

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning all

    I am finally feeling human again. The sun is shining this morning well its on the rise anyway. the scale is finally moving. I truly hope my ticker will move this Friday. It will be good to get back to my exercising. I really missed it.

    I bought some new pants but they are a little two big. I guess I will have to return them. I am bummed because they are really nice and they were such a bargain. They are double tabbed Worthington pants that I got for on $16 a pair. I went on line to sse if they had them any smaller and they don't have them at all anymore. (they were clearance) I did also buy 4 more bikinis on clearance. (they were less than $7 for each) I can't wait to go some where beachy again. :laugh:

    This is the first shopping I have done in a long time. It was fun.

    I hope you all have a lovely day.
  • smelliott
    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick hello from La Belle France. We arrived last Thursday and there was snow on the ground. It has mostly gone now and today is a beautiful autumn day. I don't have time to catch up aith all the posts (in McDonalds using free wifi) but I am thinking about you all - congrats to those of you who met your October goals and to those of you (who like me) didn't - November is a new month. I have got back on track since we came here and am going to do better this month with my goals.
    Bye for now, I'll be back when I can.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi, all and welcome to our newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I took my grandson, Isaac, for a walk yesterday to drop off our ballots. It was SO nice out and he really enjoyed the walk. It is so good to watch him discovering everything for the first time! :heart: Why do we forget to see the wonder in the world around us? Thank goodness for babies !

    The ballot collection box was located at a local retirement facility so we had to visit with some of the residents. I also had to promise to take him there again when I had more time! :happy: They loved seeing him.

    The best thing about the election being over, for me, is that the political ads are no longer going to being bombarding us every few minutes! :angry: Was this election nastier, or was it just me? All I know is that I was tempted to vote for "none of the above (write-in)" for almost every position!:explode:
    Ah well, I wonder if we will really see any change?

    I am happy about the initiative results, for the most part, though.

    Well, time to get my day started. Have a wonderful one, everybody!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    The best thing about the election being over, for me, is that the political ads are no longer going to being bombarding us every few minutes! :angry: Was this election nastier, or was it just me? All I know is that I was tempted to vote for "none of the above (write-in)" for almost every position!:explode:
    Ah well, I wonder if we will really see any change?

    Kathy, I think they were nastier this time around and many, many more of them. I just hate it. I wish there was a "none of the above" choice too. Jeannie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Now my hips hurt Gah! If it's not one thing, it's another.
  • marlouise
    Hi all just dropping in, been reading the news while my laundry spins. Hope to catch up soon, days are passing so fast.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I just got back from shopping trip. I was able to return the pants and get smaller ones. I tried on 8's and they were too big too so I got size 6. then things got better and I went jean shopping at Ross. I started with 8's too big 6's too big I bought 3 pair of size 4 jeans. I am dancing on the clouds. I feel so good. I also got an incredibly "hot" pair of over the knee black suede boots with a nice heel. I had soooooo much fun today.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Robin that is awesome. Doesnt that feel so good for things to be too big and not too tight. Cant wait for that feeling again. Thanks for sharing.
    Vicki M
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Went to that Mexican Train Dominoes. I was the big winner. Won all of $20. I don't know about this dominoes, I wasn't too crazy about the sitting in one place, at least with Bunco you are moving. I didn't find it really stimulating. But on the other hand, it is nice to get out with people. Maybe I'll do it once in a while.

    I didn't eat much, but my biggest problem seems to be when I come home. I know what it is that I'm putting into my body so I will munch. Gotta stop that.

    Welcome jteammom. Where did you move from?

    The other day I bought this sweater/shirt. It really was too large for me. I think I might have bought it by accident. Anyway, I put it in the dryer and wondered if it would shrink. It did!!! So now I can wear it!

    How I envy you, Robin, being able to wear a bikini. One thing is that would mean that I'd have to shave my legs.....lol That's just awesome that you had to keep going to smaller and smaller size jeans. Doesn't it feel great?

    Well, tonight the bowling lane has free bowling from 6-8 for league members so Vince and I went. Only bowled two games.

    Did a hour of yoga this a.m. and then an hour of deep water workout. Tomorrow, I think I'll do the stairmaster, haven't done that in a while.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am happy that the elections are over.....even though we fast forward through the political ads on TV, it's hard to avoid them completely and I don't like the way the candidates attack each other and the way the ads for certain proposals bad mouth the state legislature......we were happy about some of the outcomes and disappointed about others

    :flowerforyou: Robin, that is so exciting about your new smaller clothes...I remember how pretty you are and I know you'll be looking fabulous in your new size 4 pants and your bikinis. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you always say such great stuff....some of it is what I already know and reassures me that I am on the right track and a lot of it is new inspiration and food for thought for me to expand my thinking and my actions.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki good idea buying some exercise DVDs......I have mine in a nice pile by the VCR in the guest room and the DVD player in the living room so when the weather is bad, I'll be ready.....one of my goals is to find ways to exercise indoors when I can't get out.....now if I could just figure out how to get the dogs to do "Walk at Home" or "Sweatin' to the Oldies" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: or WII bowling

    :explode: tomorrow I go for the yearly blood test that requires a 12 hour fast so no snacks at all this evening :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just popping by to say hi as I've been in a mad rush the past couple of days. l'm off to pick my dad up in a wee while and then got a full day ahead of me.

    Not sure why, but I'm in a bit of a 'bleurgh mood'. Feeling a bit sad and blue for some reason. I'm not sleeping well either, but I think that's worrying about my daughter and the iminent arrival of twins. I'm not sure if I have mentioned, but I was the only survivor of triplets - so that always hangs over my head as a worry. My grandtwins are thriving where they are at present though, so here's hoping.

    Anyway, I must dash. Love, luck and hugs to everyone.

    Amanda x

    .... and Whoosh, just like that she was gone!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am up early again. Good sign of sleeping better. Even though I awoke at 3:30 am with pain in my thigh that would not go away until I took some aspirin. Feels better now. Michelle you are so busy. Have you reached your goal or are you still losing. I forget these things. Barbie your doggies are so smart I bet you could train them to do the exercises with you so you would not have to go out and walk. You could get them one of those child treadmills that they could do. LOL. I have lots of dvd's already but it is just to get me to do them. But I will. Going to drop rhea off at school later and then go to gym for good workout. Hope to do some christmas shopping later in day. Hope you all have good day.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am up early again. Good sign of sleeping better. Even though I awoke at 3:30 am with pain in my thigh that would not go away until I took some aspirin. Feels better now. Michelle you are so busy. Have you reached your goal or are you still losing. I forget these things. Barbie your doggies are so smart I bet you could train them to do the exercises with you so you would not have to go out and walk. You could get them one of those child treadmills that they could do. LOL. I have lots of dvd's already but it is just to get me to do them. But I will. Going to drop rhea off at school later and then go to gym for good workout. Hope to do some christmas shopping later in day. Hope you all have good day.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I just got back from shopping trip. I was able to return the pants and get smaller ones. I tried on 8's and they were too big too so I got size 6. then things got better and I went jean shopping at Ross. I started with 8's too big 6's too big I bought 3 pair of size 4 jeans. I am dancing on the clouds. I feel so good. I also got an incredibly "hot" pair of over the knee black suede boots with a nice heel. I had soooooo much fun today.

    Way to go Robin! Post a picture if you can.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I have met one of my November goals. I started using a 2 lb weight today on some of my arm exercises. I will continue to switch up on the ones that I am better at and hopefully by the end of the month I will up to 2 pounds on all of them.

    Mac - What do you take for your joints? Some of the products they have out now really do help. It's hard when your hip and other joints hurt when you are exercising. GL with that.

    Welcome to everyone new. A great day and good choices to us all!


    PS: Barbie - We had some good results and some bad results in the elections too. We will all just have to wait and see what happens next.
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone, hope today was a good one for all. Sure nice to have the sun out for more than 5 minutes. Hope to catch up soon! Got to get to the kitchen and figure what my menu has instore for me tomorrow. Must keep with it. Ta Ta for now.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Ladies,
    Can't sit here long enough to do a person-to-person post to each of you. So it's generalities for me.
    I enjoy lurking every day.:bigsmile:
    I wish our county had a drop-off to vote because I didn't get to. I am glad it is over. I just hope things, in our country, improve for eveyone. I don't discuss religion, politics or money on a personal level with people. I worked with the public for many years and you learn early on that just doesn't "fly."
    I have had a pinched nerve in my "seating area" :happy: So, I am limited to time, here. I am better, hope to be functioning normally by Monday. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Has anyone heard from Laura? Did I miss a post from her?

    Our weather is now a normal pattern for November. It's supposed to be snow flurries in the early morning hours. It was beautiful sunshine today and about 54 for a high. Yesterday was cold, gloomy and rain. It's been unusually dry for our area so we needed the rain.

    Weight wise, I am just trying to maintain. It looks like the rest of you are doing great!:flowerforyou: I am cheering you on!

    'til next time,:smile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Mac - What do you take for your joints? Some of the products they have out now really do help. It's hard when your hip and other joints hurt when you are exercising.
    It's not a joint issue though. It's an IT Band issue. Your IT Band gets really chewed up when you bike and run. Mine hurts just to touch it.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    vicki - As far as my weight goes, you know, I never had a "goal" to speak of. The only goal I had was to feel good -- health-wise and to feel good about myself. So from that perspective, I feel that I'm in a maintance mode right now.

    Barb - why don't you get your doggies a mini-trampoline? Can you just imagine them on there???? I bet you can train them to use a "litter box" too, or at least to go on papers.

    Did the Stairclimber today and boy do I sweat when I do that. The water was so cold that I didn't take a shower after exercising so I REALLY need one tonight. Tomorrow, I'll take an extreme pump class. I'm going to take my clothes with me so I can change after the class. Then I'm going to take a meal to a friend. She had a hysterectomy and her hubby was in an accident and totalled their one and only car. I made them some chicken, I got some mixed veges that I know she likes and I had an apple bread in the freezer. That's why I make things and freeze them, so when I suddenly need something I have it.

    Better go take that shower. Just look at the time! Where DOES it go to????

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Well, I saw the cardiologist and I do have to have a valve replacement. We've agreed that I will have it in the new year, which at least gives me time to get my head around it and also time with the twins (once they actually arrive!)

    Thirty-four years ago today, my first child was born! Where on earth did those years go?? Bless her, she's really hoping that the babies don't make an appearance today. She doesn't want to share her birthday! We are going to her house this evening and taking food. Not quite sure what I'm taking yet. One of her friends has just emailed me to ask if it's ok for him to take cake, so that's one thing we won't need to worry about.

    After I'd been to the hospital yesterday, I went to the cemetery to visit my mum. I knelt to clean the leaves away from her headstone and managed to hurt my knee. The arthritis in it has been a lot easier since I've lost weight, but sometimes it likes to remind me that it's still there. I'm wearing my knee support today and it's painful, but I've managed to do lots of walking already today. I also have another hospital appointment this afternoon and will walk there and back (which will be about another 90 minutes of walking). Hopefully it will ease up a bit as I have my last day of canvassing tomorrow and that will involve at least four hours of 'street walking'. I'll be glad when it's done!

    Michele - you have a very good perspective on your goals. Feeling good is the perfect goal. Well done you!

    MacMadame - ouch! I hope your IT band problem eases soon.

    Jeannie - well done for using the 2lb weights.

    Barbiecat - hope your blood tests are ok.

    Robin - you are really rocking!!

    Denise - enjoy France, I'm envious!

    Birdie - I love your new photo. You look gorgeous (as does your little 'un).

    Alice - would love to see a pic of your 4 yr old GS in his chicken costume, it sounds adorable!

    To everyone else, including all newbies - I've read all the posts and I'm thinking of you.

    I'm especially thinking of Laura at the moment. I really hope she's doing ok. This is such a heart wrenching time. My prayers for you and your family.

    Have a good weekend!

    Amanda x