What Are Your Struggles?



  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Weekends and days I'm not at work...I live off of structure and normalcy and weekends throw that off.
  • djpro1337
    djpro1337 Posts: 68 Member
    Weekends and days I'm not at work...I live off of structure and normalcy and weekends throw that off.

    This happens to me too!! I har a set shedule throughout the week of when I eat, and I eat pretty much the same things everyday, more or less. Thanksgiving had me REALLY thrown off.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    My struggles is keeping cool when everyone keeps telling me that I have lost enough and that If I lose any more, I WILL LOOK SICK !! I still have another 65 lbs to lose !!!! are they blind ?Just because they have been used to seeing me big as a cow , I am not settling for a baby calf ! I wanna feel and look good in my own skins.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    My biggest struggle right now in terms of weight loss is trying to compensate for my ADHD. I find it next to impossible to prioritize, and when I do, I will only remember those priorities for a day or two. I get hyperfocused on things and forget to eat (or eat meals multiple times because I forgot I already ate). I find planning ahead difficult and following through on my plan nearly impossible. I do way too much internet research on nutrition and dieting, and end up more confused than when I started.

    Probably the biggest and by far the most frustrating issue that my ADHD causes is the tendency not to learn from my mistakes. I do the same stupid things over and over despite the fact that I have tried them dozens or hundreds of times and they haven't worked. It just seems like a good idea at the time, and I somehow forget all the times it didn't work before.
  • amazon35
    amazon35 Posts: 98 Member
    I would say mentally realizing that I can do this. And it's ok to feel good! ALSO my favorite SWEETS!!! MMMMMMMMM noooooooo
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    My struggle is understanding why I'm not losing weight...
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I play D&D every weekend with a group and everyone drinks beer but I can't have any due to being on a carb restricted diet so I cry lonely beer-less tears into my dice bag at the table. :sad:
    BXCHICAinOHIO Posts: 33 Member
    This is an EXCELLENT post. I read every post. I can relate to many of you either now or in the past.
    I believe my overarching struggles are:
    A) CONSISTENCY - I don't mean day to day or even month to month; but learning how to create a true LIFESTYLE. Life has bumps, life is a roller coaster...in the 10 years of being CONSCIOUS of my weight I realize I don't know how to ride the waves CONSISTENTLY. I loose slow & steady, and I enjoy it. And the something throws me of course, I never seem to get back on track completely. Slow & steady I gain...and then BOOM - a year or 2 later the 20, 30, 40 lbs I ditched is now hanging out w me full time and I'm looking for new clothes - one size, two sizes, three sizes bigger.
    B) FEAR - I have had "extra" on me all my life so when the weight is gone, I feel naked. I can never seem to make it beyond a certain weight. I think unconsciously I am afraid of being that woman.
    Of course there are daily struggles like the damn cookie, the tbsp of pesto, not drinking enough water, being afraid to go out to dinner, etc...but all in all, I don't think those are MY biggest struggles. Its the ROOT that is my true struggle.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    When I am emotionally upset, (anger, fear, hurt), I tend to not eat at all because my stomach become upset and queasy.
  • djpro1337
    djpro1337 Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, consistency is something that is difficult to integrate into our lives when it comes to fitness. What I found is, if I make small commitments and build up my habit of keepin those commitments, I can make bigger commitments. Its hard to start working out going from not working out to working out 5 days a week. Or going from drinking 5 sodas a day to no sodas. It definitely has to be a gradual change, one that is practical and permanent.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Pantyhose. I hate putting those things on.

    I agree 100%. And they make me itch! And my bf loves pantyhose. Go figure!
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    My struggle right now is getting it back together ... I had a rough week and went back to old habits. I really enjoyed the food! All deep fried, all the alcohol I want ... I still logged everything but I need to get back at it.

    I really like the progress more ... So hopefully I figure it out soon

  • urwhaturnot
    urwhaturnot Posts: 53 Member
    My struggles are not eating enough throughout the day and then left with a ton of calories so i end up eating junk food!!!

    I struggle thing! If I don't know exactly what my dinner will be I end up saving way too many calories, and if I exercise...well you know how that goes. So there I am looking for things just to eat and sometimes make the wrong choice.
  • urwhaturnot
    urwhaturnot Posts: 53 Member
    My struggles are not eating enough throughout the day and then left with a ton of calories so i end up eating junk food!!!

    I struggle thing! If I don't know exactly what my dinner will be I end up saving way too many calories, and if I exercise...well you know how that goes. So there I am looking for things just to eat and sometimes make the wrong choice.

    *struggle with the same thing
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    I struggle with eating too many carbs. Like today--I'm already over by 100g :grumble:
  • Kerrygirlinmaldon
    Kerrygirlinmaldon Posts: 32 Member
    My husband is almost at gw and I have at least 6 maths to go....
  • sn4k3y
    sn4k3y Posts: 41 Member
    My struggles are not eating enough during the day but eating late at night ... major pain!
  • Debsj30
    Debsj30 Posts: 2 Member
    I had problems with getting my intake of 8 glasses of water. Now I sit down and drink 16 ounces with Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Getting that last glass is still a challenge sometimes I do it in the early am right out of bed. I do better when I keep a glass in the bathroom upstairs. My kitchen is downstairs. I have enrolled in classes 3 X a week for exercise. I do water aerobics it helps my arthritis tremendously, plus I met a lot of friends there.
  • bugtaylor
    bugtaylor Posts: 77 Member
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    too many balls and not enough hands ... being the strong person who supports and organises everything, but feels like a failure when inevitable something does go wrong