Are women interested in men with muscles?



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    do bears **** in the woods?

    yes I like muscles. Although when it comes to long term partners, stuff like personality and character are most important (and trump any issues of physical attraction, just as a crappy personality can render the most delicious body undesirable). But in terms of physical, yes I like muscles a lot. Especially big muscles.

    Also, bodybuilders have extreme low levels of body fat. I think a lot of women prefer a higher body fat percentage. Personally I like men with big muscles of all body fat percentages, apart from the "on steroids" look of some (but by no means all) bodybuilders. The natural bodybuilder physique is extremely attractive. As is the "bear mode" rugby prop forward kind of build, and every body fat percentage + big muscles in between.
  • A little muscle and attractiveness never hurt anybody, but I think a guy with a good personality matters way more.
    Muscles are fine…. just as long as you don't look like a cloud. haha!
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    Men with muscles are hot, but bodybuilders.... not. IMO

    that doesn't make sense

    it's complicated,
  • I find it incredibly annoying that women get pissed off when a guy says he would not date a fat chick, but feel like is completely ok to bash a certain male body type.

  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    I don't know how many people read my original post rather than just the topic question, but I understand that both were worded rather clumsily, and I apologise if I offended anyone as that was definitely not my intention.
    I just find, when I read statements from academic sources, it can be interesting to try to see how realistic these things are in the 'real world', so I thought this could be a good place to ask.
    I wasn't expecting so many replies, but there have been some really interesting comments and lots of great discussion, so thank you all.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I like guys with muscles. I also like the way girls look with muscles. I think muscles are good in general. A tall guy, kind of lanky but with muscles, especially awesome shoulders and abs is like mmmmm drool but I also like guys in general with muscles more than guys without muscles. I don't go for Adam Levine type guys.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I like big muscles on a man (and woman!) But I find veins off putting. So big muscles in a tight t-shirt a la vin diesel? Yes please!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Oh don't you know that you can't ask if women like guys with muscles and expect to have people answer that on the forums. They will answer random stuff like funny guys or things that have nothing to do with the question. You didn't ask, "What personal qualities do you like in a guy?" now did you? I can see your point in wondering if anyone read your post.

    I'm not sure if women like bodybuilders or guys who look like they work out. I like bodybuilders but not super, super, super big ones.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    Are women more physically attracted to men that are more muscular than average, and look like they work out, but not necessarily bodybuilders?

    I find this type attractive. I also find skinny men attractive. But not so much the huge muscles, looks-like-he's-on-steroids look.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I like cut not bulk skinny muscular not body builder haha
  • RyanJK85
    RyanJK85 Posts: 580 Member

    So you know there's no one answer, but figured you'd ask anyway?

    I'll save everyone some time.

    Yes, some women like muscles.

    Some women like guys who are funny.

    Some women want guys who can provide a comfortable lifestyle for them.

    Some women like men who dress up as animals in oversized mascot costumes.

    Some women like guys who can score drugs for them.

    Some women date black men just to upset their parents.

    Some women like women.

    I saw one woman who was physically and romantically attracted to a bridge.

    Shall I go on?

    Women are attracted to all different things.

    LOL nice!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Are women more physically attracted to men that are more muscular than average, and look like they work out, but not necessarily bodybuilders?

    I believe, in general, the answer to this is yes.

    When I was young and dating the preferred build was that of a swimmer I think- so leaner and more muscled than the average man but not excessively so. Perceptions have changed a little over time and it seems nowadays a more muscled look has become more generally acceptable (like Gerald Butler in "300" or the dudes from "True Blood".)

    Clearly drawing hard and fast rules will be next to impossible but all things being equal I think more muscled than the "average" man is the favoured physique.
  • cherryberryred0
    cherryberryred0 Posts: 26 Member
    Personality is a winner hands down :)
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    It doesn't matter to me
  • JovanValor
    JovanValor Posts: 2,114 Member
    This is a great post haha
  • I married muscle
    I want to be with muscle
    The Rock is my dream man!!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    The Rock is my dream man!!

    Not if I get him first. :tongue: :tongue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously though, wish I could get arms like his....dude has freaking tree trunks for arms.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    When I first met my husband, I had never been attracted to anyone like I was to him, and it had everything to do with his charisma, charm, and sense of humor. He had an average build, some muscles, but nothing popping out. He's gained some weight over the years, but I'm just as attracted as I ever was.

    Awwwwww, that's sweeter than YooHoo.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    From a purely aesthetic point of view - muscles are good. Example:


    Why are his pants undone? Did he just finish dropping a deuce?

  • The Rock is my dream man!!

    Not if I get him first. :tongue: :tongue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously though, wish I could get arms like his....dude has freaking tree trunks for arms.
    LOL! I know what a fun night that would be! I could die after! :p