support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Speaking of cheesecake I'm very proud that I did not have the Pumpkin cheesecake at Olive Garden last night. It looked soooo good and I love cheesecake and I love pumpkin stuff and I know it would have been heavenly but I did not have it. I had one and a half breadsticks, salad (minus the croutons) and then for my entree I had the salmon and steamed broccoli (even though I was leaning towards lasagna). Their salmon is delicious. Joe brought over some candy that his parents were giving away for trick or treat and all I had was one mini 3 musketeers and a mini M&M pouch. No bingeing!
  • diane...thanks for the congrats. And congrats yourself at choosing moderation at the Olive Garden! Restaurants make their money by tempting you to eat more, so to be able to be moderate when everything around you is saying "eat! eat!" is no small feat.
  • Hey dianeg1981!

    Nicely done! You did great!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    No bingeing! Although I sure did want to. I made the mistake of having a little something before bed and then all I wanted to do was eat. As I laid there trying to fall asleep I wanted to get up out of bed to go get something more. I was scanning my kitchen cupboards in my head and was trying to figure out if there was anything in particular that I was really craving. Nope, not a craving. Just a bad habit that I am going to continue to learn how to break. I took some deep breaths and tried to focus on other things as I laid there and eventually I dozed off. Unfortunately I had a rotten night's sleep. But that could have been from all the exercise too. That happens sometimes.

    I hope you all have a great Tuesday! :heart:
  • Hey!

    dianeg1981 great job no binging I know it is hard sometimes be there many times. Just think of your goal and then ask yourself is this going to get you there. It really has been helping me through these 4 days.

    No binging today so far and not going to happen.

    Happy Tuesday everyone,
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Great job Melissa! :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Great job Melissa and Diane!!

    Congrats on 2 weeks no binge Titiantia!!

    Cheesecake is my weakness too.....:-) Any kind too!! I like them all! lol! But I can split a piece 3 to 4 ways now. With others. I usually indulge but if no one will split I pass.

    Well I had pizza yesterday and too much candy. It was a mini binge --clocked in 4200 calories. Then I force myself to go for a late night walk for 30 min to add to 30 min walked at lunch time. So that brought me back under 300 calories.

    I changed my ticker.......:-( So again in October I yo-yoed. SW 363, got as low as 355 and back up to 367 yesterday. But oh well, I let that go now. BMI back over 50. I want to be done with the 50's already.

    Thanks for tidbit Melissa. I am going to try asking myself is this going to get me to my goal. The phrase that is what I do has been working for exercise, so I am going to try this mantra for food. :flowerforyou:

    Have a good Tuesday! So far so good for me!
  • I'm so happy to have come across this group. I am confident that you and I can beat this terrible disease. Wishing you all the best and looking forward to clean eating and healthy living.
  • Welcome to hotchildinthecity!

    Glad you found us we are all here for ya! Hang in there with each other suporrt we can do this.

    So looking over my food dairy and I think I'm using fruits and vegs as my binging now, I'm really trying to limimt how much fruit I ate like bananas and apples I love them to much.

    I eat alot of vegs dip them in salad dressing trying to get rind of my light ranch cause I know it is not helping. I'm trying the light Itilain dressing instead.

    So the question I have is it still binging when you are eating alot of fruits and vegs? Instead of junk or breads, Just thought I would put it out there.

    I know it is more healthy to eat more fruits and vegs I just don't want to get back in the binging brain.

    Trying to eat only when I'm hunger, but tonight I went a little crazy with the fruits. Sry It has just be bugging and I really don't want to slip back to eating all the junk and crap again.

    Help plz to find a happy balance, What do you guys eat during the day?

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Welcome Hot Child!

    Melissa, pay attention to how you feel when you're eating and not so much about what you're eating. I can tell the difference in how my body feels when I am in binge mode. I also will eat faster and go from one thing to the next not really thinking about exactly the quantity or calorie content of the food. I try to pay attention to my different behavior patterns when I'm just eating regular planned things and such throughout the day versus when I'm bingeing and just can't get enough and continuously not feeling satisfied. I try to relearn what hunger feels like...real hunger, not a yearning. Am I hungry or is there something else going on? I am so totally guilty of bingeing on healthy food. I can tell it is a binge though by how I feel.

    How have I been trying to relearn hunger? By eating! :laugh: :wink: Seriously though, I eat a ton! Or so it feels like. I mean sheesh when you're consuming several thousand calories every day of junk food, it may not seem like that much food. Take those same calories and eat healthy food...and you'll fill an entire table top. It is important to fill yourself with healthy food. And if that's what you're doing during the day and if it is truly because you're hungry and you need the calories then I think you're right on top of things. I know there are some days that I am insatiable simply because I have been working out hard. You may be experiencing the same sort of thing. About once or twice a month I have a day where I'll be so hungry when I wake up that I'll consume 800-1000 calories within a 3-4 hr time span but it was because I was really truly hungry. Sometimes my body wants more fuel the day after working out hard. Listen to your body sweetie. I think it's great that you're eating so many fruits and veggies though, that is wonderful!
  • dianeg1981,

    Tks so much that really helped. I was worries I was binging again. There were times in the day when I was just eating because I was not hungry so I'm going to try to really listen to my body and when I'm hungry eat slowly and enjoy the food.

    One day at a time.

  • Lizard863
    Lizard863 Posts: 26 Member
    I can relate. I suffered with Bulimarexia from early teens through my late 20's. I gained a lot of weight after my starving stopped. I discovered that there is a form of bulimia where you don't purge. That realization has caused me to be mroe alert when I am eating crazy things. Like what am I feeling?

    I found myself thinking about starving myself. Then, I remembered how ugly that cycle was and how long it took me to escape it...
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Hump day everyone!!

    Welcome new ones!


    Diane is right. When you are working out like you are your body needs more fuel. Good on choosing fruits and veggies. To answer your question, yes you can binge on good foods also. Re-learning hunger is a great idea. I will practice this more also. Good reminder. Of course I don't think there is a person on earth who has gained weight from eating fruits and veggies.

    Yesterday I over ate but I did not binge. I went over my calories by 66 calories I think but Tuesday was definitely better than Monday. Today is good so far but it is early.

    Have a good day ladies! One day at a time.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Thanks for sharing shelf elf, please feel free to post here anytime. We're all here for each other.

    I had a repeat of the previous night. No bingeing but strong urges too. And a horrible night sleep again. I woke up at 4am and tossed and turned until 7am. I have been exercising like a mad woman to meet my 360 min goal this week and oh boy am I feeling it today. But I know this too will pass and it will get easier.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I used to be a MAJOR binge eater and suffered through eating disorders most of my life. At my worst it got to the point where I would drive to 2 or 3 different fast food places and buy entire meals AND deserts at all of them. I would then lock myself in my room and stuff myself in secret. So I know what you guys are going through. It took a lot of patience with myself and some real work mentally and emotionally for me to learn how to have a normal relationship with food. Just know that you guys CAN do this. It is possible to over come eating disorders. You can have a normal relationship with food again. It takes a lot of work to get to the root of the problem but once you find out the REASONS that's half the battle. Figuring out the "why" of it is one of the hardest things I had to do. But once I did, reordering my thought patterns and learning how to eat normally became much easier.

    I have been ED free now for nearly 3 years. If I can do it, I know you guys can too! I have faith in you guys! I know you can overcome this!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I used to be a MAJOR binge eater and suffered through eating disorders most of my life. At my worst it got to the point where I would drive to 2 or 3 different fast food places and buy entire meals AND deserts at all of them. I would then lock myself in my room and stuff myself in secret. So I know what you guys are going through. It took a lot of patience with myself and some real work mentally and emotionally for me to learn how to have a normal relationship with food. Just know that you guys CAN do this. It is possible to over come eating disorders. You can have a normal relationship with food again. It takes a lot of work to get to the root of the problem but once you find out the REASONS that's half the battle. Figuring out the "why" of it is one of the hardest things I had to do. But once I did, reordering my thought patterns and learning how to eat normally became much easier.

    I have been ED free now for nearly 3 years. If I can do it, I know you guys can too! I have faith in you guys! I know you can overcome this!

    Thanks so much Stacy!! I truly believe finding the reasons is key also. I mostly know my reasons now but now I have to re-wire myself. I have did the thearpy for years to get to the roots of why, but no one but ourselves can help with the normal relationship with food. They can give you ideas and I have read many suggestions and recommendations. Thanks for encouragine words that this can be done. I needed to hear this today. Very inspiring.

    Congrats to you for overcoming BED!! I know that was a lot of hard work!! Congrats on your weight loss also! Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks again and have a great day!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Thanks for sharing Stacy! :heart:

    Last night I did not do so well. All day was good. Had a dentist appt after work. Went to Joe's and we were going to go get something to eat. Instead of going out we ordered a take and bake pizza and I indulged. I admittedly continued to eat it after I wasn't hungry anymore and I was aware of what I was doing, I just couldn't stop. I really wanted that pizza. It tasted so good (of course it would since we got my fave toppings too!) Cheese, onions, black olives, tomatoes & pepperoni. And they put on 3 kinds of onions! was sure heavenly. Well, that's not the worst of it unfortunately. I couldn't keep my hand out of the leftover Halloween candy that was at his house. I ate 5 fun sized chocolate bars. Then when I got home I was still interested in food. I'm glad I didn't have any actual chocolate or ice cream in the house because it would have disappeared. I did end up having a Quaker Fiber Granola Bar. I'm guestamating 1500-2000 cals for all that. It could have been much worse I suppose. Now as I mentioned I was very aware of how much pizza I was eating after not feeling hungry anymore and I ate all of it out in the open, was not hiding the fact that I was over indulging. Now the candy & granola bar was a different mind frame. Why was it different? I'm not sure exactly but I'm thinking I was feeling ashamed for eating it. I only let Joe see me eat one of the 5 pieces and I went for the granola bar when he was in the shower and gobbled it down before he got out. The candy pieces went down the hatch pretty fast too, I didn't take enough time to really throuroughly enjoy them and perhaps that is also why I felt the need to eat 5 and not just one or 2. Oh well, enough analyzing for today.

    Today is a new day and it's going to be a good one! :smile:
  • Bettany
    Bettany Posts: 14 Member
    I am really new to understanding my eating problems. What I am struggling with is the emotional satisfaction with binging. I know it is bad for me, but I really love to eat and it feels so good. How do you find something to take the place of food?
  • bump!
  • I FEEL TOTALLLY AND COMPLETLY IDENTIFIED WITH YOU, the only things that keeps me trying to stop it is believen inside there is a strong beautiful determined woman who just needs to take control over anxiety.
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