3 If I do round 3 I will kick its but. Its all in the mindset. Push play, push a little harder than you think you can and that well of energy you never new you had will show itself.

    There is a T25 Group set up if anyone wants to join it for daily accountability and motivation.
  • alijune74
    alijune74 Posts: 28 Member
    Help! My friend gave me T25 but she did not give me an meal plans. Anyone now a place online where I can download it in pdf form? Or maybe you have a copy you could share! HELP! Can't hit my macros without it.
  • It gets better but not easy :) I am on round 2 of T25. First round I couldn't do anything. Each workout was hard, I modified, I took breaks. However; I had a goal to beat each video. So I worked to do 1 more lunge, 5 more secs, etc. By round 2 I nailed every workout except Total Body Circuit. Round 3 If I do round 3 I will kick its but. Its all in the mindset. Push play, push a little harder than you think you can and that well of energy you never new you had will show itself.

    There is a T25 Group set up if anyone wants to join it for daily accountability and motivation.

    You say you are on round 2, did you go back to Alpha and start all over again?
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Just finished up week 2 of Gamma, tonight was a very late workout but I got it in before midnight haha. Looking forward to measurements this weekend to see if there is much change. Also looking forward to my 3 day weekend :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • I just finished insanity and started T25. Today is my first STATurday. It is quite hard, but :smile: Don't quit. You will see just after a few days that you are able to hang in a little longer. Focus on breathing and form. Go at your pace. You get results no matter what. You got this. Good luck. :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member

    I just had my first ab intervals workout (alpha phase, natch!) and I about DIED. I've been following Tanya the entire time, but I could barely keep up with half of her modifications today. I tried to do it the best I could but the ones where I had to lean back and let my abs keep me up killed me especially. :(

    Did any of you start with super weak abs/a significant tummy? Does it get better??!

    I'm not an exerciser at all, I've never been 'fit' or 'athletic' but my fitness goal is to get to the point where I can do insanity and then ultimately P90x.

    Please tell me it gets better! I'm about to cry, I'm so discouraged. I know that everybody has to start somewhere, and this is my 'somewhere' but it would really help if I knew someone else had been 'here', you know?

    Any advice/words of wisdom would be super helpful. :)

    Yup, I promise it does get better. You WILL get stronger.

    I had upper focus and speed 2 today. Even though I do like Upper Focus, I could barely do it today... I did a yoga video the other day and my arms were still killing me from that. Annoying cos I was looking to increase the weight I was using this week. Oh well.
    Only 2 more days and I will be on my last week of Beta. I have been reading some reviews of Gamma, I am a tad nervous.

    Does anyone have the chin up bar for gamma?

    You do not need a chin up bar! There is ONE guy using the chin up bar in a workout but not anybody else!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    It gets better but not easy :) I am on round 2 of T25. First round I couldn't do anything. Each workout was hard, I modified, I took breaks. However; I had a goal to beat each video. So I worked to do 1 more lunge, 5 more secs, etc. By round 2 I nailed every workout except Total Body Circuit. Round 3 If I do round 3 I will kick its but. Its all in the mindset. Push play, push a little harder than you think you can and that well of energy you never new you had will show itself.

    There is a T25 Group set up if anyone wants to join it for daily accountability and motivation.
    I hope the T25 group is not the one I was in until Gamma arrived. I was the only one at the end along with another female who was sporadic. I started the weekly topic etc just to keep myself & maybe someone else out there motivated! I just removed myself from that group last Friday! I wish you success with this program!
  • elpozo
    elpozo Posts: 14 Member
    Week 1 Day 1 Today :)

    Completed Alpha Cardio at 6:00 AM today :) Boy that was actually hard! At first I was thinking, "Yeah, I can finish this, it's just 25 minutes!". 10 minutes in I was just about ready to die and was shouting at the TV to show Tania. Haha :)

    At one point, I literally ran out of breath and I could feel my heart pounding! I could feel it in my throat and I felt I wouldn't be able to finish anymore! So I thank the high heavens for Tania. She's an angel. I've never worked out my legs like that -- starting to get scared to do Speed 1.0 now :|

    I'll just push play and check-in everyday :) To all fellow newbies, we can do this :) To the ones who are in Gamma Phase already, I salute you!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Week 1 Day 1 Today :)

    Completed Alpha Cardio at 6:00 AM today :) Boy that was actually hard! At first I was thinking, "Yeah, I can finish this, it's just 25 minutes!". 10 minutes in I was just about ready to die and was shouting at the TV to show Tania. Haha :)

    At one point, I literally ran out of breath and I could feel my heart pounding! I could feel it in my throat and I felt I wouldn't be able to finish anymore! So I thank the high heavens for Tania. She's an angel. I've never worked out my legs like that -- starting to get scared to do Speed 1.0 now :|

    I'll just push play and check-in everyday :) To all fellow newbies, we can do this :) To the ones who are in Gamma Phase already, I salute you!

    Welcome aboard :) And congrats on making it through day 1. It's amazing how much 25 min can kick your butt isn't it!! Good luck to you with your T25 journey, it's great with great pay off!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yes WELCOME to the devoted T25 thread Elpozo! If you can get through day one you'll get through day 2! AWESOME job for digging deep!!! You will come to LOVE this!!!:wink:

    My workout today was:
    425 reps (core, cardio, Upper body & lower body)
    3 mile run on the TM in 30 minutes
    EXTREME CIRCUIT with extra to make it 30 minutes
    10 minutes of HIIT
    and 15 minutes of stretching!!!
    I also ate clean so I'd say I had a GREAT day!!!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Week 1 Day 1 Today :)

    Completed Alpha Cardio at 6:00 AM today :) Boy that was actually hard! At first I was thinking, "Yeah, I can finish this, it's just 25 minutes!". 10 minutes in I was just about ready to die and was shouting at the TV to show Tania. Haha :)

    At one point, I literally ran out of breath and I could feel my heart pounding! I could feel it in my throat and I felt I wouldn't be able to finish anymore! So I thank the high heavens for Tania. She's an angel. I've never worked out my legs like that -- starting to get scared to do Speed 1.0 now :|

    I'll just push play and check-in everyday :) To all fellow newbies, we can do this :) To the ones who are in Gamma Phase already, I salute you!

    I'm about to start Beta, but Speed 1.0 was my favorite workout of the Alpha phase, even though I was never able to go as fast as the crew. Tania is awesome, but you're right, they don't always have her on camera when they are showing the moves so you can see the modification. It's a little annoying but the moves repeat in the different videos so once you've learned the modification it won't be as frustrating not to have her there to follow right away. Maybe on the next release they will have a workout option, music volume option, and Tania picture-in-picture option so she'll always be there in a little box on the screen, reassuring all of us that it's ok if we don't want to burpee our faces off. And Beach Body, if you end up doing that, I want a cut of the profits.
  • elpozo
    elpozo Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks all for the warm welcome guys! :) Happy to have a place where I can share my journey :)

    BTW, I am so not looking forward to burpees :))
  • Chele_NY
    Chele_NY Posts: 3 Member
    Starting day 1 week 1 today! I'm excited!

    Elpozo ~ I HATE burpees too!!