1200 calories, exercise, but no weight loss!!



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You do weigh some foods on a scale, but you should weight everything.
    Weigh out those chips instead of counting 14 of them to eat.
    Put your bread on the scale, Tare to 0, then add the mayo or peanut butter, and weight it.
    Weigh the teaspoon' of sugar.
    Most nutrition labels have both the volume (cup, teaspoon) and the weight for the serving. Use the weight information.

    And have a check up with your doctor if you haven,t recently, just in case it is a thyroid or other issue.

    I am sure that works great for those that have the time and desire, but I just don't see myself weighing a spoonful of peanut butter or a tsp of sugar. If the calories listed on food packages is that far off, how do I know I can trust my scale? Or how do I know if the weight of that particular food is really the calories the package says? I guess I just don't believe that getting that obsessed about what the exact calories were in my portion is necessary. If it was 10 calories more....oh well. Maybe it was 12 calories less...It just seems that it would all come out in the wash. I feel that my calorie intake is low enough that even if I added in that bite of cake and it was 200 calories (it's not), I should still be losing something. And no disrespect to those of you that do weigh everything. I admire you, but it's just not something I will ever do.

    There is your answer, you NEED TO WEIGH EVERYTHING!!!

    You came here to get help, people are telling you that you need to weigh your food and you keep making excuses!!! :frown:

    As long as you don't weigh your food, you will continue not losing. Good luck with that!! :ohwell:

    I weigh everything, I eat and I am losing!! See ticker below. JS :bigsmile:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    In hopes of helping the OP, and sorry if it's been said, but my 2 cents... Whether you're logging and burning 1200 calories a day or 2100, if you're weight isn't changing you're logging what you're burning on average. If you want to lose you need to take less in or burn more. If your food log totals while eating less put you in an uncomfortable place in order to do that (under 1200), then take your concerns to a doctor, along with your food log.

    I don't mean to sound accusatory but my first suspicion would be measurement error in food logging. It's just so common. None of us thinks we do it but studies show we virtually all do, to some extent. Even if the past week of logging has been perfect, if the paper journal was 20% off that would explain the lack of losses.
  • sillysquirrel68
    In a nutshell, it seems that the majority of people responding to my post feel that I am eating a lot more calories than what I am logging. I am logging everything and I don't think it would be healthy for me to eat less than what I am eating now. So, basically I have learned that I should eat more, I should eat less, I should work out more, I should work out less, I am paranoid, I may have an ED, I need to change what I am doing, I need to stick to what I am doing, etc. I am more confused now than I was when I originally posted this! Ha Ha!!! To those of you that are truly here to help....THANK YOU!! And to those of you that find joy in being rude and sarcastic and have no desire to be helpful, get a life!

    Crikey. Keep logging like you have been, and cut more calories. Simple. If your food measurements are off, cutting more will solve that issue (by bringing you to a true deficit). Don't need to change HOW you have been measuring, just eat less. **Eating less food always works to lose fat. Try it for a couple weeks and see what the results are.

    Sounds like you are working out, so as long as you get at least 0.8 grams of protein per lb that you weigh, you should be able to sustain or gain muscle (despite what people may think) while you lose fat.

    **If you have more than the essential body fat levels of 10% - 13% (for a woman), cutting below 1200 is not a problem. You will continue to function doing your daily routine because your body converts body fat (stored energy) to do this. If it did not, we would pass out when we were out of food, and we would not wake up. Thankfully, our bodies magically do this for us, so losing fat is really a simple math problem. Calories in/calories out.

    Thank you! Makes sense to me.
  • sillysquirrel68
    In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    prolly bc you aren't eating enough. man am i tired of these threads i need to just hang around the recipe ones
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    In a nutshell, it seems that the majority of people responding to my post feel that I am eating a lot more calories than what I am logging. I am logging everything and I don't think it would be healthy for me to eat less than what I am eating now. So, basically I have learned that I should eat more, I should eat less, I should work out more, I should work out less, I am paranoid, I may have an ED, I need to change what I am doing, I need to stick to what I am doing, etc. I am more confused now than I was when I originally posted this! Ha Ha!!! To those of you that are truly here to help....THANK YOU!! And to those of you that find joy in being rude and sarcastic and have no desire to be helpful, get a life!

    Crikey. Keep logging like you have been, and cut more calories. Simple. If your food measurements are off, cutting more will solve that issue (by bringing you to a true deficit). Don't need to change HOW you have been measuring, just eat less. **Eating less food always works to lose fat. Try it for a couple weeks and see what the results are.

    Sounds like you are working out, so as long as you get at least 0.8 grams of protein per lb that you weigh, you should be able to sustain or gain muscle (despite what people may think) while you lose fat.

    **If you have more than the essential body fat levels of 10% - 13% (for a woman), cutting below 1200 is not a problem. You will continue to function doing your daily routine because your body converts body fat (stored energy) to do this. If it did not, we would pass out when we were out of food, and we would not wake up. Thankfully, our bodies magically do this for us, so losing fat is really a simple math problem. Calories in/calories out.

    Thank you! Makes sense to me.

    No matter how much protein you take in, you're not going to gain any muscle mass with how little you say you eat plus it would take some serious heavy lifting.
  • QuincyChick
    QuincyChick Posts: 269 Member
    The best advice has already been said. Nothing else to say.

    -Measure your food better.

    -Go to a doctor or dietician. If you're convinced you should be losing more, and you're as vigilant as you've said, than perhaps there's an issue.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    I expect you're eating more than you think you are. Are you logging every single thing you eat, including snacks, drinks, condiments, etc.?
    You're not alone... It's very easy to "forget" to log a snack here and there or "guestimate" low on portion sizes. On the other end, is the OP using a heart rate monitor to track actual cals burnt or just picking out of preloaded (always high) search options for exersize?
  • AmerH
    AmerH Posts: 40 Member
    In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!

    Absolutely true! Well said.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    see below
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!
    How is any of this thread negative or mean? 90% of the posters, including myself, Jonnythan and Sarauk2sf (who runs the best and most informative group on here, that helps thousands of people, and who has written nearly 20,000 posts to help people asking for health and fitness advice) all said you may be overestimating your intake and advised you to weigh your food. Yet, you won't give that advice a moments consideration. THAT'S why people may be sounding like they are frustrated with you.
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    BS... if you are truly eating 1200 calories and exercising you will lose weight. If you are not losing weight.. u are not eating 1200 calories. End of story. Also if you are 164 lbs at 5'4... there is no change of starvation mode. When your bodyfat hits 10% or so.. there is a chance of starvation mode then.

    At a deficit you will ALWAYS lose weight.

    No that is BS- Are you serious, the body can go into starvation mode at a deficit such as she is eating if it is used to getting more and it needs more to run on than 100 a day! GTFOOHWT- Having been to numerious nutrionist I can say that with pretty much absolute certainty. Stop giving BAD advice for something you obviously know nothing about!

    Sorry about the repost but I meant to quote an earlier msg.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    BS... if you are truly eating 1200 calories and exercising you will lose weight. If you are not losing weight.. u are not eating 1200 calories. End of story. Also if you are 164 lbs at 5'4... there is no change of starvation mode. When your bodyfat hits 10% or so.. there is a chance of starvation mode then.

    At a deficit you will ALWAYS lose weight.

    No that is BS- Are you serious, the body can go into starvation mode at a deficit such as she is eating if it is used to getting more and it needs more to run on than 100 a day! GTFOOHWT- Having been to numerious nutrionist I can say that with pretty much absolute certainty. Stop giving BAD advice for something you obviously know nothing about!

    Sorry about the repost but I meant to quote an earlier msg.

    The ironic part is that you told someone to stop giving bad advice about something they "obviously" know nothing about, yet believe that eating 1200 calories will out someone into the mythical Starvation Mode.

    Starvation mode. Makes you wonder how anorexics get skinny instead of fat, eh?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    In a nutshell, it seems that the majority of people responding to my post feel that I am eating a lot more calories than what I am logging. I am logging everything and I don't think it would be healthy for me to eat less than what I am eating now. So, basically I have learned that I should eat more, I should eat less, I should work out more, I should work out less, I am paranoid, I may have an ED, I need to change what I am doing, I need to stick to what I am doing, etc. I am more confused now than I was when I originally posted this! Ha Ha!!! To those of you that are truly here to help....THANK YOU!! And to those of you that find joy in being rude and sarcastic and have no desire to be helpful, get a life!

    Crikey. Keep logging like you have been, and cut more calories. Simple. If your food measurements are off, cutting more will solve that issue (by bringing you to a true deficit). Don't need to change HOW you have been measuring, just eat less. **Eating less food always works to lose fat. Try it for a couple weeks and see what the results are.

    Sounds like you are working out, so as long as you get at least 0.8 grams of protein per lb that you weigh, you should be able to sustain or gain muscle (despite what people may think) while you lose fat.

    **If you have more than the essential body fat levels of 10% - 13% (for a woman), cutting below 1200 is not a problem. You will continue to function doing your daily routine because your body converts body fat (stored energy) to do this. If it did not, we would pass out when we were out of food, and we would not wake up. Thankfully, our bodies magically do this for us, so losing fat is really a simple math problem. Calories in/calories out.

    Thank you! Makes sense to me.

    No matter how much protein you take in, you're not going to gain any muscle mass with how little you say you eat plus it would take some serious heavy lifting.

    Yeah, you do not gain muscle mass while eating at a deficit through diet alone. And when eating a large deficit, protein is converted into glucose through glucogenesis (I may have butchered the spelling).
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.

    OP~THIS!!!! ^^^^^^^

    Just in case you missed it.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    BS... if you are truly eating 1200 calories and exercising you will lose weight. If you are not losing weight.. u are not eating 1200 calories. End of story. Also if you are 164 lbs at 5'4... there is no change of starvation mode. When your bodyfat hits 10% or so.. there is a chance of starvation mode then.

    At a deficit you will ALWAYS lose weight.

    No that is BS- Are you serious, the body can go into starvation mode at a deficit such as she is eating if it is used to getting more and it needs more to run on than 100 a day! GTFOOHWT- Having been to numerious nutrionist I can say that with pretty much absolute certainty. Stop giving BAD advice for something you obviously know nothing about!

    Sorry about the repost but I meant to quote an earlier msg.

  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Paging special snowflakes.
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    I haven't read through 12 pages of responses so maybe this has been asked....are you drinking enough water? I find that when I become lax with my water intake, that my weight loss slows down.
This discussion has been closed.