Honesty About How You Lost Your Weight



  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I think it's kind of twisted to lie about it, because I feel like that particular lie is damaging to the view of weight loss on the whole. Weight loss DOES take work, DOES take time, and DOES take dedication to get it to go. If the people who have been lead on to believe she did all this find out after the fact that she had a surgical procedure instead, I feel like it gives the impression that "she" felt that it was more effective to go that route than the exercise/eating right routine... as if the latter doesn't work, or doesn't work "well enough".

    I don't make stuff up about my weight loss, or dress it up, or exaggerate it. There's no need to- if they saw me before and see me now, they can see that it worked. They can add me on here and see what I ate, how often, how I worked out and how often, and so on. They can spend an hour, a day, a week with me and watch what I eat.

    At the same time, part of me hasn't accepted that I've "made it" yet, so I don't feel like I can be all jumping up and down excited like they are about the numbers I've crunched with pounds/clothing sizes/inches/lifting/etc.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ...we are holding her accountable for lying.


    Who is this "we"?

    Are you now part of that family, too?

    And for the record - you aren't holding anyone accountable for anything - the person in question is not here, so all you're doing is gossiping. If that's what floats your boat, hey, go for it - but don't be lying to yourself or to us by dressing up this gossip as "accountability" when it clearly is anything but.
  • BigSnicka
    BigSnicka Posts: 151 Member
    ...we are holding her accountable for lying.


    Who is this "we"?

    Are you now part of that family, too?

    And for the record - you aren't holding anyone accountable for anything - the person in question is not here, so all you're doing is gossiping. If that's what floats your boat, hey, go for it - but don't be lying to yourself or to us by dressing up this gossip as "accountability" when it clearly is anything but.

    Dude, I don't have a heaven or hell to put anyone in, but everyone is accountable for their actions. You can sugar coat it all you want but a lie is a lie is a lie.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I think she is wrong for lying but at the same time there really is worse problems in this life. The fact that you are so upset by this means that your life is probably pretty ok. As understandably frustrating as it may be if I was in your situation I would worry about my own weight loss rather than other peoples and how they have achieved it.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    What bothers me about this situation is the fact that there is a false hope of rapid weight loss based on bad information (well I guess she could post it on the internet and it would be true), and those people in earshot will also be affected. While she isn't obligated in any way to disclose any of the information about how she lost the weight, there is a way to explain the loss without blatantly lying about it.
    So, let's say that she takes someone else's advice and just says that she ate a very low calorie diet and ate about 300 calories a day. Would you be an idiot and just start doing that? Shouldn't you see your own doctor? I don't understand why you guys are holding her accountable for people who randomly ask her personal questions. "and those people in earshot will also be affected. " You mean nosy people? LOL. You can't be serious. So, now, she has to broadcast the details of her weight loss to the nosy people eavesdropping so that they get full details on how they can follow her diet. Okay.

    For the record, I really don't believe anyone is "holding her accountable for people who randomly ask her personal questions," we are holding her accountable for lying. Why can't she just say, "It's really none of your business how I lost the weight," and keep it moving?

    Then, she'll be seen as a b**ch. She can't win, except to "lie" to get people out of her business. This is my last post bc we're just going in circles. Hopefully, the OP isn't let this eat her up inside anymore.
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    If I didn't want to discuss it, I'd say "My goodness, thank you for noticing!" and stop talking. Literally, stop talking and just smile at them. Let the awkwardness ensue.

    If someone I knew had lost weight via surgical means, good for them. If they weren't forthcoming about it, so what? Since when is it anyone else's "right" to personal information about someone else?
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    yeah, I don't like liars... AT ALL! if she doesn't want to disclose her surgery, she should just say she did a vlcd, since in reality, THATS THE TRUTH! my mom did optifast, and when she tells people she lost her weight avoiding gluten, I CALL HER OUT ON IT... I ONLY CALL HER OUT BECAUSE SHE PISSES ME OFF SO BAD... she compares her 40 pound weight loss in 4 months, drinking 800 calorie chemical shakes to my 100 pound loss in 11 months, using purely diet and exercise... she likes to rub it in that she is almost caught up to me... so, when she tells people she did it avoiding gluten, I add... YEAH, AND YOU AVOIDED EVERY OTHER FOOD GROUP ALSO, SINCE YOU WERE ONLY DRINKING 800 CALORIE CHEMICAL SHAKES FOR 4 MONTHS...

    Thank you SO much for this! This is exactly what I'm talking about. Be honest and own what you did. At the VERY least, say that you did an extremely low calorie diet. Don't "lie" and say you did it through low carb eating. It was eating 300 calories a day that made the weight come off. You could have done it eating 300 calories worth of Twinkies. It wasn't the "low carb" diet that got you where you are.
    So you're still butthurt about something that doesn't impact you in the slightest.

    At least you found someone who agrees with you, so mission accomplished, I guess.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,199 Member
    I do wonder if the OP has told her sister that she's posted the whole saga on the inter webs. That would be the honest, open, christian thing to do...

    The honest, open, christian thing to do, would be for someone to start a profile for the OP on Christian Mingle. So, I did.

    Hi, I'm Luv2smile55, I'm a Christian, and I hate liars. My sister had gastric sleeve surgery, and she lies about it. I also like long walks on the beach. :wink:

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ^^^ :laugh:

  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I find the number of people in this thread claiming they never lie to be a hilarious load of crap. :laugh:
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,199 Member
    I find the number of people in this thread claiming they never lie to be a hilarious load of crap. :laugh:

  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    I have a coworker who was interviewed about her weight loss for our employee health/fitness newsletter. At no time did she mention her surgery (even though that was a large part of her weight loss).
    Initially I looked at this as being dishonest. But in all seriousness, I think that she doesn't metion it in fear of being judged. Sad, really.
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    different societies different cultures

    seeking and giving advice is different

    and just being curious to comment and talk and spread the word is different

    people have no right to ask how you earn money or how you lost weight or how you fell in love

    everyone knows there are good and bad ways to do things.

    i dont support lying but people should give her some space aswell
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