1200 Calorie Diet???? Seriously???



  • rawstrongchick
    rawstrongchick Posts: 66 Member
    Well I pretty much live on fruit. All that nasty fruit sugar, I must be pretty much pickled!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    1200 calories doesn't work for everyone but it does for me
  • RosaliaBee
    RosaliaBee Posts: 146 Member
    Currently I'm pretty comfortable on about 1200 kcals a day. The one thing I've changed since beginning this diet (yes I call it a diet) is the no added fat thing I began with; food tastes so bland to me without any added oil, so I'm now incorporating modest amounts of vegetable based fats, like a couple of teaspoons of hemp oil with stir-fry or in sauce, or a couple of teaspoons of dairy-free margarine on potatoes and bread, or a tablespoon of egg-free mayo on my salad. I'm finding this increases my experience of satisfaction in my food. I may start to incorporate a day at the weekend where I give myself a larger calorific allowance so I can indulge a bit more, but until I feel I'm not so happy with doing things this way, I'm content to continue as I am. I will reappraise it if I get really bored or fed-up.
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    I'm on net 1200, was a bit of a struggle at first but now I feel really good, because it's forced me to choose healthier options that have less sugar and fat, so I'm now eating much more protein and veg. If I exercise I often have 200-400 calories left over.
  • tammyhesseling
    totally agree with you!!! you can eat a lot on 1200 cal. I am not gonna over stuff myself just cuz someone thinks it is not enough :smile:
  • Ortax
    Ortax Posts: 98
    Awesome, more 1200 calorie police. Honestly, OP you're not helping anyone and you and everyone else who criticize peoples diets which may consist of a 1200 calorie intake just come off as elitist pricks. Let people eat what they want and they'll eventually discover a calorie intake that works for them.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I set my calories at 1200, but I use a body media arm band and it adjusts my calorie burn based on real data from my body. I aim for a 1000 calorie deficit right now. After I get under 200 pounds I won't try for such a large deficit.

    Anyway, my point is that I use myfitnesspal to track my calories, but I am following the plan outlined on the bodymedia site. So while my MFP calorie level is set to 1200, I usually eat closer to 1800 calories after bodymedia makes the adjustments to my exercise calories... that usually leaves me netting right around 1200, sometimes a little less... either way I ignore it because what I am paying attention to is my deficit as listed on bodymedia.com .

    I also cycle my calories and deficit... and go by averages. So one day it may look like I'm starving myself, and the next it may look like I'm overeating, but when you look at the end of the week averages provided by bodymedia, I've actually stayed in a healthy range.

    Because I know how my diary probably looks to others, I try not criticise other peoples choices without knowing all the facts. I do generally recommend though that a person's intake should be 1200 or more if I'm asked, otherwise I keep my opinions to myself.
  • squitzwife
    squitzwife Posts: 51 Member
    I really do agree. I found out my BMR is 1600+. Just knowing that ended my forever spiraling off of diets. I then chose to have lifestyle change instead of a diet. it's an awful lot slower but the weight is staying off and I'm making changes for the rest of my life.
    Interestingly enough...I have a friend who started this program...started eating more and lost weight.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    No one says it cant work for someone. They say it cant work for everyone. Hope this helps.

    The people who follow a 1200 calorie diet usually aren't telling other people to follow it. They are defending themselves against the continuous attacks that it's unhealthy. They know what works for them. Besides, 1200 calories is not a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD). If the food is nutritionally balanced, it's enough food for anyone who seriously wants to lose weight. Should you be training for a marathon while eating relatively few calories? No. But most people here who are having trouble losing weight are eating far more calories than their activity level supports.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    New dude arrives and has all the solutions starting with lemon water and low fat dairy?
    In for the lolz.

    Lowfat cheese is the saddest thing in the world.
    Give me real cheese.


    Pass the brick!!
  • SuckerPunch77
    SuckerPunch77 Posts: 23 Member
    I think saying a 1200 calorie diet is starving is a bit of a broad statement. I am only 5'1. I can not eat as much as someone who is 5'10 and lose weight. I do fine eating 1200 calories and my exercise calories.

  • 1mountainmama
    EXACTLY! As a Registered Dietitian, and Personal Fitness Trainer, I could not agree more.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm fairly new to this forum and am really surprised at how many people on here are starving themselves to lose weight. Weight loss is not a sprint its a marathon. Its something that should happen over time, not within a few weeks. Weight loss is more than just limiting your caloric intake. Its a combination of eating clean and healthy ( I hate the word diet) and exercising on a daily basis. Starving yourself is not a healthy way to lose weight and by limiting your caloric intake to 1200 or so calories is doing just that. Not only is it unhealthy, but its a process that you will never stick to because its not natural and uncomfortable to do. So lets be serious and talk about how to lose weight realistically.

    I would first ask yourself, "why do I want to lose weight?' Is it for appearance? Is it to be more healthy? Is it to be able to make it up that flight of steps without getting tired? Once you understand your own reasoning you can then move forward and begin your weight loss journey, because after all that's what it should be, a journey not a short trip. Once you've realized your goal and the reason for it you need to make the biggest decision of all, and that's to commit to yourself and commit to achieving your goal of losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle.

    So now you've made the decision to put your health first; now what? Lets start with your eating habits. What do you eat? When do you eat it? and how often are you eating? Your body is a very complex machine but by following some simple rules about eating, you can have it running very efficiently. Follow these few simple rules and you'll see and feel the difference in your energy level.
    -Start every day with an 8oz. glass of lemon water
    -Monitor your portions- you should be eating small portion meals throughout the day rather than one, two or three large portioned meals a day
    -Drink water, all day long
    -Focus on lean proteins like chicken, turkey, salmon etc. and I don't mean processed cold-cuts...
    -Focus on eating fresh vegetables, steamed when possible
    -Limit unnecessary condiments i.e. mayonnaise, oils, salt etc.
    -Limit, but don't restrict carbohydrates. Complex carbs are needed by your body
    -Dairy is ok but in limited portions and should be kept to low fat dairy. Greek yogurt is a good choice.
    -Fresh fruit should be kept to 1 or 2 pieces a day. Its high in sugar and you should be limiting your sugar

    This si just a guide to go by. Your food intake should be directly related to your physical activity. Exercise is key but that's a whole other topic....

    Why didn't you also write 'Watch Dr. Oz" on there? It appears that you have a lot of other myths to perpetuate, why not that one too?

    I'm SO glad you know better than my dietician and Doctor. Now I don't need to pay them for safe weight loss anymore!!
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member
    It really differs for everyone. For some people it's even hard to get to 1200 because they're small. I'm 5'5 and I eat between 1200-1500 a day depending on my exercise. And I'm never starving. Some days I'm a little hungrier them normal but that's not anything weird. Half the people on here don't go into starvation with 1200. But most people also don't weigh their foods which means they are most likely eating over 1200. So why does it matter if it's between 1200-2100? It all really depends on the persons body. Some to better losing weight with 1200, some with 1800. So what? Just eat right and exercise and you'll get it done as long as you eat in moderation. You're going to give new people the wrong idea if they read this and don't actually read the comments.
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
  • ckone4me
    ckone4me Posts: 108 Member
    This....... :wink:
    Everyone has a right to do what works for them. Just because you don't agree with it or don't understand it, doesn't make it bad. Each person on here has a different set of goals, different eating and exercise habits and a different lifestyle. What works for you might not work for someone else.
  • GunslingerGirl
    GunslingerGirl Posts: 251 Member

    I approve of this
  • ingraha
    ingraha Posts: 99 Member
    Mine is set to 1000 but I eat much mnore than that b ecause I eat back my exercise calories. I am five feet and I average probably eating 1500 a day with eating back the calories. I wonder if the people who say they only eat 1200 are not eating back their calories or counting those.
  • AliaNazada
    AliaNazada Posts: 1 Member
    Very interesting...I have been with a personal trainer for the last 11 months , 3 times per week. You have reiterated exactly what she has been saying to me about nutrition, even down to the glass of lemon water in the morning. My problem is that I work 110% in the gym doing Crossfit exercises etc and have made good progress, but then sabotage myself in the "kitchen". Why is that you say? Not sure really, poor food planning, addicted to carbs? I am 5'2", 125 lbs , 58 yrs old. Pretty active. Any thoughts?
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 388 Member
    For the comments on page 1:

    ( Fresh veggies???? really???? hard to get, expensive esp since it has been proven that canned/frozen are just as good for you

    "If you can't grow your own produce and eat it within hours of harvesting, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables can be every bit as good for you as fresh ones, and in some cases even better." That being said a lot of my family is in the trucking business either driving or getting loads etc...and I know for a fact "fresh" items are picked early, boxed put on a truck and travelled great distances all the time ripening in the truck then it gets to a warehouse, dropped off within 24hours then re packed into a truck then shipped again to the stores where it sits in the truck for another period of time to get off loaded into another warehouse then it's put on the shelves...over ripe and a lot of the nutrients gone...and rotting on the shelves...ick)

    My comment :
    Fresh produce works for me better than canned-yes it may take awhile to reach the sellers, but if you can't grow your own, take advantage of local farmer's markets when available. Also, there is a LOT of info on the web right now about a harmful ingredient common in a majority of canned foods, BPA. Google it or read articles like this:


    I have recently read that frozen vegs are a great choice because they are frozen within a short time of harvest which increased the preservation of most nutrients. I guess you just have to pick what fits your lifestyle.

    I think the OP had decent foundation advice to start tailoring to your individual needs. No one set of rules works for everybody. Amazing how rude and sniping some people can be.