Fast Food Workers Striking?!?!?



  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I don't understand why this is over complicated.
    Working in the fast food industry sucks. I think we can all agree to that.
    I did it myself when I was in high school and it sucked.
    So, instead of complaining about it, I bettered myself.
    I couldn't afford college and my parents were not going to pay for it.
    What is a boy to do?
    I joined the Army.
    The pay STILL sucked but, at least I got an education.
    And, more importantly, I got the G.I. Bill.
    I went to college while in the Army and, once I got out, I finished college.
    Now, I make quite a bit more then I did flipping burgers but, if for some reason I feel I deserve more, I have two choices:
    1: Ask for a raise

    2: find another job.

    Look, making minimum wage is impossible to live on alone. That is why there are roommates out there.
    That is why some people work two jobs (I have done that too).
    I don't feel sorry for minimum wage workers because they are working in a start up job.
    Seriously, if they are unhappy with the pay, climb, scratch, fight, or run to get out of the job and into a better one.

    And that's what they're doing.

    Why do you feel that you're entitled to rights that they aren't?

    They are not asking, they are demanding. that is the difference. He worked his *kitten* to improve, what are they people doing? They are saying pay me or else.
    Exactly.....more money for me, as bettering myself to get a different job is too difficult.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I work in an office and I make just under 15 dollars. I'm sorry but I really don't think that fast food workers should be making the same amount as me lol. Fast food is pretty much the lowest on the totem pole of jobs. There's no shame in working fast food, a job is a job...HOWEVER, fast food jobs have ALWAYS been a minimum wage job designed for teenagers and college students. I understand what it's like to struggle with money, but if you need more money, you need to try to find a better job, not demand more money from the job that you knew from the beginning didn't pay well!! The dumbest part about it all is that if they do indeed raise their pay, the price of everything is going to go up as well. In the end it won't make any difference lol.
  • laurenislost
    laurenislost Posts: 28 Member
    14-15 seems a bit high, but I don't think I could realistically pay my rent (even though it is split in half!) and live on $7-$8 PRE-taxes. Let's be realistic, here.
  • ObstacleRacer

    And that's what they're doing.

    Why do you feel that you're entitled to rights that they aren't?
    Asking for a raise while refusing to work seems like the world's stupidest way to ask for a raise. Maybe crapping on their desk and defiling their household pets would make it worse...

    While it may seem stupid to you, it has shown to be effective throughout our history.

    This is not the first time a labor force has gone on strike. Many of the employment perks we all enjoy today are because of striking employees demanding better conditions.

    Or do you all think that corporations stopped hiring children to work in mines out of the kindness of their hearts?
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I work in an office and I make just under 15 dollars. I'm sorry but I really don't think that fast food workers should be making the same amount as me lol. Fast food is pretty much the lowest on the totem pole of jobs. There's no shame in working fast food, a job is a job...HOWEVER, fast food jobs have ALWAYS been a minimum wage job designed for teenagers and college students. I understand what it's like to struggle with money, but if you need more money, you need to try to find a better job, not beg for more money from the job that you knew from the beginning didn't pay well!!
    Begone with your common sense and logic!
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    did not read this thread really.

    But has anyone actually seen a fast food restaurant that people are striking at?

    seriously asking, cause i never have
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    This post has made me lose faith in humanity. Thanks......:grumble: There's a reason I usually avoid these discussions....It just makes me see people for the heartless asshats that they are....
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    did not read this thread really.

    But has anyone actually seen a fast food restaurant that people are striking at?

    seriously asking, cause i never have

    NOPE! Everything in my area is open for business as usual.
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    This is absolutely absurd. Fast food workers are paid too much now as it is. It is an entry level job. If you want more pay than find a better paying job!! How about go to college? Entitlement generation.
  • Number_44
    Number_44 Posts: 97 Member
    Anyone who's upset because he can't get his Big Mac because the people who make it actually want a fair wage is a tool.

    Said the {french word for shower] with the chicken on his head.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member

    And that's what they're doing.

    Why do you feel that you're entitled to rights that they aren't?
    Asking for a raise while refusing to work seems like the world's stupidest way to ask for a raise. Maybe crapping on their desk and defiling their household pets would make it worse...

    While it may seem stupid to you, it has shown to be effective throughout our history.

    This is not the first time a labor force has gone on strike. Many of the employment perks we all enjoy today are because of striking employees demanding better conditions.

    Or do you all think that corporations stopped hiring children to work in mines out of the kindness of their hearts?

    we need to go back to 14 hour work weeks, child labor, and insanely dangerous working conditions!
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
    McDonald employees $1.5 million people world wide. Doubling pay means increasing costs by $11,250,000 an hour projecting costs that is.

    No way they go for this.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    So who has the next bad idea that would allow this giant company to pay people next to nothing? Because it's clearly very important to some of you that these people not earn a decent wage.
    It isn't to me. I say more power to 'em. If they can convince the owners that they must pay a higher wage because it makes economic sense to do so, good for them. It means higher prices for consumers, but I can live with that
    I'm not disagreeing. But those higher prices for consumers...these workers are part of that pool. So when prices go up, cost of living goes up. And then they need higher wages. It's a never ending spiral upward.
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
    I work in an office and I make just under 15 dollars. I'm sorry but I really don't think that fast food workers should be making the same amount as me lol. Fast food is pretty much the lowest on the totem pole of jobs. There's no shame in working fast food, a job is a job...HOWEVER, fast food jobs have ALWAYS been a minimum wage job designed for teenagers and college students. I understand what it's like to struggle with money, but if you need more money, you need to try to find a better job, not demand more money from the job that you knew from the beginning didn't pay well!! The dumbest part about it all is that if they do indeed raise their pay, the price of everything is going to go up as well. In the end it won't make any difference lol.

    easy way for inflation
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    So who has the next bad idea that would allow this giant company to pay people next to nothing? Because it's clearly very important to some of you that these people not earn a decent wage.
    It isn't to me. I say more power to 'em. If they can convince the owners that they must pay a higher wage because it makes economic sense to do so, good for them. It means higher prices for consumers, but I can live with that
    I'm not disagreeing. But those higher prices for consumers...these workers are part of that pool. So when prices go up, cost of living goes up. And then they need higher wages. It's a never ending spiral upward.

    I don't understand why people don't understand this very simple concept lol.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Thanks to MFP, I rarely patronize fast food restaurants and very rarely even eat out anywhere.
    However, what happens if the industry does increase workers wages to $15.00 and the costs are passed on to customers, many of whom will choose to no longer eat out because of the higher costs? Does anyone consider the consequences?
    Could mean layoffs and closures of some stores.
    I worked two jobs for years, many have worked more than two jobs to make ends meet. At what wage does the "I am entitled to make more money" end? I am sure there are many workers, some probably highly educated and very highly skilled, that feel they are underpaid. Who decides what is a livable wage? When, or where, does personal responsibility enter in to the equation? Or isn't personal responsibility an issue at all?
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
    did not read this thread really.

    But has anyone actually seen a fast food restaurant that people are striking at?

    seriously asking, cause i never have

    not in person. just in photos from the news....that are looking for them.
  • ObstacleRacer
    A business can't pay a worker more money than they can produce. You can't arbitrarily pay somebody 15 dollars an hour when their job only produces 6 dollars an hour of value. If you do that for any extended period of time, the business will go out of business, then nobody makes any money at all (business, employees, suppliers, etc).

    If you want a better job that pays better than "living wages" - get yourself some skills that are worth something to society. Flipping burgers is not a skill - sorry.

    Kind of you to worry about a small Mom & Pop operation like McDonalds. They, and their billions in yearly profits, appreciate your concern for their well being.

    (serious answer) If the work of front line employees only produced that much value they wouldn't be profitable in the first place. The truth is those employees generate very large sums of money for the company. They are not paid nearly what they are worth to the business.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    did not read this thread really.

    But has anyone actually seen a fast food restaurant that people are striking at?

    seriously asking, cause i never have

    not in person. just in photos from the news....that are looking for them.

    so it's not really an issue?