Can cheaters change?

No, they cannot. Can some cheaters stop cheating because they realize there is much to lose in this life? Maybe, very few times though.


  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Of course they can! Alcoholics can give up booze. Fat people can get skinny. Cheaters can become monogamous. It just takes wanting to change and some motivation to do so.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Although my experience is limited to my ex-hubby, the answer is no. He is re-married and has cheated on her multiple times as well! Shoot before they even got engaged he was cheating on her, and it has continued!
  • Ninguneado77
    Of course they can! Alcoholics can give up booze. Fat people can get skinny. Cheaters can become monogamous. It just takes wanting to change and some motivation to do so.
    Would you call it "change" if the "change" happens because they become aware of the pain they inflict on themselves? The selfishness has been curbed, or is managed, that's all. The consequences of their licentiousness still lives. The fact that they changed does not erase the pain they inflicted on others.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    No, they cannot. Can some cheaters stop cheating because they realize there is much to lose in this life? Maybe, very few times though.

    I agree, but I do think just because someone has cheated in the past, it does not dictate future relationships (not counting who they cheated with).

    Although I always wonder about the people that get a man/woman that was taken and they think that person will be loyal to them.
  • Ailbe1
    Ailbe1 Posts: 164
    No, from my experience, they cannot. I love hearing when my ex cheats on the woman he cheated on me with!!
  • beckyzalldat
    beckyzalldat Posts: 236 Member
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    From what I've seen with friends, they can but it takes a solid slap upside the head for that to happen. And even then, the backlash of their actions follow them into future relationships, making them paranoid and ultimately ruining the relationship. Takes a long time and the right people coming into their lives.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    well, maybe.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    Are we talking wall hacks and aim bots or like real life peoples.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member

    Let someone else figure that out. It isn't advisable to date a past cheater if you value your time and are serious about building a quality relationship.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Once they find something worth it they won't. People tend to cheat when they think cheating is worth it, it's an option/opportunity cost.

    Some people aren't capable of change, some people have the intellectual capacity to accommodate change.

    If we truly didn't believe in change as a society we wouldn't need prisons with rehabilitation programs, we would just ship people away to a fenced state and leave them there.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Of course they can! Alcoholics can give up booze. Fat people can get skinny. Cheaters can become monogamous. It just takes wanting to change and some motivation to do so.
    Would you call it "change" if the "change" happens because they become aware of the pain they inflict on themselves? The selfishness has been curbed, or is managed, that's all. The consequences of their licentiousness still lives. The fact that they changed does not erase the pain they inflicted on others.

    Of course it doesn't mitigate the consequences of their old behavior, but that doesn't mean that they aren't redeemable either.

    We all make choices in life. I hate to make it black and white. But people are creatures of habit. Either you make good choices or you make bad choices. Most people do not recognize that the choices they make are bad until they suffer some major consequence. If they suffer consequences, and still are not able to take accountability for their actions, then its pretty likely that there is a mental issue at work that may have never been diagnosed or is just going untreated.

    For the most part, though, our brains are programmed to recognize our own flaws and redirect ourselves, either as a result of authoritative discipline or natural consequences.

    I think the idea that a cheater will never change comes from the concept that we get trapped in cycles of behavior. If you cheat in a relationship, and that individual forgives you, the odds are pretty good you will cheat again because you didn't suffer the consequence of losing a relationship that mattered to you. And if that individual doesn't forgive you and doesn't take you back and you move on to a new relationship and cheat, then that means that the first relationship didn't really matter to you.
  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    Yeah they can change who they cheat on
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No, they cannot. Can some cheaters stop cheating because they realize there is much to lose in this life? Maybe, very few times though.
    I think it depends on the motivation behind the cheating. If he's just a jerk, probably not.

    But some guys play the field a lot when they're young and immature (and women, too). And then there are those who are in terrible relationships, extremely unhappy and for whatever reason (finances, kids, location, whatever) they can't or won't leave, but are so miserable they look elsewhere for emotional fulfillment.

    In those latter cases, I don't think they're cheaters at heart and in the right relationship they won't cheat.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Honestly, it's absolutely ignorant to think that an individual's personality and character stays completely stagnant for their entire lives.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I find that people who cheat lack the basic character traits that are necessary in monogamous relationships. They are capable of loving, but they have no respect for other people and no sense of loyalty.

    I had a guy tell me (on the first date, no less) that he had cheated on a girlfriend before, but he felt really guilty and broke up with her two days later, so "at least I have a conscience and would tell you about it if I ever did it." So he was basically admitting to me that he'd have no problem doing it again. He'd just be sure to break up with me. Afterward. Because he has a conscience.

    I had one of these moments:

  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Sure, but they aren't going to get the chance with me.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I stopped cheating because I realized there are too many women to cheat with.
    Women are just every where, I was getting tired of cheating.

    Aw... it's a hard life, ain't it, baby?