Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    RobinsEgg- GREAT idea for a goal! :drinker:

    Today I burned the most calories EVER (for me), according to MFP and Fitbit. I am so glad I found my Fitbit charger. :bigsmile: I am so grateful to have found this gym. Everyone is so supportive.

    Tomorrow I am going to the cardiologist's office for a stress test. I'm not really worried, as he said I was low risk.... okay, maybe just a little. It will be nice to get confirmation that I don't have a heart problem.

    I'm not able to be around much, but I AM thinking of you all.... always sending you good vibes and keeping you in my prayers. :flowerforyou:
  • jessiej1980
    Good Morning ALL!! It is 8 am in New York and SNOWING! Sometimes I wish I lived in the city so I wouldnt have to drive in this junk...oh well.

    Yesterday was a ROUGH day...worked out for 30 minutes but was in a total funk..maybe because I used a different YMCA location than I am used to. I ate dinner way too late due to a very intense appointment, and then....I cheated......ugh

    Today is a new day and I am going to try very hard at staying within goal, working out, and only ONE.....maybe TWO cups of coffee....

    Naceto: Good Luck today!!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning! Hope the weather is better where you are. Here we have a cold rain mixed with a bit of sleet. I have one daughter driving through this mess today and one who's (hopefully) flying in tomorrow night. I'll be a bundle of nerves until they are both safely under my roof.

    Goal update: 9 lbs to go by 12/31/13 to hit the half way point. It's probably too ambitious, but why not aim high? If I miss it by a pound or two, I'm not going to be disappointed. If I only lose 73 instead of 75 in 2013, it'll still have be a great victory. I am finding that having this goal is a big help in avoiding the Holiday food madness. I've already logged Thanksgiving day and while I'll be over my calorie goal, I'll be over by hundreds not thousands of calories. And I've planned to cut back a couple hundred the day before and after to adjust. I have 3 parties to go to the week after Thanksgiving and I'm going to eat before hand and concentrate on visiting with friends and avoid the food laden tables.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~So glad you had a good rapport with the doctor, good luck with your tests today – I hope you receive results sooner rather than later.

    @Nicole~Good luck with your stress test, I had one a few years ago – not too bad although they had to give me an injection because my heart rate recovered too quickly from the treadmill portion to the ECG portion.

    @Tracy~Welcome back, sounds like you had a great time in Vegas.

    @Lives2Travel~Great plan for turkey day & good mindset for upcoming parties, it’s all about being with friends and not the food. :wink:

    AFM~I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday. We have auditors here for preliminary work and I got stuck at work late, by the time I left I was too tired to think about working out – hopefully I won’t have to work late today.

    Monday~Gym, Arc Trainer NOT DONE :frown:
    Tuesday~Gym, elliptical
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~None, traveling in morning
    Friday~None, spending day with my family
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    The day after Thanksgiving every year is when I begin to decorate my house for Christmas. It is the one weekend that I start working as soon as I get up and don't stop until I go to sleep. Not only do I put up my tree and all my table top decorations, I also set up a quite large village. My goal this year is to have everything completely finished and boxes put back in the attic in time for Walking Dead Sunday night. I don't know if I will be able to do it but I am going to try!

    SweetTea - I am a teacher. I only had to work yesterday and have the rest of the week off. I was amazed that I got so much time off for Thanksgiving. I am impressed you give up your entire vacation to watch your nieces for your family. That is extremely generous of you! :flowerforyou: I don't mind giving up a day or two to help out but I could never give up my entire vacation. I need my time off and adult time for my own mental health. But then again I don't have children of my own, so I may feel differently if I had kids.

    MNWalking - Keep us posted if you decide to keep the puppy. If you decide to keep him, post pictures. I would love to see him! I am a sucker for cute animals.

    Tina - Is it difficult to get into the program?

    p1xyn1xy - The Ripped in 30 sounds hard! I cannot do a pushup period. Forget adding in bending the leg sideways at the same time. I would probably manage to hurt myself. LOL Your husband's birthday sounded like it was a lot of fun!

    Kah - Thanks. Her name is Misti, she is a persian. She is a lap cat and often purrs in anticipation of you petting her. She is a real character. I hear you about not being able to tolerate the cold. I don't like being outside in the cold for a long time. Especially if it is one of those bitter cold spells that come through here.

    Kris - Congrats! You are doing well!

    Michelle - I fear it too. I was just discussing this last night with my husband.

    Ellen (AKA Tweety Bird) :laugh: - Glad to hear you clicked with the new doctor. I hope you have good results or at least some answers.

    Naceto - Do you find FitBit to be very accurate? I have my doubts about it. Yesterday, I worked really hard during my workout, harder than I ever have done before. The sweat was pouring off of me. I was doing high impact when they did rather than low impact. Fitbit estimated me at burning 251 calories for 32 minutes. I went back into my Fitbit logs and noticed last Monday I burned 271 calories for the same workout. Last week I was at the point where I could not handle high impact. I know I worked a lot harder yesterday. I am so confused though why my calories burned were less than last week. :huh: Any ideas? Good luck at your cardiologist's office. I hope you get good news!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Nettie~My profile pic is my Maine Coon, Zoe, she is a character. One of the most affectionate cats I’ve ever run across, that cat loves to snuggle – oh and give me baths, she would lick my nose all day if I let her. :wink:

    I think the calories burned that Fitbit estimates are low, I’ve compared it to my HRM and I think Fitbit underestimates by about 20% - reason being is isn’t estimating those calories based on your heart rate. I know a HRM isn’t for everyone, so use this calculator instead - I think it’s a better indicator of actual calories burned during exercise.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tuesday Goal- Almost caught up on posts. My goal today is to walk 4 miles and drink 10 glasses of water.

    @Tina- Welcome back sorry to hear about all your stress. Baby steps like someone else mentioned will get you on track again.

    More personals later.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning all... well I played some basketball yesterday as the kids had wrestling practice... had a good time and worked up a bit of a sweat. Practice moves next week to the highschool and it looks like "I have two other dads interested in running the track there with me. So that will be cool... Tonight I will be lifting after work and am looking forward to it. Hoping the gym is not TOO busy tonight with the supersets it makes it tough to not have one piece of equipment taken.

    jessiej1980-- Lesson learned don't take treats away from guys!

    SweetTea11110-- how was the workout? Sounds like you have a hectic week with all the kids!

    mnwalkingquee-- Hope you start feeling better in your head soon... its tough to say no to a puppy! LOL I would be all over it!

    trhjrh06-- I am glad to see you back!!! You sure can kick @$$! Keep logging and working!

    p1xyn1xy-- Sounds like you had a fun firepit party and have still lost. That is awesome! Don't give up on that workout yet... keep fighting for it.

    skinnyjeanzbo-- Janes addiction? Glad to hear highschool kids in AP classes are still stoners! Enjoy the time off and extra workout sessions that leads to!

    Lauriek70 -- You do an hour of cardio after your training session? That is crazy!

    naceto -- That is awesome about the new gym!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello everyone, this is such a great group, so supportive. Welcome to the new people and the people coming back like me. It is always so nice to get some tips here and be reminded of tips. Big thanks to the regulars!

    I have been logging for the last week and still do not have a scale. I want to say i feel better, maybe not as sluggish. I am trying to sleep more and eat better so I am sure it all helps. It is so crazy how easy it is to slip away and undo each inch we fought for. The holidays are coming and I am glad I am back in your loving arms, you guys will help me through thanksgiving and help me not to gorge myself without care. Thanks so much for being here, sure it is me that need to come her but you are here for me. Thanks.
  • jessiej1980
    @Gorilla: Yeah I have learned my lesson!!!!! He has a temper...wonder where o where he gets that from????:noway:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I think that we should have a gratitude month. Post something we are grateful for each day. I know we probably should have done that in November, but I think that focussing on the positive will help us avoid a lot of the stress of the holidays.
    My goals for this week are just to survive. I will be cleaning house today in prepartion for my company who will be arriving tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow I will be doing a lot of cooking, especially pies for Thanksgiving dinner and cookies for the taco party tomorrow night. The numbers are staggering if I allow myself to think about them. I'll keep you posted on the attendance. :tongue:
    Robin, I hope that you get answers. It sounds like you have found a good dr.
    I agree that the support of this group is key to success everyday, but especially at stressful times. Thank you for being here.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Good day everyone!

    Kah & Laurie - yeah I know I shouldn't but I really don't know what else to do because I think that it is one of those things where I am going to have to live with moderate pain for the rest of my life. It is not technically my ankle. I hurt my ankle but then I guess that caused me to get heel spurs in my right heel. The heel spurs cause major pain in like my Achilles area. The dr says they don't go away... It is pretty frustrating because there is really no brace for the heel... but I am just going to pray that it will be okay :)

    JNettie- I would be so disgusted if they made me come to work on Monday only! SMH! Yeah I have two young kids so my time off isn't exactly vacation and it is just the addition of two other little ones that adds to the madness! But it is okay honestly... you know... two.. three. four kids it all just blurs together is a thick loud cloud of a day! LOL! Now that I think about it I don't ever really get adult time for my own mental health which is probably why I am crazy!

    Gorilla- Oh my goodness... ok so I used to work out all the time and then I got injured and I have been sidelined for a long time. SO I used to love working out went to boot camp like 3-4 times a week... everything! Oh my what time will do to your fitness level. So I did the 30 day shred yesterday and all I have is some 10 lb dumbbells. I think that is where the problem lied because I was struggling with the strength moves! I was like OMG I can't do this! Fast forward to this morning... I was laying in bed and woke up and was like ughh my back is killing me... I tried to turn over and couldn't straighten my arms because it feels like I have two softballs in my arm! I am dreading doing it today because... I still only have those 10's! I keep telling myself this is like my heavy lifting that is going to make my body look great! IN the meantime by body is screaming NOOOOOOO!!!! LOL!!!

    Tuesday Goals: My goal is to do 30 day shred everyday including Thanksgiving and to start C25k. I also have committed to not eating anything after 7 and I want to stick with that on Thanksgiving and beyond. When I stick with that it really saves me so many extra calories that I would consume with just snacking at night.

    I hope that you guys have an Awesome Tuesday!!!!!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @SweetTea~Did you go to an ortho for your heel spurs? No, they don’t go away and almost everyone has them – not everyone has ongoing pain though (which is mostly due to inflammation), you will notice that it becomes less painful as you lose weight. In the meantime there are things you can do to help alleviate the pain, which can also help plantar fasciitis if you have that as well. A couple of times a day take an ice pack and place on your heel for 10-15 minutes (try to massage the heel with the ice) – you can also freeze a water bottle and then roll it with your foot/heel. Secondly, stretch the area including the Achilles tendon (check out YouTube for some helpful videos) – one good stretch is the frozen water bottle and also a tennis ball (just roll back and forth applying pressure). Look for some silicone heel cups at the drug store (or ask your ortho to rx some) this will cushion your heels and give you some relief. This will take the pressure off of your Achilles tendon, at the same time.
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks Kah,

    Yeah I did go to the ortho and have an outstanding bill to prove it! :sad: :mad:

    He didn't say anything about the ice or a heel cup so I am definitely going to look into that! I have a night splint ( I think that is what it is called) and I have stretches that I am supposed to do... They have made it so that can walk but the pain is still there if and when I do much more than walk.

    I am going to try your suggestions though! Wish me luck!!!
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Just checking in. Been trying to keep up with the posts and maintaining my eating. Exercise is still a work in progress. My fitbit does tell me how much I have missed though and it is irritating. Need to do something about that. Life is really hectic at work - leaves little motivation for home.

    Wishing everyone well and success.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- Great time on the 5K and it is cool that both kids finished, even if the younger beat you. My workout tonight was an hour of cardio and strength with my trainer. The workout consisted of a obstacle style course including: battle ropes, step ups, kettle bell shuffle, jump rope, chin ups, jumping jacks, bicep curls and leg lifts/sit ups with a ball with a couple of games of catch with a medicine ball. Interesting enough I could have keep going after the workout. I guess I am crazy enough to do another workout on top of a trainer workout. Oh, how my fitness level has changed. My school is attempting to put together another trip to NY city in May. Hope we can catch up again provided I can take off for the trip.

    Robin- Glad you clicked with the new doctor. Hope he figures out what is going on sooner rather than later.

    uskil- Glad to see you popping in and yes, we are here to support you.

    sweat tea- Kelley's advice about the ice and tennis ball is great along with the heal inserts. Keep stretching the foot, try find a rope, band or even a dog's leash and use that to stretch the foot. Hook the rope around your foot and gently pull it back, then release and repeat. You can also do this same stretch by pulling your knee to your chest, release and repeat this time you should be able to pull it back a little farther. It stretches the hamstrings. A chiropractor may be able to help reduce the inflammation using muscle stimulation or cold laser therapy. Both have worked for me in the past and still do if the foot starts to hurt again. I am not sure if you wear heals but investing in good shoes with a heal also helps.

    Kaye- Good luck with all the cooking and enjoy the family dinner.

    As I mentioned to Gorilla, I had a great workout with my trainer tonight. It was fun but challenging. Luckily or unluckily the gym was being used for basketball so the kettle bell shuffle was significantly shorter than planned. It was also disappointing but running was out of the question. Three- five steps and I was across the room and stopping short, so it was just a brisk walk.

    Goals: To get and socialize more often again. I am becoming a hermit at night so that must change.
    To complete the turkey trot on Thursday. I just hope the weather improves and it is not as cold and raining or snowing on Thursday.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Everyone - Grandma Kaye's idea of making December a gratitude month is a great idea. Since we're not having any weight loss challenge this month - only maintaining - not gaining - I think her idea is very heart warming. Lets change each Sunday Share into a Gratitude Share, shall we?

    Or, better yet, lets start Thursday, and will our Canadian Friends Join in?

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    having trouble with stress induced binge eating. Not able to get much exercise due to my skinny little heart valve not cooperating.
    Have not found a way to make everything 'click' again so i can stay on track
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~That sounds like a fun session with your trainer. I give my trainer a hard time every time he throws in the battle ropes and kettle bells, but they end up being some of the most fun workouts.

    @KarenL~I’m sorry you’re struggling. Have you talked to your cardiologist about some forms of exercise that won’t exacerbate your condition?

    AFM~Yesterday was another long day with the auditors, so didn’t make it to the gym. :grumble: :angry: I did get some more things checked off my housework list after I got home, so at least it was something. Today I work just a half-day then I’m headed to the mall to look for a couple of things, then the gym for cardio, then get some things ready for Thanksgiving, then session with my trainer – it’s going to be a full day anyway. :wink: I'll head out to my parents (an hour away) in the morning, then we're going to the zoo on Friday - should be fun.

    Wednesday Wish~That everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! :drinker:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Just popping in to say Good Morning. I will try to come back later to do personals.
    I have to take Misti to the vet this morning for her annual check up. Then we are going to hit the bank, pet store and Staples so I can buy a new wire for my iPhone.

    My Wednesday Wish: For my back to feel better so I can decorate this weekend. Last night I was on the phone with a friend. I got up from the chair in my living room and felt something pull in my back. It was such a horrible pain. I feel a lot better this morning. No need for more advil however I can still feel it is slightly tender. Today's workout was supposed to be kickboxing. There is not way I can do that. I considered switching it for another workout. All my workouts left involve the upper body. I did legs yesterday and don't want to do them 2x in a row. I decided to use today as my rest day instead of Sunday and bump back my workouts for the rest of the week by one day. I think that is the best option for me.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day. :flowerforyou: