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support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72
    Day 1 of no binging more to come later!!!!!!!!

  • Lynz888
    Lynz888 Posts: 17 Member
    I could really use the support of this group! I have no official diagnosis, but....binge eatting impulsively is a HUGE obstacle for me :(
    I'm willing to take any suggestions!
    thanks and good luck all
  • I love reading the positive sharings and support on here. I don't post that often, but I'm here, reading, everyday. Everyone is doing a great job focusing on one day at a time...everyday successes, and learning from everyday lapses. I have been doing abstinence from trigger foods for about 2 weeks now. And no binges. Some things I don't think I'll ever eat. But there are a few things I'd like to phase in with moderation. For example, I don't have a problem with sugar only sweets (no flour). But I'm still worried about it. I can get a little obsessive about food...whether I'm binging or restricting. So even though I'm anxious about adding some foods back in, I feel like I should "break" the obsessive pattern and have some. Because abstaining from everything is just a setup for a binge. Eventually.
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72

    Welcome Lynz888 you are in the right place to get the suporrt you need , we are all here for ya! One day at a time. We will all get there.

    tatiana_13 you are right about not taking out everything you love and setting yourself up for a binge.I have done this many many times. What I do is treat myself once a day something I really love and I eat around my family so that it will not set myself up for a binge after. My hubby great for helping control it. I'm getting there.

    One thing that I found really helping me is setting a goal and a time line to finish it. But if you don't get your goal at the end of the time line look at how close you came to it and give your self praise for what you have done. Try again.

    My day is going really good, we have alot of candy in the house right know because the kids had a halloween party last night but I really have not had any desire to eat any of it. Which is a huge change for me. I quess I had the light bulb moment go off. Seeing how unhappy and pointless this binging was in my life. Not saying I will never binge again because we all know this is a day to day thing. But for now I'm doing great for today.

    Good luck to everyone else this weekend,
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Great job staying away from the candy Mel! I ate about 6 pieces myself at the office yesterday over the course of the day and even though it was not a binge it was still not good for me. I ended up going to bed last night at 6pm from a bad headache and avoided my monster time so I did put another $5 in the vase because you can't binge when you're asleep. LOL.

    I am pretty emotional today and don't know what's wrong. Maybe PMS. I hope so because I feel awful. I feel very out of control and I feel really stressed out. I talked w/ my mom for a bit just now and that seemed to help a little but even as I type this I am teary eyed. I am also wondering if it is the green eyed monster coming out. I went to the gym w/ my girlfriend who had gastric bypass on Sept 9th this morning. She has lost 40lbs since then. I'm so jealous!!! 40lbs in less than 2 months and here I've been working my butt off since Feb and have only lost a measly 47lbs! I just can't help but wish I was in her shoes being able to lose so much weight so quickly. It's like she doesn't even have to try at losing weight now and it is just melting off. As I've mentioned before I don't think the surgery would be a good route for me in particular so I'm not interested in getting it, I'm just feeling a bit jealous right now because she's making it seem so easy. Mollie, maybe you could shed some light on this topic for me and maybe tell me how your first 6 months went. And Mollie please don't ever feel offended by what I say about the surgery, I don't always know how to say the right thing without hurting someone's feelings. But know that that is not my intent. This is just about my own insecurities and feelings of hopelessness, not about surgery.

    Welcome Lynz and so nice to hear from you Tatiana! You're right about not setting yourself up for a binge, great job recognizing the pattern.

    No Halloween candy in my house. I don't get any trick or treaters here so no need to have any around. I do have a chocolate/almond bar in my cupboard but no other treat food in the house. I really need to go grocery shopping though because my fridge is empty. I'm going to be moving Nov 15-Dec 1 so dont' want to have a whole lot of extra stuff around but last week I made too many trips to the office cafeteria so I will just go do my normal grocery shopping this week because it was too easy to reach for the muffins and cookies and other naughty things at the cafeteria. I'm not even going to look at the Halloween candy because it all comes in bulk and I will not go there. I also have a problem with candy on sale. After holiday sales are the worst. I'd buy 10 bags of candy just because they were so cheap. Not ever doing that again!

    I hope you all have a nice weekend too!
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72
    Hey! dianeg1981

    Great job for not binging yesterday, it is ok to treat our selfs as long as we are in control of it, then it is not binging.

    Don't fee badl about your friend who has lost weight faster erveyone loses weight differently and she had bypass so she can not eat very much so it is different for her.

    You are right about going with what works for you bypass is not for everyone. And 47 pounds is really good weight loss you should be proud of yourself, you will get there don't worry.

    I hope you have a better weekend and tks for sharing what your going through it helps.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I did good yesterday and earned my $5. Ate a late dinner around 9pm and was in bed by 10:30 with no bingeing.

    A big shout out to Mollie for a great job on 6 years into your new lifestyle! I am so very proud of you for all your hard work dear! I truly appreciate all of your support as well, thank you for being here for me.

    Thanks Diane!! I am proud of you too. As you know from my story weight loss surgery is fast weight loss in the beginning and the honeymoon is wonderful. Please do not compare yourself to your friend who has has WLS. This tool is helping her but she will still have to do the work to maintain her loss in the end. So hopefully she is taking the time to do the head work because it is more important than anything. I wish they had a brain surgery out there for eating.:laugh: Got to run now and will catch up later!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Brain surgery for weight loss? Now THAT would be wonderful! :bigsmile:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    So instead of sitting here all afternoon feeling sorry for myself I decided to call my girlfriend who I walk with and we went for a nice long walk this afternoon instead. That made me feel better about the candy I ate yesterday too because now I know I burned it off. I've never exercised twice in one day before and it kind of felt good today knowing that I was even able to. I was sure beat by the time we got to the end of the walk but my mind was a little more clear and I burned a lot of calories today. Just got back from the grocery store and now I've got a full fridge and freezer stocked full of fruits, veggies, fiber enhanced yogurt, lean meats, whole grains, some lean cuisine meals, stuff to make healthy banana nut muffins and the only sweet stuff I bought were fiber rich chocolate granola bars and some lowfat puddings. I've set myself up to have a good next week with food!
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72
    Nice job! dianeg1981

    You can do it! You go girl!

    I had a mini binge on some candy but not to crazy I had like 5 pieces about 200 cals. But I did have alot of fruit and vegs. But way better than before I'm not stuffed to the point of being sick like I have done before. And I did handle the stress alot better than before.

    Not binge free day but I'm proud of myself for not going crazy like I have before. So one up for me!

    Tomorrow will be great!

  • Lynz888
    Lynz888 Posts: 17 Member
    eeeeep! pineapple pizza, nachos, carne adovada burritos, caramel cake, pot pie and limon chips in one day?
    *bows head* thank goodness I can start over right now :(

    dianeg1981 -two work outs in one day- you're inspiring! I'm the same mission to not compare my weight loss to others. mfp members that joined months after myself have lost more than 20 pounds already! I got to a four lbs loss, got discouraged, and ate it all right back.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Happy Halloween! :devil:

    I earned another $5 and oh boy did I truly earn that one. Joe and I had a huge fight last night and I wanted to binge so badly to make myself feel better. I didn't though. Now I did go pour myself a small rum and coke and drank it kind of fast but I did not binge! I did not reach for all the puddings I had just bought, and I did not reach for the chocolate granola bars because I knew once I had one it would be all over for the rest of the night and the only way I would have been able to stop would have been to go to bed. Luckily we resolved the issue and things are fine again but I really do need to find another way to deal with those emotions. I did try to focus on my jewelry making though. That was a good thing to keep my mind off temptation. I really enjoy designing jewelry. I did well last night and am proud of myself for taking it one day at a time.

    Today will be for chores, and spending time in the kitchen getting my food ready for the week. Tonight Joe and I are going to the Olive Garden for dinner and am looking forward to that. I will be fine there as long as I stay away from the dessert. I chose to go there over Red Lobster because I don't know if you guys have ever had their cheddar biscuits but oh lordy Red Lobster's cheddar biscuits are very dangerous. (Mollie, I know you probably know what I'm talking about since you live so close). I don't really care for Olive Garden's breadsticks so will not feel the urge to eat 5 of them and ask for some to take home like I would at Red Lobster.

    I hope you're all having a good day...off to my chores.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Lynz- thanks for checking in honey, you're absolutely right, today is a fresh start! One day at a time! :flowerforyou:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    So much for muffins... guess I already packed up my muffin pans. :angry: Oh well. :ohwell: I can't wait to MOVE!!! :happy:
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72

    Having a good day really trying to eat mindfully. I had small mini Choc. bars I had like 7 but still within my cals for the day. And it was not a binge yay!!!!!!!!! Getting better I stopped myself before it really got out of hand.

    Halloween party tonight so should be fun but I alrdy treated myself so no more for me. Having a good day.

    Talk to you all later,
  • Krymsen
    Krymsen Posts: 72
    Ok I ate 6 more mini choc. bars but I didn't binge on it, the old me would have ate them till they where all gone or untill I was so stuffed I couldn't eat any more.

    One up for me getting a better grip on things yay!!!!!!!!
  • Hi all!

    I've been officially binge free for 2 weeks. It hasn't been easy, but it's been possible.

    I made myself a small flourless cheesecake today. It's small, but it's still 4 servings. So I was proud that I only ate one serving. I'm trying to limit treats, but when I do eat them, to eat them mindfully...no grab and go stuff...no stuff in bags (cause i'd eat the whole bag!) But I can cook something, a serving or two, and enjoy it. That's what I'm working on. Mindful, conscious, planned eating.
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    That's funny you say that. That's been the BIGGEST issue in my life. And I, too, am seeing someone about it. So I'm all game! We need something like this, and I don't think many realize that food can be an addiction and drug.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well last week was not a good week for me. I am checking in and today is another day.

    Welcome new ones!!

    Good job for those doing well and for those not hang in there. The inportant thing is not to give up on ourselves. We are worth the struggle.

    I am going to go to an OA meeting tonight!! I will try to check in more this week.

    One day at a time.

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I'm glad you're here Mollie! A new day and a new month! November is going to be a great month!

    Melissa- sounds like you were very aware of what you were putting in your mouth this weekend and that is a great accomplishment in itself.

    Tatiana--mmm...cheesecake! Where's the drooling emoticon? :wink: I am so happy to read of your success these past 2 weeks, that is very motivating.
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