November Fast Food Challenge



  • bocagirl
    I'll do it!! McDonald's fries are hard to resist though!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I'm in, I need to be accountable for my drive thru issues to someone other than myself!
  • mmonica
    mmonica Posts: 32 Member
    :bigsmile: Yay!!! I'm In!! :bigsmile:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I am so excited to see this thread! I am a serious addict to fast food. I've tried all those movies, education, etc to break myself of it. No luck. It will be so wonderful to have a judgment free zone to check in at!

    I'll be honest though, for me, my goal will be to limit it to 2x weekly. I'm in marathon training and my long run reward is a trip to McDonalds and I'm not ready to give that up. I also have a standing breakfast date with an egg and cheese biscuit, but no hashbrown and the biscuit is a huge improvement over the saus/egg/cheese mcgriddle i used to eat!

    Thanks so much for starting this thread! :bigsmile:
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I went 6 wks from sep - oct w/ out it... wasn't all that hard. I'll do it again. We have pizza at least once a week - but we usually make our own :) Sometimes, in a pinch, I allow myself to get a Chili and salad at Wendy's. It's not really fast food... and it's low cal, high fiber, high protein. I haven't had any taco bell in 2 months! i used to eat there weekly... ugh

    I used to eat taco bell daily!! I had it again several months ago and thought it was nasty! Funny how things change. I try to limit eating out but I'm just too lazy to make food at home every night... then do dishes. (no dishwasher). How do you ladies with busy lives and families do it?! I limit my "fast food" to taco salads at a local mexican place, Noodles and Company (the best fast food in my opinion!!), Subway, and Chipolte. Some places truly do have good options.. I just try to avoid places with a drive thru!
  • clothes_of_sand
    Count me in. I have fast food issues. I've done this before for a project in my college health class, but I've gone back to my old habits, so it's time to try again!
  • lindakp83
    I've been doing really bad lately so this is a great way to get back on track. I
    m in too!
  • Kerry1023
    Count me in. Usaully good at avoiding fast food but things have been really busy lately. Just the push I need!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    As I just ate lunch (taco bell:embarassed: ) I will start NOW!!
    ha ha I see the taco bell ad up now on here:noway: :laugh:
  • jbisme
    jbisme Posts: 16
    Those are great goals you've set for yourself and you can meet them.You've met one already. Keep up the good work.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I went 6 wks from sep - oct w/ out it... wasn't all that hard. I'll do it again. We have pizza at least once a week - but we usually make our own :) Sometimes, in a pinch, I allow myself to get a Chili and salad at Wendy's. It's not really fast food... and it's low cal, high fiber, high protein. I haven't had any taco bell in 2 months! i used to eat there weekly... ugh

    I used to eat taco bell daily!! I had it again several months ago and thought it was nasty! Funny how things change. I try to limit eating out but I'm just too lazy to make food at home every night... then do dishes. (no dishwasher). How do you ladies with busy lives and families do it?! I limit my "fast food" to taco salads at a local mexican place, Noodles and Company (the best fast food in my opinion!!), Subway, and Chipolte. Some places truly do have good options.. I just try to avoid places with a drive thru!

    I've been trying to pre-make at least a portion of our dinners. My girls don't eat much as they are only 3. I can make something and we usually have leftovers for the next day - lunch and dinner as long as we don't get sick of it. That helps the next day since I don't have to cook then, or at least just cook a side or something lighter.

    I do love Chipotle and will go there during this - however we don't often go there. I love that they use very fresh, and even local if they can, ingredients. Last time we were there they explained why they don't make nachos - because the cheese sauce would be too "prepared" (my word, not what they said as I can't think of the actual term).
  • JennyBoBenny
    I'm in! I live across the street from a large strip mall with about 7 different fast food places! And I'm single and work late-ish hours so eating fast food has become a huge habit. Happy to report I've only had it about 2 times in the last month and a half. It's still a temptation though so this group should be a big help!
  • minni2906
    I'm in with the exception of Chick-fil-a salads. They're not so unhealthy, even with the fried chicken strips. :] Just look at the nutrition info!!!
  • alain1976
    Cutting out fast food is definitely important in losing weight!! The facts about the food they serve is now easily available so there's no excuse! I cut out McDonald's completely after seeing Supersize Me. They are evil evil evil, despite what Penn and Teller say! heheh

    As for Subway, it's perfect if you're having their low-calorie choices, which are posted everywhere now. Obviously if you order the meatball sub with extra cheese, it doesn't make a difference if it's Subway or Burger King.

    It's all about reducing portions too. We are trained to want the BIG portion, to polish off our plates before we stop eating and that's a big problem too.

    Anyway, goodluck to all those participating in this challenge. It shouldn't be just for the month food sucks!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I went 6 wks from sep - oct w/ out it... wasn't all that hard. I'll do it again. We have pizza at least once a week - but we usually make our own :) Sometimes, in a pinch, I allow myself to get a Chili and salad at Wendy's. It's not really fast food... and it's low cal, high fiber, high protein. I haven't had any taco bell in 2 months! i used to eat there weekly... ugh

    I used to eat taco bell daily!! I had it again several months ago and thought it was nasty! Funny how things change. I try to limit eating out but I'm just too lazy to make food at home every night... then do dishes. (no dishwasher). How do you ladies with busy lives and families do it?! I limit my "fast food" to taco salads at a local mexican place, Noodles and Company (the best fast food in my opinion!!), Subway, and Chipolte. Some places truly do have good options.. I just try to avoid places with a drive thru!

    I have 5 kids and 4 nights out of the week we have hours upon hours of extra-cirricular activities to go to and from. On Sunday I boil chicken breasts and shred them to use for other things--on homemade pizzas, in salad, in quesadillas, chicken tacos, etc. I also make a lot of quick meals--tacos, for example, take less than 15 minutes. So do scrambled egg sandwiches. We do oven quesadillas--hardly any mess, I put cheese and pepperoni or chicken on a tortilla, fold over and bake. Things can be cooked in slow cookers...roast, bbq chicken, etc. Make enough to eat leftovers and freeze what isn't eaten the next day, it can be a meal in a week or two when you don't have the time or energy to cook.
  • monkeyfood
    I'm in :) My wallet will thank me as well .
  • laurenbausch
    I gave up Taco Bell too. . .used to eat it at least 3 times per week. . .Ugh!!!
  • jdsouthernbelle
    I am in! Subway is about the only place I go now anyway.
  • alohajillian
    I'm in! Thanks for the challenge!
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    I just made up my mind to do this on Saturday night. Then I had a moment of silence for my bi-weekly Chipotle burrito and the really cute counter boy who knows my order by heart. But its also $40 a month I'll be saving towards a shiny HRM and a new scale. That is just pathetic.

    Count me in!