40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Not a lot going on here. I got in some aerobics this morning, and then got to hang with Jake for a bit before heading to work! Have a good day all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome jmclean.

    Beeps, I heard about that storm sweeping across Alberta. Yikes. Hope it loses it's force as it makes its way east.

    Great day yesterday, exercise wise. Eating wasn't too bad, well, except for the cookies. :tongue:

    Went to my first Zumba class - 45 minutes of shaking my boot-aye. It was so much fun. Afterward I stuck around for the Total Body Fit class, but I was the only one that showed. The instructor is also my personal friend, so she said we could do a short workout together, We ended up doing an hour and half of kick boxing, core work, weights and ab work. Had a great workout and lots of fun. Loved it!

    Today is my day to lift, but have a late work meeting and then have to curl right after,. If my curling game is cancelled, I'm hitting the gym. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    My ears are feeling "plugged"....that usually means I'm catching something.


    sdereski - what KIND OF COOKIES WERE THEY?!?!? I will help you determine if this was a good choice or not, lol!

    I totally do NOT get the appeal of "zumba"....I have tried it, with more than one instructor, at more than one location and it is just NOT my "thing".
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I have "watched" Zumba a couple of times and I can see myself tripping over my own feet! - don't know if that counts or not! Lol.

    For the record- cookies are good! All depends on whether or not you eat them all! :bigsmile:
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Beeps - sounds like you pretty much have the fundamentals of carb cycling =) Hope you are able to nip this cold, or whatever it is, in the bud.

    Stoshew - carb cycling is another method used for fat loss while maintaining or building lean muscle mass. It allows for 1 or 2 high carb days a week, usually on heavy training days, to ensure restoration of the glycogen levels. It is really quite beneficial in getting those last few pounds off without the need for restricting calories any further. As I said, at my stage, I don't really know if there is a big benefit right now as I still have high body fat. I just know that it has allowed me to stick to a lower carb intake alot easier.

    I have tried Zumba and thought it was a hoot! I can totally see why people love it.

    I was able to get my full day in this morning so I had a great weight session, I get to increase the weight on a couple lifts so YAY!! and hill intervals too. I am going to chill after work today. =)

    Have a great rest of the day!!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi cool kids! Came back from Thanksgiving weekend away with the in-laws and went straight into a work dinner last night.... Now it's time to get my eating back under control. We just bought tickets for winter vacation and I've got to not hate myself in a bathing suit, at the very least!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    KellySue - I think I'm too used to cardio-step, and need those aural cues in order to make my feet work the right way....at zumba, it's way too much "monkey see/monkey do" and like it or not, my brain doesn't seem to clue in the way it could/should!

    WhataBroad - what lifts did you increase your weights on??

    RM10003 - sounds like Thanksgiving was nice....we are doing a mid-winter vacation, too and I'm going to be happy to slide into my bathing suit for the first time in what seems like EONS!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew - carb cycling is another method used for fat loss while maintaining or building lean muscle mass. It allows for 1 or 2 high carb days a week, usually on heavy training days, to ensure restoration of the glycogen levels. It is really quite beneficial in getting those last few pounds off without the need for restricting calories any further. As I said, at my stage, I don't really know if there is a big benefit right now as I still have high body fat. I just know that it has allowed me to stick to a lower carb intake alot easier.

    Thanks WhataBroad! I did do a little research and I kind of already do some of this, except I don't have high calorie days.

    What I actually do is cut out most of my breads and pastas that I used to eat. I read this article on bodybuilding.com website that introduces this carb cycling thing. Seems like the higher carb days is two fold (mental reward and to replace glycogen (sp) that was lost on the low carb or no carb days). I am kinda highly motivated right now, so i don't need the reward days. getting closer to my goal is reward enough.

    But the way the guy introduced it on bb.com was that he started this thing like years ago before anyone knew the science behind it. Like, I knew I had to drop calories to loose body fat and I already had a low fat diet, and I wasn't about to cut protein, so what is left? Carbs! That is how I arrived to where I am now. I still eat a bowl of Cheerios in the morning or a bowl of oatmeal. I will have a bannana with that. Lunch or mid day I will have an orange then later on an apple. Some days I will have no more than 200 g of sweet potato cause of the Vit A and potassium. Other vegatables offcourse. Other than that, not much in the carb department. I wanted to focus my calories on protein. I do run every morning (exept Sunday). I lift 4x a week at night (2x upper & 2x lowerbody/abs). I have not done a recent tape measure (which I need to do) so not sure how much body fat I have left.

    on 10/28/2013 I had 31% BF. That was when i was 228.1 lbs. Now I am just under 214. I am also 6'2". So I will be soon getting to the point where maybe the lowered carbs will mean much more.

    Anyway, thanks again all!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Thank you for the carb cycling explanation. I basically know what it is, but never consiously put it into practice. I know runners often talk about carb loading, but to do that properly and effectively, you have to do low carb for weeks prior.

    Beeps - they were all sorts of christmas cookies-and yes they were all good, but they were all BAD as well! They're gone now - done! No more
    Back to clean eating today. I am following my reset diet again, starting today. I did well when I did it this past summer, so am going to try again, only I want to do it for a bit longer. They say 3 weeks makes a habit. WRONG! Maybe 3 months??

    Had a late work meeting last night. Didn't get to the gym until 7, but I got my lifting in. :happy:

    The plan is to run tonight - am keeping my fingers crossed that the storm / snow doesn't arrive until AFTER my run.

    Was hoping to get a mid winter vacation in, however, the vacation is going to happen in January instead. Happy to get a hot getaway at all!
    We are doing the Quebec Winter carnival this year. Am looking forward to it as I hear it is quite a lot of fun. I'm all set - got my Canada Goose down parka and my "Dubreuilville" boots! :laugh:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Wednesday! Rest day for me which I think is good today. My shoulder has been sore for the past couple of days, so I may go easy on the arms/shoulders tomorrow as well. Just keeping my calories in check for today- or at least trying to.
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    I do find all the approaches (here...) to carb-cycling a very interesting read - so thank you very much for that!

    KellySue - enjoy your rest day! I worked out even though I still have plugged ears and a (bit of a) thick head. Wasn't anything to write home about, but I got it done!

    sdereski, I think it took me about 3 months (maybe 5?) to make "no late-night snacking" a TRUE success/habit! Now, it's pretty deeply ingrained and on a regular basis I am NOT doing ANY late-night snacking for 24or 26 days of every month...

  • SherryIsRunner5
    SherryIsRunner5 Posts: 74 Member
    Jumping in! Hi!!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Jumping in! Hi!!

  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    hello bumpers and new comers!

    Beeps - I get to increase my on my squats and deadlifts, single leg and romanian!

    Sto - yes, carb cycling does allow for a mental 'reward', that's probably why I find it easy to stick with, lol.

    sdereski - I certainly don't think that 3 weeks make a habit that you will stick to long term... it is more like months! lol good luck for the weather to cooperate for your run!

    Rest day for me as well today and enjoyed the extra bit of sleep this morning. I may venture out for a walk after dinner or... not. =)
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    It seems this is where the cool kids hang out and I see a few Canadians. I thought I would say hello since I guess I do fit into the 40+ category.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    Hi to all the newbies!

    WhataBroad - you increased on a TON of lifts! Awesome job! BOOM!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all. Hit the gym this morning for some leg and ab work. Shoulder is feeling a bit better, but I don't want to push it. I just found out that my car will be out of comission for several days next week. Will have to stick to home workouts on those days and bum rides to work- which I hate doing!

    Have a great day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Welcome newcomers!

    Beeps, hope you are feeling better and the cold doesn't take hold. Good job getting your workout in.

    whatabroad - congrats on increasing that weight! :drinker:

    KellySue - sucks having a car out of commission. It's like a loss of independance. lol. Glad to hear the shoulder is feeling better.

    Well, I didn't get my run in last night. Left work an hour late and it was nasty outside! Blowing snow, with lots of drifting snow.

    did manage to get my stuff done for tonight's staff Christmas party. As I am eating clean....it will be raw veggies and water for me tonight. I'll make the water perrier and drink from a wine glass though. :laugh:
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey kids!

    KellySue - glad your shoulder is feeling better. Good session you had today! What's up with your car?

    sdreski - too bad the weather didn't cooperate with you yesterday. Enjoy your staff party and absolutely, drink that water in style! :tongue:

    It's Friday for me today, woohooo, I am looking forward to having tomorrow off of work. Preparing for year end crap just drains me and we are wrapping up a campaign that ran through the fall. Ugh.
    So tomorrow, I will be hauling out the Christmas decorations and will have to rearrange the livingroom a bit in order to get the tree up. I love decorating though. =)

    Got in my lifting this morning and will do a speed interval run after work.

    Have a great rest of the day peeps! :drinker: