7 months & 121 pounds lost (with pics)!



  • funsmile1234
    funsmile1234 Posts: 83 Member
    You are one of the most amazing people I have ever seen. You should really a book about your experiences. Truly inspirational and awe-inspiring. I have no doubt that you will lose all your weight and talk about what you went through and how you survived. I loved to read your story on how you overcome even the toughest of situations. Always share this story with as many people as you can. It's incredibly amazing.
  • abalipadi
    abalipadi Posts: 15 Member
    You Are truly amazing... Its hard to lose weight when things are going your way and you did it through the things you have been through. Very Very Inspiring. Hats off!! This would surely make me work harder through achieving my goals. Thank You!
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Awesome. I don't really have words. Just Awesome.
  • luisalg14
    luisalg14 Posts: 202 Member
    Fantastic story. I wish you continued health and success :smile:
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    And you look awesome!
    Go you!
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    All I can say is, "Wow". WOW! Your story brought tears to my eyes. You are indeed a shining example to others going through weight / image / health issues and I truly hope and pray that you continue to heal and get healthier and stronger.
  • dumparump
    dumparump Posts: 50 Member
    *slow clap*

    There just aren't enough words. Thank you for sharing.
  • wow. I am speechless. I too have gained a lot of weight recently, and don't feel well a lot of the times. My doctor says its my anti depressants but my gut has been telling me its more than that. Cancer runs in my family (my dad has kidney cancer right now) but I dont know how to tell my doctor that I strongly believe there is something wrong with me without her thinking im nuts.

    You can really tell in your pictures how much happier you are now and you look AMAZING! I don't know you, but after reading your story I have to say, I am so PROUD of you!

    Your Angels were your Grandmum and your Dad. <3 Keep at it, im so happy you are cancer free! you kicked cancers a**.

    Aww, thank you doll!

    Renal Cell Carcinoma (kidney cancer) is what my Dad had too. Hopefully they caught your Dad's in an early stage. I recommend that everyone does some research on cannabis oil/juicing cannabis as a cure for cancer. There are lots of remedies that purport to cure cancer, with lots of evidence to support it: Turmeric spice, pumpkins, soursop, a pH balanced diet (balanced nutrition), baking soda, etc are just a few I've read up on. Personally, if I ever do get cancer again, I will NEVER do chemotherapy. Especially with what happened to my Mom. I'd take my chances with one of these natural cures instead.

    Also, this is something that maybe you should look into for yourself. I know a lot of people are very close-minded about alternative methods of healing, but where would I be without it? That's how I prevented my second cancer via the proper nutrition and completely cutting out soda (which is highly acidic and basically cancer in a can).

    I hope you start to feel better soon!
  • Awesome. I don't really have words. Just Awesome.

    Look at your amazing progress as well! I had to check out your profile!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    What an amazing story! And look at that smile you have now! You are so beautiful and so strong, you should be very proud!
  • warriorsdontbitch
    warriorsdontbitch Posts: 130 Member
    thanks for sharing. you look awesome!!!!
  • MGinAK
    MGinAK Posts: 240 Member
    You are definitely meant to be here...what an incredible story of pain and triumph...thank you for sharing and best wishes for a happy life so you can wear that beautiful smile all the time...
  • Masonless
    Masonless Posts: 139 Member
    <tears> WOW! You are such a strong, beautiful woman. May God continue to pour his blessings upon you and give you the strength you need to keep pressing forward.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    va va voom!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    this is probably one of the first times a story on MFP has truly brought me close to tears. i'm so moved by your resilience. you are beautiful, inside and out.

    *sending you a FR*

  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Absolutely amazing story. You are an incredibly inspiring and STRONG woman! Keep up the great work. You look amazing. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • You are my new hero! I'm floored that the doctors did such a muck up job with you, they are pretty bad where I live too.

    I want to ask you something but you don't have to reply, just please check this out. Have you had a Radon gas check in your home?

    Radon is #2 behind smoking for causing cancer, while reading your story about all the cancer in your family Radon kept coming into my mind. You cannot smell or see it. There are kits to test for it in your home or you can have it professionally done.

    You can go to the EPA site for radon and even see if the area you live in is "hot" for radon. It isn't in the beach towns but where there is rock under the ground. Read up on it and see if it is a possibility. If it is in your home then you and your mother are still in danger. You can get a machine to get it out, this will not require that you move.

    You are an amazing young lady, and I'm very sorry you lost your father and grandmother - my grandmother raised me a lot too when my mother was sick (she is better now many years later).
  • bmskid
    bmskid Posts: 153 Member
    Oh my goodness! What a story. You have definitely overcome more in one lifetime than most. I hope you continue to be healthy and happy! Amazing loss. Now you know that you are capable of ANYTHING you set your mind to!
  • You are my new hero! I'm floored that the doctors did such a muck up job with you, they are pretty bad where I live too.

    I want to ask you something but you don't have to reply, just please check this out. Have you had a Radon gas check in your home?

    Radon is #2 behind smoking for causing cancer, while reading your story about all the cancer in your family Radon kept coming into my mind. You cannot smell or see it. There are kits to test for it in your home or you can have it professionally done.

    You can go to the EPA site for radon and even see if the area you live in is "hot" for radon. It isn't in the beach towns but where there is rock under the ground. Read up on it and see if it is a possibility. If it is in your home then you and your mother are still in danger. You can get a machine to get it out, this will not require that you move.

    You are an amazing young lady, and I'm very sorry you lost your father and grandmother - my grandmother raised me a lot too when my mother was sick (she is better now many years later).

    I mentioned this earlier in the thread, although I'm sure it's buried in there somewhere, but I've moved around a lot and so has my family. My Dad and I were living in different places when we both got sick. When my Mom was sick, we were living in a house out in the country. We moved out of that house long before my Dad or I got sick. So, I don't think it's the location. I think genetics and environmental toxins (from foods, food containers, etc) have a lot to do with it. But I appreciate the concern!

    Thank you. I am glad to hear that your mother, too, has recovered!
  • SparkyinCanada
    SparkyinCanada Posts: 7 Member
    You are one strong, amazing person. What a battle you have had and I am amazed at how far you have come. You look great!
  • jazi719
    jazi719 Posts: 150 Member
    Wow, you're so pretty. Keep fighting... you have a lot of good years ahead. :flowerforyou:
  • NatalieSkywalker
    NatalieSkywalker Posts: 231 Member
    You look fantastic!!
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    You are one tough and amazing woman.... I am so sorry about your losses and your suffering, but you have turned around and given yourself a whole new life. You have a fantastic attitude ... The best is yet to come.:flowerforyou: ::flowerforyou:

    I totally agree with this!! You are amazing. I am so happy for you!!
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    Wow what an amazing story,and proof that we can do anything!! Also proof that we know our own bodies!!! So sorry you had to go through all of that tho! Wow, you ARE one strong woman! Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, and if your still looking for MFP friends you can add me! :D
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    In a word....."fan-freaking-tabulous"!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Wow. What an emotional roller coaster of a story. I am so sorry for the loss of your grandmother and father. I am sorry that you had to go through all of that. But I am so impressed that you turned something like that into a positive thing. You managed to turn your life around. Your story is amazing. Thank you for being an inspiration and sharing. Congrats on your loss. Best of luck with your upcoming surgery. :flowerforyou:
  • Annieminnesota
    Annieminnesota Posts: 111 Member
    I got teary eyed reading your story. You should be very proud, girl! You look amazing!!
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    What an inspiring story, thank you for sharing it.
    You are so strong and determined, a true survivor.
    What a transformation you have made in such a short time!
    You are a true inspiration of what determination and hard work can do!
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Completely amazing! I am so happy for you that you are on the mend. You've proven you can lose the weight and you've proven those doctors wrong. You've done wonderful! You have a strong will to survive and are using it. Inspired!!!
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Interesting story; I've heard other stories about female organ cancers that were so hard to detect. You look fantastic, and I'll bet you feel so strong now. Great job!
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