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support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I am really new to understanding my eating problems. What I am struggling with is the emotional satisfaction with binging. I know it is bad for me, but I really love to eat and it feels so good. How do you find something to take the place of food?

    Hi Bettany, Find hobbies, find interests, do things outside of the house away from food, away from temptations. Every day is a new challenge to find ways to make ourselves feel better without feeding the emotions. I know you can do it, just take it one day at a time. :flowerforyou:
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    I am so happy I stumbled upon this topic. I need a support group. Last night I had a breakdown and now my boyfriend is on board to sort of help push me through the next month or so, watching my back. I have realized lately that I can't stop having an unhealthy relationship with food without help. What kind of doctor would you all recommend me going to and how would I look one up in my area.

    My binges aren't huge or very regular, however I do have a terrible time telling myself no. Or ordering something healthy but eating half of my bfs/sisters/friends food. I eat when I am not hungry and I rationalize it, I convince myself it wont hurt, that I will workout harder etc. but right after I eat that pointless snack, I am still "hungry" and I feel terrible.

    I want to think of food as fuel, I don't want it to consume my every thought every day. I have snuck food when no one is around, gotten out of bed at 3am to eat peanut butter, you name it. I hope that I can check in every few days with my progress. Today is day 1 <3

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Welcome Ashley! We are here for you, please post often. I was seeing a nutrition coach. It helped a lot!
  • Hey StacySkinny!

    Tks so much your sucess is really insiring to all us and myself to I know I can do it. IT just finding the balance and most of it is mental and only to eat when hungry not for other reasons.

    One day at a time!


    Was fighting a realy bad choc. craving so I chewed gum and drank a diet pop and it helped Yay!!!!!!!
  • Welcome all the new peeps!

    What I do is keep myself busy, read, excerise chew gum, diet pop, go out of the house away from the food. But I found must of it is mental more the pshyical. As I have been binging for a long long time I have understand that it is not about the foos it is how I feel and how I handle my stress. IT is really sometimes but always have your goal in mind.

    I have a pair of pants that I really want to waer they are a size to small right know, so every time I get an urge I put the pants on and it helps. Goals are important short and long they keep you going.

    Find what works for you and roll with it.

    Good luck,
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome new ones!

    Melissa and DIane covered it all!! Thanks!

    Not sure what area you live in but there are thearpists who specialize in all eating disorders. Google it. I have always had thearpists who specialize in this field. I have heard that nutrition coaches are good also.

    I personally am at a point now it is up to me and I refuse to pay one more dime for this. I currently go to OA and I highly recommend OA also. OA is Overeaters Anonoymous. Give it more than one try. Sometimes you have to find a group you are comfortable with and total at ease in putting it all there. It took me some time but now I have 2 groups to go to when I need to and I have yet to get a sponser. I also do OA on line and receive the recovery emails that are truly helpful and keep me mindful of my goal to stop being a compulsive overeater. BED and COE go hand in hand.

    Regarding me, I have my whole day planned for eating. I left myself a few calories just in case, but the plan is to stick to my list. So far so good! I will let you know tonight or tomorrow how it goes. Some wonder posts today!! Thanks for all suggestions!!

    ODAT - One Day At a Time
  • SarahxNicole
    SarahxNicole Posts: 8 Member
    Can a doctor even do anything for this? or just a therapist?
  • I sort of gave up trying to understand why I have such issues with food. Self knowledge and self improvement are wonderful things, but it make take me a lifetime to work out all my demons. But i have to go on living in thd meantime! So I just focus on strategies. And on rules. Like, I always binge on pizza..even if I control my intake and it's not technically a binge, I eat it like a binge...I eat way too much, I get anxious while eating it, I eat faster and faster. So I just don't eat pizza much. Maybe 6 times a year. I'm the same way with cake and cookies. So I mostly just don't eat them. I eat on a plate, at a table, and try to be mindful. I'm not "cured." for me, I consider it a chronic condition that I can control, not cure. I've lost quite a bit of weight, and I have certainly not been binge free the whole time. But I just acknowledge it, think through how it happened, and start again. I just try to accept myself, lovingly, but with a firm hand. I try not to spend energy beating myself up, but just try to move forward.

    That's how I get through each day.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I sort of gave up trying to understand why I have such issues with food. Self knowledge and self improvement are wonderful things, but it make take me a lifetime to work out all my demons. But i have to go on living in thd meantime! So I just focus on strategies. And on rules. Like, I always binge on pizza..even if I control my intake and it's not technically a binge, I eat it like a binge...I eat way too much, I get anxious while eating it, I eat faster and faster. So I just don't eat pizza much. Maybe 6 times a year. I'm the same way with cake and cookies. So I mostly just don't eat them. I eat on a plate, at a table, and try to be mindful. I'm not "cured." for me, I consider it a chronic condition that I can control, not cure. I've lost quite a bit of weight, and I have certainly not been binge free the whole time. But I just acknowledge it, think through how it happened, and start again. I just try to accept myself, lovingly, but with a firm hand. I try not to spend energy beating myself up, but just try to move forward.

    That's how I get through each day.

    Well I do agree with you on one point here and that is I also believe there is no cure and it is a chronic condition that we can learn to control but we will never be totally free from the struggle of it. Similar to drug addicts and acholics. and you are good to stop beating yourself up about it because this is only destructive to us.

    Keep up the good work! One day at a time....
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Can a doctor even do anything for this? or just a therapist?

    There is no yes or no answer to this question. There are therapist who specialize in BED and eating disorders period. There is Overeaters Anoymous which is free and can be very theraputic. There is no medicine a doctor can give you if that is what you mean. Therapist can definitely help you with digging deep for reason why you binge. OA is different. Sometimes there many not be a real reason except the love of food. For me it is a little of both. I feel there is a reason and that we use food to feel good and to medicate ourselves just like any addict.

    But there are times I feel we just love food and we are addicted to certian foods. Just like the recent post about pizza and cookies. Those just happen to be 2 of the same foods I can't do often at all. I never by cookies or bring into my home because I will eat the whole pack. Now when I want a cookie, I only eat 3 or 4 and I buy in single packs. Most times when I eat cookies and pizza it is at work in a controled enviroment. Pizza especially is something I can not control myself on it so it is better if I don't start on it because I will binge on it.

    I recommend you try to seek help for stragies, coping ideas and ways to control the binges. Good luck to you!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    No binge for me today. I did overeat but came within calories. Exercise helped with this. One day at a time. I am beat now and I need one more workout at the gym today before the weekend comes. I have plan well for this weekend because this is most dangerous time to binge for sure. I am off work tomorrow and Monday so I have a 4 days. One day at a time.....

    Have a good day tomorrow guys!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    No binge for me today. I did overeat but came within calories. Exercise helped with this. One day at a time. I am beat now and I need one more workout at the gym today before the weekend comes. I have plan well for this weekend because this is most dangerous time to binge for sure. I am off work tomorrow and Monday so I have a 4 days. One day at a time.....

    Have a good day tomorrow guys!

    Sounds like a great day, Mollie! You where within calories and didn't binge! Well done! :D You're totally right "One Day at a Time". :) You're doing awesome!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Not such a great evening last night. The waiting got to me. As I've mentioned, I hate waiting. I don't know why but I feel like I must be in control of time. When I'm not, I feel (well I can't really describe what I feel exactly but...) such a sense of loss of control and I know this is something I need to and will continue to work on.

    I'm really glad I still haven't brought any extra temptation into the home because this has helped control the binges since I am not reaching for the chocolate and ice cream.

    I do have some extra stress in my life right now too and stress is always a setup for disaster. Once I get through the weekend it will be better for a little while.
  • Hey dianeg1981!

    So sry you are having a tough time right now, I know you can get through girl! One idea for the whole waiting thing keep a book with you or a puzzle so you keep your mind of it or maybe even a MP3 player to listen to something while you wait.

    I hope you have a great weekend and good luck,

    I'm doing great today had a really bad craving to binge but beat it by going out for a walk it worked. yay!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Still working on only eating when I'm hungry working pretty good so far. And I'm have been binge free for a week know!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Thanks Melissa, those are great suggestions too. Unfortunately this happens when I'm at home and have 100s of things around me that could keep me busy, but instead of doing them I go for the food. Like I said, it will be something I will continue to work on. I appreciate your support dear!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ dianeg1981 - Girl, no one can control time. You're only human. This is a process and any change worth while takes time. A year will pass no mater what. So we can spend the year gaining weight, staying the same weight, or losing it. We may as well spend it losing. :) You can do it, hun. *hugs*
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    @ dianeg1981 - Girl, no one can control time. You're only human. This is a process and any change worth while takes time. A year will pass no mater what. So we can spend the year gaining weight, staying the same weight, or losing it. We may as well spend it losing. :) You can do it, hun. *hugs*

    Thanks for the hugs Stacy. I think you may have misunderstood me though. I'm not upset about how much time it is taking me to lose weight, (of course I'd like it to be faster, but I'm well aware it isn't going to be) my problem with time is waiting on other people on a day to day basis. I need to work on preoccupying myself so that I keep busy. For example, my fiancee and I are complete opposites when it comes to the concept of time. I'm a time Nazi and he's never on a clock. Time is just not important to him like it is to me. I admire this about him sometimes. Mostly it annoys me, but I can look past my annoyance and see how valuable a quality like that is. It eliminates the stress factor associated with time, that's for sure. It doesn't bother him like it does me when he's running late for stuff. He also doesn't even make time commitments like I do. My life revolves around the clock. It is a factor that we have to compromise on big time and unfortunately I can't always get my way........so I wait, and wait, and wait, and wait........

    I'm not looking for relationship advice, just wanted to go into a little more detail of an explanation of what I'm feeling. :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thanks Stacy for encouraging words!

    Melissa good job on no binges this week! You go girl!

    Hang in there. You will find your way. I am a time fanatic also and hate to be late for stuff.....:-)

    I am doing good on my 1st day off work. Had a good work out 1st thing. This seems to always help me stay focused the rest of the day. I have eaten clean so far today and have eaten according to my plan completed last night. I may even eliminate some stuff since I have too much left to eat tonight.

    Everyone have a good weekend!!
  • Hey!

    Anyone else have this problem, I have a fear of being hungry it is like sometimes I will eat just a little more before going out because I affaird of being hungry when I'm out and making a really bad food chioce. I hate being hungry I feel sick to my tummy and feel like I'm throw up.

    And also if I do go a while without eating for to long I will overeat when I do.

    I quess I just need to bring food with me every where I go. But it seems so silly, I was telling my hubby about it and he was like it is ok to be hungry or have the hungry feeling.

    Just thought I would put it out there.

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