How would/do you handle this?



  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I do want a divorce. But I'm also old fashioned and know she can't financially handle being on her own without my income. I truly know the feelings are for the kids i also know that its not worth it to be in hell for the kids i feel like I'm stuck

    People change/grow apart, that happens. You have to get that conversation STARTED. It appears your wife may be the dominate one and she controls the conversations. If she gets upset when you mention divorce then try to have the long overdue conversation that goes like this:

    1. I am not happy/we are not happy
    2.Where do we stand/where do we go from here
    3.Living arrangement
    4.Custody arrangement
    5.Spousal,child support
    Now that's the dramatic version. The practical approach would be to take some "me" time, take a break from the marriage.
    Tell your wife I am backed in a corner and I don't like what we have become. I don't want to hurt you in the process but this is NOT healthy for the family. Explain you are still there financially and you will continue to be a wonderful father. But the marriage either needs work or to end. If anything you two need to (((COMMUNICATE))) a.s.a.p

    Good luck!

    ^^^ THIS!
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I think there is a large chunk of this story missing in order to put it into context. :huh:
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I forgot to mention the kids. There are kids that are totally affected by this

    For me the worst part of my parents divorce was their marriage!!!
    Dont be selfish and put your kids through unhappiness. Divorce isnt that big a deal. They will deal with it. Just act like freaken adults when dealing with one another and don't make your divorce and all the drama that comes with a split up, their problem.

    I'm glad, yet sorry that divorce isn't a big deal to you.
    Glad you weren't horribly impacted, yet sorry you don't value it more.

    Depending on the age of the children, dumping mom for a new & improved model is CERTAINLY a big deal.
    We might be late in the game for 'acting like an adult'

    Oh your words are so true.. But I must add that it was more the fighting and drama that came out of their animosity towards each other that impacted me than the actual splitting... If parents handle it properly and still treat their ex spouses with respect and decency the children are spared a lot of confusion and hurt.

    And yes I don't hold any value on marriage anymore. It doesn't MAKE people stay together, that takes hard work with each individual.

    I didn't realize there was another person involved, but that definitely shows its a bit late to be decent!! Shame on you OP!!
    Kids aren't as stupid as you think. I knew about the other women and I was still in Primary School! It took me a long time to realize that all men aren't stinking cheaters..

    I wish people would just THINK about what they are doing to those around them before taking action because of basic human needs. (the need to ****)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I divorced the *&(&^&%&$#$#^$@^
    she wasn't a psycho that would try to kill you when you mentioned divorce

    1- If you wanted to end your marriage, you should have ended it prior to getting involved with another woman. I have no respect for a person who cheats.

    2- Red flags start waving when I hear a man refer to his current or his ex as "psycho". I've been involved with more than a couple of men who claim this... guess what? It was always THEM, not the women.
  • Blondiegrl11
    Blondiegrl11 Posts: 458 Member
    Must be nice for some to have all the answers, my guess is they haven't been where the op is. It's a sad, dark, lonely and confusing place to be. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. My advice,do everything you can to make it work then try harder and if that doesn't work be the best dad you can be and a great ex husband. I wish you well, it isn't easy.

    I have. The difference is, I didn't have someone waiting in the wings when I was in that dark place. My husband wanted to work things out, I didn't. We also started marriage counseling and are still together and happier now than we've ever been in the 23+ years we've been together. A marriage can be repaired if you are willing to try, but it can take a lot of work.

    I'm glad you were able to repair your marriage, that is the ideal outcome but not always possible.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Must be nice for some to have all the answers, my guess is they haven't been where the op is. It's a sad, dark, lonely and confusing place to be. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. My advice,do everything you can to make it work then try harder and if that doesn't work be the best dad you can be and a great ex husband. I wish you well, it isn't easy.

    I have. The difference is, I didn't have someone waiting in the wings when I was in that dark place. My husband wanted to work things out, I didn't. We also started marriage counseling and are still together and happier now than we've ever been in the 23+ years we've been together. A marriage can be repaired if you are willing to try, but it can take a lot of work.

    I'm glad you were able to repair your marriage, that is the ideal outcome but not always possible.

    I totally agree with you! (I've been divorced in the past after a 4 year marriage I got into when I was 18)
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    OP, from the little you've posted, YOUR marriage is what YOU'VE made it. You chose to let it become something you hate by not trying to work it out. You chose to not communicate. You chose to allow yourself to become involved with another woman without consideration for your wife, whom you loved enough at one point to make vows to . Now you're choosing post your dirty laundry on the interwebz. Frankly, I think you're a narcissist who makes bad decisions.

    But that's just my opinion, a random person on the interwebz.

    ETA: To answer the original question, I'd seek marriage counselling and ditch the woman on the side. So long as she's there, you've given yourself an excuse. My guess is that your wife doesn't even know what's going on or why, so communication and counselling. You've probably felt under appreciated or something to that affect, let it build over time and latched on when some other woman paid attention to you instead of telling your wife how you felt.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I think there is a large chunk of this story missing in order to put it into context. :huh:

    You mean, like her side.... and the truth? The missing 2 sides of the story?
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    Sounds toxic. Get out, get a restraining order. It will be difficult on the kids at first, but they will be better off with their parents apart, than if you are together and in an unhealthy relationship.

    I stayed with my husband for years and was completely unhappy. I finally found the strength and courage to leave earlier this year. Our divorce should be final very soon. We have a 17 year old daughter. It's hard on her, and because she is "older", she can understand a little better than she would have if she was younger.
  • AnotherXFitGuy
    AnotherXFitGuy Posts: 58 Member
    I believe I would first figure out what went wrong with this:
    being in a marriage with someone you can't stand?

    Before I embarked on this:
    especially knowing that there is someone out there that wants to love and care for you

    Or you're likely to go from the frying pan into the fire.


    If someone will do this with you, chances are they'll do it to day.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    I think there is a large chunk of this story missing in order to put it into context. :huh:

    You mean, like her side.... and the truth? The missing 2 sides of the story?

    yes, but even aside from those, think there are some details left out of what we're reading..
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    This doesn't end well. Pick up a copy of "War or the Roses" and watch it with her this weekend.

  • elisabeisme
    elisabeisme Posts: 308 Member
    Options your head the grass is greener on the other side with the poor girl you are stringing along....but think about this....if you did this, cheating, WITH her...then lets say ya'all get together....don'tch'ya think you'll go slut around with another shiny new girl when you get sick of her too? :brokenheart: :huh:
    ^^^^Fixed it for ya
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    How long have you felt this way and have you tried to go back to the beginning and remember why you fell in love with her in the first place?
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    So, OP is married, he is all over the forums telling ladies how nice their *kitten*' are and that he would bang them. He states that his wife is psycho and that he can not stand her anymore, and also admits that there is another woman.


    Pfffft! GROSS!
  • jaclync324
    jaclync324 Posts: 37 Member
    I just read the last post and a few on the first page...

    So, this is just a classic example of "grass is greener" disease.

    Guess what...the grass may be green for the first month, six months, year....

    Then you fall into a routine with the new person and you will be posting the same thing in about 2 years. Google statistics on 2nd and 3rd marriages and their success. Google statistics on marriages that begin with infidelity.

    What you need to do is fix yourself. If you decide to try and make your marriage work and stop thinking your wife's purpose in life is to make you happy. I highly recommend "the love dare." Google it or buy the app.

    Good luck.
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    So, OP is married, he is all over the forums telling ladies how nice their *kitten*' are and that he would bang them.

    Where did this come from?

    The OP has a pretty low opinion of his wife and it will take some work to get over that - once you have a negative view of something it's easy to keep reinforcing that by noticing other things that annoy you. It's a difficult frame of mind to get out of.

    I feel sorry for the wife, it can't be fun for her either. She's probably concerned about divorce for the sake of the kids - maybe she needs to think about herself too and move on with her life.

    Good luck OP and family, hope it ends well for everyone.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    So, OP is married, he is all over the forums telling ladies how nice their *kitten*' are and that he would bang them.

    Where did this come from?

    The OP has a pretty low opinion of his wife and it will take some work to get over that - once you have a negative view of something it's easy to keep reinforcing that by noticing other things that annoy you. It's a difficult frame of mind to get out of.

    I feel sorry for the wife, it can't be fun for her either. She's probably concerned about divorce for the sake of the kids - maybe she needs to think about herself too and move on with her life.

    Good luck OP and family, hope it ends well for everyone.

    The OP's profile is NOT private, you can see all of his forum posts right on his page. How convenient I know... Also, if you actually read his original post, you would see that there is a woman that wants to love him and treat him right or however he put it. This is a classic case of "There is someone else that seems better so all of a sudden he can't stand his wife" Sure they may have had problems to begin with, but to me those problems need to be talked about and worked out. Problems do not give the okay for him to go out and seek the attention of other women and then complain how much he loathes his wife.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Okay, who has the Michael Jackson popcorn gif?
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I've been in that situation--I got divorced. Life is too short to be with someone that makes you miserable.

    Best thing to do: talk about your feelings with your spouse. They may feel the same way, and you can either try to fix it or mutually agree *kitten* sucks and they hate your guts too. It really depends on your situation. Good luck!