Strength Training Challenge



  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Out in Boston for work. My hotel has a very nice fitness center so I've been getting in a nice long workout every morning. I did a mix of strength training and cardio this morning for about an hour. I worked lower, upper and the dreaded abs so got it all in. I ran a little and did some elliptical. Because I'm doing ethnographies (interview people in their own homes) vs. meetings I'm more in control of my own food. I brought my pumpkin scones with for breakfast and have a ton of fruit, some nuts and protein bars. Yesterday we stopped at a grocery store so I had yogurt, nuts and an apple for dinner. the woman I'm working with wants to eat the same way so until the guys start showing up on thursday I think I'll be in good shape…I don't think the men will want to eat like us :laugh: :laugh:

    Stay strong!

  • kenharrell
    What weight loss benefits can be attributed to strength training?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    I am not an expert and cannot address your question very well but a number of trainers have indicated it's 80% diet and 20% exercise. That being said, they've also told me you need to do strength training to maintain and build muscle mass---you want to burn away the fat and retain the muscle for best health. And lean muscle tissue is not only more attractive than fat tissue but also helps to maintain/increase your metabolism.

    Today I did get to the gym, did the circuit of weight machines, followed by a fitness class with many compound body moves utilizing a bar weight. Good workout.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    On the subject of the value of strength training, I support what Linder said. Cardio exercise is more directly connected with weight LOSS, but strength training helps with other areas of overall fitness and health. It builds muscle and lean muscle burns more calories than a fat or flabby muscle. It also helps those of us who have leftover excess skin and "soft" places where we'd rather have a smooth contour. In my own case, I started this whole process because of knee problems that prevented me from enjoying a sport I love. My knee problems are structural & can only be improved by a combination of weight loss and strengthening surrounding tendons and muscles. I hope this helps.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Ditto day at the gym----circuit of weight machines and fitness class with lots of work with hand weights.......

    Once again I got the work in but wasn't very inspired.

    Be strong.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie posted an interesting picture of a woman holding a plank on the 50+ message list. It showed all the abdominal and leg muscles that have to work to hold a plank and provided much needed motivation. 90 seconds for my plank today.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I did Jari Love's Ripped to the Core DVD today. Lots of compound moves that really burn up the calories while building strength. There are a couple of plank variations she does that you can really feel. She has you start out doing planks where you go from straight arms and then one arm at a time go down to a forearm plank and then up again one arm at a time. You can do in a full plank or on your knees to make it a tad easier. Just remember to switch which arm you lead with. she also had us doing planks where you lift one leg up hip height and slowly swing it out to the side, bring it back and release down - going side to side. The hardest move was a superman where you start in plank and lift the right arm forward to shoulder height while lifting the left leg up to hip height, release and do the other side….very, very hard. To modify you can do this on hands and knees in a table top position

    I'm on the road again the end of the week so plan to enjoy these two days at home. I should be able to work out most of the week so that should help keep my on track.

    Stay strong and keep lifting!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    I could just type ditto I think!!! Weight machines, fitness class with tube work, and lots of cardio--both walking and my favorite work---step!!

    Be strong.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Just got back from the fitness center. I added a second set today at a slightly higher weight setting, so now I'm doing two sets on each machine. I can feel it. I chose to do one full set and then the second and it seemed like a good decision.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: I miss doing my strength training.....I read about all your successes and have been cheering you on. The sore muscles in my back make almost everything challenging. I finally figured out that I can do squats and calf raises so I've been doing a little of that along with my line dance classes (I dance but sit down during the walk through part) and I walk the dogs one at a time for 10-20 minutes each. I see the chiropractor and he has assured me that I'm not overdoing it. The dogs love that I lie down twice a day with the ice pack and they get in bed with me....:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    I've been doing some interesting strength moves from Jessica Smith and from my new yoga teacher.
    Man, we did some crazy hip work today. I couldn't believe how little we had to move and without additional weights to get the burn.
    I'll try to figure out a way to describe it and post later. For now, I'm going to stretch.
    Sweet dreams!:blushing:
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Question for Barbiecat:
    I have been gaining and losing 2 pounds for the past month BUT my body fat has gone down by about 2 %. Since you've lost much more weight than me, please tell me if this has happened to you and what you did about it. For some reason that scale number means so much to me. I have been working out 6 days per week using a variety of cardio, strength, HIIT, and yoga. I drink 8-9 glasses of water per day. I am usually very close to my calorie allowance. I am just stuck and I still have about 20 pounds to go.3376659k2qp1kb5pz.gif

    So I finally broke through my scale slump but now my body fat (based on my Tanita scale) registers at 1-2% higher than before. Any ideas why this is happening? By the way, my bone mass has remained the same (close to 5 pounds) and my water content is at about 43% which is a significant improvement since 6 months ago.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Another gym day----did the circuit of weight machines at the same # as before. Then off to a fitness class with intervals and stations---most involved strength moves but there were cardio intervals as well. Then did a bit of running and walking. :-)

    Wishing everyone well! Be strong!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Another gym day----did the circuit of weight machines at the same # as before. Then off to a fitness class with intervals and stations---most involved strength moves but there were cardio intervals as well. Then did a bit of running and walking. :-)

    Wishing everyone well! Be strong!!!


    I am so impressed with what you are doing. WTG!
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Sodium stinks! Off to the gym. 182345d2jmtacc7x.gif
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Sodium stinks! Off to the gym. 182345d2jmtacc7x.gif

    I agree.....after going to lunch at a Mexican restaurant my weight went up two pounds....:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    did a Jessica Smith DVD today working upper and lower body - with a bit of abs. I did a lot of abs yesterday so didn't feel the need to do a bunch more today. She does lots of compound moves so your heart rate really gets up there.

    There is one move for your gluteus that is tough but I think very effective. You lay on your belly with your chin resting on your hands. You bend your knees to the side bringing the souls of your feet together - reminds me of the frog kick. Then you lift your knees up off the floor - they won't go very high - and release back down. You can also lift your knees up and then cross your ankles - going back and forth for a greater challenge.

    Stay strong everyone - and have a great Thanksgiving!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    Gym day
    ! Made it through the weight machines, walked for a while and then off to a fitness class for tabatas. My upper body (particularly shoulders and upper back) *really* are telling me that was TOO much.

    So no gym on Thanksgiving..........I'll be out of town so I'm not sure what, if anything, I'll do.

    Hope to see you all soon.

    Be strong!!

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Good news and bad news. I've kept up with the training; however, re-injured my groin. It bothers me to do squats and some floor exercises, so my trainer has me on lots of upper body work with tubes. On positive front, got measured today, and after 3 months have lost an inch off my hips, waist and thighs. The scale is stuck, but I can live with it as long as the inches are melting.

    Jodios: Thanks so much for the links to band exercises. Too bad our Boston itineraries didn't match up. :ohwell:

    Stay strong.

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I didn't see anyone answer this but Romanian deadlifts are deadlifts with straight legs. You start standing straight up and lower the barbell or dumbbell down against your legs usually just past your knees or as far as you go while keeping your back straight. One legged RDL are also fun. While you lower your dumbbell or kettle bell you lift one leg behind you like airplane or warrior 3 and put it back down when you lift the weight again.

    Bulgarian split squats are basically stationary lunges with your rear foot elevated on step or box or something.. They are really fun but require a degree of balance (same with one legged romanian deadlifts) and you can really feel them if you do them with dumbbells or kettlebells.