Another Mom under fire for post baby selfie.



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Could someone go and post back here the picture of her at 36 weeks. She doesn't look 8 months pregnant. That should hold us for another 19 pages.

    I'm here for you.

    Yeah, it's not surprising at all that she looked the way she did four days postpartum. I was bigger than that before conception! :wink:

    ETA: How dare she post that picture of her at 38 weeks! There's going to be so much frustration that some women might think they have to be that small when they're that far along...

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yeah, if a person is tall (long torso) the belly can look smaller (this is referring to the pregnancy photo) because there is more space for the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid. I'm just saying this for people that are wondering.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Options's like size issues for men.

    Some people are lucky.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Why is it so shameful to look as if you had birthed a child?

    Exactly this!! I think a woman should embrace the changes in her body due to carrying her baby.

    And that IS what her body gave her post-baby - so she's embracing it. No one is saying WE have to look like her. I had a net loss post-twins, but with 3 back-to-back pregnancies, my body was shot to hell even without gaining craptons of weight. And that's fine and I don't mind my c-section scar, nor do I really mind my stretch marks (though some got way worse with getting uber fat so blech), but if someone's body doesn't do that -- shouldn't we celebrate that too?

    Only YOU can make yourself feel inadequate. Someone else can try - but screw them. A person can be sexy and sensual at any weight depending on personal taste and their inner beauty/attitude shining through, and no one can take that away from you unless you let them.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Options's like size issues for men.

    Some people are lucky.

    HAHA! Love this post.

    (To be fair, hers isn't purely genetic (though it's a large part) since she also worked to remain fit as well.)
  • RickNeedzToGetShreaded
    I wouldn't define that as an attractive figure...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Options's like size issues for men.

    Some people are lucky.

    HAHA! Love this post.

    (To be fair, hers isn't purely genetic (though it's a large part) since she also worked to remain fit as well.)

    To throw in a pun, I was stretching the truth a bit. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Could someone go and post back here the picture of her at 36 weeks. She doesn't look 8 months pregnant. That should hold us for another 19 pages.

    I'm here for you.

    There's no way she is 36 weeks in this picture!


    (Disclaimer: I did not actually click through the link and have not yet seen the picture.)
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Options's like size issues for men.

    Some people are lucky.

    HAHA! Love this post.

    (To be fair, hers isn't purely genetic (though it's a large part) since she also worked to remain fit as well.)

    To throw in a pun, I was stretching the truth a bit. :)

  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Could someone go and post back here the picture of her at 36 weeks. She doesn't look 8 months pregnant. That should hold us for another 19 pages.

    I'm here for you.

    There's no way she is 36 weeks in this picture!


    (Disclaimer: I did not actually click through the link and have not yet seen the picture.)

    You're right! There is no way she's 36 weeks in that picture.

    Because she's 38.

    (Disclaimer: I did actually click through the link and have fully investigated said picture with all the scrutiny with which I'm capable. Her house is very clean and magazine ready.)
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    just found out she's Norwegian. all of my questions have been answered. we are genetic freaks.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    People are annoying. Why can't we be impressed and admiring without the hatred and jealousy?

  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Not proud of the anorexia, way too thin

    Wait what? So because she is a smaller build (and yes you can tell by her pregnancy photos as well) that means she is anorexic? I'm guessing anyone who works hard at getting a good body & low BF% is suffering from anorexia now.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Could someone go and post back here the picture of her at 36 weeks. She doesn't look 8 months pregnant. That should hold us for another 19 pages.

    I'm here for you.

    There's no way she is 36 weeks in this picture!


    (Disclaimer: I did not actually click through the link and have not yet seen the picture.)

    You're right! There is no way she's 36 weeks in that picture.

    Because she's 38.

    (Disclaimer: I did actually click through the link and have fully investigated said picture with all the scrutiny with which I'm capable. Her house is very clean and magazine ready.)
    Must be how she stayed so horribly small. Going overboard cleaning her house when she was pregnant when everyone knows you should be sitting down as much as possible.
  • amylynn586
    What I hate about all of these moms under attack is the fact that people think they are not allowed to be sexy because they are mothers.
    I am a mother of 6. I gave up my life to raise them and be there for them. I have spent 14 years of my life home raising babies and I have felt only like a mother and a wife. I felt ugly, and like I didn't exist.
    Being a mother is ridiculously hard and many women lose their identity. I think it's awesome that these women have taken the time to do something for themselves, to reclaim themselves and look fantastic and show it.
    People need to shut the eff up and mind their own damn business.

    You are RIGHT ON THE MONEY. I do not understand how this is newsworthy. What is wrong with people that they have to hate on other people for working hard and achieving results?! I sure as hell don't look like that, but I am not going to diss on people who do. So annoyed with society these days!!
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    just found out she's Norwegian. all of my questions have been answered. we are genetic freaks.

    That's a frightening statement@genetics, inferring that it's because she's Norwegian. Having Norwegians as relatives, they pretty much have a high maintenance body type to maintain. And they're all different even in one house. Eg. A pair of sisters. One has a longer torso akin to the spotlit new Mum and her sister has a very short torso, with less than a handspan from her lowest rib to hipline. Now when she had her baby, she was out for the count. The legs are long, yes. Stereotypically Norwegian but the superior Norwegian gene is a generalisation, which can harm Norwegian women who don't exhibit said traits.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Could someone go and post back here the picture of her at 36 weeks. She doesn't look 8 months pregnant. That should hold us for another 19 pages.

    I'm here for you.

    There's no way she is 36 weeks in this picture!


    (Disclaimer: I did not actually click through the link and have not yet seen the picture.)

    You're right! There is no way she's 36 weeks in that picture.

    Because she's 38.

    (Disclaimer: I did actually click through the link and have fully investigated said picture with all the scrutiny with which I'm capable. Her house is very clean and magazine ready.)

    Dang, why is it that if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself ...

  • brendapalmer146
    brendapalmer146 Posts: 22 Member
    This is not something to be jealous of, it is not as if a woman 4 days postpartum is allowed to diet or exercise. I didn't care what I looked like for about a month, I was more concerned about the ability to climb stairs to my bedroom.

    The only issue that I have with this trend is that women are being shamed into trying to make their bodies look as if they had never had a child. That is so sad to me. I am proud of being able to do an amazing thing with my body. I do exercise and diet- but I never am ashamed of stretch-marks, or a little pouch up front, or the fact that my hips have gotten a tad wider.

    Why is it so shameful to look as if you had birthed a child?

    Exactly this!! I think a woman should embrace the changes in her body due to carrying her baby.

    I totally agree with these ladies above!!!. for one I am not jealous of her...I just dislike the fact that really, most women who have just given birth simply do not look this way! I still dont look this way and will never look this way! I am 5" 1 for crying out loud and a very muscular build, not tall and lanky looking. It just sets an example of hey give birth and 4 days later get your Victoria Secret on and take a selfie is what you need to be doing! I was not feeling in the least bit like getting my Victoria Secret on 4 days post partum, in fact I was busy crying every 5 mins from lack of sleep and adjusting to having a child plus healing from a C Section and just got home from the hospital the day before. Plus the month long period that takes place, I seriously dont know how your wearing lace panties either? Part of me wonders if this pic is for real? Like how do you know really? I see on her instagram that yes she is very lean and tiny throughout her whole pregnancy but really, how do we not know that she took this pic years ago and posted it? who knows, anyways it's not worth getting our knickers in a twist over tbh. It's just the majority of women on here that have had one or more kids know the reality, maybe some of you do look like this 4 days later but most of us dont.
  • jobegone
    Could someone go and post back here the picture of her at 36 weeks. She doesn't look 8 months pregnant. That should hold us for another 19 pages.

    I'm here for you.

    wow...I have never seen such a small bump so far into a pregnancy. just wow. in my opinion, she is way too thin (as in I wouldn't necessarily like to look like that, even if it was achievable!!) but obviously this is just the way her body is. She is quite obviously a tiny person and if that's all the size of her bump then its no wonder she looks the way she does after 4 days...
    meh, why do people get so irrate about things like this though, I mean its her body, her baby, her genetics, her photo, just cuz all women don't look like this you get haters aswell as the lovers. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT!!!!!
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    What I wanna know is how she is not stuck wearing a big ol' pad and granny panties four days after giving birth?! LOL Those mesh underwear from the hospital were rad for postpartem! Aha! :laugh: :love: